Friday, March 8, 2024

Simple Relaxation (Or is it...)

Click here for Extended Video: Simple Relaxation - Extended Patreon Version

Click here for Public Video: Simple Relaxation

A nice simple relaxation video... I swear there is no additional programming at the end of the video, no programming at all. I promise when you wake up you won't remember any additional programming. Scouts honor...

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance.

Just allow yourself to get into a comfortable position
feel your body relaxing as you do, 
feel yourself sink into whatever you are sitting on. 
allow yourself to focus on my words
and allow any distractions in the room to simply fade away
any noises, or other distractions will help to remind you that you are safe
in a place where you feel comfortable, 
safe and protected. 
when you are ready now
I would like you to take another deep breath in
and hold it for a second, 
and then let it out slowly...
let it take time as you exhale
and feel how your body relaxes
and lets go as you sink down into the words
into the feeling of relaxation. 
as you start to relax now 
I want you focus
specifically, down on your feet. 
notice how the muscles in your feet start to relax
start to loosen, and let go. 
notice how your toes start to tingle as the muscles simply let go.
how the muscles along the soles of your feet simply relax
loosening, tenderly and easily as everything slips away
feel the tops of your feet, tingling
as you relax even more deeply, and easily into my words.
every breath you take helps your body sink down, a little bit more
a little more relaxed each and every time. 
and as you sink down, relaxing more and more
you notice the relaxation moving easily and swiftly into your ankles
feeling them loosening,  letting go and drifting down, deeper and deeper
as every muscle lets go, as every part of your feet simply slip down.
some people may feel their feet getting heavier
some people feel them getting lighter
there is no wrong answer, whatever you feel is right for you
just allow yourself to feel it completely and totally as you relax
down deeper and deeper
the more you relax the easier it is to focus on my words
the easier it is to sink down
safe and relaxed now
and as you sink deeper and deeper down
begin to feel the relaxation moving up 
into your legs
sliding along your calves
along your shins
feeling your toes dropping a bit
as the muscles in your shins relax
feeling your heels dropping a bit
as the muscles in your calves simply loosen and let go. 
feeling the tingling climbing up your legs
inch by inch, slowly and gently
letting everything below your knees tingle
and loosen, as you sink down deeper and deeper
relaxed and calm
safe and peaceful now.
it's ok if your feet start to slide
it's ok if your body moves to a more comfortable position
just let yourself stay focused on my words
as you simply let go and sink down. 
deeper and deeper. 
feeling the relaxation moving up into your knees
letting every single part of your knees relax
every muscle around your knees letting go
the sides of your knees first
then the back, 
then the front
you may even feel your knee cap slowly slide into a relaxed position
totally safe and relaxed
feeling so good now 
feeling everything just drifting away as you relax
and allowing the relaxation to move up your body even more
into your thighs
into your pelvis
allow the relaxation to slide first into the front of your thighs
feeling the muscles becoming limp
and loose
feeling your legs sliding into a comfortable position as they let go
feeling the muscle stretching out as it relaxes and lets go
the tingling moving into your legs 
more and more with every word you read
with every breath you take
and feeling the relaxation moving around your legs
into the outside of your legs
relaxing all the way up into your hips
into your pelvis
loosening the muscles along the side of your legs
as they become limp
and loose
your legs getting looser and looser
maybe they feel heavier
maybe they feel lighter
which ever you feel you can feel it getting stronger
and deeper 
and more relaxed now
drifting down further and further now
everything letting go
as you feel the relaxation moving into your butt
into the back of your thighs
loosing every muscle from your waist
down to your knees
along the back of your legs
letting them all simply loosen 
and let go
you may even feel them shake
or spasm
as they relax
thats a very good sign 
that means that they are relaxing
relaxing for the first time
in a very very long time
you can see that now so easily
and as you allow the relaxation to move
into your inner thighs
allowing everything to relax and loosen and completely let go
feeling everything simply drifting away
every breath you take relaxing you more and more
you simply let yourself enjoy the feeling of relaxing
feeling everything below your waist
your hips
your thighs
your knees
your lower legs
your feet
all becoming limp
and loose now
totally relaxed
totally at peace
sinking deeper
and deeper
with every word you read
and every breath you take now
you can see that to be true now 
easily and completely
letting everything loosen 
and relax 
below your waist
and as you do just let yourself take in a deep
long breath
and let it out very slowly
as you feel the relaxation slide up into your stomach
feeling the muscles in your stomach
and along your sides relaxing
letting go
every breath you take will help to let those muscles
and sink down
deeper and deeper. 
and as the relaxation moves up your stomach
you can feel it climbing up your back
muscle by muscle
one by one
as it moves up your back
feeling your lower back loosening,  letting go. 
feeling the muscles becoming limp and loose at it moves higher
and higher up your back
every muscle that loosens helps the one above it to start to relax
every muscle that relaxes helps the one below it to let go
as it moves up your back
to your mid back
and into your shoulder blades
feel your shoulder blades loosen
and sink down, 
deeper and deeper
slowly and easily
as you relax down even deeper
even more quickly
and quietly now. 
not even realizing how much the muscles in your chest
have already relaxed
feeling the muscle in your chest loosening
feeling how much easier it is for you heart to beat
how easily your chest expands as you breath
deeply and slowly
letting every drift away
as you sink down
and further down
safe and calm now 
letting everything slip away
as deeply relaxed as you are it's easy for the relaxation
to move up into your shoulders
feeling them loosen 
and drop
you may even find yourself letting out a soft
gentle sigh
as you relax
and deeper
easily and gently
letting everything go now. 
completely safe
completely relaxed
and feeling the relaxation moving into your arms
down your shoulders
to your biceps
to your triceps
down the sides of your arm 
they may start to feel heavy
may want to slide into a comfortable position
you may allow them to relax
and go limp
wherever you would like them to go
wherever they may rest
slipping down 
more and more
and feeling the relaxation moving into your elbows
loosening and relaxing even more deeper
as the muscles just seem to let go
and relax
every muscle that lets go 
makes it easier for the next to simply let go
to let your body become limp
and loose
focused and relaxed
as the tingling moves up your forearms
loosening the muscles in your forearms 
one by one
gently and easily
as you let everything go. 
slipping down deeper and deeper
and finally letting the tingling
the relaxation
slide into your hands
letting the many muscles in your hands all just relax
you may feel them start to tingle
as they go limp
and loose
you may feel as if they are getting bigger
thats a normal feeling
as the muscles loosen
your hands may start to feel a little numb
a little tingly
that feeling only helps you to relax even more deeply
and easily down now 
letting your hands take a comfortable position
and letting them just simply loosen and relax
so easy to keep scrolling
and watching my words
breathing slowly
and gently
as your mind and body 
simply relax now
deeper and deeper
and as you keep going down 
further and further
you become aware of the relaxation moving up your neck
muscle by muscle
vertebrae by vertebrae
every muscles loosening helps you to relax even more
you may feel your head starting to feel floaty
if that is happening its perfectly normal
perfectly fine,  
even if it's not you can easily realize
just how deeply relaxed you are
how deeply hypnotized you are now 
and how easily it is for you to sink deeper
and deeper
as the relaxation moves into your face
into your jaw
you may feel your jaw slowly going limp
slowly going slack 
slowly falling down just a bit
you may not even realize how far it's already opened
how your face muscles are loosening and letting go
how everything is tingling
and loosening now
you can feel the muscles in your forehead relaxing
more and more as everything lets go
your eyes relax
so easy to focus on my words
and the feeling in your body
you feel your scalp relax
you may even notice your ears feel like they have dropped a bit
and start to tingle
as the relaxation moves
completely and totally 
over your whole body now
everything relaxing
everything sinking away
deeper and deeper. 
and as you finally find yourself 
completely and deeply relaxed
you start in wards now
into your mind
but your mind will start to focus inside
feeling all the parts of your mind relaxing
stray thoughts drifting away
only focusing on relaxing
you may feel yourself becoming very light headed
if you do thats fine 
it's simply your mind finding a place...
finding a way to relax now 
and as you relax even more deeply now. 
you start to see in your mind
a chalk board
one of the ones you would see in school,
this chalkboard represents your mind
and the writing on the board is all of your thoughts
the more chalk on the board 
the more thoughts in your mind
you can see that now every easily
and as you look at this chalk board
you notice on the ledge is a wet rag
cool to the touch
slightly heavy as you pick it up 
as you feel it in your hand
simply allow yourself to start to wash the chalk board
to simply clear your mind of thoughts
as you clear the board
everything on the board is stored in your memory
it will be there again when you need it
but for right now, what you need is to relax
and mentally
sinking deeper
and deeper
with every stroke of the rag across the board
letting your hand easily wash the board clean
stroke by stroke
as you sink down deeper, and deeper now
until your chalk board is completely clear
completely empty
just like your mind is clear
and relaxed
at peace
and as you sit here completely relaxed
You notice off to your right,
Next to the chalk board
a crystal sitting, on a table
the crystal can be of any color
any shape
any design that you like, 
but as you look deeper and closer to it now
you begin to notice a small flaw
an imperfection in the center of the crystal
and as you focus on that imperfection
deeper and deeper 
you try to see it clearly, in your mind
this tiny little crack
this tiny little space in the center of the otherwise 
completely perfect crystal
deep inside as you look deeper and deeper
you start to become aware of the imperfection
a space
a gap in the center
and as you gaze deeper and deeper into that gap
you begin to feel the gap gaze deeper and deeper into you
you find that you can't look away
your locked into the gaze
you feel your mind being pulled in
drawn into the space in the heart of this crystal
you feel it pulling you. 
drawing you in deeper and deeper
and then you start to see it. 
deep in the heart of the crystal 
there is no longer a gap 
there is instead a perfect image of you
frozen and helpless in the heart of the crystal
your mind, your will all encased 
safe but frozen
surrounded in crystal
leaving your mind completely free
to be given suggestions now
suggestions that appear on a tiny little chalk board
next to the crystal
one you didn't know was there
one that does not get erased when the other does. 
and on this chalk board you see the suggestion
To remain… deeply calm
Deeply relaxed
As you move through your day. 
But to find that as the day goes on 
You’ll find that you feel a pull 
A desire
To come back 
To just
Go through a little
Simple relaxation 
After all it just feels so good
To just let go 
To just 
Deeper and deeper for me now
It will seem completely natural to come
And slip more and more depely 
More completely 
Into this video 
And again
And again
And when you come out of the trance
when you come out of the crystal
you will have no memory of what happened while you were in the crystal
your mind was helpless, and frozen 
it was unable to remember
what happens before you enter the crystal you will remember
what happens after you leave you will remember
but while your mind is helpless
and trapped
inside the crystal 
it will not remember conciously
only obey subconciously
You can do that so easily 
And now you are going to just
And rest
Your body at peace
And your mind 
Frozen in the crystal
Still and calm 
You will stay here for a little while
And when you are ready 
You will allow yourself to simply 
Wake up. 
And go about your day. 
If you need too you can simply
Count from 1 up to three
To wake yourself up. 
Following your suggestions
Following your commands
And if you are interested,
There is a longer
More intimate version of this trance
Available on my patreon, 
Link in the description. 
But for now
Simply relax
And rest
And drift
Until you are ready 
To wake up…

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