Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Wrapped for Christmas


Click here for Patreon Version: Wrapped for Christmas - Patreon Version

Click here for Public Video: Wrapped for Christmas

Click here for Session Log: Wrapped for Christmas - Hypnosis Log

All snuggled in for relaxing evening by the fire, watching the Christmas tree, you find yourself being put into a deep, magical sleep... and wrapped up as present... for another... Merry Christmas =c)

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance. 

Hello everyone! Sleepyhypno here, I wanted to say before we start, that I greatly appreciate your support and viewership this year! It means the world to me!
Should you need to wake up at any time during this session, Simply take a deep breath, and let it out slowly and count from 1 up to three, and awake. It’s that simple. 
And if you would like a more intimate version of trance, it is available for free on my patreon account, the link is in the description! 
Have a Merry Christmas, and a prosperous new year! 
But for now….
Just allow yourself to get
into a comfortable position
a place where you can simply
focus on my words
and allow yourself to just
to just drift away
allow yourself to simply
slowly and easily
letting the muscles in your body
start to drift
start to loosen
start to just tingle
and relax
slipping back into whatever it is
that you are sitting
or laying on now
and just letting your mind
slip away
and simply
deeper and deeper down
every breath helps you to just
and drift
into a nice
hypnotic sleep
relaxed and calm
on this cold winter's night
just let everything fade away
and allow yourself to imagine
the perfect room
that embodies what
christmas is
for you.
you are free to add any details to this room
but the ones I like
are a nice warm fire place
with a low
but warm fire
crackling slowly
the flames just high enough
to send flickers or light
around the mostly dark room
in a corner is a tree
and wide
decorated with lots of ornaments
some that may remind you of the past
some that may be comical
and there is always that one
that one that is just
that when you hold it
you just can't help
but smile
all on a tree
with slowly
blinking color lights
and steady
in the warm room
this place just gives you
a feeling of peace
a feeling of comfort
it helps you to just
and feel the warmth
of that Christmas spirit
but as you snuggle back
in a warm fluffy couch
one that just wraps around your body
you fail to notice that the fire
is slowly flickering out
and that there is a small
almost sprinkling of snow
coming from the fireplace
you just sit
and watch the tree
slowly relaxing
and feeling a slight
shiver of cold
run through you body
as the tiny
unnoticeable flakes of snow
drift into the room
and along your skin
landing on your arms
on your hands
on your face
and maybe even
the tip of your nose.
as the snow flakes land on your skin
you notice a strange
tingle through you body
a ripple of soft energy
moving through your skin
through your nervous system
an energy
a feeling of
washing over you
a feeling of control
your control slipping away
and another control
washing over you
there is a power to this energy
it feels liek to touches
a deep connection down in yoru soul
it makes you feel peaceful
and warm
and oh so sleepy
as the warmth
the peace
washes through your mind
through your body
you feel yourself
give a soft
tender smile
as your eyes start to drift
drifting away to a nice
hypnotic sleep
feeling yourself sigh
and sink back
into that warm comfy couch
and let your body
just relax
and drift
down to sleep
so calm and peaceful
asleep on this couch
you are unaware of someone else
in the room with you
a magical individual
you feel their hands
surprisingly strong
surprisingly soothing
lifting you up
it's like you are as light as a feather to them
they cradle your head
against their shoulder
as your arms hang limp
at your side
your legs scooped up with an arm
under your knees
and simply
lifted up
deeply asleep
fuzzy and relaxed
your mind is so open
so peaceful
you feel yourself being placed
into what feels like a sleeping bag
with velvet material
very soft
it seems to conform to your body
as you find yourself being carried away
stuffed into a magical bag
a bag that trickles with energy
energy that seems to make you feel
more open
more at peace
but in a way that just makes you feel..
so very
very excited
deeply asleep
and calm now
as you feel yourself
slowly rocking side to side
as the person holding the bag moves
the magic in the bag
starts to go to work.
you start to feel ribbons
thick and strong
surprisingly strong
sliding along your body
along your legs
and along your arms
every place it touches
trickles with an energy
an energy that seems to just
make you more fuzzy
more peaceful
more open to
and you feel a ribbon
sliding along your head
trickling with energy
washing away your thoughts
creating a void
deep in your mind
opening you
putting your personality
on pause
freezing it up
and stuffing it away
gently in the back of your mind.
as the ribbons move along your body
they start to slowly
wrap more tightly around you
pulling your legs together
pulling your arms to your side
wrapping around you
binding you into place
there is no struggle
there is no resistance
your deep asleep
but deep in the void
that used to be your mind
the ribbons are binding you there too
you find yourself
being slowly transformed
slowly changed
finding yourself becoming more
more open and obedient
ready to serve
ready to please
it's as if you are being
into the perfect christmas gift
for someone who has been
very good....
or very naughty in all the best ways
as the ribbons continue to trickle their energy
through your body
through your mind
you feel the bag
that is carrying you
being laid along the floor
you find yourself being
slowly removed from the bag
slide out of the velvet sack
as if you were light as a feather
and placed under a christmas tree
whose tree this is
you'll have to wait and see
wait until morning
when you are unwrapped
but while you are here
under the tree
you feel the ribbons trickling through your mind
through your body
programming you to obey
to serve
to be a good
gift for someone very special
someone that will find you
and open the paper
revealing your body
revealing your form
as they do your eyes will open
and you'll realize now
that you are theirs
theirs to enjoy
you will serve
you will obey
you are their gift
under the tree
waiting to be opened
and while you wait
you'll feel the ribbons
trickling along your body
along your mind
you'll fe the flickering lights of the tree
that you are nestled under
visible through your eyelids
as nothing more than an ever fading
and then growing light
but the warmth of the lights
makes you feel warm
and safe
wrapped up
under the tree.
waiting... to be opened
waiting to be... enjoyed
you are free to keep this fantasy
going in your mind
imagining who it might be
that would awaken you
who it would be that you are...
gifted too
and just enjoying how peaceful
and arousing it would be
to be opened
piece by piece
to be revealed
to be cherished
and enjoyed
and able to just
let that fantasy play out
in your mind
in whatever way you'd like it to the most
—---------- Mantra —-------------
Wrapped tightly under the tree
Deeply asleep, 
Calm and relaxed
The ribbons trickling along your body 
The void in your mind deepening
You are compliant
You are passive
You are a gift… to another
As you sit under the tree
Waiting to be opened
Fantasizing about who it will be
That will unwrap you.
And enjoy you
The person whom you are gifted too
The person, you will serve. 
And as this file comes to end
You are free to just slip away to sleep
And awaken on your own 
When you are ready. 
All you need to do is count form 1
Up to 3
And awaken 
Carrying the fantasy with you 
Something special to make you smile
This holiday season. 
Merry Christmas

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