Ghost Author - Patreon Exclusive

Click the link for the video: Ghost Author | Patreon Exclusive

You can also find the Outtake Video here: Outtakes for Ghost Author

just allow yourself

to get into a comfortable position

a place where you can just

sit, and relax

a place where you can focus so easily

on my words

and as you find yourself

naturally falling into that position

like you have so many times before

I want you to just notice

to become aware...

of just how easy it is for you to simply

feel your mind and body


and shutting down.

it's like as soon as you start to hear

these words

your mind just seems to slowly

and easily

turn itself off now.

like you just seem to find

seem to realize...

that your almost



to simply


and sink deeper and deeper

in a situation like this.

and as you start to feel your body

and your mind

drifting down

into my words

like you have so many times before

you start to notice the world around you

fading away

you start to feel yourself


easily and gently

feel your thoughts fading away

the more you realize how relaxed

and foggy you are feeling

the more easily your body relaxes

and your mind simply clears

as you find yourself

letting go

as you simply




deeper and deeper

down into a deep

relaxing trance

so easily

and quickly now.

doing so very well.

and as you relax

you become aware

of a world forming around you

in your mind

you start to see rows and rows

of shelves...

full of books.

you can see tables around you

and areas where people can simply


and relax.

where they can pick up a good book

and lose themselves in it.

you're in a library now.

and the more you start to look around

the more vivid it becomes for you

the feel of the shelves

the scent of the books

that unique smell that comes

when you have a book that is..


or even centuries old.

and you find yourself

slowly wandering through the isles

letting your hands

slide along the bindings of the books

feeling the texture of the binding.

the cool,

crinkled feeling

of the leather that binds the books

and as you move through the isles

you feel as if you are being drawn

being guided

towards a certain part of the library

as if something was calling you....

something was summoning you

every step you take seems to make the pull

stronger and deeper, in your mind

your hand gliding softly over the books

as step by step

you feel yourself losing focus

losing track of where you are.

where you're going.

your simply walking

feeling that call

that summoning in your mind.

you become aware of a figure

a person... sort of...

standing in the distance

watching you.

but as you glance over towards them

they seem to almost fade

into the shadows.

as if they were never really there

as if they were made...

of the very shadows they faded into

but once the person is gone

faded away into the shadows

your mind seems to be drawn again

back to the pull

back to the strange sensation

that you are being drawn


to a specific part of this library

the more you walk

the more the world seems to fade away

barely noticing that with every isle

you move into an older

and older part

of this library.

maybe even a part you didn't know was here...

a part you'd never seen before

and you turn the corner

you come across a book.

sitting a pedestal

The book looks ancient.

with a think leather binding

and a solid brass latch

to keep it closed

the title has worn away

but you tell from the letter that remains

that it was written in a golden ink

you can't help but slide your hands along the book

as you do images,

flashes of the person that you saw

out of the corner of your eye

the person that faded into the shadow

seem to come to mind.

you feel as if your body is starting to move

all on it's own.

your mind swirling

as you find your self opening the brass latch

you can hear it click

and then the book opens.

it looks like a strong breeze

had blown the book open.

the cover flying to the side

as the pages flipping on their own

but you feel no breeze against your skin

the pages appear to blank.


the traces of ink that remain are faded

and worn

but as you lean in closer

you start to notice words appearing in the book

as if they were starting to glow

and shine

as a story starts to appear

a story just for you...

as you the words start to form the story

you begin to read.

every word seems to draw you in.

more and more deeply

we've all had that one... special book

that one that we just can't put down

that just seems to draw us in.

and keep us hooked

the kind of book that really

grabs you...

deep inside.

this book has grabbed you...

more than any other.

it's as if the words that you are reading

to forming in your mind

and spreading out

like tendrils of light

through your thoughts

moving into every part of your mind

every part of your body

and soul

the story before you may be a familiar one

or one that is completely new

and adventure

or a comedy

something filled with action

or deep personal accounts of the characters

but one thing seems clear to you

as you read this story

the author of the story is speaking...

speaking directly to you now.

every word you read

feels like a caress

like a soft gentle stroke

at first it's simply in your mind

you think... you feel like your simply

in the grip of a good book

but then you start to hear the words

whispered into your ear...

the gentle stroking of the story

seems to be a real...

tactile feeling...

of a soothing hand sliding along your arm

along your waist

the voice that you hear is so...



a voice that seems to suit you...

seem to fit your desires perfectly

maybe it's a voice you recognize...

the voice of a person you know


or maybe it's a completely new voice

a voice that you only dreamed about

whispering into your ear.

as their hands slide along your body

It's such an intimate experience.

as long as a good book can be...

the more you read

the more you hear them

whispering into your ear

seductive words

sliding one by one

right into your mind

right into your soul

the feeling of their body

leaning against your back

guiding you deeper and deeper into the story

you feel their hands moving along your body

their lips kissing your neck

teasing your thoughts

as the story seems to shift.

seems to simply.. change...

to suit you the best.

a tale of seduction

and pleasure

as the skillful lover

the skillful author...

weaves the perfect tale

to slide deeper and deeper

into your mind

into your heart

into your soul

it's as if they are making love to you

with their very words.

deeply and intimately

and as the story seems to shift

you feel as if their hands

are not longer sliding along your body

but are phasing into it...

it's as if they are becoming a part of you

as if they are slowly

merging with you

merging into your body

into your mind

for a brief moment

you can't help but realize

that if it's the author that is speaking to you

and this book is as old as it appears...

then the author is most likely...

a ghost...

haunting the book

and using their powers

the powers of their seductive words

to enchant you...

to enthrall you

to seduce you

and control you

the very realization sends a shiver

down your body

as you feel them

like a pure energy

the kind of energy you can only find

in a gripping page turner

sliding into your body

the words no longer seem to come from a whisper

outside your body

but a whisper deep inside your very mind

the pleasure of their touch

seems to come no longer from the outside

but from deep inside of you

like they can simply

control your body

in every way

the book in front of you no longer seems important

the author is inside of you

moving through your body

through your mind

through your very soul

you can feel their story

their seductive tale

being weaved into your thoughts

saying all the right things

stimulating all the places

to continue to...

arouse and enthrall you

you can feel them stimulating you

more and more

every word they whisper

inside of your mind

simply builds the pleasure

the pure intimate experience

that just seems to simply

and completely

overwhelm you

you can feel your body shivering


as their influence

their power

their energy...

their words

moves through your mind

and your body

a kind of pleasure that can only happen

when the very core of your being

when your heart and soul

are completely seduced

completely enthralled

and captivated

and you feel their words


deeper and deeper

into you

and your pleasure building

more and more

all the right places of your mind

being stimulated

to the point of your body

simply building

to the kind of pleasurable finish

that you'd really like to feel

that you'd really long to experience

and as the pleasure washes over you

you can't help but feel your mind

seem to slip

deeper and deeper

as if your very consciousness

was slipping away into a deep

helpless sleep

you can feel the energy

of the ghost in your mind

cradling your consciousness

as the pleasure washes through you

more and more deeply

more completely

leaving your conscious mind


and totally

asleep now.

as your body just enjoys the pleasure

over and over again.

the pleasure brought to you by this ghost

deep inside of your mind

inside of your body

and as the pleasure subsides

you realize that you are no longer

in control of your body

you can feel the ghost deep inside

as your conscious mind sleeps in their arms

you can feel your body smile

as the pages of the now empty book

slide closed

the story..

the very author..

is inside of you now.

and they have many adventures

they wish to take you on.

and while your mind slips deeper

and deeper

down into sleep

down into their words

you feel your body leaving the library

a sense of adventure

and wonder

filling the words of the author

deep in your mind

and as you move into this new world

this new adventure

you are free to simply relax

and allow this ghost author...

to take your body on an adventure

maybe something you've done a dozen times before

maybe something you've always wanted to try

the ghost will guide you now

while you sleep

deeply and soundly now

cradled in their arms

deep in your mind.

and when you are ready to wake up

you will find that all you need to do

is simply take a deep

slow breathe

and allow yourself to come back

to the real world


you may find

if you'd like

that when you are quiet

when you are daydreaming

or maybe in the grip...

of a good book

that the voice of the author

comes back to you

and whispers their seductive

alluring words

into your mind

and lets the pleasure of their story

flow through your body

as they take you on another adventure

again and again

if that is what you'd really like...

but for now...

simply let yourself relax

and let the ghost

explore your fantasies

knowing that when your ready

you will simply wake up

but until then

simply enjoy...



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