Hypnotized By a Nurse - Hypnosis Session Log

Description: Ivy volunteers to help me script out a session that was suggested by Psyco, about a nurse using a stethoscope (which I am incapable of spelling correctly) to hypnotize the patient.

This video is an exclusive for the patrons of my Hypnotic Experiences Patreon page you can find that video here:

But you can also find a teaser video here: Teaser for Hypnotized by a Nurse

Sleepyhypno 11:42 PM
well miss Ivy, would you be up to being hypnotized this evening?

Ivy 11:43 PM
hm....I guess I can give it a shot

Sleepyhypno 11:43 PM
heheh, like i said i'll probably just knock you out and send you to bed when we are done, if thats ok with you?

Ivy 11:44 PM
cracks knuckles sounds like a plan

Sleepyhypno 11:44 PM
are you all ready for bed so i can just send you there whne we are done?

Ivy 11:45 PM
Yeah, all set

Sleepyhypno 11:46 PM
good and may i have your consent to post the log of this (with your approval after the fact of course)

Ivy 11:46 PM
you may have my concent
off to a bad start

Sleepyhypno 11:46 PM
im supposed to be the one typoing here

Ivy 11:47 PM

Sleepyhypno 11:47 PM
heheh, you all set?

Ivy 11:47 PM

Sleepyhypno 11:47 PM
just get yourself into a comfortable position
and allow yoru body relax
and focus on my words
and just feel how easily
your body starts to slip back
into this comfortable state
how easily your mind just seems
to forget everything else around you
how the world seems to just
become my words
and everything else simply fades away
every breathe helps your body to relax
helps your mind to clear
and every word helps you to simply focus
and let go.
to easily just...
deeper and deeper
for me now
into a nice
soothing trance
you've been here many times before...
it's like a warm blanket that just wraps around your mind
and your body
and helps you to drift
deeper into relaxation
deeper into focus now
isn't that right now Ivy?

Ivy 11:49 PM

Sleepyhypno 11:49 PM
very good
and as you relax
into this state
into my words
just allow the world around you
to fade away
and allow a new world to take it's place
your in a doctors office
one of the patient waiting rooms
calmly waiting your turn
waiting for someone to come in
your not here for anything major
just a check up.
but it still always seems
like they make you wait...
and wait...
and wait...
you end up fidgetting an dlooking around the office
and inevitablly there is a simple knock
on the door
and before you can even register the knock
the door swings open
and a rather... attractive...
nurse steps inside.
you can't help but notice just how attracitve
they are to you.
there is something abou tthem,
their simple warm smile
their demeanor
the way they carry themself
and the auro of confidence...
and control
that just seems to...
grab you now.
you can see them can't you Ivy?

Ivy 11:52 PM
yes I can

Sleepyhypno 11:53 PM
just let the image of this nurse
become vivid and clear in your mind..
watching them as they get set up.
what do you find the most...
attractive feature about this nurse Ivy?

Ivy 11:53 PM
their eyes

Sleepyhypno 11:53 PM
very good,
and what color are their eyes?

Ivy 11:54 PM
a bit green, a bit blue

Sleepyhypno 11:54 PM
very good,
how do you feel?

Ivy 11:54 PM
comfy, relaxed

Sleepyhypno 11:55 PM
godo girl
as you watch them
you hear them speak
hear them ask you how you are doin gtoday
and you can't help but notice
just how... seductive
how soothing their voice is.
your not sure if they intended to do that.
or if that is just how they talk
their natural tone of voice
of course your too distracted
to really hear the question
or to answer
and the nurse catches you staring
catches you looking
you can feel a blush wash over your face
as they give you a little smile tell you to sit on the exam table
their is a kind of...
dominance in their voice
but a playful dominance
it's as if they have decided
to have a little fun with you today.
you quickly take your seat on the exam table
and they tell you lay back
and relax
feeling the hard...
form fitting cushions
support your body
while they stand over you
the lights of course shining down into your eyes
obscure your view of the nurse
but you can see them looking down at you
and telling you that this
is a much better place for you.
how does this make you feel Ivy?

Ivy 11:58 PM
I can feel my heart beating from both excitement and nervousness

Sleepyhypno 11:58 PM
good girl
as they look down at you
you try not to look them over
try not to look at them at all
they notice how... excited
how nervous you seem to be
and they seem to revel in it.
you feel them gently slide your shirt
up just a bit
and feel a cold
metalic stetescope
slide along yoru chest
to your heart
the cold metal sends shivers down your body
and you hear what you think is a soft little chuckle
escape their lips.
you try to say something
something witty,
something to break the tension
but they tell you simply
and keep listening to your heart.
you can become aware of your heart
omre then you were before
thumping rapidly in yoru chest
feeling yourself trying to relax
but also felein gthe nurse
sliding their hand along your arum
along your shoulder
a sensual
seductive touch
that doesn't really help you calm down at all now
does it Ivy?

Ivy 12:01 AM
no it really really doesn't

Sleepyhypno 12:02 AM
you hear them say
in a rather seductive voice
that your heart is beating...
very rapidly.
and they wonder if you aren't
about something.
or some one.
you can see them giving you a playful wink
as they remove the stethescope from under your shirt
they dont' bother to pull your shirt back down
why would they.
you start to sit up
but feel the nurse put their hand on yoru shoulder
and gently push you back down
you hear them tell you
that you...
need to calm down now...
and that they know just the trick
as you see them dangle their shiny
metallic stethescope
directly in front of your eyes
and tell you in a soothing
seductive tone
to watch the stethescope
as it starts to swing
gently and easily
from side...
to side...
before your eyes now..
how does this make you feel Ivy?

Ivy 12:05 AM
feeling calmer, relaxing more,

Sleepyhypno 12:06 AM
good girl
you watch the stethescope swing
before your eyes
watching it move
back adn forth
slowly and easily
your eyes can't help but seem to follow it
watching it as it moves in front of you
reflecting the light in the room
off of it's shiney surface
and every now and then
if you look
really closely
you can see the reflection of the nurses face
smiling at you with a bit of
a ...
Devious grin
you hear them tell you to just relax
let yourself sink
into a calm
focused state
as you watch the stethescope
swing side to side
your feel the room fading away
feel your eyes getting heavier
and harder to focus
you struggle to keep them open
struggle to continue to watch the stethscope
swing gently in front of you
but then you hear the nurse
whisper into your ear
close enough for you to feel their breathe
warm and soothing
against your ear
a nice ,  soothing word
a single word
how do you feel Ivy?

Ivy 12:10 AM
my head is feeling heavy, my arms are feeling really light, all around, i feel really good

Sleepyhypno 12:10 AM
very good
in the fantasy
you feel your eyes flutter closed
feel yourself sigh softly
as your body sinks
even more deeply
into the exam table
you can feel your heart is a steady
relaxed pace
and you can hear the nurse give a satisfied little laugh
and tell you that you are doing
so very well...
so very good
as you feel your mind
and body
deeper and deeper
into the words of the nurse
you begin to feel their hands.
sliding along your body
as they begin your exam
first they start along your arms
slowly feeling up every part of your arm
your hands
your muscles
your joins
every part
little by little
a soothing
massaging motion
but one that allows them to feel your body
in a more sensual
more intimate fashion
that is usually ...
medically... acceptible
but you don't really mind now...
after all...
your deeply asleep now.
isn't that right Ivy?

Ivy 12:13 AM
yes deeply asleep

Sleepyhypno 12:14 AM
good girl
doing so very well now Ivy
as you lay there
the nurse's skilled hands
caress along your shoulders...
down yoru sides
along yoru stomach
and then up alon gyoru chest
massaging yoru chest
in a deep
circular pattern
you can't help but feel the muscles in your chest
under their skillful touch
but you also can't help but feel yoruself becoming
by their touch
it's as if they know exactly
how and where...
to touch you now.
to stimulate you
to make your body let go
and relax
while being flooded with pleasure
you can feel that can't you Ivy?

Ivy 12:16 AM
oh yes yes

Sleepyhypno 12:16 AM
good girl
you feel their hands move down yoru body
down your legs
massaging and caressing the muscles in your legs
gently making them loosen
their special touch just seems to know
exactly where to press
exactly where to squeeze
to make you relax
and loosen
while still causing a shiver
a tingle
deep inside of you
to ripple through your body
an pleasure you haven't felt before
it's as if they were working your body
like no one else ever has
using their knowledge of your anatonomy
to push all of your... physically
and mental buttons
on eafter another.
you feel them moving up
gently along your hips
and opening up
whatever it is you find yoruself wearing
on your lower half
wiggling it down
exposing you...
but as it happens you hear them whisper
into your ear
it's alright... it's all part of the exam
and you can't help but simply
isn't that right Ivy?

Ivy 12:19 AM
yes , just realx

Sleepyhypno 12:19 AM
how do you feel Ivy?

Ivy 12:20 AM

Sleepyhypno 12:20 AM
very good Ivy,
doing so well
you feel the nurse
gently sliding their hands
along yoru pelvis
along that very
ticklish line
between your leg
and your groin
you can feel the muscles in your pelvis
twitch and jerk
but you can't seem to wake up
your too deep
your too stimulated
to think about waking up
their finger makes the muscles twitch
again and again
as you feel... more then hear
a soft moan escape your lips
followed by a pleased little chuckle
from your nurse
their hand starts to give you
a much more...
intimate examination
moving along your pelvis
along your grin
examining every part of you
knowing just where it push
where to press
to cause shivers
and ripples of pleasure
to move through your body
you feel your heart starting to speed up again
starting to race
as the nurse works your body
making your nervous system light up
and all the while all you can do is lay there
helplessly hypnotized
and feeling the pleasure building
deeper and deeper inside of you
isn't that right Ivy?

Ivy 12:23 AM
wow yes!

Sleepyhypno 12:24 AM
very good
are you enjoying yourself now Ivy?

Ivy 12:24 AM
yes im really enjoying myself

Sleepyhypno 12:25 AM
very good Ivy
just allow that feeling to flow through you
and completley
you know all of the places
the secret places that you like to be touch
and you can feel your nurse
finding every single one
but as they do
it's like they manage to touch you
to massage and caress you
in a way far better then ever before
they work the most
sensitive parts of your body
with a skill
and finess
that just overloads you
mind and body
you can feel the ripples of pleasure
moving through your body
through your mind
and exploding through you
and then building again
and again
and again
a wonderful loop of rising
and falling pleasure
over and over again
stimulating you
more and more
until your body simply can't take any more
and you slip from a deep hypnotic sleep
into a more normal
with a soft gasp
and a moan
you feel your body faint
into sleep
and your mind simply shut down
deeply asleep on the exam table
exposed and open
letting the pleasure wash through you
unhindered by being awake
pure pleasure flowing through you
again and again
while your muscles stay deeply
and completely limp
and relaxed
isn't that right Ivy?

Ivy 12:28 AM

Sleepyhypno 12:29 AM
good girl
how do you feel Ivy?

Ivy 12:29 AM
giggly and hot and my heart is beating widly

Sleepyhypno 12:29 AM
good girl
you are free to lay here
deeply asleep
fainted away
and allow the nurse to stimulate
and relax your body
using their skilled hands to push...
all of yoru buttons
again and again
for as long as you'd like
but when you are ready
ready to just relax
you can feel the nurse's hands slowly come to a stop
and simply tell you to rest
to relax
and to sleep...
and then you can rest
and allow yourself to wake up...
when you are ready
but for now
simply enjoy the feeling
the pleasure
that you feel here...
with their skilled hands
working your body
and again...
until you are ready,
to wake up.
you can still feel their hands ca'nt you Ivy?

Ivy 12:32 AM

Sleepyhypno 12:32 AM
good girl
just let that pleasure build insideof you
until you can feel it overlaod
and explode
and let yoruself enjoy one more
mind numbing wave of pleasure
and then simply relax
and let yourself open
and tell me how you feel?

Ivy 12:36 AM
i fell floaty limp and sooooo good

Sleepyhypno 12:36 AM
good girl
how deep are you Ivy?

Ivy 12:37 AM

Sleepyhypno 12:37 AM
good girl
still nice and calm
nice and asleep
so easy to simply answer my questions now... isn't that right?

Ivy 12:37 AM
ye s thast right

Sleepyhypno 12:38 AM
what did you think of this script Ivy?

Ivy 12:39 AM
it's a good length, good pace, nothing stands out as being too out of the ordinary for the scenario, like, it coulld actally happen, which makes it even beter

Sleepyhypno 12:40 AM
very good... is there anything you would personally... like added to it?

Ivy 12:41 AM
yes, i'd like the nurse to lift my hand and place it on themselves, maybe their face, maybe their chest, just some kinda contaact

Sleepyhypno 12:42 AM
i can add that...
since this is psyco's idea... and for her... is there anything you think she'd like added... or that you'd like to add for her...

Ivy 12:45 AM
grin caress her face while whispering into her ear how easily she fell, how she simply surrendered
would adding how the nurse could do...pretty much anything while she was in this state, be too much?

Sleepyhypno 12:46 AM
i don't think so, i think i can add that if you'd like?

Ivy 12:46 AM
I feel she'd really like that

Sleepyhypno 12:46 AM
i do too, and i think the patrons will as well,  they seem to enjoy being...
just like you Ivy.

Ivy 12:47 AM

Sleepyhypno 12:48 AM
is there anything else you'd like to add...  before i send you to bed Ivy?

Ivy 12:48 AM
have the nurse be taller than the listener, not a lot, just taller
adding to the confident subtle dominance angle

Sleepyhypno 12:49 AM
i can do that...
is there anything you'd like to say to the readers of the log, before you slip away to sleep?

Ivy 12:50 AM
in the right skillful hands...helplessness feels swoons incredibleeeeee

Sleepyhypno 12:50 AM
heheh good girl
and in case there is question, how deep are you now Ivy?

Ivy 12:51 AM
around 20, thinking of what Psyco would like took me deeper....and made me way gigglier

Sleepyhypno 12:51 AM
good girl
and do you want to remember this session Ivy... or forget?

Ivy 12:52 AM
I don't knoooooooooowww....you pick

Sleepyhypno 12:53 AM
in a moment you are going to go to bed
you will fall into a deep
deep sleep
and dream about the nurse
feeling their hands on your sleeping body
your head
gently cradled against their chest
hearing them whisper into your ear
how easily you fell
how deeply you dropped
when you wake up
you will remember it only as an erotic dream
that is until i send you the log for proof reading
then you'll get to read the session
as if for the first time.
and comment on it as you do....
still not remembering it
but obviously unable to deny what it is that you are ready
is that ok with you Ivy?

Ivy 12:55 AM
yse it is ok

Sleepyhypno 12:55 AM
good girl
go to bed and sleep
and dream
good night.

Ivy 12:55 AM

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