Monday, July 5, 2021

Bound On Display - Bondage, Hypnosis, Public Display

You can find the Video here: Bound On Display

You can find the Visual Meditation here: Bound on Display - Visual Meditation

There is also an extended more adult version on my patreon: Bound on Display | Patreon Exclusive

And of course Outtakes: Outtakes for Bound on Display

You can find the Extended Female voiced version here: 

You can find the normal female voiced version here: 

Just allow yourself
To sink into whatever it is
That you are sitting or laying on now.
Allow your mind to focus on my words
And let each word
And deeper…
Into your mind
As you begin to feel your body relaxing
And letting go

Focusing on the sound of my voice
And letting everything else start to fade away
The more you focus
The easier it is for you to simply
Imagine what I describe
To let the world around you fade away
And enter into this experience
Easily and deeply.
It’s ok if you want to let your eyes close
Or if you want to focus on something…
It’s completely up to you…
Whatever helps you to fade away
Into my words the most
Is what you should clearly
Decide to do…
And as you focus more and more on my words
The world around you starts to fade away
And a new world starts to take it’s place.
Someplace public.
Someplace with a lot of people moving around
Something like a shopping mall
Where people can more about their day
But without really needing to interact with anyone else
You can see and feel yourself
Moving through this space.
Moving around the people that are there
Watching them as they pass
As they go about your day.
There is something both exciting
And comforting
About being in a space with a lot of people
Something about not being alone
That makes you feel safe…
But at the same time…
That dichotomy can be quite stimulating.
On a normal day, you could easily slip through the crowd
Barely noticed…
But today is not a normal day…
As you move through the crowd
You suddenly feel someone grab you from behind
In your surprise you make a noise…
A grunt or a scream… it doesn’t really matter
But the crowd turns to look
You feel the person behind you
Holding you close
Trying to restrict your movements.
Prevent you from leaving.
You begin to struggle
Begin to try to free yourself.
Twisting your arms and moving your legs
Trying to break free
But they seem to be one step ahead of you
Every time.
Anticipating your moves…
And then you feel it…
A soft, but sturdy fabric
Being wrapped around your wrists…
Binding them together behind your back.
You push back against this person
With all of their might.
But they were expecting just that
And they simply move out of the way.
Letting you slide past them
Feeling yourself losing your balance
As you try to recover you feel your wrists
Bound tightly together.
Your attempt to escape has put you
Into and even worse situation
As you look around you notice the crowd all staring
Watching you as you struggle.
You can feel their eyes watching you
Every step of the way as you wiggle and try to free yourself
Your not sure who it is that is attacking you.
That is trying to subdue you.
Maybe there is something familiar about them…
Maybe it’s someone you know, and trust…
Maybe it’s someone you’ve always wanted…
To do something devious and aggressive
But who has always been too shy, or unaware
Who has suddenly decided to give you what you want…
Or maybe, it’s a perfect stranger
Who picked you out of the crowd…
It’s totally up to you…
Up to what you want to experience this time around
Whomever, or whatever you choose
You can feel your pulse rising.
Your adrenaline pumping.
You move to try and regain your balance
Only to have your feet
Easily pushed out from under your
You feel yourself start to fall
Only to be caught by your attacker
Laid gently face down on the ground
For a moment you can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief
As you realize you are safely on the ground.
A fall like that could have hurt
But this person kept you safe…
Of course that brief moment of peace
Is broken as you feel your attacker sitting on you butt
Pinning you to ground
As they wrap the cloth rope
Around your ankles
You immediately react by trying to spread your legs
To keep your ankles from being bound together.
But a second later you feel the rope being pulled tight
The gap between your legs closes
And your feet slam together almost instantly.
As you struggle and grunt
Trying to pull your ankles apart
You feel the ropes holding you in place
As they start to tie your ankles
More tightly… binding them together
Unable to move
You start to shift and rock from side to side
Trying to throw this person off of you
But their weight keeps you from getting leverage
You look around and see the crowd just watching.
Staring at you
Watching with a fascination
You can see their faces betraying their confusion
Their excitement.
Some find the situation, stimulating, even arousing
While others find it terrifying…
You can see that some of the people watching,
Wish that they were in your place
Struggling to get free.
But slowly losing more and more control
Other you can tell want nothing more then to scream
And run away, but are captivated by the scene in front of them
And still others you can tell…
Wish they were the ones holding you down.
Tying your body up little by little.
For a split second your thoughts focus on nothing but the people watching you
And how that makes you feel…
Excited and scared
Nervous, embarrassed, even aroused…
Whatever it is that you feel is perfectly fine
But that feeling moves through you body
Deeply and rapidly
But then you feel your thighs being tightly bound
And your mind snaps back to your current situation.
You forgot to keep struggling
And now your captor has managed to tie your legs
Completely together.
You wiggle and struggle
And feel them move from sitting on your butt
To kneeling on one knee.
You think this is your opportunity and try to roll to your side
To see if you can buck them off of you
Or kick them aside with your now bound together legs
If you can get them away you might be able to get help
Although help isn’t really what you want…
Deep down you have only two desires…
The desire to kick the person away
Causing them to flee,
So even in your helpless state,
You would find yourself victorious
And proud…
To be rendered completely helpless.  
To be bested by this person…
Bound and made helpless,
Despite your struggles
Despite your best efforts.
You don’t want someone else to help you
Win or lose
You get what you want…
And you’ll get it all on your own.
As you move to your side to try and kick them off.
You find that once again.
They were ready for you
Their knee moves to block your shoulder
Preventing you from being able to roll
You quickly decide to shift and try the other way
But before you can even start your turn
They grab your shoulders and pull your upper body
Up off the floor
Leaving you in a kneeling position
The crowd watching you
Completely captivated by your capture
As you watch them all staring at you
You feel another rope tied around your waist
Joining with the rope that is tied around your wrists
Locking your wrists to your waist
You shake your shoulders violently
As you try to get the person off of you
Trying to stand despite your legs being tied together
As you are stuck kneeling with the person holding you down.
They wrap a rope around one shoulder and down your chest,
And then the other shoulder…
Locking them off at your wrist.  
Creating a kind of harness
So that as you try to move any part of your arms
Or upper body
The ropes wrapped around other parts will keep them from moving.
No matter how you try to move
One of the binds keeps you in place
The only chance you seem to have is to go forward
To try and wiggle or crawl free
But they anticipated that.
And just as you go to jerk forward
Their arm wraps around your chest
And their foot comes forward to brace themself
Holding you in place as you grunt and struggle.
You put all of your might into it. But you can’t seem to move
Can’t seem to push anywhere.
A moment later you relax.
But the second you do they quickly move
Wrapping a rope between the binds on your wrists
And the ones connecting to your ankles
As you gasp for breath to rebuild your energy
You hear the rope being pulled tight
And feel your torso being pulled back and down.
Your butt leans back onto your legs
As your shoulders and wrists are pulled back
And bound to your ankles
Your entire body is now in one
nice , neat, tight bind
There is no room for you to struggle any more.
No matter what you try to do,
You the binds prevent you from moving
More than a fraction of an inch.
You can’t even get leverage to topple over to your side
Your body is too tightly bound
Too tightly restricted
You realize you aren’t going anywhere…
Your struggles have led to nothing…
You’ve lost… and you know it.
You feel that rush of excitement flow through you
The adrenaline and arousal spiking in your body
As you watch the crowd staring at you…
One or two people slowly starting to clap
As they applaud your captor,
Like this is some kind of demonstration.
But you’re not done yet…
You may not be able to move
But you can still speak
You start to laugh just a bit
As your attitude starts to come out for the first time.
You have only one weapon left…
Your witt.  And you plan to do as much damage to this persons ego
As you can.
The audience slowly quiets as they see you grin
You inhale to start your commentary…
A string of well thought out criticisms, and insults
Ready to be levied against your attacker.
But before the first syllable can be uttered
You feel a thick, wide cloth
Wrapped around your mouth.
The sound is instantly muffled
You can hear only mumbles
And in a crowded, noisy public space
You know that your audience can’t hear anything more
Then a slight whimper
Your last chance at victory has been turned to defeat
Your lion's roar of aggression and pride
Turned into a whimper and the sounds
Of helplessness.
You struggle and yell into the cloth
Only to realize you’ve lost…
Stuck on display for the crowd to watch…
But your attacker isn’t done… just yet…
As you sit there, bound
Forced to kneel,
Exposed in this public space
A space that is getting more and more crowded
With each passing word that you hear…
The audience seems to be drawing closer
Step by step.
As if they themselves aren’t aware they are doing it.
Captivated, but your captivity.
Ensnared by your helplessness
Your eyes dart around
As you struggle against your binds
But the more you struggle
The more you twist and pull
The more tired you become
And your binds show no sigh
What so ever…
Of weakening, or loosening.
And then you see it…
Slowly being dangled in front of you.
A crystal pendant…
It’s not perfectly clear…
The pendant itself has a very distinct, color to it.
However light and faded it may be.
But the light that reflects
And refracts off of that pendant.
Shows a rainbow of colors.
Shilfting and fluctuating as the pendant slowly turns
And sways before you.
The audience seems to gasp.
For a brief moment you get a glimpse of yourself in a reflection
Your face and body lit up with a patchwork display of colors
As the light reflects off your body.
The instant you see the pendant your eyes are drawn to it.
But then you realize what is happening.
Realize the point of the pendant.
You turn away and close your eyes
Smiling to yourself as you feel that you…
Have managed to beat your would be hypnotist.
They can’t hypnotize you if you don’t look.
But you don’t hear them say anything…
Don’t feel anything.
Other then the eyes of the audience staring at you.
You can hear them talking
Chattering in the back ground
Curiously watching
But you don’t hear anything from your hypnotist
You simply sit there
For what seems like hours…
But probably only a few seconds
You open one eye just a bit
And find the pendant still there
Dangling in front of you
Waiting for you…
Lights shining across your face
Across your eyes
You slam your eye shut
But the image is in your mind now
The image of the pendant
Floating in front of you
Sparkling in the light.
You can’t seem to shake it
Can’t seem to resist it.
You shake your head to try and get the image to go away
But it doesn’t.
It just sits there
In your mind
Almost washing away your thoughts
As it sparkles
Slowly and deeply
In your mind
You dont’ really realize it
But your shoulders are starting to relax
To you you are struggling
Just as hard
Just as deeply
But you are being lied too
But your own mind.
The audience can see you
See you relaxing a bit
See that expression of confidence and determination
Slowly fading away to one of relaxation
And calm.
Your posture relaxes a bit more
Or at least as much as it can
While your tied up.
And helpless
Unable to move
After a while you find that you just feel
With the image of the pendant in your mind
Slowly sparkling before you
You once again open up, just one eye.
To see if the pendant is there…
And of course it is.
But this time you just can’t help but see
Just how relaxing
How beautiful that pendant is now
How nicely it sparkles for you
How it just seems to make
The rest of the world
Fade away…
Nothing else matters but the pendant.
Your other eye opens
And you seem to just stare
At the pendant.
The cloth over your mouth
Preventing the audience from seeing your face completely
But even they can notice your jaw relaxing
And falling open
The person that captured you
Slowly raises the pendant up
Before your eyes
And hangs it above you.
The higher it goes the more your head tilts
To follow it.
Soon your head it tilted almost all the way back
Staring up at the pendant, as it hangs on it’s perch
Breathing slow and calm.
Unaware of anything else around you
All the remains is the pendant.
The binds that tie your body
So tightly
Seem to be completely forgotten
As you sit. On display
For the audience that watches you…
All of the sensations that you are feeling
Being bound and helpless
The audience watching you
And all of the pleasure that your feeling
From this deeply public situation…
Of course…
Your kind of stuck here
Aren’t you…
Helpless to move…
Unable to think…
Simply focused on the pendant…
And tied in position…
And here is where you will stay…
For as long as you would like..
When you finally want to wake up…
You can simply take a deep breathe
And let the image fade
And wake up…
But it’s ok if you want to stay here…
For a while…
Bound and focused
On display
For everyone to see…
And just feel all of those sensations
Helping you slip
Deeper and deeper
The deeper you go
The more vivid they will be.
And the more vivid the sensations become
The deeper you will go..
Until you decide to wake up…
But for now…
Simply enjoy these feelings
Again and again…

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