Bound in the Library - Extended Patreon Version

Click here to view video: Bound in the Library - Extended Patreon Version

Ever wonder what it would be like to become a display piece in a library? To be rendered helpless and bound, unable to struggle and your only response from the patrons of the library to your plight would be a rather rude but firm, Shhhhhh...

The following video will deal with that exact scenario, including elements such as Chloroform, and Bondage. Since this is the Extended Patreon version, it will also go into some more adult content, including a little added... pleasure.

You can also find the real hypnosis session log used to create this video here: Bound in the Library - Hypnosis Session Log.

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance.

Just allow yourself to get into a comfortable position
a place where you can very easily
just relax
and focus on my words
allowing yoruself to simply
get comfortable
and let the muscles in yoru body
simply start to loosen
and relax
lettting the world aroudn you fade away
more and more
with each
and every breathe
that you take.
the more you focus
the more you let the world just
the more you wil find yoruself
being to simply
deeper and deeper
down into a nice
relaxing trance...
a deep hypnotic sleep
and as you just relax
and the world around you fades away
I'd like you to see a new world
take it's place
you start to notice
row after row
of thick wooden book shelves
lines with books
a gentle
patterned carpet beneath your feet
the lighting seems set up
in an almost antiquated fashion
to allow for the rows between the book shelves
to be lit
everything else has a dark
shadowed feeling to it.
as you walk through the rows
you can smell the paper
the scent of pages that have been around
for decades
or centuries
you can run your fingers along the bindings of the book
feeling them move from smooth
to rouch
to thick
to old
to very very old
your in a library
and you're not alone.
as you reach the end of the row
you notice in the center of the library
is a large area
full of tables
and couches
small lamps illuminate the areas
for people to read
for people to just sit
and relax
but the one thing you notice the most...
is the quiet.
between the books
and the carpet
sound just seems to...
in this place.
so much so that a person turning their page
across the room
is easily heard.
that special sound of a page
being gently flipped
that hard flick as it starts to move
and then fading to that soft
soothing resting of one page
against another.
it's so quiet
so still.
you take a moment to simply
let the scene before you unfold
and become vivid
and clear
it's so peaceful here.
here you can find a million stories
or create your own .
but before you can do that...
you feel a hand grab you around your waist
and feel another hand
put a thick
white cloth
over your face
covering your mouth and nose
there is a dampness ot it
a cool wet feeling
and as you gasp
you can't help but feel
how thick the air you breathe in
really feels
how the air seems to have a scent to it.
almost a mixture of scents
it's somewhat sweet... like the smell of candy
but also somewhat sterile...
like the smell in a hospital...
but the feeling lands with a thud
deep in your lungs
you start to struggle...
start to moan
as you look out into the library
you see several of the people there
all look up
all look directly at you
you moan for help through the cloth
and wiggle with all your might
but you can feel a thick
heavy fog
rolling through your mind
through your body
your pleading for help
and in the library you
see several of the people
stare at you
and one even stands up
only to put a finger to their lips and go
aimed at you...
you are after all
making quite a lot of noise
you can hear your own moans
your pleas for help
yoru struggling
echoing back to you
the sound bouncing off of the hard wooden book shelves
and echoing through the library
your shock and confusion
at being shushed
only makes you breathe more deeply
feeling your head starting to spin
your bodies struggles start to weaken
you can feel your knees going limp
as the person behind you grabs a hold of you
and keeps you still
leaning them back against you
you can feel their body
against your back
their arms around your stomach
and holding the cloth to your moth
but still you struggle
still you moan
and then again your only response
is another more angry
from the patrons of the library
the more you struggle
the more the chloroform
seeps into yoru body
your mind starts to fog over
your body sinking more and more deeply
down into sleep
you feel your arms fall to your sides
falling limp and loose
a soft muffled moan escaping your lips
into the cloth
and echoing into the library
your vision is becoming blurring
and swirling
you find that you can't help but just
calm down
and relax
feeling how floaty you are now
how your mind is simply spinning
and drifting
you're starting to forget where you are...
forget what is happening
it's just so calming here
so nice to be held
you see a person walking towards you
careful not to make a sound
as they walk through the carpeted library
the look at you
and then at the person that grabbed you
and you hear them say
in almost a whisper
can you do something about them...
they are making too much noise
you see the person staring at you
as the world fades away
you feel your head fall back
and let out a gentle sigh
as you find yourself. just
falling into a nice deep sleep
but just before your slip away
you hear the person that walked up t you say
in a whisper
Finally... some quiet...
and then everything fades away.
you feel yourself being carried
maybe cradled in the arms
of the person that grabbed you
or maybe you feel yourself being thrown over their shoulder
your arms and legs hanging limp
and loose
swaying from side to side
with every step they take
one by one
or maybe you are dragged
feeling them holding you
around your chest
as your arms and head hang limp
and your heels drag along the floor
it's all up to you
it's up to whatever you choose
to experience.
this time around.
after a while you feel yourself
being laid with care
flat on your back..
on the ground
now so much care for you...
but care to not make a sound...
you hear what sounds like a display case
one of the old
large wooden ones
with antique glass
being opened.
there is a slight creak
as it does
and it is instantly met with an angry
from the library
but your too deeply asleep
to really care
you feel something being tied
around your wrist
first your right one...
then your left
and then you hear the sound of a crank
and reel your arms
being raised
higher and higher
off the ground
stretching them as they go
and then slowly lifting your shoulders
and your back
off the ground
head hanging limp
as your body starts to slide
closer towards the sound of the crank
the more you hear the crank
the more you feel your body being lifted
and dragged
your head bouncing softly
as more and more of your body
is lifted off the ground
soon your arms are straight up above you
your back and chest are straight up as well
almost like your sitting on the ground
head limp and down
but the crank keeps going
and you feel your butt
lifting off the floo
rising slowly
your legs sliding along the carpet
until they are directly under you
and then they too lift off the carpet
feeling your feet dangling below you
just handing helplessly
feeling a belt being tied around your waist
and then your legs spread out a bit
and tied at the ankle
your body is in an 'X' position
suspended off the ground.
But while you are hanging there
you hear another sound
a sharp click
of a pocket knife
followed by several angry
Shhh sounds
as you hang there
you feel your clothes
being cut away
piece by piece
first your shirt
and then your pants
slowly being taken apart
piece by piece
and removed
but very slowly
careful not to make a sound
careful not to be too loud
not to disturb the other patrons
of the library
the more that is removed
the more you feel the cool air against you skin
you feel goosebumps
sliding up and down your body
as you simply hang there
as your under garments
are cut away
and you end up exposed
completely on display
in the library
you don't know how long you hang there
how long you simply sleep
thanks to the chloroform
but after a while
you start to wake up
at first you can't help but notice
just how calm you are
how relaxed
being suspended like this
is quite peaceful and calming
but then you try to move
try to stretch
only to realize you are tied
bound and stretched out
in a nice wide X
completely on display
in a large display case
the door to the case is closed
and there are vents gently blowing air
into the case
so you don't need to worry about...
running out of air
but at the same time
you can't really move either
despite being stuck...
despite being completely helpless
and on display
you can't help... but try to move
try to struggle
you wiggle and thrash inside the case
but the straps are designed to
accommodate that kind of struggle
you seem to wiggle and shake
from side to side
but the case itself
doesn't even budge
you glare out at the patrons in the library
and start to yell
or whistle
the glass is sound proof
but that doesn't mean the sound
doesn't echo out into the library
several patrons turn to give you an angry look
annoyed that you are... once again
disturbing them
SEveral of them give you a nice loud
and try to go back to their reading
but your not going to let them
you might be helpless
but your also defiant
you feel yourself give a grin
you've had enough of being compliant'
and you take in a nice deep breath
and open your mouth to scream
ready to make sure that everyone
in the library
can hear you
but before you can utter a sound
you feel a thick
rubbery ball gag
be inserted into your mouth
the shock and surprise stop you from screaming
as the gag is tied around your head
your feelings of defiance
replaced with confusion
as you struggle to push the gag out of your mouth
using your tongue
and your teeth
to try to dislodge it
but it's stuck
stuck in your mouth
tied around your head
as the lights swirl around you
and the hum slowly floods your mind
you can't help but feel your resistance
simply fade
simply fall away
the lights flood your mind
as your body relaxes
your struggles had pulled you out of position
but as your arms and legs relax
and binds pull you back
into that perfect X
you can't help but tilt your head back a bit
to try and rest it
as the world around you seems to spin
and fade
everything drifting away
as you start to feel something
in your mind
it's as if there are words
in the hum
telling you that
You will Obey
You will be calm
You will be quiet
silence is pleasure
slowly and easily
over and over again
deep in your mind
the quieter you find yourself
the more you just let yourself
give in
and be silent
and calm
the more your pleasure builds
your body is too helpless
too limp
to even twitch
but you feel the pleasure
building inside of you
feel your nerve endings tingling
and becoming stimulated
the longer your in the cabinet
the more that pleasure will built
and build
until it reaches a most
pleasurable climax
a most enjoyable finish
and then you will calm down
only to feel it
again and again
more and more deeply
every time a large
more powerful climax
then the last
and deeper
oblivious and helpless
knowing only the silence
and the pleasure
it doesn't matter how long you hang there
the pleasure just builds
whether it be from the suggestions
or the helplessness of your body
the colors sliding into your mind
or the blank empty look
of your own face
that you see in your mind mind
or maybe it's the library patrons
that just look up at you
and smile
smile at just how quiet you are
after all silence is pleasure
and you are...
completely and totally
even in your climaxes
never making a sound
louder then your breathing
as you simply sink
and relax
into the hum
into the words.
You will Obey
You will be calm
You will be quiet
silence is pleasure
and you are very silent...
With your body completely calm
completely relaxed
and the words echoing in your mind
the lights flashing in your mind
and your body limp
and relaxed
and stretched
you are simply
on display
bound in the library
for all to see
your pleasure building more and more
and maybe..
even that is on display
a little drip
a little sweat on your body
it's all up to you
and what you enjoy
the most
and now
you can just hang there
limp and calm
relaxed and obedient
and pleasured
unaware consciously
of the library patrons
that stop by to look you over
that enjoy the view of your body
suspended and on display
that enjoy the feeling
the look of your pleasure
and what signs you show
all the while limp and helpless
blank and calm
you will stay here
for as long as you might like
and when you are ready
you will find it so easy
to simply take a deep breathe
and let the world of the library
fade away
and then simply wake up
and go about your day
but for now
simply hang there
deep and relaxed
calm and happy
and pleasured

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