Mummy: Bondage and Control - Afterparty Log

After the main session the girls were all still very deep, a situation that I thought might be a little fun to exploit, working them all down deeper then they had ever been before.

Cover Image made by HeroineArtAi

Sleepyhypno 2:09 AM
it is... for most of us, after 2 am.
for one it is after 3 am.
and for another it I believe after midnight.
you are aware
maybe for the firs ttime
what time it is.
do any of you need, to head to bed
to head to sleep
for the night.

Ivy 2:11 AM
no master, i am ok

Psyco-Turnip 2:11 AM
Yes Master, head to sleep.

Amazonian-Princess 2:11 AM
okay for now master

SleepyGirl 2:12 AM
can go a little longer

Sleepyhypno 2:13 AM
very good ladies
since we have to say good night to one of our own.
one who must sleep
one who will walk to her bed
arms outstretched
pulled by her wrists
and blank
one who will fall into a deep deep sleep
as soon as she is comfortable
we are left with a small dilemma...
should we allow her, and the rest of you...
to remember.
or sholud we simply
make her memory
and yours
a blank
a void
no recollection
no memory
only a feeling
of helplessness
a feeling,
of deep
intimate pleasure
and control
which do you think we should do now ladies?

Ivy 2:14 AM

[Ivy Comment: bahahahahaahah! I replied REAL quick, didn't I?]
[Hypnotist Comment: More than a minute before everyone else]

Amazonian-Princess 2:15 AM

SleepyGirl 2:15 AM
blank void

Sleepyhypno 2:15 AM
very good
psyco, they have elected to make you simply forget
and by default
they will also
how does that make you feel?

Psyco-Turnip 2:16 AM
Incredibly aroused Master.

Sleepyhypno 2:16 AM
good girl
you are free
on your way to bed
as are you all
to deal with any lingering feelings
of arousal
in whatever way suits you best
understand ladies?

Ivy 2:16 AM
yes master

SleepyGirl 2:16 AM
yes master

Amazonian-Princess 2:16 AM
yes master

Sleepyhypno 2:17 AM
very good ladies...
psyco, is there anything you'd like to comment, before your memory is erased. and you are sent to bed?

Psyco-Turnip 2:18 AM
Obey Master in my stead sisters.

[Sleepgirl Comment: solid advice]
[Ivy Comment: I think I would have saluted...maybe I did?]
[Hypnotist Comment: She was really kind of dramatic there. Love it Psyco!]

Ivy 2:18 AM

Sleepyhypno 2:18 AM
Flawless Psyco, flawless
Ladies... focus
and watch
and listen
in a moment
is going to get up
and go to bed
she will be pulled form her chair
arms out
and move towards her bed
free to deal with any
pent up arousal
before she does
but once she lays in bed
she will forget
you will all forget
what happened here tonight
you will remember joining the chat
the first in months
you will remember talking
and catching up
you will remember feeling how good it was
to be in these groups
in these chats
comfortable with friends
and you will remember just how grateful I am
to have you here.
and how much I thank you
for your time
your energy
and most of all
your support
and your trust
you will remember an induction starting
you will remember watching
as your fellow sisters in trance
down into trance
there is something
something exciting
about watching another young woman
slip into a helpless trance
something that just
turns you on
just a bit
isn't that right ladies?

SleepyGirl 2:21 AM
yes master

[Sleepygirl Comment: resounding yes here…]

Ivy 2:21 AM
-nod nod- yes master

Amazonian-Princess 2:21 AM
yes master

Psyco-Turnip 2:22 AM
Yes Master.

Sleepyhypno 2:22 AM
very good
but after you remember seeing your sisters
one by one
drop into trance
you'll feel that familiar pull
wash over your mind
ash over your body
you'll remember
slipping into trance
but then
after that
simply nothing
nothing at all
it will be a blissful
exciting void
do you like that idea ladies/

SleepyGirl 2:23 AM
yes master

Ivy 2:23 AM
yes master

Amazonian-Princess 2:23 AM

Psyco-Turnip 2:23 AM
Yes Master.

Sleepyhypno 2:23 AM
very good ladies.
You will however find
that you feel very good
very refreshed
and very openly flirty
with me.
when we talk
after all
you are all doing this to help me out
it would be,
out of character
of me to not abuse that
in the most male
and predictable way
i could manage
and that is why you all enjoy this
why you all like
to sink for me
because you know i'll abuse the privilage
in all the right ways
all the ways that make you feel
and desired
all the ways that make you feel
and helpless
and yet knowing you are
completely safe
isn't that right ladies?

[Sleepygirl Comment: not at all because of conditioning, no of course not...  (i'm not disagreeing with the statement, just being an ass)]
[Psyco Comment: 10'000%]
[Ivy Comment: This is what it is for me]

Ivy 2:25 AM
oh yes master

SleepyGirl 2:25 AM
yes master

Psyco-Turnip 2:25 AM
Yes Master.

Amazonian-Princess 2:25 AM
yes master

Sleepyhypno 2:25 AM
very good
you are the first to sleep
you may do so NOW,  and thank you once again.
good night psyco
as for the rest of you
You are a girl

Ivy 2:26 AM
girls are meant to be hyponotized

[Ivy Comment: Ah yes, "hyponotized" ~~**facepalm**~~]
[Hypnotist Comment: given just how articulate you are, even in hypnosis seeing you misspell things is a good sign that your pretty deep.]

SleepyGirl 2:26 AM
girls were made to be hypnotized

Amazonian-Princess 2:26 AM
girls were made to be hpynotized

Psyco-Turnip 2:27 AM
Yes Master, gooGirls are made to by Hypnotized.

Sleepyhypno 2:27 AM
very good psyco... thank you
go to bed now psyco.
good night.

Psyco-Turnip 2:27 AM
Yes Master.

Sleepyhypno 2:30 AM
how do you feel ladies?

Ivy 2:31 AM
all around sluggish master

Amazonian-Princess 2:31 AM

SleepyGirl 2:31 AM
empty, helpless, gone master

[Sleepygirl Comment: theres something about reading that that both pushes buttons and also somehow makes me slightly fuzzy]

Sleepyhypno 2:31 AM
very good ladies.
should i be,  naughty, or should i behave, before sending you to bed?

Ivy 2:32 AM
youve done a good job , rewrd youself as you see fit , i say

[Ivy Comment: You're, uh, NOT pulling punches there, are you, Me?]

SleepyGirl 2:32 AM
naughty, master

Amazonian-Princess 2:32 AM
i dont know

Sleepyhypno 2:33 AM
are you feeling naughty princess?

Amazonian-Princess 2:33 AM
a little master

Sleepyhypno 2:34 AM
your two sisters in trance, and both deep and helpless..  they will obey... will you follow them princess?

Amazonian-Princess 2:34 AM
yes master

Sleepyhypno 2:35 AM
you can all feel the energy in your mind
feel it pulsing
keeping your thoughts
and blank
there is no resistance
you surrendered too deeply
you surrendered completely
your bound by my words
helpless in them
unable to resist
you can feel the magic
on your wrists
pulling your body forward
in your mind
taking step
after step
where i want you too
isn't that right ladies?

Ivy 2:36 AM
``**shiver**~~  yes  master

SleepyGirl 2:36 AM
yes master

Amazonian-Princess 2:36 AM

Sleepyhypno 2:36 AM
you can't help but follow
one by one
single file
you can see the two girls in front of you
blank and empty
their heads down
their mouths hanging open
unable to think
unable to move
pulled forward
but their arms
out stretched
you can see them
hear them moan softly
as they step
after step
to my desire
to my control
but you realize
you are no different
your mind is just as empty
your mouth open
your eyes blank
glowing with the spell
the energy i put on you.
yoru arms out
taking step
after step
single file
a row of helpless
beautiful young women
how does that make you feel?

SleepyGirl 2:38 AM
empty, controlled, aroused master

Ivy 2:38 AM
peacefully blnk

Amazonian-Princess 2:38 AM
aroused mindess

Sleepyhypno 2:39 AM
you feel yoruself
step by step
but you becaomse aware that you are being lead
downthe street
and slowly
into a private residence
teh room is dark
and the windows are tinted
no one will be looking in
not unless i want them too
it is simply the three of you
and me
and snap my fingers
and you turn to face me
pulled that way by your wrists
magically bound
magically held
like your chained
tied to my will
to my commands
you are truly helpless
arn't you

SleepyGirl 2:40 AM
yes master

Ivy 2:40 AM
deeply master

Amazonian-Princess 2:40 AM
yes master

Sleepyhypno 2:41 AM
you todl me to be naughty.
this is how i misbehave
as you feel me watching you
i snap my fingers
and you feel your hands
being guided
gentl y
to your bodies
sliding along your form
you find that as this happens
your clothes eem to fade away
the wraps around your body
fall away
not completely
not totally
but enough that you are a bit more
a bit more visible
all of the lovely parts
that you keep hidden
are on display
visible to me
and me alone
your sisters in trance can see you
and you can see them
but you are all blank
and empty
and none of you will remember this in the morning
isn't that right ladies

SleepyGirl 2:42 AM
yes master

Ivy 2:42 AM
yes  master

[Ivy Comment: Fun fact: Not everything is forgotten by the next morning but, with my process, it does fade and fade until there's only flashes of things and feelings.]

Amazonian-Princess 2:43 AM
yes master

Sleepyhypno 2:43 AM
and how does that make you feel

SleepyGirl 2:43 AM
more controlled, master

Ivy 2:43 AM
controlled toy master

Amazonian-Princess 2:44 AM

Sleepyhypno 2:44 AM
very good.
so focused and relaxed
as your clothes fall away
you feel your arms being slowly
pulled down
until they are straight down
in front of you
but they keep being pulled
and lower
you feel your body being pulled
bending a tthe waist
and down
bending at your knees
and lowering
down to your knees
yoru wrists
on the floor
nearly locked there
shoulders slumped
head forward
mouth open
on dispaly
eyes glowing green
how do you feel

Ivy 2:46 AM
aroused master!

SleepyGirl 2:46 AM
mindless, on display master

Amazonian-Princess 2:46 AM

Sleepyhypno 2:46 AM
very good ladies
you are my prizes for the night
the culmination
of years of work
years of effort
bringing yo udown
more and more deeply
little by little
but ontihgt seemed to push a button
not online in the brains of the ladies with you
but in your own
tonight something was turned...
you felt it.
one by one
and as it was turned off.
you couldn't help but become...
turned on.
isn't that right ladies?

Ivy 2:48 AM
yes master

SleepyGirl 2:48 AM
yes master

Amazonian-Princess 2:48 AM
yes masster

[Princess Comment: I didn't realize how easily and deeply I had fallen back into this until I answered this question aloud]
[Hypnotist Comment: aloud? as in out loud in real life?]
[Princess Comment: ...yes]
[Hypnotist Comment: Hot Damn! ... ... I mean. Thank you for sharing this with us Princess]
[Sleepygirl Comment: i think you might be encouraging more of the ego stroking, here :cP (he gets one free pass, now i'm just going to be snarky)]

Sleepyhypno 2:48 AM
and here you sit
and open
your body is mine to manipulate
your mind is off
and none of you will remember a thing
but there is something here
a little choice you must make
ina moment…

[Hypnotists Note: I gave the girls some very personalized suggestions at this point, each based on their own interests that I know from dealing with them, and helped them to work themselves deeper, but since the method involved intimate details about who they are, this section will be highly edited to keep their privacy intact this will be why you see time jumps like the nearly 15 minute gap below. The log below picks up after a long strand of individualized and very personal suggestions. I hope you can understand the need for discretion and the edits here.]

[Ivy Comment: VERY much appreciated...specially since I don't remember what happened.]

Sleepyhypno 3:01 AM
how deep you are.
and how you feel.

Amazonian-Princess 3:07 AM

Sleepyhypno 3:07 AM
how do you feel princess?

Amazonian-Princess 3:07 AM

SleepyGirl 3:08 AM

Ivy 3:08 AM
525 , feel...i odn know, good new strange feeling

[Hypnotists Note: To give you an idea of just how profound what was done to them was, and how well it affected them. All three of them are currently deeper than I have on record. Sleepygirl will actually continue to drop deeper, while the others will slowly start to come up a bit which is natural to happen in a setting like this.]

[Ivy Comment: Heck, that's deeper than even I know!]
[Hypnotist Comment: All of their memories get a little… fuzzy, long before they reached this depth. So suggesting they would forget was not exactly difficult for me.]

Sleepyhypno 3:09 AM
very good ladies
do you feel comfortable discussing what you did? it's ok to say no.

Amazonian-Princess 3:09 AM
no master

SleepyGirl 3:09 AM
no master

Ivy 3:10 AM
no master

[Hypnotist’s Note: And this is why it was edited. I asked them if they would feel comfortable and they said no. If your subject says no, you MUST respect that or they will not be your subject any longer.]

[Ivy Comment: SOLID advice!]

Sleepyhypno 3:10 AM
would you feel comfortable telling me, in private? it is ok to say no.

Ivy 3:10 AM
yes master

SleepyGirl 3:10 AM
yes master

Amazonian-Princess 3:10 AM
yes master

Sleepyhypno 3:11 AM
then you will send me a private message and tell me what you did, in your own words, as much or as little as you would like.

Ivy 3:11 AM
nod yes master

[Hypnotists Note: I spent about ten minutes asking the girls individually how they felt about the suggestions given, how deep they were and if they had any comments or things like that. All of that was very private and individualized, but again must be edited out to respect their privacy]

Sleepyhypno 3:20 AM
how do you feel now ladies?

Ivy 3:20 AM

SleepyGirl 3:20 AM
deep, relaxed, helpless

Amazonian-Princess 3:21 AM
docile, relaxed

Sleepyhypno 3:21 AM
very good ladies
I think it is about time that we started to send you all to bed
to sleep
and to dream
to forget
but since we did something
a bit unique
a bit special here tonight
you'll be able to dream
and fantasize about what happened here
about how you felt
you won't realize it's real
won't realize it's a memory
but you will be able to simply
is that ok with you ladies?

SleepyGirl 3:22 AM
yes master

Ivy 3:22 AM
yes master

Amazonian-Princess 3:22 AM
yes master

Sleepyhypno 3:23 AM
good girls
You will of course be getting these logs to review. these logs to read over to make sure your privacy is kept safe
The second half of that log might be, heavily edited.
but as you read it over
you'll find yourself
slipping back down
remembering what you felt
the control
the shared feeling of surrender
of submission
of climax
you'll be free
and encouraged to add your own comments
and i'll add them in later
and to respond to one another
but when you get to the end
you'll leave a little message
a little signing off about how it felt
to read this
and to experience it
and then you will simply tell yourself
that it is time to forget
and the memory will fade
back into your mind
secret and hidden
in all but the deepest of dreams
is that ok with you ladies?

SleepyGirl 3:25 AM
yes master

Amazonian-Princess 3:25 AM
yes master

Ivy 3:26 AM
yes master

Sleepyhypno 3:26 AM
very good.
Is there anything you'd like to comment, to me, or your hypnotized sisters, before we all go to sleep, three to dream and forget, and one to giggle like an evil genius.

Ivy 3:27 AM
i missed this soo very mcuh!

SleepyGirl 3:27 AM
i hope you actually are giglging about this like an evil genius because that made me smile

Ivy 3:27 AM
yes me too

Sleepyhypno 3:27 AM
I think we all missed this Ivy.
and of course I will be.
how often do you get four young woman to openly call you master.
And... Psyco...
because I know you've been reading this
I know you've been scanning the chat.
you will also follow the orders that the others followed
and you will do all that they did
and comment... like they will
and then forget.
Good girl.
Princess did you have anything you wanted to say before we go to bed?
I think Princess may have fallen asleep.
it's ok.
or not

Amazonian-Princess 3:30 AM
Nothing to say

Sleepyhypno 3:30 AM
very good
if you ladies would like,
You can allow yoruself
feleing helpless and obedient
to say good night to the viewers who will be reading the log.
it can be a playful response
or a sexy one
or any response that you feel is appropriate.
or you may simply say. 'good night'

Ivy 3:32 AM
-grins through a dazed expression, my hand raises into the air, pulled by the wrist, high above my wrist jerks back and forth, waving good bye to the reader...before dropping gently to my side-

Amazonian-Princess 3:33 AM
Don't forget to tip the hypnotized slaves/mummies/girls. We'll be outside collecting donations for our job well done.

SleepyGirl 3:33 AM
insert playful yet seductive good night here, because thinking is too hard right now

Sleepyhypno 3:34 AM
how deep are you ladies

SleepyGirl 3:34 AM

[Hypnotist note: Sleepygirl’s deepest trance to date using this scale (which We’ve been using for about 8 years now.]
[Sleepygirl Comment: holy shit]

Amazonian-Princess 3:34 AM

Ivy 3:34 AM
slipped back down to 300s because I needed to type something long

[Ivy Comment: I needed to wake up a bit to make what I typed coherent]
[Hypnotist Comment: You really don't, you can stay deep and just type shorter responses... although I just remembered who I was saying that too and realized the issue at hand. Carry on.]
[Sleepygirl Comment: And then there's me who apparently just keeps dropping like a damn brick at this point...two types of people]
[Ivy Comment: Guilty! Though I do try!]

Sleepyhypno 3:34 AM
good girls
and who do you obey?

Ivy 3:35 AM
We obey you

Amazonian-Princess 3:35 AM
you master

SleepyGirl 3:35 AM
i obey you, master

Sleepyhypno 3:35 AM
good girls
thank you for yoru time
your energy
your trust
and your friendship.
now fele yoruself
being pulled by the wrists
asleep and helpless
pulling you to bed
where you will sleep
and dream
and forget.
good night my friends
sleep well.

Ivy 3:36 AM
good night

Amazonian-Princess 3:36 AM

SleepyGirl 3:36 AM
good night

Below are the girls comments after reading both of the log files:

Princess: Fell easily and quickly and deeply (somewhere around 2000). 10/10 would read and fall again.

Sleepygirl: was only between 50,000 to 100,000 and kept coming up then going back down, but i somehow felt just as helpless and fuzzy while i was reading...and it was exciting to know the others were doing the same

Ivy: I was all over the place with it, from excited to do a session log again to going into full explanation mode when I felt I needed to to feeling REALLY tingly and aroused during the hot bits.
Here's to hoping the Readers out there enjoyed it as much as we all very much did, may they (if they deem it fit) see themselves as mummies themselves, being tugged along , too mindless to mind where they were heading...or maybe they're the ones wielding the scepter, powerful and confident, pulling their prizes along.....
For us, however, it's time to follow our orders, the ones we agreed on (though I'd argue we weren't exactly in a state to be making such BIG decisions!) ...yet it does feel more difficult to do this time around...
Alas, it's what good thralls do; we obey; good night, everyone!

Psyco: Probably the single best explanation/description of why the "sleepwalking gait/stance" still lives and gets so many hot n' bothered I've ever heard. Masterfully done, 10/10 would sink again ^^;

You can find more videos that I have created at the Hypnotic Experiences Youtube Page!, and more of my logs and stories at Spirals Night Club and of course you can support me on my Patreon page!

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