Monday, November 18, 2024

Stage Hypnosis Volunteer


Click here for Patreon Video: Stage Hypnosis Volunteer - Patreon Version

Click here for Public Video: Stage Hypnosis Volunteer

A fun lighthearted hypnotic stage show, where you and your friends are the volunteers. 

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance.

Just allow yourself to get into a comfortable position
A place where you can simply just relax
And let your mind and your body 
Simply let go 
And sink 
Deeper and deeper 
Down into my words
Just take in a deep breath
And let it out slowly 
And feel your mind simply 
Focus on my words
And let everything else
Start to fade away 
And I want to imagine yourself
Sitting in an auditorium 
Waiting for a state hypnosis show. 
The audience is lively and chatting
Everyone seems to be in a good mood
Relaxed and eager to just enjoy their evening. 
All at once the lights start to dim
And the lights on the stage come on
Showing six chairs
And you see… me… walk out on stage
I’d like to thank you all for coming to my stage show
It’s been a while since anyone has remembered
Being on stage with me. 
I hope to keep that record. 
A simple joke to help you feel at ease
I want you now 
As you sit there listening to my voice
To imagine yourself putting your hands together
Gripping them together, interlocking your fingers
And holding them tight
Holding them still 
I want you to image that my words
Are surrounding your hands
Binding them 
Gluing them together. 
Causing them to pull 
Even closer
Even deeper
Even tighter together 
The more you feel it
The stronger it becomes
You can… try and resist
But the more you resist
The more you just imagine 
This sensation
Pulling your hands tighter
And tighter together. 
And now that you are hands are linked
And that you simply can’t resist
You will feel your hands
Being pulled
Dragging you towards me
Up onto the stage
Like a powerful magnet
Dragging you forward
You can’t help but feel yourself
In your mind
Have your hands pull you forward
Lifting you out of your seat
Pulling you to the stage
Every step you take makes it feel more
Vivid more real for you
Up up up, to the stage
You notice me point to a chair
And you can’t help but simply 
You can’t but feel the audience watching you
I simply smile and thank you 
For volunteering. 
It’s so nice to have people 
Fight to be on stage. 
It’s almost like I have a 
Magnetic personality
As the audience laughs
I snap my fingers
And suddenly your hands are free
You look around at the other volunteers
As i simply tell you to
Focus on the sound of my voice 
And just let yourself 
Start to relax
Every word seems to slip 
More and more deeply 
Into your mind 
You notice how your body 
Starts to relax
Starts to slump 
A little more deeply 
A little more easily 
Slowly to sleep
The sound of my voice
Echoing softly 
In your mind
So deeply 
As you just let yourself 
Start to relax
Start to sink 
Your eyes lids are feeling heavy
And tired
Your starting to relax
More then you thought you would 
With every snap of my fingers
You start to give in 
Start to sink 
Start to feel your body 
Becoming limp
And you feel your body 
Drift away 
As your mind 
Follows suit
And you enter 
A nice
(snap, snap, snap,)
Deep asleep now
Relaxed and limp
As you hear the word sleep 
Echo through your mind 
You feel your body simply 
And fall 
You feel the person next to you 
Lean against you 
As you just 
Drift more deeply 
Helplessly asleep
Your not sure how long your asleep
You just seem to drift
Floating in your mind
Not really paying attention 
And then the next thing you know
You hear me say
Wide awake… everyone up. 
And your eyes open 
You look around at the other volunteers
As you look around you see me stand right in fornto fyou
And ask you 
How you feel 
It’s ok for you to answer in yoru mind
Once you do
I simply smile and tell you 
That it’s time for you to 
(snap) Sleep…
You feel the wave of tiredness
The hypnosis
Wash over you 
But you resist
You struggle
Your eyes blink several times
But you claw yourself back up 
To consciousness
To your surprise 
I just give you a smile 
And comment that we have
A resistor…
Someone who thinks they can stay awake
We’ll see how long that lasts
I move to the end of the row
As one of the volunteers 
Watches and laughs. 
They are so busy laughing
They don’t notice me simply 
Snap my fingers (snap) 
And tell them to sleep. 
You watch as they’re face goes limp
Their eyes rolling up into their head
As they fall forward
Limp arms hanging down almost on the ground
Chest and head
Folded against their legs.
But then you notice that I am not looking at them
I am looking at you. 
Directly at you. 
I take a step forward
Never looking away from you 
Holding your gaze
And your watch the next person 
As their eyes rollup into their head 
And they fall to the side
Landing on the sleeping form of the person next to them.
They walk past you, 
Staring at you 
Not even looking at the person they just hypnotized
Moving to the person 
To your left 
But then to your surprise
They point to the person 
On the far end  
You watch as their eyes almost instantly
Slam shut
And their head falls forward
Pulling them down 
Folding at the waist
As their arms hang limp 
And loose at their sides
You are are startled to hear another snap
And look to see the next person in line 
Sigh as their body just slumps over
Deeply hypnotized
You look to your left
Just in time to see that person 
Relax deeply inot sleep
Their shoulders slump 
And relax
As they just fall
Landing on your shoulder 
With a gentle thud
You can’t help but blink a few times
Just watching them 
Completely limp 
Completely hypnotized
You look back to the hypnotist
Just in time to see my fingers
Before your eyes
The sound echos through your mind
You feel your body relax
Every muscle letting go
You feel your shoulders drop 
The weight of yoru arms making your entire torso
Shake as they fall
Their weight 
And the head of yoru friend on your shoulder
Start ot pull you forward
You feel your self 
Folding easily
Your chest landing on your legs
You head limp
Hanging betwee your knees
As your arms fall
Hanging limp 
Swaying softly
Your fingers barely touching the stage floor
The world around you seems to fade away, 
You can hear my voice
Speaking deeply into yoru mind
It feels so natural 
So normal to feel my words
Sliding into your thoughts
It helps you to just 
Feel calm 
And relax
And then the next thing you know
You hear me waking you up. 
You sit up calmly and look around
Everything seems to be 
Completely normal
Your friends around you all seem to be
Just as relaxed
And at peace
As you are. 
And then you see me hold up my hand
With my thumb sticking up 
And my index finger pointing out
Just like a child might do 
To make a gun shape with their hand. 
But you dont’ see a hand…
You see a very special kind of gun
A sleep gun
You look around nervously 
As your friends all seem to be a bit more
On edge. 
The audience laughs as i just stand there
With a devious grin 
Looking at each of you on stage. 
I extend my hand out to the side and then 
Quickly turn to face the audience
As i do the … sleep gun
Seems to wave over your and your friends
And you quickly all duck as it points at you 
One of your friends  
Even gets up and hides behind the chair
The audience laughs
And for a brief moment you can’t help but think
That might not be a bad idea
But then i turn around
And aim my hand
One of the volunteers
And in your mind
You see a beam of light
Shoot out 
And hit the person next to you… 
They jerk in surprise
And then slump deeply inot their chair
Folding forward
Completely asleep
Completely hypnotized. 
In shock you all look at one another
And your friend 
Hiding behind their chair
Slumps to the floor
Completely asleep 
Shot by my… 
Sleep gun. 
You can’t help but feel a surge of excitment
As you watch them slump to the floor
You quickly look in my direction
Just in time to hear…
And see a beam of light
Shine right on your forehead
You feel the energy wash through yoru head
Instantly putting your mind to sleep
Your arms fall limp at your sides
Your mouth opens
Your head jerks back from the hit
But your torso falls forward
Slumping over like a rag doll
As your head falls to hand
Between your knees
Limp and helpless
Deeply asleep. 
As you sleep
Something begins to change inside your mind
You feel the human side of you 
Falling asleep
You feel another side 
Rising up 
Feeling yourself 
Becoming more animal like
Bird like…
And then you are awakened
And you find your arms
Instantly folding
Putting your fists against your chest
And flapping your arms like wings
A strange
Bock bock bock 
Starts to come from your mouth
You are a chicken. 
You don’t know you feel this way
But it just seems natural 
You hop off of yoru chair
As do several of your friends
And you move around the stage
Clucking and pecking at one another
One of yoru friends comes closer
And the two fo you start ot peck at one another
While one of the others seems to get angry
And starts to chase one of the others around the chairs
The audience laughs
But you don’t pay attention 
Your a chicken  
But then out of no where you hear me 
Snap my fingers and say 
(Snap) Monkeys….
And suddenly 
You are not longer a bird
You take your fists 
And gently thump on yoru chest
Making monkey noises as you start to bounce around the stage
Up and down 
And crying out
The other monkeys around you 
Moving and crying out 
The audience laughing hysterically
And for a moment you can’t help but feel 
Like you are in some kind of zoo 
On display 
Being watched. 
It feels so natural 
So normal to be this way 
As you jum around
You move towards one of yoru friends 
Each thumpin on your chests
To display dominance. 
And then 
Your looking at yoru friend
You and your friends on stage
All look around
No idea why your there
No idea what you were doing
The audience simply laughing
And clapping. 
I ask you to sit down
And you all do. 
And i scold you playfully 
No more monkeying around!
And then wave my hand over the group
The word echoes in your mind
You feel yourself going limp 
Your eyes close
You hear the others all sigh
And the shifting sound of limp bodies
Relaxing in their chairs
You fall to the side
One of your sleeping friends
Before falling forward a bit
Into their lap
Then down to floor
Everything drifts away
Lost and blank 
The world drifts around you 
You hear my voice in the distance
But you dont’ really pay attention 
There is no 
Real need too
And then you hear me asking you 
To awaken 
And you let yourself simply wake up 
But your no longer on stage
Your at home
With your friends
On the couch 
Watching a movie
A very sad movie
The hero is telling 
Their long lost love
That they can’t be with them 
That they have to leave… 
You find yourself
Starting to cry 
It’s so sad
It just 
Touches something deep inside of you
You feel for them 
You can see their heart break 
The person next to you start to cry
Openly sobbing
As the person on the other side of you
Uses your shirt sleeve
To wipe away their tears
You barely notice. 
You are too busy wiping away
Your own tears  
You sigh in frustration
Your shoe is ringing. 
This always happens when you try to watch a movie
In frustration you reach down 
And remove your shoe. 
Pulling the laces out to answer it
And sticking ito your head
Angrily yelling at the person on the other end
your friends around you 
all equally annoyed
Shouting into their shoes
You tell the person on the line
That you can’t talk 
That your busy 
That your really invested 
In a sad sad movie
As you hold the shoe to your head
You watch as the hero 
Nods to their love
And opens the door… 
Only for a scary monster
To burst in 
Snarling and screaming
In shock you throw your shoe
And scream 
Grabbing on to the person next to you  
Holding them tight
They grab on to you as well 
Equally screaming
Your heart racing
In the distance you swear you hear people laughing
But why would this movie
Have a laugh track
(Snap) Sleep!
You feel your body going limp 
The person in your arms
Sags and goes limp as well.
You fall backwards
Landing on the person to your left 
As the person in your arms
Falls in a way 
That puts their head
Into your lap 
And the world just fades
Fades away 
Completely and totally now. 
So relaxed and calm 
The world fades away 
Lost and blank 
You hear my words once again 
Deep in your mind
But so faint you can’t really tell 
What im saying. 
And then i beckon you back to being awake
Your embarrassed friend blushes
As they remove their head 
From yoru groin 
And sit up. 
The audience laughing
Your back on stage once again
I approach your friend on the right  
And simply ask if they are enjoying their evening. 
They say yes
A little on the spot
And I simply smile and ask
What is your name.
And they seem to simply… 
Go blank for am oment
They look around in their mind
Look at the rest of you
And then say 
I… I don’t know?
You don’t know your name?
They seem confused as the audience laughs. 
And just sigh and tap them on the head
And down they go 
Their body going instantly limp 
And falling forward
Deeply asleep. 
With a sigh of fake frustration I move to the person next to you 
And ask them to stand up
They go stand only find
They can’t
They look around confused
Down at their chair
Visibly struggling to stand
To try and get off their seat
But they simply… 
Is there a problem?
I ask impatiently. 
They look up at me and admit
They can’t seem to stand up
The chair won’t let them. 
You can’t help but laugh 
And relax a bit
As i give an exaggeratedly annoyed response
Of course it won’t… 
And tap them on th ehead
Bvack to sleep!
You watch as their struggling instantly ends
And their body drops
Their chest pulling them down 
Their head almost trailing behind until 
They land on their thighs
Arms limp
Head bobbing and body just rippling from the fall 
It’s quite a sight
But then you hear me say. 
Stand up please… 
Without thinking you try to stand
But find
Your butt is stuck to the seat
The audience laughs
As you try to push yourself
Off of the seat
But it won’t budge
Your friends to your left
Are laughing 
The audience is laughing
You twist your body to try and push off the back of the seat
But nothing works!
Your just… 
Are you having a problem too?
You give me an embarrassed nod
And what is your name? 
I asked genuinely curious
You go to answer
The information is just gone
It’s just… 
Not there… 
You try to think 
You know this answer… 
Don’t you?
You look at your friend and whisper…
Whats my name….
But they only laugh in response. 
Let me get this straight…
I ask in a playfully annoyed tone…
You can’t stand up… 
And you forgot your name?
You nod in embarrassment. 
Well your having quite an issue today aren’t you?
The audience laughs and you feel a flush of embarrassment
Before hearing a nice sharp. (SNAP)
Your body goes limp
And loose
You feel your head fall to your chest
Bouncing softly 
As your body just leans
Leans forwards
And you flop forward
A ragdoll
Limp and helpless on stage
Loose and completely relaxed
The world is a daze
Everything is blank 
And peaceful 
You are floating
In a deep deep void
And peaceful 
You hear the audience applause 
Deep in your mind
As you fade more and more deeply 
Deeply asleep 
Floating in a void… 
This is where our little stage show will end. 
You re free to stay deeply in a trance
For as long as you’d like
Free to relive any of the stage gags that I did. 
Or even add a few new ones
Ones I didn’t think of… 
But when you are ready to wake up
You will simply take a deep breath
And count from 1
Up to 3
And awaken 
Remembering everything… 
Including… your name. 
And if you are interested in a longer version 
Of this stage show
Or if you would simply like 
To support my work. 
There is a link to my patreon 
Down in the description
I would greatly appreciate you 
Checking it out
When you wake up. 
But for now just relax
And rest
And enjoy your time on stage….
Until you decide to wake up

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