Sleigh Bells - Extended Patreon Version


Click here to view Video: Sleigh Bells - Extended Patreon Version

Click here for normal video: Sleigh Bells

Click here for outtake: Sleigh Bells - Outtake

Christmas is such a wonderful time of year, filled with lights, and sounds that are unique out of all other seasons, but what if those sights and sounds were turned hypnotic, and in a season of giving, what if you were on the top of someone else's list?

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance.

Just allow yourself to get
into a comfortable position
a place where you can simply
allow yourself to relax
and focus on my words
Just feel the world around you
fading away
as your muscles
just let go
and you sink
and gently
into whatever it is that you are
or laying on now.
and as your body relaxes
just let your mind
all the way down
deeper and deeper
down into a nice
hypnotic sleep
and as your mind
slips away
into this deep hypnotic sleep
the world around you seems ot just
fade away
and a new world
starts to take it's place
you find yourself outside
all bundled up
on a cold december evening.
the sun is starting to set
over the horizon
and there is a cold
wintery breeze
blowing across your skin
but despite the cold
there is a peace in the air
a calm feeling
there are people moving about
busily down the street
and the christmas lights
are starting to turn on and twinkle
it's very... calming
and relaxing
just let yourself take in the scene
and relax
there are so many things at christmas
that are unique to that time of year
so many wonderful things to help you just
relax and let go for a while.
but you are out on this chilly winter twilight
for a very specific reason
you are going on a sleigh ride
a little tour of the frozen country side.
and as you stand there breathing in the cold
crisp air
you notice your horse and sleigh
pull to you.
the horse is large and strong
but friendly
and the driver gives you a wink and a nod
and helps you climb into the sleigh
it's a very comfortable seat
with a nice thick blanket to help keep you warm
made of your favorite material
thick and sturdy
and you can just feel it
feel it's weight
feel it warmth
as you wrap it around you
and the horse starts to pull the sleigh
out into the twilight.
as the sleigh moves through the country side
you can't help but notice the soothing sounds
of the sleigh bells
Sleigh bells have a very
uniqure tone to them
they don't sound like other bells
they jingle softly as the horse pulls forward
and you find that you just start
to lean and watch the view
the sun light disappearing over the horizon
house after house
with their lights coming on
some of them steady and solid
some of them blinking randomly
others have a chasing pattern
that just makes you follow them with your eyes
almost trying to beat the lights
to race them to their destination
only to catch yourself doing it and smile
and relax
and all the while the bells
jingle slowly
and gently
as it gets darker
and darker now
as the ride goes on,
you barely notice that you have stopped
thinking about the sights around you
that you are more or less just
sitting back
and watching the world
pass you buy.
your own thoughts seem to have been drowned out
by the jingle of the bells
echoing slowly
in your mind.
there is a rhytm to them.
a steady
jingle, tingle, jingle, tingle
that you find yourself just
slipping into
so easily
so gently
it's like everything else
just fades away
you don't even realize that you've stopped
paying attention to the scenery
that you've stopped
watching the lights
just breathing slowly
and steadily
as you listen to the bells...
you don't even feel the sleigh,
make turn after turn
and slowly move down a dark country road
the lights seem to have faded away
as you feel your body just bouncing softly
limp and relaxed
your face has lost it's expression
and your just
staring off into space
dazed and zoned out
just calm
and empty
your mind filled only with the sound
of the bells jingling
and easily
again and again
drowning out everything else...
and just letting you become empty
and blank
and so deeply relaxed
your not sure how long the sleigh ride lasts
you don't really need to worry about it
you forgot you were even on the sleigh
all you remember
all you notice
is the jingles of the bells
you barely notice that sleigh comes to a stop
but the sound of the bells continues
The drive steps out of the sleigh
holding one of the bells
and jingling is softly
in perfect time
they start to move away
and you find taht your body
just seems to follow
rising up out of your chair
removing the warm thick blanket
and following the sound
step by step
jingle, jingle
you follow the sound
the cold air doesn't even register.
you simply follow
step after step
as you walk
you barely notice the sound of the snow
beneath your feet
changing to the sound of wooden planks
you don't notice when the cold windy air
turns into a warm quiet cabin
with only the sound of a crackling fire
and the bells
you simply follow the bells.
step by step
until you find yourself standing
in front of a christmas tree
the sound of the bells continues to move around you
as the lights come on
chasing around the tree
slowly in a circle
the gets smaller
and smaller
and smaller
every time
down into the middle
and then a bright flash of all the lights at once
and then you just
feel yoruself sinking down
as the lights start again
round and round
and deeper
and deeper
you can feel that pulling you in now
so easily
so deeply
the lights just seem to pull you in
more and more deeply
as the sound of the bells fade away
the lights have you now
flashing and chasing
you feel your coat being removed
sliding off of your body
it almost feels
to have it fall away
it was so heavy
and thick
you feel almost lighter
more care free
as the lights swirl you down
more and more deeply
your knitted hat is removed
and you feel the cool air of the cabin
against your scalp
slightly wet from sweating in the hat
but soothing
and relaxing
to feel your hair exposed ot the air
it's so
so peaceful
just watching the lights
and listening to the fire
but as you stand there
staring at the lights
you feel their hands
sliding along yoru body
and removing more and more
of your clothes
feeling your top
being pulled up and over your head
yoru arms going up
and loosing sight of the lights
for just a second
before they return
and your arms fall
limp and helpless
to your sides
you feel your pants being undone
and your shoes being untied
feeling the material of your clothes
sliding down your legs
inch by inch
taking care to enjoy the feel of your legs
as they lower your pants
little by little
down your legs
down to your ankles
before gently lifting your foot
and settping you out of your pants and your shoes
one by one
so deep and calm
the lights keeping you very relaxed
and blank
they slide their hands
up along your body
along your legs
along your back
along your chest
and your shoudlers
along your neck
slowly massaging
every inch of you
less for your relaxation
and more for thier enjoyment
but with yoru mind being so
and helpless
you can't help but feel how stimulating
how enticing
how exciting the feeling is
your body starts to react
starts to get excited
just a bit more now
with every cycle of the lights
and every touch of their hands
along your skin
exploring you
inch by inch
as you stare helplessly at the lights
as you stare into the lights
they move their hands to your most
sensitive of places
the place that stimluates
and excite you
the most
your more private and intimate of places
despite how deep you are
how blank and helpless
you can't help but let a small moan
slip out of your lips
letting them know they ahve found their spot
they expertly start to massage
along the spot
every swirl of their finger
every sqeeze of their hand
timed with the lights
yoru pleasure is building
more and more
with each
and every
tiny little flash
each and every
swirl of the lights
as your pleasure goes
you fall deeper
and deeper down
down into the pleasure
down into helplessness
down into the void
as your pleasure builds
swirl after swirl
more and more deeply
just feel their hand
stimulating you
more and more deeply
as the lights pull you down
you very quickly
reach a point where you simply
can't take it any longer
you have no resistance
no thought
and your body simply
lets go
and releases your tensoin
releases your pleasure
as you feel your captor
hold you close
to feel your body shiver
and shake
as you reach the logical climax
of their actions
but the pleasure
merges with the lights
so now every flash
every blink
takes you deeper
but makes you a bit more
a bit more
turned on
the deeper you sink
the more pleasurable you feel
as you stand there
relaxing in the glow of the lights
the warm crackle of the fire
slowly warming you up
you hear the person
whisper into your ear
telling you that you are
that you were choosen
asked for
by someone who was very good
someone asked for you
for their christmas present
the idea barely registers in your mind
over the swirl of the lights
simply taking in the suggestions
taking in the words
you are going to focus on the lights
focus on the swirling
on the flashing
letting them take you down
blank and empty
deeper and deeper
all night long
And in the morning Someone very special
Is going to arrive
You will remain blissful and blank
Unaware of the world around you
Trapped as you are in the flashing lights
As They snare you deeper in their infinite swirl
but once the very special person
has decided they want to
unwrap their present
they will do so with a kiss
and you will find yourself
waking up
feeling so completely
so completely obedient
and loyal to them
willing to do whatever they want
willing to be
whatever they want
you are their gift
their special present
they choose you
and you will be theirs
for as long they would like.
all of these words
simply drift into your mind
while you watch the lights
swirling around
sinking deeper and deeper
into your mind
you are a gift...
for someone special
And here you will stay
for a while
watching the lights
and awaiting the recipient
awaiting the person to whom you are gifted
and you will find
that for the next few nights
when you dream
when you sleep
you will feel that person
maybe someone you know
maybe someone you have a crush on
maybe a fantasy,
coming to you
watching you as you stare at the lights
and then kissing you
and then from there
you will be free to
explore your desires
expore your dreams
and your fantasies
and live out whatever romantic
or erotic
fantasies you'd like with them
deep in your mind
in your dreams
knowing you can come back here
any time you want
to get a little
mental boost
and to recharge the dream
and again
so you can enjoy being
a christmas gift
for someone special
but for now
simply allow yourself to watch the lights
swirling slowly
and gently
taking you more and more
deeply down .
after all
you are a present
you are a gift
and gifts sometimes have to sit
under the tree
waiting to be opened
but after a few minutes
you'll find that you can wake up
relaxed and refreshed
eager to find out
who it might be
that opens you...
as you sleep in your dreams.
And if you find that you might like
a little more intimate
of an encounter
there is an extended version of this script
sitting on my patreon page
link in the description
but for now just relax
into the lights
until you are ready to wake up.
and of course
have a Merry christmas

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Sink and Repeat

  Click here for Patreon Video: Sink and Repeat - Extended Patreon Version Click here for Public Video: Sink and Repeat Sink for me, then aw...