Phantom of the Pied Piper - Hypnosis Log

Phantom of the Pied Piper - Hypnosis Log

Key: MD, MC

Description: A group of young women in a trance, encounter the Phantom of the Pied Piper, whose hypnotic melody they are helpless to resist.

This session was used to the real hypnosis video Phantom of the Pied Piper

Cover Image made by HeroineArtAI

Sleepyhypno 12:13 AM
ok... Are we all set?

Ivy 12:14 AM
Yeah, go for it, what I was doing has been wrapped

Amazonian Princess 12:14 AM
Fire at will

Psyco Turnip 12:14 AM
I have had three interactions with Llama's and in those times have nearly been trampled once and have been spit on twice. Llamas and I don't get along.

Sleepyhypno 12:15 AM
LOL,  i am leaving that in the log without context =cp

[Hypnotist’s Note: I told you I would do it!]

Psyco Turnip 12:15 AM
I'm all gravy.
Please do.

Sleepygirl 12:15 AM
i'm good

Psyco Turnip 12:15 AM
Llama's are the worst.

[Psyco Comment: I will not elaborate further. ;p ]

Sleepyhypno 12:15 AM
heheheh, I agree,  =c)
Ok, before we start, Hello everyone! it's so nice to have you all here!

Ivy 12:16 AM

Sleepygirl 12:16 AM
hello :c)

Amazonian Princess 12:16 AM

Psyco Turnip 12:17 AM

Sleepyhypno 12:18 AM
Tonights script was a request, it was all of 9 words, so I will be extrapolating heavily =cP
So do you consent to being hypnotized, put into a hypnotic fantasy, mind controlled, probably stripped, and 'enjoyed' to the point of climax for the viewing audience of the readers?

[Hypnotist’s Note: the request in question was exactly: “Ghost of the pied piper lures the listener out.”]

Psyco Turnip 12:19 AM
Heavy extrapolation ahoy!
Also yessir. ^^

Amazonian Princess 12:19 AM
Full steam ahead

Sleepygirl 12:20 AM

Ivy 12:20 AM

Sleepyhypno 12:20 AM
Sweet, to start things rolling Princess I wanted to show you something =c)
Watch the Pretty Coin of Gold

Sleepygirl 12:21 AM
i will do as i am told

Ivy 12:21 AM
i will do as i am told

Psyco Turnip 12:21 AM
I will do as I am told.

[Hypnotist’s Note: Yes… I have been abusing this trigger repeatedly. Why do you ask?]

Amazonian Princess 12:21 AM

Sleepyhypno 12:22 AM
good girls, how deep are you ladies?

Psyco Turnip 12:22 AM
88% Sir.

Ivy 12:22 AM

Sleepygirl 12:22 AM

Amazonian Princess 12:22 AM
Oh, we like this, hehe

Sleepyhypno 12:22 AM
heheh yes we do =c)
Ladies, Trigger princess

Amazonian Princess 12:23 AM
Wait. Wait. Wait

Sleepyhypno 12:23 AM

Amazonian Princess 12:23 AM
Don't I get a say in this?

Sleepyhypno 12:23 AM

Amazonian Princess 12:24 AM
I think we should let Princess gently down

Ivy 12:24 AM
[Princess’s Sleep Trigger]

Sleepygirl 12:24 AM
[Princess’s Sleep Trigger]

Psyco Turnip 12:24 AM
[Princess’s Sleep Trigger]

Ivy 12:24 AM
[Princess’s Sleep Trigger]

[Hypnotist’s Note: D’oh! Realistically I very much should have stopped them from triggering her, but I was a bit slow on the uptake. I did feel bad about dropping her so quickly when she was asking to go more gently so I spent a few minutes doing a longer slower induction that specifically commented on it being gentle.]
[Princess Reply: Really, you don't need to be. Like at all. I was trying to pull one of those last words things that they do in movies/shows. Was more trying to be funny. I DO NOT MIND the abrupt drop at all.]
[Hypnotist Note: That’s kind of what I thought she was doing, but I still should have checked. But it turned out ok over all!]

Sleepyhypno 12:24 AM
good girls,   that should be enough
just allow yourself
to get into a comfortable position
and just
focus on my words
all yourself to just relax
and drift
and feel yoruself slowly
drifting down
all teh way back down to trance
it's ok if you just drift
feeling your mind becoming foggy
becoming fuzzy
feeling your body slowly
becoming limp
and loose
and relaxed

[Sleepygirl Comment: sometimes the slow drops are a nice change of pace]
[Psyco Reply: Fully agree.]

finding yourself following my words
and just
letting everything go
and just focusing
and relaxing
down to sleep
you can do that can't you ladies?

Sleepygirl 12:26 AM

Amazonian Princess 12:26 AM

Ivy 12:26 AM

Psyco Turnip 12:26 AM
Yes Sir.

[Psyco Comment: I came into this session handicapped… I mmaaayyy or may not have been trancing myself for...fortyish minutes beforehand. >.> ]
[Hypnotist Note: That was not my doing, But I was aware of it when I started ]

Sleepyhypno 12:26 AM
good girls
princess, was that gentle enough for you?

Amazonian Princess 12:26 AM
close enough

[Hypnotist’s Note: again, I shouldn’t have done that like that, that was my bad!]

Sleepyhypno 12:27 AM
good girl
I am sorry if it was more abrupt then you would like, I will ask you next time before I do that, ok?

[Sleepygirl Comment: exhibit a of why we all trust you so much]
[Psyco Reply: 10'000%]
[Hypnotist Reply: Awwww Thanks guys!]

Amazonian Princess 12:27 AM
its fine, i dont mind

Sleepyhypno 12:27 AM
thank you
thank you all for being here
and trusting me with your minds
it's always fun to have you all here
for these sessions
you each bring a unique charm
a unique perspective
and responses to the trance
and I appreicate each
and every one of you
for your patience
your assistance
your responses
and your trust.
Thank you

[Ivy Comment: This is straight up wholesome and I, for one, truly appreciate it.]

Sleepyhypno 12:27 AM
just relax
take a deep
slow breath
and let your mind just empy
and sink down
deeper and deeper
letting the world around you fade away
just drifting
and vanishing into a fog
you can feel that can't you ladies?

Ivy 12:29 AM

Sleepygirl 12:29 AM

Psyco Turnip 12:29 AM
Yes Sir.

Amazonian Princess 12:30 AM

Sleepyhypno 12:30 AM
very good
as the fog starts to clear
you find yourself
in an old european town
your on vacation
and you've made your way here
to rest for the night
the town is very old
the streets are still made of stone
and the houses have been here
kept up
and refreshed
for hundreds of years.
it's very quaint
very calming
but it has a legend,
of a very particular ghost
that haunts the town
of course you don't pay it any mind
it's all just a story
something to draw in the tourists
but it is fun to think about.
none the less
isn't that right ladies?

Ivy 12:31 AM

Sleepygirl 12:31 AM

Psyco Turnip 12:31 AM
Yes Sir.

Amazonian Princess 12:31 AM

Sleepyhypno 12:32 AM
The town is comfortable
and cozy
the people are friendly
and greatful for the added money they will make
from your short stay
you are shown to your room.
it's old but very comfortable
the furniture is all hand made
and the sheets hand sewn
it's all very...
you watch peacefully as the sun
sets in the distance
and the gas powered street lights
light up.
i'ts all so
soothing and relaxing
just sitting by the window

[Sleepygirl Comment: this honestly sounds really nice, and probably was a big part of helping me drop like a rock]
[Hypnotist’s Reply: I know thats why I used it =cP ]

looking out at the town
watching as the sky turns from blue
to black
and the stars come out
you can find this place to be very
can't you ladies?

Ivy 12:34 AM
ooooh yesss

[Ivy Comment: Late dusk is my favorite time of day, it can be so beautiful.]
[Hypnotist’s Reply: Yup… again why I used it =cP ]

Amazonian Princess 12:34 AM
really calming

Sleepygirl 12:34 AM

Psyco Turnip 12:34 AM
Yes Master.

Sleepyhypno 12:34 AM
good girls
how do you feel now ladies?

Ivy 12:34 AM
so calm, sitting by the window

Sleepygirl 12:34 AM
calm, peaceful

Amazonian Princess 12:34 AM

Psyco Turnip 12:35 AM
Tranquil and safe Master.

[Hypnotist’s Note: it should go without saying, given that they were all triggered, but all four are hypnotized at this point in the session]
[Princess Comment: But can we just acknowledge how absolutely amazing that scen was described? Becuase the quaintness and the just overall sense of tranquility that was conveyed was, without a doubt, perfection.]
[Sleepygirl Reply: this. It was so peaceful and relaxing. I give it 10/10.]
[Psyco Reply: Agreed, even if I wasn't pre-sunk this would have worked great, very soothing.]
[Hypnotist’s Note: Never underestimate the power of a really well described relaxing scene. It will work wonders on your subjects.]

Sleepyhypno 12:35 AM
very good.
you move to the bed
and pull the thick warm blankets
up and over you
the night air is cool
but not cold
but the blanket is just so comfortable
that you just feel natural snuggling in
and closing your eyes
and relaxing
but then in the distance
you swear you hear a sound
soft and echoing
it almost sounds like music
at a great distance
echoing through the surrounding hills
echoing through the town
it sounds almost like a flute
soothing and soft
a very peaceful melody
you can imagine that melody in your mind now, can't you ladies?

[Princess Comment: Melody that came to mind immediately was Ma Vlast]
[Ivy Reply: For me it was John Williams's Window to the Past]

Ivy 12:37 AM

Sleepygirl 12:37 AM

Amazonian Princess 12:37 AM

Psyco Turnip 12:37 AM
Yes Master, very much so.

[Psyco Comment: I've noticed I tent to respond with "very much so" when my hypnotized mind really likes something.]
[Hypnotist’s Reply: Noted!]

[Hypnotist’s Note: The echoing, or reverberating sound was something that Psyco had commented in the past that she enjoyed, so whenever I do a sound based induction I try to make sure that it is mentioned. And as you can see, it worked just fine]
[Psyco Reply: Absolutely, unapologetically LOVE my music based inductions. <3 ]

Sleepyhypno 12:37 AM
as you lay there,
the music seems to get louder
and clearer
the notes seem to almost
through your body
through your mind
echoing softly
it's so soothing
so peaceful
so easy to just get lost

[Princess Comment: I like this line 'cause, to me, it means to just zone out. Forget everything else and focus on the music.]

in the sound of the music
the very soothing
relaxing flute
not really onticing yourself
drifting off
your eyes fluttering
it's so hard to stay awake
so hard to keep your eyes
from closing.
the music flows
through your ears
through your mind
through your body
your not really aware of when your eyes close
or when your head
falls to the side
deeply asleep
your mind fading to an empty
blank void
isn't that right ladies?

Ivy 12:39 AM
[Ivy Comment: Oh DARN, that's good!]

Sleepygirl 12:39 AM

Psyco Turnip 12:39 AM
Yes Master.

Amazonian Princess 12:40 AM

[Hypnotist’s Note: one Yes master and three and misspellings. Everything is going well!]

Sleepyhypno 12:40 AM
as you sleep
you are simply unaware
unaware of your body starting to move
uncovering yourself
and placing your feet on the ground
your eyes are closed
your head is limp on your shoulders
maybe it's straight back
or forward
or lulled to the side
but it is completely limp
and heavy
you feel your arms
slowly reaching out in front of you
raising up
until they are straight out
it's almost like the music
is pulling them
wrapping around your wrists
and pulling you up
off of your bed
to your feet
your arms stay straight out
but your body seems to lag
slowly behind
limp and sluggish.
sleep walking....
to the sound of the flute.
you can feel that can't you ladies

Ivy 12:42 AM

Amazonian Princess 12:42 AM

Sleepygirl 12:42 AM
[Sleepygirl Comment: let it be noted that i very much like this imagery and the idea of being led around like a puppet...or in this case, a sleepwalking puppet :cP ]

Psyco Turnip 12:42 AM
Yes Master, very much so.

Sleepyhypno 12:42 AM
good girls
and is your head tilted back... up towards the sky, or to the side, resting on yoru shoulders,k or simply limp and hanging forward as you are pulled ahead?

Ivy 12:43 AM
hanging forward

Sleepygirl 12:43 AM
hanging forward

Amazonian Princess 12:44 AM
to side

Psyco Turnip 12:44 AM
Hanging forward Master.

[Hypnotist’s note: I asked this question for 4 very specific reasons: 
1. In order for them to tell me what position their head is in in their minds, they would have to see it in their minds, this acts as a deepener for them and makes the situation more detailed.
2. This adds a detail to the readers of the log so that you can enjoy it more
3. It helps me see what they are feeling so I can use it in the script if I want, or just enjoy the visuals myself to energize me to keep going. (I was tired)
4. I can use this as part of the notes I give HeroineArtAI when they go to create the cover art.]

Sleepyhypno 12:45 AM
good girls
how deep are you now ladies?

Ivy 12:45 AM

Amazonian Princess 12:45 AM

Sleepygirl 12:45 AM

Psyco Turnip 12:45 AM
563% Master.

[Hypnotist’s note: like a frying pan to the back of the head… the girls are very much OUT!]

Sleepyhypno 12:46 AM
very goo ladies
doing so very well
you feel the sund of the music,
surrounding your body
pulling you foward
out of the room that you rented
and down the stairs
you are unaware of anything else around you
the town is buttoned up tight
but you didn't listen
to the warnings
you brushed them off of ghost stories
to attract tourists
but now your deeply asleep
being pulled foward
out into the night air
into the street
slowly walking
walking down
the music surrounding you
getting louder
and deeper
sliding into your mind
into your body
echoing through you
a helpless sleep walker...
isn't that right ladies?

Ivy 12:47 AM

Amazonian Princess 12:48 AM

Sleepygirl 12:48 AM
[Sleepygirl Comment: and buttons successfully pushed…]

Psyco Turnip 12:48 AM
[Psyco Comment: Misspelling things or missing punctuation is usually a marker that I am unreasonably deep.]
[Hypnotist’s Reply: you and the others as well. For me it's more a marker that i am typing.]
[Hypnotist’s Note: Usually in online hypnosis the clearest sign that someone is slipping into a trance is their typing, and punctuation starting to become more sloppy. Although with someone like me that types super fast but doesn’t care about punctuation, mine starts out sloppy.]

Sleepyhypno 12:48 AM
good girls
just feel the music
all around you
your arms out in front of you
hands limp
but arms straight
being pulled
every step
you feel the music
swirl around you
more deeply
more completely
every note
makes your sink
deeper and deeper
into sleep
the deeper you fall
the more the music pulls you forward
step by step
to the ghostly
haunting music
isn't that right ladies?

[Psyco Comment: Love the visual here, consider the picture vividly painted.]
[Sleepygirl Comment: safe to say this was probably dropping me like a rock]

Ivy 12:50 AM

Amazonian Princess 12:50 AM

Sleepygirl 12:50 AM

Sleepyhypno 12:52 AM
feeling the music
sliding through your body
every place it moves
every place it touches
getting stimluated
and aroused
feeling the pleasure growing
more and more deeply
every step
makes your pleasure build
deep inside of you
the music
echoing in your mind
in your body
completely helpless
building that pleasure
deep inside of you
drawing you forward
step by step
into submission
into pleasure.
you can feel that now can't you ladies?

Ivy 12:54 AM
ooooooo yesssss

Amazonian Princess 12:54 AM

Psyco Turnip 12:54 AM
Yes Master.

Sleepygirl 12:54 AM

Sleepyhypno 12:54 AM
step by step
you make your way through the town
following the ghostly music

[Ivy Comment: Now THERE'S a mood.]

Sleepyhypno 12:54 AM
eyes closed
mind empty
hypnotized by the ghost
of the pied piper
unaware as you walk

[Sleepygirl Comment: aaaand at this point i'm probably putty]

Sleepyhypno 12:54 AM
every step so natural
so calm
so easy to just
and step
drift and step
blank and helpless
moving through the town
step by step
unable to think
unable to resist
deeper and deeper
as the music surrounds you.
isn't that right ladies?

Ivy 12:56 AM

Sleepygirl 12:56 AM
yesss master

Amazonian Princess 12:56 AM

Psyco Turnip 12:56 AM
Yes Master.

[Hypnotist’s Note: another yes master has entered the chat]
[Sleepygirl Reply: see above comment about being putty…]

Sleepyhypno 12:57 AM
the music wraps so tightly
so deeply through your body
every note like a lovers kiss

[Ivy Comment: Mmmhhhhhhmmmmmmmm!!!]

Sleepyhypno 12:57 AM
like a tingle of pleasure
that reverberates through your form
every step makes it feel so much
so much deeper
so much more
and relaxed
the pleasure builds deeply inside ofyou
growing with each step
each note
you can even find that you simply
get to a point
where the pleasure just
overloads you
and you can't help but climax
letting the pleasure
flow through you
through every part of you
no thoughts
just pleasure
and pulling you down deeper
into the music
only for the pleasure
to slowly start to build
and again...
you can feel that pleasure now,
can't you ladies?

Ivy 12:59 AM

Sleepygirl 12:59 AM
yesss master

Amazonian Princess 12:59 AM

Psyco Turnip 12:59 AM
Yes Master, very much so.

Sleepyhypno 12:59 AM
let it build
let it flow
let it just roll through you body
this is where you belong
lost in the song
lost in the music
vibrating through you
allowing you to simply release
and sink deeper
into the spell of the music
helpless to resist

[Ivy Comment: ......darn it, I know where this is going.....]

more and more helpless
with each
and every step
you can just
release now,
can't you ladies?

Ivy 1:00 AM

[Ivy Comment: ......called it.]
[Hypnotist’s Reply: I’m not exactly stealth with these things]

Sleepygirl 1:01 AM
yyesss master

Amazonian Princess 1:01 AM

Psyco Turnip 1:02 AM
Yes Master.

Sleepyhypno 1:02 AM
and how deep are you now, my lovely sleep walkers?

[Sleepygirl Comment: you really have no idea how much more you're pushing buttons by adding in little things like this...i don't know what it is, specifically, about using phrases like that, but im pretty sure it helps drop me even more while pushing said buttons]
[Psyco Comment: Fully agree, these subtle additions sprinkled throughout do wonders.]

Ivy 1:02 AM

Psyco Turnip 1:02 AM
963% Master.

Sleepygirl 1:02 AM

Amazonian Princess 1:02 AM

Sleepyhypno 1:02 AM
good girls
and how do you feel?

Amazonian Princess 1:03 AM

Sleepygirl 1:03 AM
blank, helpless, lost in the music

Ivy 1:03 AM
lost and gooood

Psyco Turnip 1:03 AM
Blissed out and mindlessly aroused within the music Master.

Sleepyhypno 1:04 AM
very good ladies
doing so very well
hearing the music
echo through your mind
as you are lead
around the town
step by step
all through the night
sinking deeper
and deeper
with each and every step.
feeling hte pleasure building
again and again
building and releasing
over and over again
lost in the music
lost in the spell of the piper
isn't that right ladies?

Sleepygirl 1:05 AM
yes master

Psyco Turnip 1:05 AM
Yes Master.

Amazonian Princess 1:05 AM

Ivy 1:05 AM
yes master

[Hypnotist’s Note: three out of four ain’t bad!]

[Sleepygirl Comment: i find it entertaining how you keep tallies of this throughout the log, in case i've never mentioned that :cP]
[Psyco Comment: Plus who doesn't love references from the loaf?] 
[Sleepygirl Comment: That was the second thought i had :cP ]
[Hypnotist’s Note: I made the damn comment and it took me forever to figure out what she meant by “the Loaf”, I got there… but it took an embarrassing amount of time]

Sleepyhypno 1:06 AM
very good ladies.
you feel so free
so calm
as you are lead around the town
again and again
but as the sun begins to rise
the music
the spell of the piper
leads you slowly
back to your room
ascending the stairs
as the music draws you in
finding yourself
sitting on the bed
as the music fades away
in the first rays of the rising sun
the moment it does
you simply find yourself
falling limp
and helpless
onto the bed
the magic is gone

[Ivy Comment: ~*sad noises*~]

Sleepyhypno 1:06 AM
but you are deeply
deeply asleep
exhausted from your night
and simply ready to just...
you'll find that when you do
finally awaken
that your memory is very
you remember having a wonderful nights sleep
but you had the strangest dream
dream of the ghost
the legend
a dream of music
isn't that right ladies?

[Sleepygirl Comment: this might explain the dream i had the next night...or what i remember of it, anyway]
[Psyco Comment: Mine was more of a masquerade ball type scenario, dancing in an empty ballroom in a mask to unseen/unknown accompaniment.]

Ivy 1:08 AM
absolutely master

Sleepygirl 1:08 AM
yes master

Amazonian Princess 1:08 AM

Psyco Turnip 1:08 AM
Yes Master.

Sleepyhypno 1:09 AM
very good ladies.
how do you feel ?

Ivy 1:09 AM
barely conscious

Amazonian Princess 1:09 AM
lost int he dream

Sleepygirl 1:09 AM
blank, gone

Psyco Turnip 1:10 AM
Floating in the void Master.

Sleepyhypno 1:10 AM
good girls
how did you like my little,  ghost story?

[Sleepygirl Comment: 10 out of 10, would recommend :cP]
[Psyco Comment: 1'000%]

Ivy 1:11 AM
liked it VEEEERY much!!!

Sleepygirl 1:11 AM
enjoyed it a lot

Amazonian Princess 1:11 AM

Psyco Turnip 1:12 AM
Love sleepwalking and music based compulsion. Always drops me hard. 

[Hypnotist’s Note: this was a short script, I looped it in the video to make it longer, but we have extra time. Might as well enjoy that!]
[Sleepygirl Comment: admittedly i think im more of a fan than i thought i was, too…]

Sleepyhypno 1:13 AM
Very good ladies
and you are all still
deeply asleep now
deeply helpless in the music
which is still flowing in your minds
your dream has not ended yet
only the script
which I think turned out quite nicely
don't you agree ladies?

Ivy 1:13 AM
yes master nicely

Sleepygirl 1:14 AM
yes master, very nicely

Psyco Turnip 1:14 AM
Yes Master, very much so.

Amazonian Princess 1:14 AM
turned out nicely

Sleepyhypno 1:14 AM
and like the fantasy,
when you awaken tomorrow
you will remember coming into this session
remember how nice it is
to see everyone
to share some fun stories
and banter
and to sink
deeply with your friends
but you won't be able to remember
what it was that happened
just little flashes
flashes of a dream
a deep
intimate dream
isn't that right ladies?

Sleepygirl 1:15 AM
yes master

Ivy 1:15 AM
yes master only an intimate dream

Amazonian Princess 1:15 AM
yes master

Psyco Turnip 1:16 AM
Yes Master, intimate dream.

[Hypnotist’s Note: Four out of Four!]
[Sleepygirl Comment: and cue the ego stroking :cP ]

Sleepyhypno 1:16 AM
good girls
You all have a little time to stay still don't you ladies?

Ivy 1:17 AM
ye smaster

Sleepygirl 1:17 AM
yes master

Amazonian Princess 1:17 AM

Psyco Turnip 1:17 AM
Yes Master.

[Hypnotist’s Note: The afterparty here went on for a few hours, So I thought I would break this log up into two pieces, Look for Phantom of the Pied Piper - Afterparty Log, next week!]

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