Hypnotist's Apprentice - Extended Patreon Version


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Click here for Session Log: Hypnotist's Apprentice - Hypnosis Session Log

Ever wonder what it would be like, to be the apprentice to a master hypnotist, but yet feel you were not being showen, everything? What if you were to break into their special hidden Sanctum, and find their most... potent hypnotic charm... what would you do with it? And would you be able to resist it's power...

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance.

Just allow yourself to get
into a comfortable position
a place wher eyou can simply relax
and focus on my words
just feeling your body
and your mind
starting to drift
starting to sway
starting to simply
Deeper and deeper
all the way down.
letting everything go as you just
slip away
and relax
everything can simply fade away
and you can just
deeply and soundly now.
and as you sink down
you find that the world around you
seems to simply
fade away
and as it does
it is replaced
by a new world
you are inside of an old
stone castle
it's not your castle
but you do live here.
this castle is the home of the worlds
greatest hypnotist
a hypnotist whose powers are unrivaled
And you, through some creative writing in your resume
have gotten the possition
of the hypnotists apprentice.
They are slowly teaching you,
everything they know
about how to be a hypnotist.
the language
and the magic
in putting another person,
into a deep hypnotic trance.
But tonight...
the hypnotist is away.
and you have, run of the castle
but you know they have a sanctum
an place where thye keep the more
advanced hypnotic items
the things you really want to learn.
but that they feel you are...
too novice to understand.
of course you feel you can easily handle
anything in the room.
as easily as you manage to pick the lock
and enter inside.
The room is large
filled with ornate tapestries
old books with large artistic lettering.
a cabinet full of watches, and pendants.
an entire shelf of various crystals.
but the thing that catches you reyes the most...
is the spiral
floating above a gold pedistal.
you easily can feel just how powerful
this spiral is.
floating in front of you.
of course you feel that you can
easily weild it's power.
you raise your hand and the spiral seems to float to you
hovering over your hand
with a smile
you leave the sanctum
and find one of the many servants
that work in the castle
they are busy doing their nightly chores
and don't see you approach
simply cleaning one of the many rooms
until you clear your throat
and they turn around
instantly drawn into the spiral
into the spin
into the swirl
it's like it has a will of it's own
a power all it's all
they can't look away
the spiral starts to spin
and faster
and it just draws them in
The power is intoxicating.
it jsut seems to make the image
of the servant
slipping into the spiral
so much more
but then you notice
notice that...
you are having trouble
looking away from the spiral
it seems to be...
calling to you
pulling you in
you feel as if the room is fading away
all the remains is the spiral
getting bigger
and bigger
you hsake your head to try and clear it
but the pull returns
almost immediately
you start to protest
start to struggle
and in a desperate attempt to stop it
you reach out to touch the spiral
but before you can...
the spiral splits, into two...
one on the left
one on the right.
you feel it pulling at you
struggling to resist
you move to swat at one of the spirals
but again it divides
and then again
and again
and again
where there once was only one
now there are several,
a dozen
two dozen
all swirling around you
spinning in oppsite directions
some moving closer
some moving away
some circling you
you struggle and swing to knock them away
but every swing
creates another spiral
they are everywhere.
and then out of no where
you feel a spiral
attach itself to your left arm.
the spiral wraps along yoru arm
it's energy tingling into your body
it makes you feel numb...
makes you rfeel a tingle of pleasure
and then another lands on your leg
and one on your shoulder
every place a spiral lands
you start to feel it
it's as if it is stimulating the body part
into a trance
making it helpless
making it deep
making it want to comply
wnat to obey
more and more the spirals land on you
on your knee
on your thigh
on your chest
on your side
struggling to stay awake
but each spiral that touches you makes it harder
and harder to do so...
you feel a limp
numb feeling starting to spread out frm the spirals
our of desperation you move to swat one away.
but all you can manage is a finger
and you mange
to your surprise
to poke the spiral...
and as soon as you do
it stops spinning.
almost on accident you move your finger
and it starts to spin the other way.
and you notice
that the pull
seems to stop
it's as if this one spiral
as been turned off.
that you can resist a bit more
you struggle to poke another,
and another
you see a path to victory.
a path forward
one by one you make them swirl the other way
but the others
keep pulling you
deeper and deeper
as you struggle
a spiral floats in front of you...
and you can't help but stare
you feel your mind and body
mind going blank
but then i drifts out of view
and one of the anti-spirals
the spirals that wake you
drift in front of your face
you snap back awake
and resume yoru struggles
moving to make another spiral spin
but this one you miss
and it divides
and you just feel it pull you down
deeper then before
your mind seems to empty
even more
you didn't realize it could be more empty
but yet
it just seems to clear
more and more
and then you rise up again
as another anti-spiral floats in front of you
and slow
but awake none the less
you can't help but fall into another spiral...
only for an anti-spiral
to wake you.
the pattern seems to repeat
and again
each time you go deeper then before
each time you wake up
you are more.
more dazed
the tingling in your body
every part of you tingling
every part of you stimulated
another spiral
and you sink down
deeper and deeper
and then an anti-spiral
and you wake up
a little bit
it take syou time to remember
what you were doing
what was going on
and then another spiral
and you fade away again
tingling with pleasure
and then an anti-spiral
and you come up
foggy and dizzy
moaning with pleasure
and lost in the up, and down
you stumble about...
struggling to remember
what you were doing
what you were trying to prevent
what you were trying too...
and then a spiral
lands right on your face
and all you see is the swirl
the spin
and feel the energy
leaking into your mind
into your brain
you are lost
you are deep
you are blank
and empty
nothing matters
jsut the spiral
you feel a tingle of pleasure
wash through your body
shaking and shivering
as you simply
and surrender
your mind empties so deeply
so completely
even your inner thoughts
and vanish
the spiral has you
and totally now.
you are helpless to resist.
you find that the spiral
has a will...
but it doesn't feel like it has it's own will
more like it is...
a will that is far away
you feel your body becoming rigid
and stiff
it starts to move
all on it's own
as if another will was controlling you
your too blank to notice
that you start to take up the chores
of a normal castle servant
cleaning a table
dusting a shelf
you simply exist to obey
you simply exist to serve
that is all you desire
that is all you know
your body is not on auto-pilot.
it is clearly being driven
by a will
by a power
by an energy
you can feel it in every part of your body
driving you
from one task
to the next
being guided gives you pleasure
gives you purpose
it feels so good to simply be...
and blank
while your body is used
and controlled
by another will
you don't knwo how long you move about.
you don't really keep track
it all fades into the spiral
into the energy
into the pleasure
you are aware at some point you come to a stop
arms at your sides
head staring forward
as if you are at attention
waiting for orders
waiting for the will to tell you what to do.
your not sure how long you are at attention
you can't really see
can't really think
only feel.
that is until the spiral on your face
seems to detach
and float in front of you
you feel the others detach
and form into a single spiral
that drifts back to it's pedistal
you arein the sanctum
and the hypnotist is ther with you
and they seem rather...
they walk around you
looking you over
your mind is empty
standing at attention
they comment that
you tried to use a power
you weren't ready for
and that power turned on you
that power
blanked you
emptied you
they comment that it will wear off...
but until that happens
you are nothing more then a decoration
or a servant
no thoughts
no will of your own
You see the hypnotist
sit on a large
delicate chair
and move their hand in your direction
your body starts to move
all on it's own
a familiar pull to it
a familiar will
you start to feel your body moving
in a rather seductive
moving and swaying before the hypnotist
you body seems to know exactly how to move
exactly how to sway
to bring the most
appealing view
the most seductive sway
to every movement.
it's like you are simply a puppet
on the strings of the hypnotist
you feel the pull
seeping into your mind
the will of the hypnotist
moving your body
closer and closer to theirs
your hands can't resist
sliding along your frame
showing off your best attributes
the parts of you that are the most
you don't even realize that as you dance
you are slowly removing your clothes
piece by piece
falling away
disappearing from your body
already having disappeared from your mind
you find yourself moving
moving to the hypnotist
sitting in their chair
strong and confident
and feel a pull
a pull down
down to your knees
finding yourself simply looking up at them
as they stroke your cheek
and pet your head.
you are nothing more then an empty pet
a blank mind to be filled
a puppet to be commanded.
they let out a simple little laugh
a more devious laugh then you have heard them use before
as they ask themselves..
whatever should I do with you...
as you sit there
blankly staring up
at the hypnotist whose control you find yourself under
they can't help but enjoy you
enjoy your form
in whatever way you would find the most...
whatever way would make you
tingle and shiver the most
they wil lend up enjoying you
and your helples state
and again
and you can feel their energy
their will
sinking deeper
and deeper
into your mind
into your body
as you simply knee
your not sure how long you sit here...
how long they enjoy you
or even how much pleasure.
you end up feeling
but eventually they return you to tyoru feet,
and simply stare into your eyes
enjoying the empty look inside of you r eyes
the helpless
where your mind used to be.
you see the hypnotist
walk around you
taking in your body
in your helpless
blank look
as they simply program you
program you to be a servant
to be at their beck and call
in whatever way they desire
in whatever way they might.
want to enjoy you.
and now I want you to simply imagine yourself
obeying the commands
the desire of your hypnotist...
let that feeling move through your body
through your mind
you will remain like this for some time...
obeying every command they give
doing every thing they tell you 
and when you decide you would like to wake up 
you need only take a deep breathe
and count in your mind 
from one
up to three
and allow yourself to wake up.
but for now
just rest
and relax
and enjoy the suggestions of the hypnotist
until you are ready to wake up...
and when you do... 
be sure to hit the like button
after all
you can't resist the pull of your hypnotist
and that is just a little... 
command for you to follow
for now simply rest
and enjoy...

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