Increasing Your Pleasure - Patreon Exclusive

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just allow yourself
to get into a comfortable position
to let your body simply relax
and let go
as you focus on my words
and as you do so,
I want you to become aware
of your feet
and feel a pair of hands
sliding along your feet
feel how soothing
and relaxing the feeling is
to just feel your feet
being slowly massages
slowly caressed
and relaxed
but there is something else
something different, in the touch
something arousing.
it's like the hands just seem
to make everything they touch
every muscle
or nerve ending
simply light up
and tingle
with an erotic
it's as if the more they caress
the more energy just seems to flow
into your body
deeply and easily now
the more the hands move
up your feet
to your ankles
the more you body starts to simply
tingle with pleasure
feeling it moving through your whole body
little by little
as the hands start to caress
and massage your shins
and your calves
rubbing away any signs of tension
and leaving your legs
easily relaxed
and limp
but feeling this tingle
this pleasure
moving through you
deeper and deeper
the more the hands move
the more they slide along your skin
the pleasure just seems to build
deeper and deeper
as they move along your knees
as along your thighs
along your butt
working the muscles
making them loosen
and go limp
unable to resist the feeling
unable to resist the pleasure
washing through you
more and more deeply
more and more easily
just feeling it
washing along your skin
as they squeeze
and massage your legs
massage your butt
just let the feeling pull you down
deeper and deeper
the more you feel
the deeper you sink
into trance
and the more you sink
the more vivid
and real the pleasure feels
the more it builds in your body
moving through every part of you
as the hands start to caress
along your stomach
along your back
muscles after muscle
simply seems to
to the touch
pulling you deeper
and deeper
so easily
so gently
completely safe
as these hands
skillfully slide along your body
as they brings you
ever building levels
of pleasure
and help you sink
and surrender
this is where you belong
right here
feeling these hands
building more and more of the pleasure
more of the arousal
as they slide over your shoulders
and your chest
massaging your body
in all the right places
all the right ways.
just let the hands
continue to slide
easily and slowly
down your arms
along your biceps
and triceps
along your elbows
along your forearms
massaging the muscles
and sending
and shivers
through your body
letting your entire body light up
in the pleasure
and enjoyment
there is something electric about this touch,
something that just makes you feel
so alive
so energized
so excited
but yet at the same time
so helpless
and deep
your feel your body
becoming limp and loose
the more relaxed it becomes
the more pleasure floods into you.
the more you feel
the more you sink
into the magical...
alluring spell
of the hands sliding along your body
and the more you sink
the more pleasure
they are able to bring you
the more energy they are able to put
deeper and deeper
into your body
and into your mind
and paying special attention now
to how it feels
as they slide their hands
along yours
the hands are a very special part
of your body, and your life
they are how you interact with the world
they are how you interact with others
a simple touch
can tell you so much
can teach you so much
about a person
about a situation
and here you can feel these hands
gliding along yours
slowly squeezing your palm
and your fingers
feeling your muscles just
melting into their touch
giving in completely
and totally to the feeling
and yet
there is something special
about this touch
it's like the energy
moving through you
touches you on a more
personal level
on a more intimate level
you can feel the pleasure
washing through your body
but there is something new
a connection
an intimacy
that you feel through the hands now
a safety
that you can feel deep inside
you know these hands will only give you
the pleasure that you want
the pleasure that you desire
it may take any kind of extreme form
but it will always be
exactly what you want.
deeply inside
and warm.
and as that warmth
moves through your body
you can feel their hands
sliding up
along your neck
rubbing along the back
along your spine
you can feel your head becoming
instantly light
and floaty
as if you could barely keep it up
you feel as if your entire body
as been sedated
turned off
with nothing more threatening
then a massage
but with it is a deep pleasure
that just seems to overload your mind
overload your thoughts
you can feel it
almost hear it
in your mind
like an electrical surge
arcing across your mind
feeling all the pleasure building
more and more deeply
as the hands slide along your face
feeling your face muscles going limp
and loose
completely slack
totally relaxed
as they massage
along your scalp
along your forehead
massaging away
everything but my words
and the feeling of pleasure
building in your mind.
building in your body
but as you lay there
helpless and enthralled
captivated by the words
you can feel their hand
moving down your body
down to the places
that you find
the most arousing
maybe they are the normal places
the places everyone knows about
or maybe
they know exactly where
your secret places are
the parts of your body that just
make you light up
with pleasure
the places that you keep to yourself
and only share with the more
intimate of lovers
if you've ever shared them at all
just feel their hands
slowly sliding along those parts
along these special places in your body
and feel the energy
it's as if their touch
is making those parts of your body
more sensitive
more stimulating
more arousing then ever before.
you can feel the energy coming off of their hands
and sliding into these parts of your body
increasing their pleasure
but you can also feel the energy
trickling along your brain
along your mind
and increasing your pleasure
in the very place you detect it
letting your body slowly
and steadily
tick the amount of pleasure
you can feel
higher and higher
while making it easier
and easier for you
to experience that pleasure
Knowing that you not only
Deserve to feel
As much pleasure as you can
But also that you are worthy
Of the pleasure
That you are about to feel.
feeling that energy
moving through your body
through all the special places
and through your mind
through your brain
through the very core
of who you are
knowing you are totally safe
totally cared for here
and respected
it's OK to just let this pleasure
and build
until you simply can't take it anymore
and then
when your ready
you can feel yourself simply
releasing that pleasure
feeling your body shivering and shaking
as you let that overload of pleasure
just wash through you
more and more
again and again
if your able
and knowing that
every time you feel this pleasure
your ability to be stimulated
will be increase
and your ability to feel
and experience
and more intimate pleasure
will grow
and more and more
every time you allow yourself
to enjoy this pleasure.
to enjoy these feelings.
deep inside of you now.
and as you sit there
feeling this pleasure
washing through your body
taking you to your limit
taking you to that point
where you simply need
to relax
and slip
deeper and deeper
into my words
letting your body finally relax
and settle
feeling the energy trickling through your mind
through your body
and easily
that energy will still be there
for some time.
helping you to experience
more and more pleasure
pleasure of all kinds
not just sexual
the joys of a relaxing hug
or a good meal
the sound of your favorite song
all of those simple pleasures
will be so much more powerful
free to simply allow yourself
to experience all the pleasures
that you enjoy in your life
and as you lay there
relaxed and calm
you are free to imagine
the hands starting
to slide over your body again
starting at the bottom
and working their way up
your body
again and again
maybe this time they focus
on the parts of your body
that feel the most stimulation
or maybe they pick...
mundane... normal parts
parts that aren't very stimulating at all
and they work on making them more
more excitable
more stimulating
creating new spots on your body
to feel pleasure
new spots to allow yourself
to feel even more pleasure
all the while working the parts of you mind
to allow this pleasure in
and let you feel even more pleasure
then before
more and more
deeper and deeper
each time.
and when you are ready
ready to simply wake up
you'll be able to just
take a deep breathe
and wake up
but until then
you can simply sit
and relax
enjoying this pleasure
deeply and completely
building again and again
in your body
for as long as you would like too

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