Hypnotic Quicksand - Extended Patreon Version


Click here to view video: Hypnotic Quicksand - Extended Patreon Version

Click here to view public video: Hypnotic Quicksand 

Click here to view Mantra: Hypnotic Quicksand Mantra

Every wonder what it might be like to sink, deeply into quicksand? To find your body completely unable to move, simply suspended in a warm, shifting mass of sand. And what if that sand were to be a bit, stimulating to your body, and mind? In this requested video we will explore this very fantasy. Come, join us won't you?

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance.

Just allow yourself to get
Into a comfortable position
A place where you can simply rest
And relax
And focus on my words.
And I’d like you to imagine
In your mind
That you are on a boat, on the open ocean
You can feel the waves
Rocking you gently
Back and forth.
As quickly or slowly as you would like
To be comfortable
You can feel the sea air blowing across your body
Along your skin
And through your hair,
The salty scent of the water
Sliding into your nose with every
Relaxing breath
That you take.
You can even hear the birds
Cawing and calling as they fly above you.
You can see your destination in front of you.
A secluded, desert island.
You can see the pristine beaches
And the tall palm trees waving in the wind
And you can hear the sounds of the waves
Crashing along the beach
And along the rocks, out in the surf.
You feel yourself making your way
Easily to the shore.
And dropping the anchor on the beach
You want to be able to get home, after all.
As you depart the boat,
You can feel the water sand under your feet
Your body sinking into the soft
Yet supportive sand
Cool and course between your toes
Moist and clumpy as it sticks to your feet.
Listening to the waves as you slowly make your way
Further up the beach.
The cool wet sand
Slowly gives way to warm dry sand
The clumpy texture fading away
To a more powdery, more coarse feeling.
You take a few moments to just enjoy,
The feeling of the sand
Shifting beneath your feet
The warm sand giving way more easily
And you feel your feet
Sinking slowly
Into the sand
As it falls along the top of your feet
And then kicks off in a small puff,
As your take your next step
And your next
And your next…
After a few moments you find a pathway
Leading into the island interior
And your turn follow it
The warm light of the sun
Slowly becomes hidden
Behind the thick canopy of the trees
The air feels cooler
And is filled with the scents of the island
The smell of tropical flowers
The scent of the bark of the palm trees
It’s all very, relaxing.
But in the distance you can hear the sound
Of flowing water
Different from the ocean waves
So you begin to follow it.
You can hear the sounds of tropical birds
Singing in the trees above you,
The feeling of the sandy path
Beneath your feet.
Small pieces of discarded branches and bark
Mixed in with the sand
Creates a slightly more solid
More stable footing for you.
You follow the path through the trees
And find a clearing,
The source of the running watter appears to be a stream
Sliding down a small rock formation
Down into a natural spring,
Lined with hibiscus bushes
Loaded with blooming flowers
The scent of the clean
Clear water
And the flowers fills the air.
The breeze here is cooler
And the sun is hidden behind the trees
You stop for a moment to take in the sight
As well as to take a little break,
After all walking on sand is not the easiest of tasks
Just let the scene around you form clearly in your mind
The feeling of the wet, scented air against your skin,
Sounds of the birds,
And the trickle of the water fall
The sight of the running water, the flowers,
And the various colorful birds all around you
Moving from tree to tree as they sing
It’s perfectly calm, you could see yourself staying here
For quite a while.
But you decide that you wish to explore a little more
But when you go to move you realize
You can’t…
Your feet are sinking,
Sinking into the sand beneath you.
It’s not a clearing at all…
It’s quicksand.
You were standing so long that you ddn’t notice
Didn’t realize that you were sinking this whole time.
The sand is already up to yoru calves
And slowly rising along your body
Or more specifically
Your body is slowly sinking,
Deeper and deeper
Into the quicksand.
You struggle to move your foot
But find that it just doesn’t seem to move
The more you struggle
The more you fight
The deeper you start to sink
More and more deeply
Down into the sand
You try to lift up your foot
It only makes the other foot sink deeper
Sink more quickly
The sand is up to yoru knees
And starting to bubble
Starting to release puffs of air
Trapped beneath the sand
The puffs seem to make your body sink more quickly
More deeply
But there is a scent, to the puffs of sand
A very, soothing,
Relaxing scent,
It’s sweet, almost floral
An das you inhale it
You seem to find that your body
Starts to feel more relaxed
More calm
You should be working
Working to escape
But yet you find yourself feeling,
And sliding down
Into the sand.
You start to notice
A tingling,
A shiver of pleasure
Moving through your body
As it sinks into the sand
The sand is sliding along yoru skin
But unlike the coarse rough sand on the beach
This feels more smooth
More soothing
It feels liek a caress
Like a lovers touch
As it slides more deeply
More easily along your body
Along your skin
Inch by inch
As you sink into the sand.
You consider calling out for help
To get someone here to help pull you out.
But then you remember
Your all alone on this island
That was why you choose this spot
Choose this island.
It’s completely, empty.
Just you.
And the sand.
But then as your body sinks
More deeply
Your thoughts start to get foggy.
And you start to relax
Whether it’s the scent coming from the bubbling puffs of sand
Around your body
Or the warm
Soothing feeling of the sand sliding along your skin
As you sink more deeply
More easily into the sand,
Your just finding it hard to focus
On anything but how good
And calming this feels
You notice the sand
Gripping your boddy
As it pulls you down
Little by little
Deeper and deeper down
The sand sliding under yoru clothes so easily
As if they weren’t even there
And surrounding your body
More and more as you sink
Into the quicksand
You can hear the water fall
The calls of the birds
And the trees rustling in the breeze
It’s like this entire clearing is just
Helping you slip
Into relaxation
But it’s so much more then that
You realize, as your mind is fogging over
It’s not just that this clearing is relaxing
You realize this clearing,
Is hypnotic.
The deeper you sink
The more you pay attention to the sounds around you
The sensations
The deeper you fall
Into a hypnotic trance
Your mind is just about to realize this
Just about to make the connection
But as it gets just to the point of doing so
It seems to just
Turn off.
Your thoughts seem to just stop
All at once
As you slip into a deep
Hypnotic sleep.
And your body drifts
Deeper and deeper
Into the quicksand.
And as you sleep
Your struggles simply
Fade away
You know deep in your mind
That you are safe.
You can feel it
All the way down in your soul
This place is completely safe
A place built,  designed,
To help you relax, and let go
You feel your body sigh
As you slip down further into the sand
And start to feel another sensation
Starting to build in your body
A sensation of pleasure
As the stand start to climb up along your pelvis
A sensation of arousal
Starting to build more and more deeply
As you sink
Into the sand
As your mind sinks down
Into a hypnotic sleep
Your hands start to lower
Touching the soft sand
And drifting down
Into the sand.
Instantly immobile
Unable to even close your hands
As the soft sand surrounds your fingers
And your palms
And your hands
An dstarts to pull you down
And deeper now
The deeper you sink
The more relaxed you become
The more your mind fogs over
And the sleepier your body becomes
All the while the more places the and touches
The more your pleasure
Your arousal builds
The sand pulls you down
And more quickly
Sliding along yoru arms
Along your torso and back
Up to your elbows
As it pulls you down
More deeply
More easily.
You feel
Completely safe like this now
Completely helpless
But safe
As the sand rises
Yoru body twitches just a bit
As you notice just how
You are,
Any attempt to struggle
Would be useless
But the feeling of trying to move your body
Causes the sand to slide along your skin
Under your clothes
Every inch of your
And the makes the pleasure
Flow through you
Relaxing you even more deeply
Even more completely down.
In the very back of your mind
You hear the birds calling out
It’s as if they are taunting you
Teasing you,
Encouraging you to struggle
Knowing that you can’t
But also knowing that every twitch
Every pull
Makes you sink more deeply
And make the pleasure build
Again and again
Along your body
And deeper
Then ever before.
You feel the birds
Watching you
And feel a hint of embarrassment
Flow through yoru body
A flush in yoru cheeks
A wave of heat in your chest
On some level you know
You probably shouldn’t be enjoying this
The way that you are
You shouldn’t be letting yourself
Like this.
But somehow that feeling
The feeling of being watched by the birds
The feeling of embarrassment
Makes this all the more enjoyable
It fuels the passion
The desire
The pleasure in your body
As you sink deeper
The sand climbing along yoru chest
Along your back
Sliding over your chest
And sinking
Up along your arms
Along your shoulders
Cascading down along your collar body
And sinking
Always down
Safe and warm
The sand pressing along yoru body
Caressing and squeezing you
All at once
The scent of the flowers
And the sand
Relaxing you
The sounds of the birds
Teasing you
And the waterfall
Washing away your thoughts
Deeply down
A blissful hypnotic sleep.
Sliding down
As the sand reach your chin
Only your head is above the sand
Every inch of your body is being
And pleasured
By the sand
Helpless to move
Helpless to resist
Can’t think
Can’t move
You find that the sand is shifting
All around you
Moving and caressing you
As if it were… aware
As if it had a goal
A purpose in mind for you
You find that you can feel it, wiggling
And shifting around every part of your body
Especally the more
Sensitive places
The sand is under your clothes
And in contact with your skin
Every, inch of your skin
The more you feel it move
And shift
The more you fele the pressure
Pushing in on you
The more deeply the pleasure builds
Your body instinctively starts to wiggle
Starts to shift among the sand
And that only makes the pleasure
The sensations even more intense
Even more deep
And passionate.
The sand is along every part of your body
Every, single part of you
Including those, special places
Those places that only your deepest
Most intimate lovers
Know about,
And maybe even a few, that they don’t
Places that only you know
Places that only you use for your own
And maybe, if your feel comfortable with it
You may even feel the sand
Moving into parts of your body
Finding the perfect way to stimulate you
Inside of you
Themore you struggle
The more intimate the sensation becomes
Your mind is blank from the scent of the sand
And the sounds of the water
Yoru stimulated from the birds calling to you
Teasing you,
And your body is overflowing with sensations
As the sand moves around you
The pleazsure is building
More intensely
More deeply
You can’t help but feel yourself
And shifting
You can’t help but simply
Give in to the sensation
You might be able to fight the urge
The arousal
If it were located on one spot
If you were, awake
If you were free
But your helpless
Your surrounded
Your mind is deeply asleep now
And your body is being stimulated
On every
Of your body
There is nothing you can do to prevent it
Nothing you can do to stop it
You feel the sand
Overwhelm you
And feel a climax
Wash through yoru body
Like a tidal wave on a beach
Washing over you
And completely
Nothing cna stop it
You simply surrender to the pleasure
Surrender to the sand
Surrender to this special place
Depely andeasily
Just letting hta pleasure wash through you
Again and again
As you sink…
More deeply.
The pleasure in your body
Makes your sink even more deeply
Your eyes flutter closed
And your body, joins your mind
In a deep, restful sleep
You feel yourself let out
A long slow sigh
As you sink under the sand
You discover that you can still breathe
Easily and deeply
In fact the air
In the sand
Almost feels cleaner
As if it’s been filtered,
But the very sands that are pulling you dwon
More and more deeply
You find yourself
As the sand flows over the top of your head
You simply
Hang there
Surrounded by the sands
Slowly shifting as you slide
And deeper
Into the quicksand
You feel like your floating
Perfectly safe
And here you can sit
For as long as you’d like
Just resting
Just feeling the pleasure of the sand
The pressure
The grip
And the peace.
You can be rescued,
If you’d like.
That in and of itself could be it’s own little fantasy
Or you could find that th esands will slowly
Drift away
Leaving you safely back in the clearing
On more stable ground
Or you can simply stay here
And calm
Until you wish to wake up.
It’s all up to you.
It is after all
Your hypnotic experience.

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Sink and Repeat

  Click here for Patreon Video: Sink and Repeat - Extended Patreon Version Click here for Public Video: Sink and Repeat Sink for me, then aw...