Alien Parasite Control - Hypnosis Session Log

Alien Parasite Control - Hypnosis Log

Key: MD, MC, MF, FF

Description: Two young women volunteer to be the subjects of a hypnotic trance designed to make them experience being taken over and controlled by an alien parasite.

This session was used to make the real hypnosis video Alien Parasite Control, which is a patreon exclusive, but you can view the Teaser whenever you would like.

Sleepyhypno 1:25 AM
alright well then 2nd disclaimer of the night.  do you ladies give me permission to hypnotize you, put you into a hypnotic trance, use an alien parasite to control your bodies and make you do interesting and fun things while i log it to be posted later and use the script to create a hypnosis video with?

Sleepygirl 1:25 AM
permission granted

Ivy 1:25 AM
Heheheheh, yes

Sleepyhypno 1:26 AM
good girls...
given the time i probably won't wake you after this. after all i'll have control of your bodies with an alien parasite... is it alright if i send you to bed after this?

Ivy 1:27 AM
Yes, that would be alright

Sleepygirl 1:27 AM
of course

Sleepyhypno 1:28 AM
any last comments before i knock you both out?

Ivy 1:28 AM
It is too preemptive to say "Long live Starro?"

Sleepyhypno 1:29 AM
this won't be starro exactly =cP

[Hypnotists Note: Yeah it’s almost exactly Starro]


Ivy 1:29 AM
hahahaah, I know, I'm kidding

Sleepyhypno 1:29 AM
hehe iknow just clarifying for copyright purposes

[Hypnotist’s Note: Definitely NOT Starro!]

Ivy 1:30 AM
Oh darn, didn't' think about that....

Sleepyhypno 1:30 AM
thats why im the one in charge =cp

Ivy 1:30 AM
points to "Ring Leader" comment above...somewhere

Sleepygirl 1:31 AM
[Ivy’s Sleep trigger, said about 10 times at least]

[Hypnotists Note: Sleepygirl was ‘nudged’ in a private message to send the triggers. You can imagine that kind of mental state she might have been in at the time.]

[Sleepygirl’s comment: i have no recollection of this so I can only imagine the kind of mental state i was in at the time, too…]

[Ivy’s comment: Apparently a merciless mental state!]

Sleepyhypno 1:31 AM
exactly always on the ball (LOL) and always pulling the strings
thank you Sleepygirl =c)
how do you feel ivy?

Ivy 1:32 AM
nkocked OUT

Sleepygirl 1:32 AM
you're very welcome

Sleepyhypno 1:32 AM
didn't see that coming did you?

Ivy 1:32 AM

Sleepyhypno 1:32 AM
how deep are you?

Ivy 1:32 AM

Sleepyhypno 1:32 AM
good girl
Sleepygirl... how do you feeling haveing knocked her flat?

Sleepygirl 1:33 AM
i enjoyed it

[Sleepygirl’s Comment: that means i am definitely out of it]

Sleepyhypno 1:33 AM
good girl
Trigger yourself now please

Sleepygirl 1:33 AM
[Sleepygirl’s trigger, about ten times as well]

Sleepyhypno 1:34 AM
good girl
so compliant after seeing that pocket watch earlier aren't you?

Sleepygirl 1:34 AM

Sleepyhypno 1:35 AM
how do you ladies feel?

Sleepygirl 1:35 AM
very relaxed

Ivy 1:35 AM
very light

Sleepyhypno 1:35 AM
very good
just allow yoruself
to get into a comfortable position
a place where you can easily focus
on my words
and just allow body
to start to loosen
adn let go
focusing on your feet
and slowly
sliding up your body
inch by inch
working your way up
relaxing every muscle
every inch of your body
more and more easily
as you slowly
all the way up
along your legs
along your butt
over your stomach
over your back
up to yoru chest
and down your arms
so easily
so deeply
as the relaxation
slides over your face
and into your head
and into your mind
helping you to simply
deeper and deeper
all the way down
letting go completley
and totally
and just
feel yourself
give in
you can do that now can't you ladies?

Sleepygirl 1:37 AM

Ivy 1:37 AM

Sleepyhypno 1:36 AM
more and more easily
as you slowly
all the way up
along your legs
along your butt
over your stomach
over your back
up to yoru chest
and down your arms
so easily
so deeply
as the relaxation
slides over your face
and into your head
and into your mind
helping you to simply
deeper and deeper
all the way down
letting go completley
and totally
and just
feel yourself
give in
you can do that now can't you ladies?

Sleepygirl 1:37 AM

Ivy 1:37 AM

Sleepyhypno 1:38 AM
good girls
and as you relax
int his state
just allow your mind
to simply empty
and allow the world around you
to fade away
completley and totally
and allow it to be replaced
by a new world
in this new world
you find yourself
relaxing on a bed
waking up for a long nap
as you slowly start to stand up
you discover that you feel
then you usually do
yoru dressed in a jump suit
it's warm and comfy
an dallows you to easily
you find that you feel very
very free
and then you notice
the window...
and the night sky
black night filled with stars
and a bright moon
hanging in the sky...
but that isn't the moon...
that earth...
as you move to the window you realize
you are are on the moon
on a base
a large complex
on the surface of luna
how does that make you feel ladies?

Ivy 1:41 AM

Sleepygirl 1:41 AM
energized, excited

Sleepyhypno 1:41 AM
Very good
You take a moment to aclimate yourself
to this new environment
the gravity is far less
then what your used too
so a single skip
can allow you to almost
float across the room
you can easily jump up
and touch the ceilng
or lift objects...
that would be far too heavy for you to list
on earth.
it's a very..
intoxicating feeling
a feeling of freedom
and power
a feeling of... playfulness
like being a kid
in a playground again

[Sleepygirl’s Comment: that is kind of exactly how i would describe that, especially since the space nerd in me was already geeking out about being on the moon]

[Ivy comment: Same! I've always wanted to know what it was like to bounce around in low gravity and how much fun it would be.]

Sleepyhypno 1:41 AM
you decide that you should explore
so you move into the outpost
and being to wander
but as you do
you come across a lab
on the door it says
specimen room
your curiosity gets the better fo you
and you can't help but push the button
to open the door.
how are you feeling ladies?

Sleepygirl 1:44 AM

Ivy 1:44 AM
joy and curious

Sleepyhypno 1:44 AM
Good girls
Inside the room
you discover several containers
large glass containers
and inside
seems to be about an inch
of moon dust
and one large rock
in each container
Now in any other cirumstance
a rock would be..
just a rock...
but your on the moon
this isn't some run of the mill
Black glass lava rock
or lime stone
this is a moon rock.
you can see it clearly
dark almost midnight black surface
dotted with white
sparkling dots
the rocks all appear to be mostly flat
with a ridge alon gthe center
and your curiosity
your playful inner child
just can't help but touch
the moon rock.
you could see doin gthat couldn't you ladies?

Sleepygirl 1:46 AM

Ivy 1:46 AM

Sleepyhypno 1:47 AM
you open the container,
and take out the rock
for a moment your surprised
by just how light the rock is
but then you remember
your on the moon
and happily bounce for amoment
while holding the rock.
you slide your hands along the rock
it's mostly smooth
with a few very distinct ridges
and as you slide your hands along the ridges
you can't help but lean in
and look more closely
and then those ridges
opening to reveal
two completely transparent eyes
you drop the rock in surprise
and it floats to the ground
and then seems to sproud tiny
6 inch black tentacles
and jupms at you
you shout in shock and move out of the way
but your not used to lunar gravity
your movements are clumsy
you over compensate
and end up flaoting to a fall
and bouncing off the floor
the bounce helps you to land your feet
and you run towards the door
but again
you over compensate
and bump into the door instead
to fumble for the latch
and turn around to see
where the rock...
no ...
where the alien...
disappeared too
only to turn and see it
floating right at you,
how does this maek you feel ladies?

Ivy 1:50 AM

Sleepygirl 1:51 AM

Sleepyhypno 1:51 AM
is this ok with you?

Ivy 1:51 AM

Sleepygirl 1:51 AM

Sleepyhypno 1:51 AM
good girls doing so well.
you flail to block the creatue
but again
your not used to the gravity
and it most certainly
seems at home...
here on the moon.
and it expertly manages to sneak around
your flailing arms
and land right on your face
the tentacles that it sprouted
start to wrap themseles
along your head
you move to grab it
to try and pull it off
but it emits a stange
soothing gas
onto your face
you can't help but inhale it
and find that you feel
and tired
your hands flaot around you as they slowly fall
and then your feet
slip out from under you
and drift to the floor
a soft thud as you land
the alien continues to spray the gas
along your face
along your mouth and nose
as it slowly
settles along your head
covering your eyes
and gently slding
the gas emitters
over your nose
you feel the gas being pumped
deeply into your body
every breath
fills your lungs with the gas
you find your mind
becoming foggy
and distant
your eyes are covered
and you can't see
the gas is strangely..
you can feel it easily sustaining you
at least...
sustaining your body
it seems to be designed
you think to yoruself
almost completely
to put you..
right to sleep...
and then a second later
you feel yoru mind
simply turn off
as you sigh
and sink
into a deep
helpless sleep
how do you feel now ladies?

Sleepygirl 1:56 AM

Ivy 1:56 AM
deeep sleep

[Ivy comment: Honestly… I’m feeling it again]

Sleepyhypno 1:56 AM
good girls
how do you like this little... encounter... so far.

Sleepygirl 1:57 AM
im enjoying it

Ivy 1:57 AM
like it a lot

Sleepyhypno 1:57 AM
good girls
as you sit there
deeply asleep
you feel the tentacles
sliding into your ears
sliding into your head
slowly branching out
into tinier and tinier
that seem to simply
link up to your nervous system
your body seems to jerk
just a bit
as the alien takes control
all the while your mind
is completley off
depely asleep
the aliens eyes open
justa s your eyes do

[Sleepygirl’s Comment: yeah even being a puppet for an alien is still, oddly enough, a turn on…]

[Ivy comment: ~slowly nods in the background~ ]

[Hypnotist’s comment: I’m pretty sure that Ivy is hypnotized again while reading this log.]

Sleepyhypno 1:57 AM
the aliens eyes are transparent
and open both in frotn
and in back of it's body
allowing you to see through it's eyes
you can see it's pupil
hovering in front of your vision
you can see what it focuses on
and where it looks
but you are stuck
staring blankly ahead
no expression
no thought.
as you feel the alien
work your body
and you slowly
easily stand
i'ts controlling you
using you...
like a mount.
your nothing more then a vehicle
for this alien
how does that make you feel ladies?

Sleepygirl 2:00 AM
helpless, excited

Ivy 2:00 AM

Sleepyhypno 2:01 AM
good girls
you feel your body
slowly move
much more gracefully
then you did before
to each of the containes
and slowly pick up the rocks
holding them close to you
carrying them easily
you find yourself
moving along the corridors.
to the crew comparments
slowly opening up each door
and dropping a single rock
a single alien...
in each
and every room
until there is only one alien left
and one room.
you move to the room
and open the door
inside is a person
a person you find
very attractive
maybe it's someone you know
someone you have a crush on
maybe it's someone famous
or someone you've dreamed about
it's all up to you
but you come across this person
sleeping peacefully in their bed
as you look at them
through the clear eyes of the alien
and slowly fele yoruself
moving to them
holding the alien above their sleeping head
and lowering it onto their face.
how does this make you feel laides?

Ivy 2:04 AM
a little evil

Sleepygirl 2:04 AM
aroused, devious

Sleepyhypno 2:04 AM
the mometn the alien is lowered down
it starts to emit the gas
and this person
this attractive person before you
gasps in surprise
then seems to simply go limp
being asleep
they didn't have time...
to resist
didn't have the ability
to defend themselves
they were helpless
and you...
under the control of the alien
just made them
more helpless

[Ivy comment: ........slumps]

[Hypnotist comment: Yup, Ivys out again]

Sleepyhypno 2:04 AM
you watch
empty and blank
as the alien slowly
slides it's tentacles into their ears
forming a seal around their nose
and filling their lungs with the gas
after a moment their body seems to jerk
almost a shiver
as they sit up
and the eyes of the alien
you can see their blank
empty eyes
through the clear eyes of the alien
and can't help but wonder
do you look this empty
do you look this...
how do you feel ladies?

Sleepygirl 2:07 AM

Ivy 2:07 AM

[Ivy comment: ~mumbles in agreement~]

Sleepyhypno 2:07 AM
good girls
while you stare blankly
you start to feel your body
being manipulated
the aliens seem to move you
and this very attractive person
yoru bodies start to kiss
start to caress
the aliens...
are mates
and they needed the perfect...
for their lover to control
you feel yoru body being
artifically aroused
as the aliens easily
work your bodies
slowly stripping away your jump suits
shedding your under clothes
as they glide your hands
along each others bodies
their seems to be an almost
psychic connection
between the two aliens
and they seem to know
exactly where to touch
and where to stimulate
each of your bodies
it's not long before they simply
have you and this person
the person you helped to turn into
a mount for an alien
are intimately connected
in all the ways that you
most desire
to be with this person
you can feel it
as your bodies touch
and move
together as one
feel their kiss
their caress
but all the while
and unaware
as the aliens manipulate you
and stimulate you
building your pleasure
more and more deeply
more nad more completely
how does this make you feel now ladies?

Sleepygirl 2:11 AM
blank, helpless, aroused

Ivy 2:11 AM

Sleepyhypno 2:11 AM
good girls
you feel the person body
shiver in pleasure
and for a split second
it feels like the alien
the one controlling you
seems to shiver itself
to tingle
as if it itself
had just reached climax
and then a second later
the shiver
floods into your brain
and overloads your body
with tingles
and trickls
with the deepst of pleasure
as you and your alien rider
simply climax together
letting it flow through you
deeply completley
and allow it to turn your mind...
just that much more...
completely shut down
deeply asleep
just like the rest of the crew
just like the person you choose
to be the mount
for your alien riders, mate
how does this make you feel now ladies?

Ivy 2:14 AM

Sleepygirl 2:14 AM

Sleepyhypno 2:14 AM
good girls
as your bodies relax
you find yourself
standing up again
and dressing
the aliens seem to understand
that human bodies
need warmth
need protection
an dsoon you find yoruself
safely in your jumpsuit
and exiting the room
in the hallway
standing along the wall
is each and every crew member
that you helped to control
each blank and empty
each with a different alien
attached to their face
each deeply sedated.
but you can't help but notice
that every one is starting out the window
the alien that controls you
also moves you
to stair out the window
and as you gaze out at the lunar surface
you notice a shine...
along the dusty landscape
as a flash
almost a pattern
seems to appear in the dust.
every single flash
every single light
is another alien
just like the one on your face
just like the one
controlling your bod
and as you look out at the land scape
you notice something else
a shuttle...
slowly decending
towards the landing pad
and then your body
and the rest of the crew
slowly turns
and start to move
towards the landing bad.
how does this make you feel ladies?

Ivy 2:18 AM

Sleepygirl 2:18 AM
blank, excited

Sleepyhypno 2:18 AM
good girls
Exactly what will happen...
from this point on...
is up to you
you and your fantasy...
you and your desires.
perhaps the crew of the shuttle...
will free you
perhaps you'll over come the alien
and free yourself
perhaps you'll help to...
take over... the shuttles crew
and maybe...
just maybe...
you'll find your way back to earth...
with a shuttle bay...
full of aliens
it's all up to you
and whatever you might find
the most..
the most stimluating
you may even find yourself
placing more and more
of the aliens
on more and more people
the ones you find
the most attractive
the ones you find
the most stimulating
you are free to enjoy this experience
this fantasy
for as long as you would like
and when you are ready
ready to wake up
you will simply be able to take a deep breathe
and awaken
and go about your day
but for now
simply relax
and dream...
about what your alien
might do with you
and your helpless
controlled body
how do you feel ladies?

Ivy 2:21 AM
sooo floaty

[Ivy comment: Seeing as we're on the moon, how fitting, me.]

Sleepygirl 2:21 AM
relaxed, blank

Sleepyhypno 2:22 AM
good girls
andhow do you like the feeling
of the alien controlling you

Ivy 2:22 AM
love it

Sleepygirl 2:22 AM
was very exciting

Sleepyhypno 2:22 AM
good girls
and who was it... that you helped to turn into a mount... who was it that you foudn so attractive.   you can tell me here... or in private if you would like.

[Several minutes passed while they messaged me in private]

very good ladies
you have done so very well
how to likehaving your body
while oyur midn is empty
and blank
for the aliens

Sleepygirl 2:25 AM

Ivy 2:25 AM
like it, no worries no thouhgts

Sleepyhypno 2:25 AM
good girls
i thin kit is getting late for all of us... wouldn't you agree now ladies?

Sleepygirl 2:26 AM

Ivy 2:26 AM

Sleepyhypno 2:26 AM
very good ladies
in a few moments
you will find yourselves turning off yoru computers
and moving to bed
you will still feel
still see the alien
attached to your face
feel it controlling you
moving you
like a puppet
you'll fele yourself be moved to bed
and laid down
and then feel it put your body
into a deep
deep sleep
but it's connected to you
it's inside of your head
and it will direct your body
to do the most
and thorough repair
and recharge
that it has done
in a long
long time
finding that every part of you
that needs to relax
or rest
needs to be fixed
or healed
will get the attention that it needs
and hwile you sleep
your body will shiver
and tingle
with orgasm
after orgasm
one after another
all through the night
you can do that can't you ladies?

Sleepygirl 2:28 AM

Ivy 2:29 AM

Sleepyhypno 2:29 AM
good girls
at some point during the night
the alien will disconnect from you
and go about it's merry way
maybe that will be the last you see of it
as it wanders the world
moving from person
to person
or maybe it will stay
hidden in your room
and from time to time
while your sleeping
it will slide back onto you
and put you to sleep
healing you
or controlling you
it'sall upto you ladies
you can see that can't you?

Ivy 2:30 AM

Sleepygirl 2:30 AM

Sleepyhypno 2:30 AM
good girls
then you will simply go and follow your orders... NOW ladies... good night.

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