Monday, August 23, 2021

Snake's New Pet

Click here to view the video: Snake's New Pet

There is also an extended more adult version of the video that can be found here: Snake's New Pet | Extended Patreon Version

The log of the chat session where I hypnotized my friend to come up with this script can be found here: Snake's New Pet - Hypnosis Session Log

And of course all the outtakes that happened during the recording of the audio can be found here: Outtakes for Snake's New Pet

Monday, August 16, 2021

Teaser for Increasing Your Pleasure | Patreon Exclusive


You can find the full Patreon exclusive video here: Increasing your Pleasure | Patreon Exclusive

You can also preview a portion of the video here: Teaser for Increasing Your Pleasure

you can also find the log file of the real time session where the script for this video was created here: Increasing your pleasure - Full Log

Monday, August 2, 2021

Collared as a Pet | Female Hypnotist Version


  Click here to view the Video: Collared as a Pet | Female Hypnotist Version

If your interested in an extended, more adult version of this video you can find that on my patreon page here: Collared as a Pet | Extended Patreon Version

And of course the outtakes for the video: Outtakes for Collared as a Pet

 Just allow yourself to get into a comfortable position
A place where you can simply relax
And listen to the sound of my voice
And let my words slide slowly
And easily into your mind
Every word helping your body to simply
And let go.
As you imagine a ball of light
Hovering over your head.
It’s ok if you don’t necessarily
See it in your mind now.
Just imagine that it’s there.
Imagine that you can feel it
Radiating relaxation
And energy down on your body
Little by little
You can even give the ball of light
A color
Whatever color you associate
 with relaxation The most.
And as you imagine this ball of light
In your mind
I want you to imagine what it would feel like
What it would look like
To have that ball of light
And easily
Start to lower into your head
And most slowly down your body
Little by little
Moving through your head
And through your mind
Everyplace the light touches
Every place the shines inside and out
And lets go.
The more you let go
The deeper you will fall
Deeper into relaxation
Deeper into trance now
Just allow the ball of light
To move down through yoru body
Down your head and face
Down your neck and shoulders
Down through your chest
Relaxing all the muscles that it moves past
Relaxing you deeply and completely
As to moves down,
Down through your stomach
Down through your groin
And down through your legs
Along your legs
And down
Out your feet
Leaving you completely
And totally relaxed
Deeply hypnotized
Relaxed and calm now.
As my words
Help you to sink
Deeper and deeper
Down into trance
I want you to simply
Allow the world around you
To fade away
Completely and totally now
I want you to see a new world
Taking its place…
In this world…
Forming slowly in your mind
You find yourself in a quiet little clearing
Tree’s surrounding you
Well kept bushes and flowers
All around you
You’re all alone…
For the moment.
But you can see other people
Moving on the other side of the trees
You realize…
You must be in a park…
Or a garden of some kind
You can hear people in the distance
But for the most part
The clearing is calm
And quiet
The occasional bird singing
And the sounds of the leaves
Rustling above you
Makes it a very
Secluded place
To simply relax now.
As you stand there…
You can see me…
Walk up the path
Into the clearing that you are in.
As you look towards me
The first thing you notice
 is my eyes
Staring deeply into yours
Focusing on you
With an energy…
A power that you feel
Deep inside of you.
You can’t seem to look away
Your mind seems to start to race
Trying to figure out what is happening
Why im’ here…
But as i move closer and closer to you
You start to back up
Something about the way i approach
The way i walk up to you
The confidence in my steps
The focus in my gaze
Touches you deeply inside.
You can feel it
A nervousness
An excitement.
But before you can figure out
Exactly what you are feeling
You feel yourself
bump up against a tree
You walked into it
As you backed away from me.
You quickly turn
To see what it was
That you walked into
And then turn back to look at me
But to your surprise
I am already in front of you
Standing directly in front of you
Staring deep into your eyes
Deep into your soul
As you try to speak
You simply hear me give you a nice
And place a finger…
On your lips…
You don’t need to talk now
Don’t need to think…
Just need to focus on  my words
And look
Deeply into my eyes…
You can feel your body relaxing
Feel your shoulders loosening
And letting go
It’s so natural for you to simply
To me now.
You feel your arms hanging
Softly and easily at your sides
All tension seems to be
Melting away from you now
As your mind simply opens
And accepts my words
And easily into your mind.
There is a reason why I am here
A reason why i followed you
Picked you out of a crowd
And followed you to this clearing
I’m going to make you…
My pet
I’m going to let you
Deeply and completely
into my words
Into my spell
And let you drop
Deeper and deeper
Into trance…
The more you follow my words
The more your thoughts
Fade away
Into the void…
The void that used to be
your mind.
You can feel your body
Slowly starting to sink
Starting to slide down
Along the tree
Letting everything go as you simply
Deeper and deeper
Into my words
You feel yourself land
Safely on your knee’s
Staring up at me
Eyes never leaving mine
As your shoulders relax
And your head
Lulls softly to one side
Staring up at me
Face completely slack
Mouth open
Deeply focused
As if you can hear my words
In the void
The void that used to be your mind
as you sit there
helplessly on yoru knees
looking up at my eyes
hearing my words sliding
deeply and slowly into your mind
you feel yoruself
more and more into trance
more and more into helplessness
and feel me
tilting your head up
just a bit
as i kneel down in front of you
looking into your eyes
your glazed
relaxed eyes
as i take out a collar
this is a special collar
as soon as it's locked around your neck
you'll feel a surge of energy
of pleasure
wash through your bod
the collar will control your body
control your thoughts
completely and totally.
you can feel the collar
being slowly lowered
over your head
you can feel it against the back
of your neck
it feels like a combination
of thick leather
with cool thin wiring
wrapped around the inside of the leather
as it wraps more and more
around your neck
you stare helplessly up
into my eyes
unable to look away
as you feel the collar
getting closer
and closer
to being closed
deep inside
the void that used to be your mind
you feel a tingle of excitement
of curiosity
of pleasure
and then you feel it
feel the collar lock around your neck
as soon as it does
the wires running along
the inside of the leather
and trickles of electiricty
wash through your body
up and down your skin
through your nervous system
you feel your whole body tingling
the energy moves through your body
and up along your face
along your head
and then swirls around your eyes
and sinks deep into your mind
you feel the energy wash through your mind
slowly and deeply
rewriting your mind
rewriting your thoughts
making you...
the perfect pet.
loyal and obedient
unable to think of anything
other then what i tell you
perfectly happy to simply obey
in every way.
you see me simply stand in front of you
and tell you to follow
as i start to walk away
you instantly begin to follow
maybe you rise to your feet
and follow behind me
or maybe...
if you feel comfortable doing so
you follow on all fours
crawling behind me
either way
your head is down
watching my feet
as i walk out of the clearing
and into the park
you are totally unaware
of the people staring at you
wondering what your doing
or why.
unaware of them talking
and pointing
you need only to follow me
follow and obey
as you walk you through the park
step by step
for all to see.
after a while
I move to a bench
someplace in the middle of the park
someplace where people
constantly move past
a fountain in the distance
softly sprays water
high in the air
but you dont' look
you keep yourself focused
on my commands
eyes down
like a good little pet
as I sit on the bench.
I instruct you...
to sit next to me.
and you obey
you can only...
obey... now.
as you sit
i tap a spot on your collar
and another trickle moves
deeply through your mind
you feel your body becoming weak
your eyes becoming heavy
as you start to almost
fall into a deep
passive state
not really sleep
more a blank
empty feeling
unaware of anything
just the feeling of your body
as it slowly sinks
and loosens
i guide you gently
down so that you land on my lap
and gently stroke your head
and your neck
sliding my fingers
along your shoulder
and your back
soothing gentle strokes
softly scratching my pet
as the collar keeps you
nice and deep
blank and obedience
as you lay there
feeling me softly rub
an gently scratch your body
your unaware of the people
walking past
unaware of how many are watching you
just aware of my touch
and how deeply relaxed
and obedient you feel now
you can let this image
this fantasy
last for as long as you would like.
just enjoying this place
feeling my leg under your head
warm and relaxing
as my hand slides
slowly along your neck
and back.
deep and relaxed
You are free to stay here…
With me…
In this deeply helpless
Relaxed state
For as long as you would like
And when you are ready
Ready to wake up
You will feel me gently
And softly
Tap the collar
And feel it’s effects slowly
Gently fading away
From there you will be free
To wake yourself up…
but you may find...
if you want...
that when you look in the mirror...
you may notice the collar
around your neck
in the reflection...
you may even be able to feel it
as you slide your hand along it
and you may...
if you wish
even be able to activate it
making you deeply obedient...
or deeply blank...
or even deeply aroused.
but only when it is safe to do so.
And only if you want too
But for now
You are free to imagine yourself
Under my spell
Under the control of my collar
Free to… experience
Just sitting here with me
Or if you would like…
You are free to let your fantasies
Run wild.
And have me command you
To do whatever it is
You may wish to have me
Command you to do.
After all… thanks to the collar
You must obey
And you know it
Just enjoy this time
Hypnotized by my collar
For as long as you would like
Until you are ready to wake up.
But for now…
Let your imagination
Run wild…
My pet.

Doll Display Case

  Click here for Patreon Video: Doll Display Case - Patreon Version Click here for Public Video: Doll Display Case Step into a world where f...