Self Adhesive Chloroform - Patreon Exclusive


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Mantra Youtube Short:  Chloroformed and Bound Manta

Ever try out those fitness straps that just stick to your body? What if those straps were somehow, coated in Chloroform? and if once they were on your body they seemed to simply, bind you, and tie you up, all while the sweet smelling fumes slowly helped you drift to sleep?

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance.

Just allow yourself to get into a comfortable position
A place where you can simply
Allow your mind to simply
Focus on my words
Working their way
Into your mind
Into your thoughts
The more you listen
The easier it is for your body
To just start to relax
And sink back
Into whatever it is
That you are sitting,
Or laying on now.
The more you let go
The more you simply allow yourself
To drift
Deeper and deeper
Into my words
The more the world around
Seems to fade away
Seems to just
You may find that your eyes
If they haven’t already
Just seem to slide closed
Your eye lids drifting down
Deeper and deeper
Until they simply
And your find yourself just
And focusing
On my words.
Deeper and deeper
Down into trance
Down into sleep
And as the real world
Fades away
A new world starts to form
Form in your mind
You find yourself someplace
Someplace safe
Where you feel you can easily
Just let go
This is your personal space
And right now you find that you
Really need
Some personal space
Life can be a bit hectic
For us all
And I’m sure you have a few things
A few areas of your life
That you wish could be a bit more
And calm.
But that is what special little places
Places like this
Are for.
But today you are in this special place
For a very special reason.
You happened to be out at the store
And while you were there
You discovered a new kind of
Special relaxation strip
A kind of self adhevsive strip
That you put on your body
And it starts to make you relax
Starts to make you just
Drift away
Into pleasure
Your not exactly sure if you believe
All of the claims on the box
After all in todays day and age
Would would believe
Everything they read
But yet the idea sounded
And the price made it,
Simply irresistible
As you open the package
The first thing you notice is a strong
Scent that wafts out at you
It’s a sweet
Almost overpowering aroma
You feel your head start to become fuzzy
And light
You almost immediately have to sit down
For a brief moment you can’t but wonder
If this is what chloroform smells like
But you shake your head
And clear it,
As much as you can
Examine the straps
There are five of them
You remove the first one
And place it around your ankle
It feels tight on your skin
But the sensation seems instantly
Make you relax
Make you sink even more deeply
Into the chair
As you place the other around your other ankle
You can’t help but feel yourself
Just a bit
Almost giggling at how light
And calm you feel.
The scent from the straps filling the room
And making it almost seem like the world
Is warping around you.
You gently place the third strap
Around you wrist
And then the fourth,
Around the other
The scent is filling your mind
You feel yourself almost
Sinking back
Getting comfortable
There is just one strap left
One more strap to place
On your body
But your body feels almost
Too weak to move
Everything just seems to be
You find yourself giggling just a bit
You feel almost like you are,
Tripping out now
But before you realize it
You start to feel your hands moving
Along your body
The final tape strap
In your hand
Just as you realize your hands
Are moving on their own
You look down to see them
As if they are being controlled
And pulled
By the straps on your wrists
Your brain is too foggy now
Too fuzzy to really figure out what
If anything
Is going on
You go to ask
Almost yourself at this point
What is going on.
But before you can
The final strap
Is taped over your mouth
Your hands rub along the strap
And you feel a deep
Thick scent
Of the sweet smelling chemical
Float through your body
Through your mind
You start to feel your body
And groan in pleasure
Feeling that tingle
Drifting through you body
You barely notice that your legs
Are being pulled apart by the straps
On your ankles
Held down
Held apart
As if you are being tied up
As if the straps were some how
Binding you
Tying you up.
Restraining you now.
You find your arms being pulled
Down to yoru sides
As if they were being tied
Tied to your waist
As you struggle
You start to feel yourself
Drifting away further
The world seems to just
Melt around you
As the scent of the drug on the strap
Drifts deeper
And deeper
Into your brain
Into your mind
The pleasure that this causes
Makes you moan
As your body shifts around
Struggling against your invisible binds
But the more you struggle
The more your body
Becomes controlled
And restrained
And helpless
And the more the pleasure
Builds inside of you
The tingling
The arousal
As your whole body starts to shiver
And tingle
Helpless to resist.
Helpless to move.
On your own at least.
But you find that your body
Is moving now
Slowly your hands
Start to slide
Slide along your body
The chloroform keeping you
So relaxed
That you can’t resist
Your hands move to caress
To slide along your skin
Along the places that you like
To be touched by someone who is
Flirting with you
The places that start to make your body
Feel aroused
And tingling
The places that make you start to simply
As you feel your hands
Being controlled
Controlled by the straps
Every place that they touch
You feel the pleasure building
More and more deeply
More and more intimately
Your free to leave these touches
These movements
Inside of your mind
But if it is safe to do so.
You are also free to feel your hands
Moving along your body
Touching yourself
Fondling yourself
Moving to all of the most
Special places
The places that just seem to make you
And tingle
Your also safe
To let out a soft
Gentle moan
If it’s safe to do so.
The very sound of your own body
Feeling so much pleasure
So much
Intimate pleasure
Helps you to simply
Let go
And relax
Even more deeply
You find that your hands
Start to move
Move to the place
That arouses you the most
You are free to feel them
Free to guide them
Into removing any
Unnecessary clothing
That may be in the way
And just let those controlle dhands
Drift down
Down to your most
Private of places.
Places where it just seems
Natural now
For you to want to touch
To caress
And pleasure
Your mind is so tripped out now
That this seems
Completely natural for you now
And totally normal
For you to just
Let go
And bring yourself
The pleasure you desire
The pleasure you need to relax
Your tripped out mind
Knows exactly how
And where to touch
Where to move
Where to caress
To bring you the most pleasure
It’s ok if this is just in your mind
But if you are safe to do so
And you find that you really
Want to feel this pleasure now
You can let your hands
Move to your most
Private of places
And start to massage
Start to tease
Start to arouse
Letting yourself moan
In soft
Deep pleasure
Letting your body groan
As it gently
And aches for a release
A release from the tension
From the arousal
Inhaling the fumes
From the straps
The straps that keep you helpless
Gagging your responses
Muffling them
Under the tape like gag
Of the strap over your mouth
Your moans
Your groans
Your whines of pleasure
Building under that gag
All driving you deeper
And deeper
Towards the intense pleasure
That you feel yourself
Building more and more
In your own body.
Just let everything
Everything but the straps
The moaning
The groaning
And the deep
Intimate pleasure
Fade away
The pleasure in your body
And builds
You are free to take as much time
In your mind
Or in your body
To build this pleasure
As deeply
As intimately
As you need
As much as you want
Your can’t help it
Your body is no longer under your control
Your helpless to resist
Helpless to struggle
And when you finally find
That you are ready
To release your pleasure
You will find it so easy to let out
A deep
Muffled moan
And simply
Release now
And totally relaxed
As you release.
And totally now.
As you lay there
Your mind spinning
And your body recovering
You are free to just let yourself
And drift away for a while
Or you are free
To feel your hands
Start again
Beginning the process
Of turning you on
Of building your arousal
More and more deeply
Letting your hands flow over your body
While you just inhale the fumes
And moan softly into the strap that is
Tape gagging your mouth now.
It’s completely up to you.
But when you find that you are ready
Ready to simply wake up
Or ready to drift into sleep for a while
You will simply let the straps
Fade away
Let the the fumes clear in your mind
And let yourself just awake
When you ready
Until then
Simply enjoy this special
Hypnotic experience.

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