Monday, November 6, 2023

In Flight Humiliation - Preview

Click here for full video: In Flight Humiliation - Patreon Exclusive

Click here for Preview: In Flight Humiliation - Preview

Click here for short: Bound and Humiliated

Ever wonder what it might be like to find yourself restrained and humiliated on an airline flight? To end up being the source of the passengers entertainment on your slight?  In this video we'll explore this fantasy.

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance.

 Just allow yourself to get into a comfortable position
A place where you can simply
And focus on my words.
A place where you just allow your mind
And your body
To simply let go
And start to drift.
Feeling your mind opening
As your muscles loosen
And slip away
Sinking down more deeply
And easily
With every word
Helping you to just
Deeper and deeper down
Allowing the world around you
To become fuzzy
And noticing how it just seems
To fade away
As you sink even more deeply
Even more easily
Deeper and deeper
Into my words
All the way down
To a nice
Relaxed and calm
Open and focused now.
And as the world fades away
You discover that a new world
Is here to take its place
You find yourself. On an airplane
About to take off.
But you find that you are also, in a bit of a cranky mood
It doesn't really matter what got you in this mood.
And it doesn’t matter if this is how you would normally
React to such a situation
This is after all
A fantasy.
And I think we have all had the desire
All had the fantasy
About simply letting our wrath
Out on the world
About giving those around us
A piece of our mind
And not in the hypnotic way.
Of asserting ourselves in the most
And in a rude way possible.
Only to watch those around us simply
Shrivel up
And shrink away.
It comes with a feeling of power
A feeling of control
Of dominance.
And on a rather dark note
A feeling of satisfaction
To see those around us simply
Bend to our will.
It’s only natural to feel this way,
Now i think we all know that in real life
That kind of behavior is… frowned upon.
But this is fantasy.
So you can simply imagine yourself
Being a bit a tool
On a plane
It’s ok to indulge in this fantasy
As it leads to an even better one.
And as the plane starts to take off,
You find that the entire cabin is more or less
Done with your shit.
But yet you feel smug
And confident.
You’ve managed to put everyone
In their place.
And as you feel the plane tilt up
And watched the flight attendants whisper about you
You can’t help but feel a smile
Form on your lips
It’s going to be a long flight
You think to yourself
As you wonder what ways
You could make the flight
Even more entertaining
For yourself.
But as I said…
The passengers
And the crew
Have had more than enough.
Of your shit.
And as the seat belt sign turns off.
You feel the person next to you
Grab your arm, and hold it to the arm rest
While the person across the aisle
Stands up and pins down your other arm.
You move to struggle
Feeling yourself pressing against both of your attackers
But they are using their full body weight
And you're simply not… that strong.
You start to complain,
Start to yell
But you’ve been doing that all day
And everyone is tired of hearing you
As you yell
You feel the person behind you
Hold a thick rag over your mouth
Pulling it tight
The rag has a rather
Sweet scent
It’s very strong
And you start to feel your head
Your struggling has left you gasping for air
And you simply inhale the fumes
More and more with every breath
You start to feel quite
Start to feel your limbs becoming weak and tired.
You noticed the flight attendants starting to move towards you
With a bit of laugh and a grin
One of them even starts to comment that
If you continue to make noise
They will have to take
Dramatic steps
To keeping you nice
And quite
Nice and calm
You struggle a bit more against your binds
But notice your vision starting to blur
Your head just feels so…
So clouded.
You start to hear a few of the passengers giggling
And laughing at you
As the world starts to fade to black.
And just before everything goes dark you hear
A single person in the back comment.
‘It’s about time..’
In reference to you
And your behavior
As you slip away into a nice
Deep sleep…
And restrained.
This is where our little preview
Will end… for now.
If you are curious about what we have instore
I can tell you it involves
The loss of your clothes
Being restrained
And humiliated by the passengers
And maybe, a little bit of pleasure in the process.
If this is not for you, that’s completely fine
You can continue to sit here…
And relax
And fantasize about being helpless restrained
In your seat
Smelling the chloroform
As you sink more deeply
Into helplessness.
For as long as you’d like
If this is does sound appealing to you you,
then you can find the link
To the full video in the description below.
When you wake up…
For now just relax
And feel your body sinking more deeply
More helplessly down
Into sleep…
Until you are ready to wake up…


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