Hypnotic Date - Extended Patreon Version

Click here to view video: Hypnotic Date - Extended Patreon Version

Click here to view Female Hypnotist Version: Hypnotic Date - Female Hypnotist - Extended Version

Click here to view extended visual meditation: Hypnotic Date - Extended Visual Meditation

Ever wonder what It would be like to be on a date with a hypnotist? To find that you drift in and out of trance again and again as the day goes on? What if it wasn't just the locations that you find yourself that were changing... but you yourself?

Happy Valentines day!

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance.

Just allow yourself
to get into a comfortable position
a place where you just relax
and focus on my words
a place where you can simply
allow your body
to loosen
and let go
and sink
into whatever it is
that you are sitting
or laying on now.
and you simply
down in your body
just allow your mind
to simply fog over
to become nice and relaxed
and fuzzy
to allow all of your thoughts to just
fade away
as you breathe int
and out
and easily
and just let yourself
and drift
and deeper
all the way down
letting yourself just
and surrender
and fall into a nice...
relaxed and calm now.
very good
so easy to just
fade away
and slip
all the way down
the world around you
fading away
as your mind slips
into a dream
into a fantasy
letting my words
slide deep into your mind
and just helping you to relax
and allowing a new world
to simply form around you
you find yourself in a rather
nice restaurant
sitting in a quiet corner
it's dimly lit
and relaxing
but the most
important feature
is the person in front of you
your date...
as you let yourself
look them over
you find that they are
exactly what you like
exactly what you desire
right build
the right looks
the right personality
the perfect date
for you...
but because this person is
so perfect
so attractive
you can't help but find yourself
feeling very...
and shy
that's how it always seems to go
when you are with someone
you really find yourself
being drawn into
really being attracted too
it's normal
and natural
for you to feel nervous in a situation
just like this.
but that doesn't make it
any easier.
but as you sit there
nervous and shy
you notice you date
lean in
and give you a warm
confident smile
as their hand slide to yours
and gently touches you
taking your hand in theirs
and just
staring into your eyes
deep into your eyes
they seem to know
that you are very
about being there with them
as they tell
in a soothing
gentle voice
that it's ok to be nervous
it's ok to be
a little shy
they tell you that they can
help you to relax
and ask you to look
deep into their eyes
and just breathe
as you do
you find that you can't help but feel
a pull
as if their gaze is
drawing you in
making you focus
making you relax
everything seems to simply
fade away
just their eyes
and deeper
into yours
you can hear them speaking
but it sounds
far away
you find yourself simply nodding
simply whispering
a soft
yes... i understand
and then everything ust seems
to fade
fade away
and you feel as if your body is just
sinky down
into a nice deep.
you feel your body
and your mind just dropping
all the way
into that wonderful
hypnotic sleep
you feel yourself breathing so easily
and gently
and then you hear a distance voice
speaking again
and your eyes open
you find yourself
staring at your date
it's like your nervousness is
completely gone
completely faded away
you find yourself sliding your hand
along theirs
and feeling their foot moving along yours
you adjust your seat to lean in
and smile
you can't help but feel a lot more
and playful
it's as if all of the nervousness
has simply been
erased from your mind
as you lean in
your date gives you a grin
leans in a bit closer to you
the table prevents you from getting
too close
but as you lean in
you notice them
more and more deeply
into your eyes
and you can't help but feel that
and deeper
as you start to sink
into their eyes
echos in the background
seem to help you feel
that it's ok to sink
ok to just
and drift
and then you simply feel yourself
once again
everything fades away
and your just
and gentle
in a void
open and relaxed
so peaceful
and calm
you hear the voice
calling you back to the land of the waking
and find that you are no longer
on the opposite side of the table
You are now sitting right next to your date
leaning against their shoulder
as you slowly wake up
you find them looking at you
and feel their hand
feel their touch
sliding slowly
along your leg
along your shoulder
you can't help but blush
and let out a soft
gentle moan
their touch is so...
so relaxing
every place they touch
just seems to loosen
and tingle with pleasure
you feel that
but then realize
They are telling you that.
whispering that
into your ear
you grin up at them
and they give you a smile
and tell you it's ok to just
let the sensations
the feelings
of the touch
sliding along your body
their hand moving along your skin
along your back
helping you to just
focus on these feelings
and let everything else
deeply and easily
as the feeling of their hands
moving along your body
along your back
along your leg
help you to just
and let go
you hear a whisper in your ear
but you can't quite make it out
but you feel yourself
and sink
and fade
all the way
deeper and deeper
down back into sleep
feeling their hands
along your skin
over every inch of your body
as you just let go
and sink
deeper and deeper now.
the feeling
the sensations
drift through your mind
more and more
until you feel a new sensation
something deeper
something more
a kiss
a gentle
but passionate kiss
you find your body
moaning gently
as your eyes open
and then you sink into the kiss
you feel their hands
sliding along your leg
along your hip
and slowly
under your shirt
moving gently
and higher
along your skin
you can't help but feel a shiver
and tingle
as they explore your body
hidden in the back of the restaurant
as you feel their hand
sliding along your body
you feel their kiss break
as they slowly
gently lick your lips
and lean back
for a moment you feel as if
maybe they are going to leave
but instead they move their arm
and pull out a pendant
something old
something antique
shiney and scuffed at the same time
and dangle it before your eyes
before you can ask what they are doing
they give you a soft
as the pendant starts to swing
and gently
side to side
in front of you
back and forth
you find that your eyes
just seem to follow it
back and forth
side to side
you try to speak
try to ask a question
but you can't seem to form the words
your mind seems to be
being wipe clean
as the pendant swings
back and forth
side to side
in front of your eyes
you can't help but feel your eyes
following it
back and forth
as it moves in front of you
more and more smoothly
and easily
you feel your body relaxing
letting go
as you mind just follows
back and forth
relaxed and calm
and then you hear a simple
and the word
and your mind just seems to fade
and you feel yourself
onto your date
deeply asleep
relaxed and calm now
as you sit there
limp and loose
completely gone
completely relaxed
you feel a finger
slide under your chin
and tilt your head up
and then you feel as if
your being lead
your eyes are closed
and your feet don't really seem
to touch the floor
you feel like your floating
in a daze
in a fog
and the more you follow
the less you notice
until once again your mind
just seems
to fade away
blank and relaxed
and open.
through the fog
you start to hear a sound
a soothing
soft rumble
as you start to stare
start to wake up
you become aware
that your seat
although very comfortable
is shaking
just a bit
it's dark as you open your eyes
and you find yourself
leaning against your date
and clam
their arm is around you
as they drive down a secluded
country road
you don't remember how you got here.
don't remember leaving the restaurant
but yet it feels
so soothing
so nice
you lean into them
and slide your hand
along their chest
along their leg
you see them smile
as they comment
that the road can be
very relaxing
watching the painted lines
pass by
one by one
line by line
and relax
and let go
pass and surrender
and sink
and sink
and your mind simply
fades away
as you watch the lines on the road
sweep by
by one
letting you drift
relaxed and empty
as your hand slides down their body
and you just
sink into them
but while you are asleep
while you are resting
on your dates shoulder
watching the lines on the road
pass by you
one by one
you hear a whisper
deep in your mind
and you feel your hand
sliding along their groin
along their leg
your not aware that you're doing it
not aware that your hand
is slowly
giving them pleasure
stimulating them
while they drive
but something about it
something about touching them
in just the right ways
seems to stimulate your body as well
every touch
seems to make you
even hotter
every twitch of their body
seems to make you
in that most
special of ways
as the lines pass by your eyes
you feel them
hear them
sighing softly
at your touch
your body
seems to know
exactly how to touch them
how to pleasure them
how to stmiluate them
it's as if it was just
whispered into your mind
and you can't help but follow
can't help but obey
stimulating them
more and more
until you feel
that little shiver
the tingle
that sensation
and feel them
and climax
at your touch
but as they reach their peak
you can't help but feel a deep
of pleasure
wash through your body
deep inside of you
washing through all of those places
that make you feel the most
through every part of your body
every part of your mind
you reach your own
hypnotic climax
and just shiver
and sigh
as your body
and mind
just sink
deeper and deeper
as the lines pass before your eyes
one by one
you just shiver
and tingle
and sink
as you watch
the lines sweep past your eyes
one by one
you barely notice that they suddenly
you feel the car come to a stop
and feel yourself
almost being
the night air is cool
and relaxing
and then
the air os warm
and quite
you feel yourself being
pressed against a wall
as your eyes slowly open
you find yourself
in a very nice house
with your date smiling at you
inviting you
into their home
with a soft kiss
you go to look around
but find they have you
against the wall
their face right next to yours
and tell you that they have
many things
they want to show you
and many things
they want to see
you feel their hands
sliding along your body
along your form
every inch of your body
gets a nice caress
until you feel them
starting to undo your clothes
you can't help but blush
but before you can say anything
they cut you off with a kiss
deep and slow
as you feel a piece of clothing
slide off of your body
but there is something
about how that feels
it's like your ind
is focused
on the feeling
on the sensation
of the clothes
being slid off of you
like it just
draws you in
more than usual
you find yourself
and sighing
as you date just watches you
with a smile
as another piece of clothing
slides away
and another
every piece
pulls you in
and your body seems to become
more limp
more loose
more compliant
you feel your another piece of clothing
slide away
and your head becomes foggy
and fuzzy
and then another
then another
until finally that last piece of clothing
slides away from your skin
down your leg
and then you just
fele it drop
from gravity's pull
and you just
right down with it
blank and calm
completely open
completely naked now
you feel yourself
and then slowly feeling a kiss
a soft
passionate kiss
as you become aware
that you are in a bed room
your date has joined you
in your state of undress
and is sliding their hands along your body
exploring you
you find yourself
letting out a bit of a laugh
and sliding your hands
along their body
feeling their form
every inch of their skin
their physique
and all of the parts that you
so deeply
want to explore
completely ok to just
let go
and indulge your fantasies
feeling yourself
enjoying their touch
enjoying their body
they lean up and kiss you
like their is an aggression to it
you can feel
just how much
they want you
how much they desire you
you break the kiss with a smile
and go to make
a witty comment
but before you can
you hear them simply
and tell you to SLEEP
your world starts to quickly fade
and you feel your body
gently onto the bed
as you feel your date
climb on top of the bed
on top of you
and being to explore
every inch of your body
as your pleasure builds
and builds
with every touch
you find yourself floating
feeling pleasures
more and more
and then you feel
yourself waking up
the more you wake up
the more pleasure you feel
and you notice
as you wake
that your in their bed
and that you and your date
and in the most
intimate of connections
feeling their body
and yours
feeling their heart racing
their hands along your body
and feeling that most
and pleasurable connection
building between you
both of you panting
and rocking
and touching
in just the right ways
and then you feel it
deep inside of you
a very intimate
a very deep
powerful feeling
as your body and mind simply
feel them
and you
all at once
reach the logical
climax of your actions
you feel it wash through you
making you shiver
and moan
making you sink
even more deeply
as you just shiver
and hold them
feeling their pleasure
flooding into you
and your pleasure
flooding into them
as you just
let go
and simply
and then all at once
you simply
deeply into sleep
as you land softly on the bed
deeply relaxed
and blank
panting softly
as your mind simply
shuts down
deeper and deeper
you find yourself
waking up
in their bed
feeling yourself
laying next to your date
they smile at you
and you find that you feel so
so at peace
and calm
like this is where you belong
you can feel the afterglow
of your pleasure
drifting through your body
as they smile down at you
and tell you that you
were wonderful
that they had
a wonderful time
as you sit there...
watching them
you notice them pull out their pendant
once again
and swing it softly
and easily
before your eyes
this time
there is no questions
no hesitation
you simply start to follow the pendant
side to side
back and forth
you find that your mind
and body
just seem
to drift
seem to relax
the world around you fades away
and all the remains
is the pendant
going back and forth
back and forth
you feel open
and calm
and relaxed
as the pendant fills your gaze
but as you watch the pendant
go back and forth
the world around you seems to
fill back in
your back in the restaurant
sitting across from your date
as they slowly bring the pendant
to a stop
and put it away
smiling at you
they tell you that
you seemed so nervous
they just wanted to help you
help you relax
you barely notice
that hours have passed
the people in the restaurant are now all different
your plates rae no longer there
and your clothes
feel odd...
feel like they were
out of place
your date gives you a smile
and asks if you enjoyed your desert
you feel a tingle
wash through your body
through you mind
you give a nod
and feel as if your mind is
becoming foggy
once again
something is different
differnet about you
about how you feel
about how you think
before you can figur it out
you feel yoru date
slide a finger along your cheek
and turn your head to them
they give you a smile
and tell you it's time
to take you home
time to go
to your place
they move their finger
Under yoru chin
and you seem to just
seem to just
after them
you can't help but simply
and obey...
as you are lead away
you are free to continue the fantasy
in your mind
free to imagine
what your date might have you do
as you are driven to your place
free to indulge your desires
and your fantasies
more and more deeply
and intimately
again and again
But for now
Simply rest
And relax
And enjoy this wonderful feeling
And when you are ready to wake up
You may do so…

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