Deep Relaxation and Energy - Full log


Sleepyhypno 1:21 AM

ok, are you ladies ready to get put down by the inception induction?

SleepyGirl 1:21 AM

yep, i'm ready

Ivy 1:21 AM

I'm ready

Sleepyhypno 1:23 AM

mmm, it is always fun to be at this part for me. to know that i have the attention of the two fo your... and that in a few moments, your just going to be completely focused on my words, blank and unaware. slowly letting everything fade away.. even the memory of each other being here... just simply... blanking out.

just allow yourself to focus on my words

to simply let yourself get

into a comfortable position

where you can simply

and easily

focus on my words

and relax

you can feel your muscles

starting to loosen

and let go

as you simply


deeper and deeper

into my words

and as you do so...

I'd like you to imagine yourself

at the top of a stair case

The stairs are outdoors

on a day that is just perfect

whatever that means for you

you can feel the wind in your hair

and the breeze on your skin

you can hear trees rustling

and birds singing

so peaceful

to be here now

isn't that right ladies?

SleepyGirl 1:25 AM


Ivy 1:25 AM

sounds nice

Sleepyhypno 1:25 AM

and as you let all of these sounds

and feelings

fill your mind

I want you to turn your focus

to the stairs

and simply allow yourself

to start to step


deeper and deeper

with every step

you can feel your body

as your knee bends

and gravity starts to take you

only for your foot to catch you

maybe your a hard stepper

like i am

and your body hits with force

that softly shakes up your leg

into your body

maybe your a soft stepper

and you simply let your body


to the stair

softly and gently

not so much as a ripple

through your body

maybe your somewhere in between.

it's all unique to you...

which are you now ladies?

Ivy 1:27 AM

in between

SleepyGirl 1:27 AM

in between

Sleepyhypno 1:27 AM

good girls

no matter what way you step

every step

helps your mind and body

to focus more and more vividly

on the world around you

on the way you feel

in this place

every step you take

helps your mind to simply




deeper and deeper

all the way down

into a nice

relaxing trance

finding that

every word

that you focus on

helps your mind to simply

let go

and sink

more and more deeply

and easily

stepping down




so easily

and deeply

till you reach the bottom now

How do you feel ladies?

SleepyGirl 1:29 AM


Ivy 1:29 AM


Sleepyhypno 1:29 AM

very good

at the bottom of the steps

is a path

the path starts out as hard sidewalk

and you feel yourself walking

little by litt

enjoying the scene around you

the sound of the birds singing

the wind blows

feeling the sun against your face

or the cool breeze

as it move through your hair

every step on the path

helps you to make the world

more and more real for you

more and more vivid

you start to notice

the smell of nature

maybe it's flowers

or the scent of pine needles

maybe you smell a hint of water

from a near by beach

and notice for the first time

the waves crashing on the sands

in the distance

all the while simply walking down this path

more and more deeply

more relaxed with every word

with every step

how deep are you now ladies?

Ivy 1:32 AM


somewhere around 5

SleepyGirl 1:32 AM


Sleepyhypno 1:32 AM

good girls

both of you are doing so well

letting your minds empty

and simply enjoy

are you even aware that the other girl is still here?

or has your mind

focused too deeply

to see her now?

Ivy 1:33 AM

Not aware she's there

SleepyGirl 1:33 AM

not aware

Sleepyhypno 1:33 AM

good girls

as you walk

the path gently shifts

from a concrete sidewalk

to a nice

dirt path

relaxing and calming

as the trees

get closer and closer

to the path

you can feel the sun

and the sky

being obscured by the leaves

and hear them rustling above you

soothing away your thoughts

as you simply step



deeper and deeper

with every step

down the path.

and as you walk down the path

you come to a tree

a very special tree

large and full of leaves

this tree represents your mind

and every leaf

represents a thought

you can see the tree can't you?

Ivy 1:35 AM


SleepyGirl 1:35 AM


Sleepyhypno 1:35 AM

just let yourself take in the sight

of this beautiful tree

rustling in the wind

and start to notice

that the season is changing

around the tree

it's getting colder...

it's time for the tree

to go to sleep

to shed it's leaves

and simply sink into a nice



for the winter

you can start to see your thoughts

the very leaves of the tree

one by one,

turning brown

or red


or orange

and then see them dry up

see them shrivel

and detach

it's ok

they will grow back

but for now

just let them go

one by one

into the breeze

you can feel your thougths drifting away,

so easily

isn't that right?

SleepyGirl 1:37 AM


Ivy 1:37 AM


Sleepyhypno 1:37 AM

one by one

swirling in the wind

and drifting away

you can see the branches

the strong firm branches

starting to appear

as the leaves fade away

one by one

so easily into the wind now

it's ok to let them go

just feel your thoughts

blow away

until there is only one thought left...

the entire tree

is completely bare

except for one

green leaf

one solitary thought

this trance

deep in you mind

just let yourself see the leaf

clearly in your mind

green and bright

strong and healthy

you can see the shape of the leaf

the structure

the little lines that run through the leaf

all perfectly visible to you now

deep in your mind

the only thought

that you have left

isn't that right?

Ivy 1:40 AM


SleepyGirl 1:40 AM


Sleepyhypno 1:40 AM

and now this leaf

this single thought

also breaks off the tree

but it stays green and bright

and swirls in the wind

you can feel it

see it riding the breeze

feeling how light

and free

that your body feels

as you spin easily

and gently

you can see the world around you

spinning slowly

and easily

as you simply sink

into the leaf

and feel it land

on a stream

the stream carries you

bobbing up and down

softly in the water

down the stream

hearing the gentle ripple

of the stream

as you float effortlessly

down the stream

floating along

in that last

single thought

isn't that right now ?

Ivy 1:42 AM


SleepyGirl 1:42 AM


Sleepyhypno 1:42 AM

how do you feel ladies?

SleepyGirl 1:43 AM


Ivy 1:43 AM

floaty, like bobbing on a raft

Sleepyhypno 1:45 AM

have drifted away

and as you drift down the stream

you notice that it ends

in a whirlpool

as you feel your last thought

slowly drifting

and spinning

round and round

as the streams waters

slowly sink

into the void at the bottom

totally safe and relaxed

you feel the leaf


more and more deeply

round and round the whirlpool



deeper and deeper

into the void

and then you feel it

you feel the leaf

enter the void

and fade away

completely empty

completely blank

your conscious mind has turned off

only your subconscious is listening

just a nice

empty void

complete peace

you can feel that can't you?

Ivy 1:47 AM


SleepyGirl 1:47 AM


Sleepyhypno 1:47 AM

very good

how deep are you now?

Ivy 1:47 AM


SleepyGirl 1:48 AM


Sleepyhypno 1:48 AM

very good

and what has happened to your mind now?

SleepyGirl 1:48 AM


Ivy 1:49 AM


Sleepyhypno 1:49 AM

very good

as you float


in the void

you become aware

on a subconscious level

that you are actually

surrounded by energy

energy that you can feel

flowing into your mind

into your body

energy that was always there

but that you needed to simply


and open yourself

in order to feel

you can feel it

moving in your body

moving in your mind

and allow it to simply

move where it is needed

maybe to a place in your body

that is in need of healing

or of strengthening

maybe to a place in your mind

an area of you life

that gives you struggle

you can feel this energy filling you



and soul

filling in any area

where you need it too

recharging your battery

in every way.

no thoughts

no emotions

simply a constant flow

of pure

healing energy

energy that you can use

energy that you can tap into

now that you know it's here

now that you're aware of it

you can put access this energy

in your life

to help your body to become stronger

or heal an injury

to help you focus

on a project

or a personal goal

to help you feel at peace

in the middle of a chaos

this energy is

and always was

all around you

inside of you

you only needed to realize

that it was here now

you can feel that energy

so vividly

moving through every part of your being

isn't that right?

Ivy 1:53 AM


SleepyGirl 1:53 AM


Sleepyhypno 1:54 AM

good girl

how deep do you feel now?

Ivy 1:54 AM


SleepyGirl 1:54 AM


Sleepyhypno 1:55 AM

good girls

doing so well

and now that you know this energy is here

now that you are aware of it

and can access it

whenever you need

whenever you want

your subconscious mind

will simply help you

even when you are not aware you need it

to access this energy

to use it

and harness it

to help you relax

and grow

and thrive

in all the things that you do...

and now

i'd like you to simply let go

and relax

feeling this energy

deeply inside of you

and all around you

you can stay here

for as long as you'd like

letting the energy flow to where you need

letting it help you heal

and grow

and when you are ready

you'll imagine the tree

in your mind

waking up for spring

you'll feel the leaves all

come to life

and open

and you'll feel your thoughts

wake back up

as your body simply wakes up

when you are ready...

SleepyGirl 2:00 AM


Sleepyhypno 2:01 AM

Welcome back,  just relax for a bit as we let ivy take her time

Ivy 2:01 AM

1 more minte

Sleepyhypno 2:02 AM

take your time

Ivy 2:02 AM

ok, back

Sleepyhypno 2:03 AM

good, how do you feel both of you?

Ivy 2:03 AM

that felt really good

SleepyGirl 2:04 AM

that was...very nice :c) i definitely feel more relaxed

Ivy 2:04 AM

yeah, I hadn't realized I was that tense

Sleepyhypno 2:04 AM

good, because that in no way shape or form ended up as an inception induction, which was the intention =cP

Ivy 2:05 AM

meh, winging it

good results, either way

SleepyGirl 2:05 AM

i dont think we'll complain about that :cP

Sleepyhypno 2:06 AM

yeah im happy with it. but thats the issue i run into some times late at night is what i intend and what ends up on paper are vastly different =cP

without looking how long do you think you ladies were out?

Ivy 2:06 AM

30 ish minutes?

SleepyGirl 2:06 AM

half hour ish?

Sleepyhypno 2:06 AM

your both very close, it was a little under 40 minutes

SleepyGirl 2:07 AM

didnt feel like it

Sleepyhypno 2:07 AM

it didn't feel like a few moments longer then the time you guessed it was?

SleepyGirl 2:07 AM

i mean honestly it didn't feel as long as my guess either

no concept of time :cP

Sleepyhypno 2:08 AM

yes hypnosis has a way of washing away your concept of time... evil grin

SleepyGirl 2:08 AM

funny how that works :cP

SleepyGirl 2:09 AM

nothing i can think of, i'm glad you're happy with how it turned out :cP

Ivy 2:09 AM

I had one but, for the LIFE OF ME, I can't remember what it was

Sleepyhypno 2:10 AM

innocent whistle...

SleepyGirl 2:10 AM

uh huh...

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