The Ghost Clown Returns - After Party Log

The Ghost Clown Returns - Afterparty

Description: The girls find themselves completely compliant after being exposed to the Ghost Clown and his hypnotic coin. So I use the situation to install a new trigger in them, and in a surprise twist, one of the girls volunteers to do a little hypnosis session of her own on the other two!

Cover Image made by HeroineArtAi

[Note: This log picks up exactly where the other one left off.]

Sleepyhypno — Today at 1:50 AM
and now that you have watched the coin of gold... what is it that you find you must do?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 1:50 AM
must do what i am told

SleepyGirl — Today at 1:50 AM
i must do as i am told

Psyco Turnip — Today at 1:51 AM
I must do as I am told Master.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 1:51 AM
very good ladies
and in the fantasy
in the dream
you were made to perform
but did you realize that this whole time
you have been performing for real
for our readers
for me
on display
helplessly blank
simply doing as you are told
you realize that you ahve been performing this whole time now
don't you ladies?

SleepyGirl — Today at 1:53 AM
yesss mastewr

Ivy Wilde — Today at 1:53 AM
oooo...yesss master

Psyco Turnip — Today at 1:53 AM
Yes Master, performing the whole time.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 1:53 AM
and how do you feel about being hypnotized, and put on display like this?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 1:53 AM
sooo playful master

SleepyGirl — Today at 1:53 AM
helpless master

Psyco Turnip — Today at 1:55 AM
In control as I give it away freely Master.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 1:55 AM
good girls
would you like to do a little more, performing, for our audience? before you are sent to bed

Ivy Wilde — Today at 1:56 AM
of course master
[Ivy Comment: That's how you know I'm still out - I'm volunteering for something!]

SleepyGirl — Today at 1:56 AM
yes master

Psyco Turnip — Today at 1:56 AM
Yes Master.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 1:56 AM
good girls
why don't you tell us all my performers, how deep you are now, so the audience can see, just how deeply you've fallen now.

SleepyGirl — Today at 1:57 AM

Ivy Wilde — Today at 1:57 AM
2000, so free to perform
[Ivy Comment: I can confirm I have NO recollection of ALL]

Psyco Turnip — Today at 1:58 AM
1200% Master.

[Hypnotist’s Note: They have all more or less fallen at the same rate for this entire session. As a reminder, Psycho was at 86%, Ivy at 100-200 and Sleepygirl at 200,000.  I really should give them all the same gage at one point but that would require work on my part so… ain’t happenin.]
[Sleepygirl Comment: Nah, where's the fun in that? :cP]

Sleepyhypno — Today at 1:59 AM
very good ladies.
in your minds
you were wearing a costume
if it was
or is clear enough in your mind now
I'd like you to describe it
to our audience
you are on display
and helpless
so the more vivid a description you can give
the more on display you will be
but try to limit it to one paragraph.
two at most
you may do this now my performers

Ivy Wilde — Today at 2:04 AM
Wearing a black longline corset with deep red swirling embroidery all along it, sheer black stockings all the way up to my hips, deep red dancing shoes with small heels, my mask is a masquerade style mask with the same deep red with black trimming that run down to my nose, a black lace ribbon keepinng it attached to my face and a black film on the eyes, deepening the mystery.
with black and red elbow length silk gloves on my hands
[Ivy Comment: I know I was picturing this the entire time, it was a bit more difficult to get it all down to a paragraph in my foggy state.]

SleepyGirl — Today at 2:05 AM
the costume is dark blue and looks almost like one piece, something you might see a magicians assistant wear, dark blue with sequins on it that catch in the light, low cut enough to show off cleavage, with black knee high boots, and a matching masquerade style mask in the same color

Psyco Turnip — Today at 2:07 AM
I'm wearing a black aviator jacket with puffy fur lining the inside of the collar, with several belts, I have a hard purple mask covering the top half of my face with three eye holes in it. my hands are covered in heavy metallic claws with thick strong combat boots with spikes on the foot and a shotgun holster on my left shin.
[I may have misunderstood the assignment, in the session he suggested they be skimpy, seductive and suggestive. 
And while I may find Beelzemon attractive I fully understand if others don't. My brain was on Halloween specifically and that's my consume this year so I'm currently making it so when he said "if your costume is clear in your mind" it very much was. >.>]
[Hypnotist Comment: It was really only important that it be something you enjoyed.  I was just playing up the sexual part of it because... yeah because.]

Sleepyhypno — Today at 2:07 AM
very nice ladies.
doing so well
thank you for showing the audience what you are wearing.
I am noticing that it is getting a little late,
do any of you need to go to bed right now?  or are you free to stay a bit longer'/

Ivy Wilde — Today at 2:08 AM
free to stay longer master

SleepyGirl — Today at 2:08 AM
can stay longer

Psyco Turnip — Today at 2:09 AM
Free to stay Master.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 2:09 AM
good girls
I'd like you to perform again
for our lovely audience
this time I wna tyou to describe
as best you can
in a paragraph or two
how you move your body
using your outfit
your costume
how you make yourself feel
and seductive
the more you are able to describe
the more deeply you will sink
into the coin of gold
and find that you must do
as you are told
you can start your performance
now ladies

SleepyGirl — Today at 2:15 AM
begins to sway my hips seductively to an invisible beat, slowly sliding my hands along my sides and up to my neck, moving my hair over one shoulder as i start to turn in a slow circle, moving my hands back down my sides and along my legs. i keep moving my hips  and let the rest of my body begin to sway, letting one hand wander across my stomach and chest while the other slides up through my hair as i look blankly out at the 'audience' and continue swirling in a slow circle, rolling my hips and swaying seductively, letting my hands roam over as much of my body as possible

Ivy Wilde — Today at 2:16 AM
I enter in measured wide strides, one foot in front of the other, my legs accentuated by the stockings, as my arms high above me, my corset barely containing the rest of me. as i begin i lower my hands down the sides of my head, my fingers glide down my head as i move it back, my palms ride the curves of my body down,,,down, past the red embroidered swirls on my corset, enticing the viewer to watch as my handsd ride my hips, down my legs as i bend my knees, allowing my hands to glide down my legs, all the way down to my ankles. I lean back, holding myself up with one hand as i kick one leg up high itno the air, the fingers of my free hand gliding up and down my leg as far as it can raech. I put my leg back down, bringing myself back up in a reversal of the same moves I just made until i am standing tall with my hands high above me once more.
[Ivy Comment: ....where did THIS come from?]
[Hypnotist’s Comment: I told you she did just fine.]

Psyco Turnip — Today at 2:18 AM
Confidently, my steps have weight, I focus on singular individuals at a time. I boldly strut right up to whomever has my focus taking and not asking. Once they are mine I keep them close, holding them tight, I dance and sway with them always leading the dance with a strong and confident grip.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 2:18 AM
very good ladies
you have all done so very well
and captivated your audience
I'd like to think, completely at this point.
how does that make you feel now ladies?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 2:19 AM
confident and unstoppable master

SleepyGirl — Today at 2:20 AM
excited and confident master

Psyco Turnip — Today at 2:20 AM
Queen of the room I am in Master.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 2:20 AM
very good ladies...
and what would you feel...
what would you do
if I were to tell you to
Watch the Pretty Coin of Gold...

Ivy Wilde — Today at 2:21 AM
do as i am told master

SleepyGirl — Today at 2:21 AM
i will do as i am told master

Psyco Turnip — Today at 2:21 AM
I would do as I am told Master.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 2:22 AM
that sounds like it would be a lovely trigger for you, don't you think ladies?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 2:22 AM
i agree master

SleepyGirl — Today at 2:22 AM
yes master

Psyco Turnip — Today at 2:22 AM
Yes Master, very much so.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 2:22 AM
you'd like that trigger installed in you now, wouldn't you ladies?

SleepyGirl — Today at 2:22 AM
yes master

Psyco Turnip — Today at 2:23 AM
Yes Master.

Ivy Wilde — Today at 2:23 AM
oh yes master

[Hypnotist’s Note: I’m going to explain what I’m doing here first, then walk you through the log as this is how you install a trigger: The steps are easy. 1. Explain what the trigger is, 2. Explain what the trigger does, 3. Question the subject on the trigger. It really is that simple. So what I’m about to do is set up that whenever they see me and only me type the trigger phrase that I have chosen, they will have the reaction that I describe. I left the trigger unhidden because I figured it was pretty easy to guess in context, and because I will take precautions to make sure it only works for me.]

Sleepyhypno — Today at 2:23 AM
From now on Ladies...
whenever you see me.
and ONLY me...
type the words
Watch the Pretty Coin of Gold
you will find yourself seeing the coin
on the string
in your mind
swaying back and forth
you'll feel yourself
dropping down
down to sleep
down to trance
as deep as you are now
anchoring those words here
Watch the Pretty Coin of Gold
and down you sink
deeply into a trance
ready to perform
ready to obey
and you will let yoruself know this
let me know this
and let anyone else around you know this
by simply replying with
I will do as I am told
you can do that can't you ladies?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 2:25 AM
of course master

SleepyGirl — Today at 2:25 AM
yes master

Psyco Turnip — Today at 2:25 AM
Yes Master.

[Hypnotist’s Note: now with the trigger installed, it’s time to question them about it. You usually want to question a normal subject a few times, wording the question a few different ways. With these subjects it’s a bit overkill as they are all very experienced subjects, but I was doing this more as an educational demo. Plus sometimes doing something the more traditional way helps to make it more solid in a subject's mind.]

Sleepyhypno — Today at 2:25 AM
what will happen to you when I type
Watch the Pretty Coin of Gold

Ivy Wilde — Today at 2:25 AM
reply i will do as i am told

Psyco Turnip — Today at 2:25 AM
I will do as I am told.

SleepyGirl — Today at 2:25 AM
i will do as i am told

Sleepyhypno — Today at 2:25 AM
and how deep will you sink when you see me type
Watch this Pretty Coin of Gold

SleepyGirl — Today at 2:26 AM
as deep as i am now master

Psyco Turnip — Today at 2:26 AM
1326% Master.

Ivy Wilde — Today at 2:26 AM
fall deep to the same as i am now

Sleepyhypno — Today at 2:26 AM
good girls
and what do I have to type, to make you drop down this deep for me?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 2:27 AM
watch this pretty coin of gold

SleepyGirl — Today at 2:27 AM
Watch the Pretty Coin of Gold

Psyco Turnip — Today at 2:27 AM
Watch the pretty Coin of Gold.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 2:27 AM
good girls
and what will you type, when you drop deep for me, after i type
Watch this Pretty Coin of Gold

Ivy Wilde — Today at 2:27 AM
i will do as i am told

SleepyGirl — Today at 2:27 AM
i will do as i am told

Psyco Turnip — Today at 2:28 AM
I will do as I am told.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 2:28 AM
very good.
and wahtw ill happen.
should someone else
decide to be tricky,
and type to you "Watch this Pretty Coin of Gold" what will you do if someone else types that to you?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 2:29 AM
scoff and ignore
[Ivy Comment: hahahaah, sassy!]

Psyco Turnip — Today at 2:29 AM
Nothing Master.

SleepyGirl — Today at 2:29 AM
nothing master

[Hypnotist’s Note: I absolutely believe that Ivy would Scoff and ignore someone that used her trigger on her. In fact I think all three would. All hypnosis is self hypnosis, this trigger has a power because they have given me that power. That power can be revoked if I did something stupid. And just because they gave me that power, doesn’t mean it is universal to anyone who has the trigger. A trigger is not a key, it doesn’t unlock a door. It’s an invitation, but you still have to get past the bouncer.]

Sleepyhypno — Today at 2:29 AM
good girls
Watch The Pretty Coin of Gold

Ivy Wilde — Today at 2:29 AM
i will do as i am told

SleepyGirl — Today at 2:29 AM
i will do as i am told

Psyco Turnip — Today at 2:29 AM
I will do as I am told.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 2:29 AM
good girls
how deep are you now ladies?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 2:29 AM

SleepyGirl — Today at 2:30 AM

Psyco Turnip — Today at 2:30 AM
1400% Master.

[Hypnotist’s Note: Installing a trigger and using it on them seems to have helped most of them drop a bit more.]

Sleepyhypno — Today at 2:30 AM
good girls
I'm going to wake you in a moment
so we can test out this trigger
you will find that when you wake up
you don't remember what happened
you remember joining the chat
and us talking
and then just drifting
and then
you are afree to comment on that
or any other sensations
or flashes
you might get
but the memory as a whole
will be just out of reach
thats ok with you isn't it ladies?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 2:31 AM
yes master it is
[Ivy Comment: He's talking about me here, I get memory flashes.]

Psyco Turnip — Today at 2:31 AM
Yes Master.

SleepyGirl — Today at 2:31 AM
yes master

Sleepyhypno — Today at 2:31 AM
but you will find that you are still very playful
and flirty
you might not remember it
or realize it
but you are still very much on display
very much still performing for me
performing for the audience
and you can let that side of you
shine while you are awake
or in trance
understand ladies?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 2:32 AM
yes master i undertsand

SleepyGirl — Today at 2:32 AM
yes master

Psyco Turnip — Today at 2:32 AM
Yes Master.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 2:32 AM
goo dgirls
take a slow deep breath
and let yourself start to come bac up now
relaxed and calm
mind waking up for me
and 3
wide awake ladies

Psyco Turnip — Today at 2:33 AM

Sleepyhypno — Today at 2:33 AM
Welcome back. =c)

SleepyGirl — Today at 2:33 AM
why thank you :c)

Sleepyhypno — Today at 2:33 AM
how are you feeling?

Psyco Turnip — Today at 2:34 AM
Howdy howdy. ^^
Feelin' snazzy and a little floaty.

SleepyGirl — Today at 2:35 AM
still a little fuzzy but no complaints :c)

Ivy Wilde — Today at 2:35 AM
Feeling mildly confused but good

Sleepyhypno — Today at 2:35 AM
why confused?

SleepyGirl — Today at 2:35 AM
mildly confused is a constant state for me

Ivy Wilde — Today at 2:35 AM
It happens sometimes when I don't recall every minute of something

Psyco Turnip — Today at 2:36 AM
Confused is love, confused is life don't'cha know?

Sleepyhypno — Today at 2:36 AM
do not encourage me to start a cult
I will absolutely start a cult

[Psyco Comment: Two strong words for you..... Come on!]
[Hypnotist’s comment: I am not starting a cult! Unless it pays well… then maybe.]
[Ivy Comment: You may get a tax break, give it a try!]
[Hypnotist’s comment: *Facepalm*]

Ivy Wilde — Today at 2:36 AM
Will there be a membership fee??

SleepyGirl — Today at 2:36 AM
....don't...start...a cult

Psyco Turnip — Today at 2:36 AM
Oh noooo, whatever shall we doooooooo?

Sleepyhypno — Today at 2:37 AM
hehehe, not even thinking about that.  focus =cP
how dd you like the session? any comments? anything you liked?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 2:37 AM
I remember an outfit, I really liked that outfit
[Ivy Comment: For those that know me...THERE'S a shock, right?]
[Hypnotist’s Comment: for those that don’t… Ivy likes her outfits! Especially costumes]

SleepyGirl — Today at 2:38 AM
my memory of it is hazy but im assuming i liked it :cP

Psyco Turnip — Today at 2:39 AM
I felt.....positive. I oddly feel dominant right now. A very rare sensation on nights such as this.

[Hypnotist’s Note: This caught my attention right away!]

Psyco Turnip — Today at 2:39 AM
Oooo there were outfits? That sounds delightful. ^^

Sleepyhypno — Today at 2:40 AM
hehe you ladies don't seem to remember much?
just a feeling it seems?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 2:40 AM
eyes Sleepy mmmmmHHHMMMMMmmmmmm

SleepyGirl — Today at 2:40 AM
yeah i remember the very beginning and drifting at the start, but then nothing

Psyco Turnip — Today at 2:40 AM
Just vague warm feelings yes.

SleepyGirl — Today at 2:41 AM
which im sure is not your doing at all :cP

Sleepyhypno — Today at 2:41 AM
*waves hand at all three of you* your memory lapse is not my doing

Ivy Wilde — Today at 2:41 AM
memory lapse is not your doing

SleepyGirl — Today at 2:41 AM
our memory lapse is not your doing

Psyco Turnip — Today at 2:42 AM
Memory lapse is not your doing.

[Hypnotist’s Note: Jedi Mindtricks… they’re Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!]

Sleepyhypno — Today at 2:42 AM
So your feeling dominant Psyco?   anyone else feeling that way?

SleepyGirl — Today at 2:42 AM
i can safely say that i am not

Ivy Wilde — Today at 2:42 AM
No, I was going to say Psyco feeling dominant can spell trouble 
[Ivy Comment: I've been thinking that for the last minute or so!]

Psyco Turnip — Today at 2:43 AM
Yeah, normally after one of these that I am awake before bed for I feel squishy/squirmy and like following orders is the best thing ever.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 2:44 AM
and now?

Psyco Turnip — Today at 2:45 AM
Like I should be in charge of my surroundings.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 2:46 AM
you mean where you are at home, or here in chat?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 2:46 AM
side glance to psyco

Psyco Turnip — Today at 2:46 AM

Ivy Wilde — Today at 2:47 AM
See, told you

Sleepyhypno — Today at 2:47 AM
would you care to put on a little performance for our audience then Psyco?

Psyco Turnip — Today at 2:48 AM
What kind of performance?

Sleepyhypno — Today at 2:48 AM
*smiles* let your dominant side out for a little bit, and... if we can get a volunteer... put them into a trance.

Ivy Wilde — Today at 2:50 AM
tilts my head in curiosity
raising my hand
[Ivy Comment: I do these things TO MYSELF!]

SleepyGirl — Today at 2:50 AM
gets popcorn

Sleepyhypno — Today at 2:50 AM
Thank you Ivy... now Pysco you don't have too if you don't want too. im not telling you to do this, just genuinely asking

[Hypnotist’s Note: I admit I let my own desire to see Psyco whammy the girls overshadow my judgment for a moment, and I realized I might be putting her on the spot, so I wanted to make sure she was ok with this. I am pretty sure this was NOT Psyco’s first time as a hypnotist, but I am not 100% sure on that.]
[Psyco Comment: While not common it was not my first time on the "other side" of the pendulum and you absolutely did put me on the spot but in a good way.]
[Hypnotist’s Comment: Sorry about that, but you did great!]

Ivy Wilde — Today at 2:51 AM
I'll admit, I'm curious

Psyco Turnip — Today at 2:52 AM
I can try.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 2:53 AM
The floor is yours my friend =c)

Ivy Wilde — Today at 2:53 AM
feels a spotlight on both of us

[Psyco Comment: And thus a lifeline was made. I am not great on my own but bounce off ideas quite well. That spotlight gave me something to work off of and then we were off.]
[Hypontist’s Comment: I can't express to you how often that is how I come up with scripts or ideas. some random thing and i just latch onto it. 
Also Sleepygirl gets the assist for zonking Ivy]
[Sleepygirl Comment: Why do I get the assist again?]
[Pysco Comment: Because my brain was grasping at straws on how to start then you brought my attention to the spotlight angle.]

SleepyGirl — Today at 2:54 AM
looks up from the spotlight sorry do you need that turned down?

Psyco Turnip — Today at 2:55 AM
Alright Ivy, that light, it beats down on you, doesn't it?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 2:55 AM
shakes my head at SG No, it's good.
looks at Psyco yes, ti does

Psyco Turnip — Today at 2:56 AM
That focus, every eye on you, normally this would make you nervous but your here with friends.
[Psyco Comment: You're.... You can tell when I am truly nervous or zonked when I start misspelling words or have bad punctuation.]
[Hypnotist’s Coment: For you it's a sign that your nervous or zonked, for me it's a sign that I am typing.] (Yes… I did use the wrong form of the word “you’re”. No, it wasn’t on purpose.)

Ivy Wilde — Today at 2:56 AM
nod nod

Psyco Turnip — Today at 2:57 AM
People you know, people you trust, people who wish for you to be happy.

Ivy Wilde — Today at 2:57 AM
small smile

Psyco Turnip — Today at 2:58 AM
These thoughts all flash through your mind as the light gets brighter, everyone but you and me fades away as the lights cloaks them in shadows.
There is only you and me.

Ivy Wilde — Today at 2:59 AM
nod only you and me

Psyco Turnip — Today at 3:00 AM
Nobody else, just a friend helping you relax in this bright warm light, feel it suffuse your body, warming all the skin it touches, helping you relax deeper.

Ivy Wilde — Today at 3:00 AM
feeling the lights warmth on my skin

Psyco Turnip — Today at 3:02 AM
My hand gently strokes your hair, humming gently in your ear in a steady rhythmic fashion, easy to follow, drawing you deeper still.

Ivy Wilde — Today at 3:03 AM
That's....really comforting
[Ivy Comment: Awww, it really is.]

Psyco Turnip — Today at 3:04 AM
With every note you feel your limbs grow heavy, warm and limp. Easy to relax, relax and sink, just drifting in the simple bliss.
How do you feel Ivy?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 3:06 AM
Lulled by the humming, picturing myself sitting comfortably on a plush seat, simply relaxing

[Hypnotist’s Note: despite giving full word answers here… Ivy is hypnotized! But I had a feeling she was not the only one.]
[Psyco Comment: I tend to laser focus on certain things. My brain was on a one on one situation, my boy gave me some helpful tips and tricks that worked out smashingly. <3]
[Hypnotist’s Comment: One Tip. I gave her one tip. to simply leave off Ivy's name the next time she asked "how do you feel" because I knew Ivy was not the only one being affected here.]
[Ivy Comment: I should piggy back on this: I do tend to be very descriptive when asked how I feel, unless I'm so far gone that I really can't be relied upon to reply much less write a dissertation.]

Psyco Turnip — Today at 3:10 AM
Very good, feel yourself bask in this comfy plush seat, the warm glow making you comfier still.

Ivy Wilde — Today at 3:11 AM
nod, tilting my head back

Psyco Turnip — Today at 3:13 AM
Everything compounds, the light, the seat, the humming. All of them combined helps you drift in the warmth of the trust you feel. Knowing your safe, among friends.

Ivy Wilde — Today at 3:13 AM
nods slower, sinking into the chair

Psyco Turnip — Today at 3:14 AM
How are you feeling?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 3:14 AM
sighs deeply cooooozy

SleepyGirl — Today at 3:14 AM
kind of drifting

[Hypnotist’s Note: Yup! Two out of Two hypnotized! Fantastic job!]

Psyco Turnip — Today at 3:17 AM
It's good to drift, being cozy is the goal, always searching for the warmth of friends, of life of trust. Feel it fill you from head to toe, if you'd like to please describe how that feels to you.

Ivy Wilde — Today at 3:18 AM
It's a warm tingly feeling, like falling asleep in front of someone; you'd never feel comfortable enough with someone you didn't trust but when you do, it's easier, almost l ike you know they'll stand guard while you fall.
[Ivy Comment: Hey, that's not bad, me.]

SleepyGirl — Today at 3:19 AM
it does feel warm and tingly

Psyco Turnip — Today at 3:23 AM
Very good, enjoy those tingles, let them radiate throughout your body. Relaxing and drifting, aimless but with the knowledge that your being steered properly by someone you trust, isn't that right?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 3:25 AM
murmur that's right

SleepyGirl — Today at 3:25 AM
nods yeah

Psyco Turnip — Today at 3:29 AM
Very good, now I want you to feel yourselves being pulled back to the waking world, that warmth never leaving.

Ivy Wilde — Today at 3:29 AM
slow nod
coming back up slowly

SleepyGirl — Today at 3:30 AM

Psyco Turnip — Today at 3:32 AM
It stays with you as your mind slowly returns to you, the tingles feel more like a weighted blanket as you become more aware of your surroundings. You're fingers begin to move and curl, gripping the chair.
[Psyco Comment: Gripping the Arm of your chair. Brain was largely fried at this point.]
[Hypnotist’s Comment: you were doing perfectly fine!]

Ivy Wilde — Today at 3:32 AM
still comfy and cozy

SleepyGirl — Today at 3:34 AM
me too

Psyco Turnip — Today at 3:36 AM
You're eyes open gently, the light remains bright but you can see me clearly, as you become more conscious of who else is here, all friends, all those you trust. Feel yourself waken when you're ready.

Ivy Wilde — Today at 3:37 AM
deep breath

SleepyGirl — Today at 3:37 AM
that was nice :c)

Sleepyhypno — Today at 3:38 AM
Excellant job Psyco! you should be very proud of yourself!

Psyco Turnip — Today at 3:39 AM
I was pretty nervous, I'm glad it worked out. ^^;

Sleepyhypno — Today at 3:40 AM
first time I did this i thought my heart was going to beat out of my chest. you did very well!  you all did =c)

[Hypnotist’s Note: The extremely nervous feeling does kind of go away after time, but it’s completely natural for you to be super nervous in a situation like this. Just take a breath and focus on what you're doing.]

SleepyGirl — Today at 3:40 AM
you did great :c)

Sleepyhypno — Today at 3:40 AM
next time you can run the session =cP

Ivy Wilde — Today at 3:41 AM
Offfff! Don't do THAT to her!

Psyco Turnip — Today at 3:41 AM
Ahahaha... no

Sleepyhypno — Today at 3:41 AM
I'll admit i didn't expect this to go this direction but I am very happy that it did.  but we should think about wrapping up.  how do you feel ladies?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 3:42 AM
I'm good stretch but you're right

SleepyGirl — Today at 3:42 AM
i feel good :c)

Psyco Turnip — Today at 3:43 AM
Exhilarated and kinda exhausted. ^^;

Sleepyhypno — Today at 3:43 AM
hehe anything you'd like to comment before I give yo ua rest Psyco?

Psyco Turnip — Today at 3:44 AM
Brain's kinda fried at this point, not many thoughts rollin' about.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 3:44 AM
I think I can help you
Pscyo.... Watch the Pretty Coin of Gold

Psyco Turnip — Today at 3:46 AM
I will do as I am told.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 3:46 AM
good girl
Watch the Pretty Coin of Gold

Ivy Wilde — Today at 3:47 AM
I will do as i am told

Sleepyhypno — Today at 3:47 AM
good girl
and SLeepygirl...
Watch the Pretty Coin of Gold

SleepyGirl — Today at 3:47 AM
i will do as i am told

[Hypnotist’s Note: This may be my new favorite trigger]

Sleepyhypno — Today at 3:48 AM
good girls
Watch the Pretty Coin of Gold

Psyco Turnip — Today at 3:48 AM
I will do as I am told.

SleepyGirl — Today at 3:48 AM
i will do as i am told

Ivy Wilde — Today at 3:48 AM
I Will do as i am told

[Hypnotist’s Note: Yup… really looking like it’s going to be my new favorite!]
[Psyco Comment: Look who can read the future. ;p]
[Hypnotist’s Comment: Now for lottery numbers!]

Sleepyhypno — Today at 3:48 AM
very good, how do you feel now ladies?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 3:49 AM
Like I'm dropping, slowing doooown

Psyco Turnip — Today at 3:49 AM
Obedient Master.

SleepyGirl — Today at 3:49 AM
helpless, obedient, still dropping

Sleepyhypno — Today at 3:49 AM
good girls
just let yoruselves drop
and sink
and relax
back down to where you were before
or even deeper
open and relaxed
and peaceful now
so easy to simply
Watch the Pretty Coin of Gold

Ivy Wilde — Today at 3:50 AM
I will do as i am told

SleepyGirl — Today at 3:50 AM
i will do as i am told

Psyco Turnip — Today at 3:50 AM
I will do as I am told.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 3:50 AM
very good
you've all do so well tonight
and all stretched out as individuals
and as friends
as such I am going to give some very special suggestions
when you wake up tomorrow
you will find that you remember
in very very vivid detail
the session you had where Psyco hypnotized Ivy and Sleepygirl
you'll remember how you felt
you'll remember how everyone else responded
and how you responded
and just how good it felt
to dod this
this was very special
and you should remember it in detail
understand my friends?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 3:52 AM
Yes, and i agree

SleepyGirl — Today at 3:52 AM

Psyco Turnip — Today at 3:53 AM
Yes Master, very special.

[Hypnotist’s Note: I really like making the girls forget. It doesn’t really make them forget, just suggests they will choose to not remember, which isn’t the same thing. But I really enjoy it. That being said, I wanted them to remember the session they did together as vividly as possible. It was a new experience for all three of them and I didn’t want to take that away simply because I have a kink I like to play with.  But after that part was protected… it was time to grab the eraser!]

Sleepyhypno — Today at 3:53 AM
good girls
the rest of the night
will be a complete blank
you'll know you got into a group session
you'll remember the hypnosis session with psyco and ivy and sleepygirl,
but the session we did for the script
and everything else OTHER then the psyco session
will be a complete
and totall void
a  blank
you can do that for me can't you my performers?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 3:54 AM
Flashes aside, yesssssss

[Hypnotist’s Note: Ivy really enjoys getting random flashes of a situation in her mind, without context, just images of what happened just there for a moment then gone. She pretty much has a standing suggestion to do that regardless of what I suggest otherwise, which is why she responded the way she did.]
[Ivy Comment: True, in day to day life I remember A LOT... like tiny details people tell me which made "forgetting" difficult in the beginning. By getting flashes some of those memories stayed but had no context which ended up being a REALLY nice solution to the forgetting issue.]

SleepyGirl — Today at 3:54 AM
yes master

Psyco Turnip — Today at 3:55 AM
Yes Master.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 3:55 AM
good girls
this will be so when you read the log of this session
it will be like it is completley new and you can react to it like it is your first time reading it
experiencing it
that will ake it a bit more.. exciting won't it ladies?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 3:56 AM

SleepyGirl — Today at 3:56 AM
yes master

Psyco Turnip — Today at 3:56 AM
Yes Master.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 3:56 AM
good girls
thank the readers for being a good audience, and tell them briefly how you enjoyed performer for them.

Ivy Wilde — Today at 3:57 AM
Thank you all for being such a good, attentive...enthralled audience....hope to captivate you again, soon.

SleepyGirl — Today at 3:58 AM
thank you for being such a good audience, im sure you enjoyed watching as much as i enjoyed performing for you

Psyco Turnip — Today at 3:59 AM
Yes Master, thank you for being such an attentive and focused audience, I'll be happy to sink with you again and again. 

Sleepyhypno — Today at 3:59 AM
very good
You are a girl

Ivy Wilde — Today at 4:00 AM
girls are meant to be hynpotized

SleepyGirl — Today at 4:00 AM
girls were made to be hypnotized

Psyco Turnip — Today at 4:00 AM
Girls are made to be Hypnotized Master.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 4:00 AM
very good
Watch the Pretty Coin of Gold

Ivy Wilde — Today at 4:00 AM
i will do as i am told

SleepyGirl — Today at 4:00 AM
i will do as i am told

Psyco Turnip — Today at 4:01 AM
I will do as I am told.

[Hypnotist’s Note: I promise you I will be a menace with both of these going forward!]
[Psyco Comment: We'd be disappointed if you didn't.]

Sleepyhypno — Today at 4:01 AM
good girls
now it is time for you to go to bed, and slip inot a deep deep sleep. resting and recharging for tomorrow.
understand ladies?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 4:01 AM
yes master

SleepyGirl — Today at 4:01 AM
yes master

Psyco Turnip — Today at 4:02 AM
Yes Master.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 4:02 AM
Very good ladies.   follow your orders now.  good night.

Ivy Wilde — Today at 4:02 AM
goooooood niiiight

Psyco Turnip — Today at 4:02 AM
Yes master, good night.

[Hypnotist’s Note: Ladies…. Watch the Pretty Coin of Gold… let yourself reply to this log now with your thoughts and feelings on having read it. Deeply hypnotized the whole time. You can be brief or long, you can be serious or allow yourself to perform for the audience once again. When you are done will simply relax and sleep. And let yourself awaken when you are ready. Thank you for your help with this. I am sure the audience appreciates it as much as I do.]

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