Sticky Gas and Carry | Extended Patreon Version

Click here to view Video: Sticky Gas and Carry | Extended Patreon Version\

Click here for Female Hypnotist version: Sticky Gas and Carry - Kalliope Extended Version

Ever wonder what it would be like, to find yourself surrounded by a fog of knock out gas... and realize that the more you move the more the gas effects you? In this video, inspired by a friends fantasies, we'll explore that idea, as well as light bondage, and carrying.

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance.


Just allow yourself
to get into a comfortable position.
a place where you can just let your mind
and body
start to simply
relax now
and let go
allow yourself to focus on my words
and just let everything else
start to drift
and fade away
easily and completely now
feeling your body starting to sink
into whatever it is that you are sitting
or laying on now
and just feel all of the muscles starting to simply
drift and let go
and feel your mind start to become fuzzy
and foggy
the more you focus on my words
the more you simply relax
and sink
deeper and deeper down.
and as you relax
I want you to imagine yourself
standing at the top of a small staircase
so easy to just relax into this wonderful
letting trance now
and in a moment
you are going to start to walk
down the stairs
one by one
letting your mind and body relax
and let go
as you sink
literally deeper
into the world
being formed in your mind
just feel yourself taking that first step now
feeling your body stepping down
slowly and easily
feeling the world around you
fading away
letting more and more details
start to filter into your mind
every step makes it clearer
and easier
this stair case is in a large room
very very large
like the inside of a shopping mall
every step you take down
helps the mall become clearer
and clearer for you
you can see the people moving around the mall
becoming aware of the different shops
and stores
the constant hum and background noises
of a moderately busy mall
become very clear
and vivid in your mind
feeling just how good it feels
to be out and about for a bit
walking around by yourself
but with people around
the perfect mix of alone time
and social time.
as you simply get closer
and closer
to the bottom of the steps
noticing the different stores that you enjoy
the smell of the food from the food court
the music playing through the stores speakers
overlapping songs and sounds
so engrossing and relaxing now
completely and totally
vividly in this mall
in your mind
stepping off the last step
happy and relaxed
and starting to explore the mall
in your mind
as you walk
slowly through the mall
the store that catches your eye the most
that just seems to pull you in
for an unknown reason
is a pet store
you walk in and are greeted
with all of the sights
and sounds
and smells
of your average pet store
fish tanks lining the walls
full of various creatures
some in water
some under heat lamps
a few dogs in a large room to the side
barking and yipping for attention
and a group of cats in an enclosure
purring and generally ignoring the people
like most cats do.
as you walk in just looking around
your free to focus on a few of the other animals
even petting one or two
as you walk through the store
after a while you come across a large
tank with a heat lamp
and inside you see a snake
it's a rather big snake
about 6 feet long at least
but not too big
as you look at the tank you see it's body
coiled up under the light
just sitting
seeing it's body slowly expanding
and shrinking
just a bit as it breathes
you look it over with a fascination
until you notice it's head
eyes fixated on you
staring at you
as it's tongue slowly flicks out
and back in again
i'ts staring into your eyes
staring deeply into your eyes.
the eyes seem to penetrate
deep into your mind.
you don't know why
but you can almost fee lit
looking into your mind
the eyes seem to almost have an energy to them
an energy that you just can't look away from
you feel your arms and legs starting to become limp
and relaxed
feeling your face loosen
and your jaw go slack
you don't know why that snake
seems to have this power
this control over you
but a few seconds later you start to seem to
that this is unusual
the snakes eyes seem to just make you
realize now
that it's totally ok to just stare
and relax
you barely notice the snake
slithering closer to the edge of the glass
staring at you
deeply in the eyes
you feel your breathing becoming slow
and gentle
feeling your body relaxing
as your thoughts just seem
to slip away
every flick of the snakes tongue
and their hypnotic eyes
just helps you to simply
deeper and deeper now
as you stare deeply into the snakes eyes
you don't even realize that your mind
has emptied
that you've simply become
and open
it's as if the snakes very gaze
is controlling you
willing you to do what it wants
your arm starts to move
slowly rising up
your unaware that it's moving
your not even sure that your moving it
to feels more like it's being moved for you
like a puppet on a string
the arm is no longer under your control
it simply obeys...
your hand moves higher and higher.
to the lid of the tank
and slowly opens the lid
before starting to move back down
only to get a few inches down
and then simply fall limp to yoru sides
like the puppets strings on your arm
had simply been released, or cut
yoru arm falling to your side shakes your body a bit
making your face and shoulders sink a bit more
more relaxed and open
but you don't even notice
your mind is asleep now
completely asleep
as you stare at the snake
you see it slowly moving higher
and higher along the glass
until it's head pokes out of the tank
it seems to hesitate
as if it's waiting
waiting for the scene to be
clear... so it can make it's next move
without the glass between you
you can't help but see the snakes eyes
they almost seem to be shining
swirling with colors
and energy
maybe it's just your imagination
maybe it's just your mind's way of...
interpreting what it's doing to you
or maybe it has a power
a control
that you only thought was a myth
or a legend.
but now as you stare into the snakes eyes
you realize just how captivating
and powerful they are.
watching it's tongue flick out slowly
tasting the air
before it starts to move towards you
the snake continues to stretch out
moving more and more of its body
closer and closer to you
it's head moving towards your face
staring into your eyes
it comes nose to nose with you
hovering it's head in front of yoru eyes
it's tongue flicking out
slowly and gently
any lingering thoughts in your mind
any residual will of your own
simply fades away into the snakes
sparkling eyes
it doesn't seem to react
doesn't seem to have expressions
but it lowers its head
slowly to your shoulder
and slithers along your shoulder
to your neck
and starts to slide down
under your shirt
along your back
i'ts skin is cool but firm
the scales see to tingle
as the remarkably strong body of the snake
grips your body so it can support itself
as it starts to move down your shirt
the more the snake slithers down your back
the more of its body seems to squeeze
and press against your skin
crimping along your shoulder
along your back
supporting itself
but also helping your body to relax
the squeezing feels
almost like a massage
but the more the snake slithers down your back
the more of the snake's body
moves from the tank
to your body
you see it's form slithering in front of your eyes
crumpling up just a bit
and then stretching out
moving it's body inch by inch
to wrap around yours
a moment later you feel the tail of the snake
fall off of it's tank
and flop against your chest
and stomach
the snake is surprisingly heavy
but not too heavy that you can't easily
and completely support it
your arms are limp at your sides
staring ahead blankly
as the snakes tail
slides up your chest
little by little
and finally down your shirt
disappearing under your clothes
you can feel the snake coiling around your body
it's longer then you realized
and it seems to know
exactly where to coil and squeeze
seems to know exactly how to move around your body
to make you feel more and more relaxed
more aroused
you can feel the snakes head
moving along your legs
one then the other
then wrapping around your stomach
and chest
creating the perfect grip around your body
holding onto you tightly
you feel it's head slowly slide up
along your back
along your neck
and peak out from under your shirt
resting on your collar bone
gently flicking it's tongue
as it examines the world
it's body starts to squeeze
and wiggle
and seems to find all the right places
in your body
places that seem to bring you
a very unique
very soothing
yet controlling kind of pleasure
it's as if the snake is learning
learning exactly how your body works
where all the right places are
to reward you
reward you for obeying
but also
to control you
as you feel the snake
find all the right places on your body
places to bring you pleasure
places to make you feel..
sooo good.
the snake starts to move
and squeeze
you feel the part of the snake
around your leg
squeeze in just such a way
that your leg moves
you take a step
but it also rubs along a very...
part of your body as well
another squeeze
and your other leg
takes a step
and pushes the other side
of that very surprising
pleasurable area of your body
the snake can move you
you don't even need to think
don't need to act
it's literally controlling your movements now
skillfully squeezing
and pleasuring you
as you start to walk
step by step
out of the pet store
and into the mall
every step getting easier
and easier
as the snake learns to control you
control it's new ... pet
you didn't realize it
but the snake has managed to tame you
managed to make you obedient
and submissive
to literally pull your strings
and control you like a puppet
unaware and blank
as the snake coils around your body
feeling so relaxing
feeling so...
as you take step
after step
through the mall
all the while the snakes head
resting on your collar bone
driving your blank
obedient body
step after step
deeper and deeper
with every step
the snake seems to guide you
seems to have a connection with you
as it walks you slowly and easily
out of the mall
and down the street
taking you right to your home
taking you right, to its new home
without so much as a hesitation
it's as if the snake
can read your memories
maybe even your thoughts
as you reach your door
you feel the snake
lean up it's head
and slide it's tongue into your ear
you can hear it
hissing softly
feeling it's tongue
wiggling along your ear
as your hand seems to reach into your pocket
and grab your key
without thought
and simply unlock the door
walking inside
the snake has successfully used you
to escape
successfully made its way to it's new home
with it's new pet.
once inside the snake moves you
Slowly around your home
Around.. It’s new home
Taking in the sights
All the while flicking it’s tongue
Slowly along your neck
The hissing sound echoing through your mind
Gently and easily
You seem to almost
Feel words in your mind
And start to whisper
I am a pet
The snake is my master
Over and over again
As you move through your home
to your bedroom
The snake gently guides you
And moves you to lay on the bed
relaxed and deep
a snake needs warmth
and it knows just how to get it
as you relax on the bed
limp and unthinking
you feel the snake coiling along your body
stimulating you
raising your body temperature
and letting it simply
absorb your heat
as you get hotter
it's coils knowing exactly where to hit
to simply
stimulate you
as you lay there
helpless and unaware
you feel the snake moving
coiling along your body
along all of those special places
that it's managed to find
all of those places
that just raise your temperature
you can feel your body starting to pant
starting to sweat
as it coils along the sides of your neck
along your chest
along your thighs
and along your grain
expertly moving along all the places
that really make you
feel excited
and aroused
the snake seems to know exactly how to work your body
and how to keep you aroused
the closer you get to your climax
the more the snake slows down
letting you relax
letting you cool down
taking you to the very edge of pleasure
and then stopping
just long enough for you to relax
before starting up again
raising your pleasure deeper
and deeper
you feel your pleasure building
more and more deeply
the very tip of the snakes tail
being used expertly
to hit all of the right places
all of the secret spaces
in your most intimate of places
that you need to build
more and more pleasure
it's relentless in its stimulation
working your body expertly
while it's tongue
finds that special spot on your neck
and slowly flicks up and down
along your skin
sending a shiver down your body
as it brings you closer
and closer to ultimate pleasure
only to deny you
again and again
yoru body heat raises
finally high enough for the snakes liking
and it moves the tip of it's tail
into exactly the right place
moves it's head and tongue
to that special little place
you like played with
and then finally
lets you reach your climax now
and feel that wave of pleasure
it's been denying you
wash over you deeply and completely
as you feel yourself start to relax
warm and sweating
panting and finally relaxin
you feel the snake shift it's body
moving along your skin
to all the warmest of places
squeezing slowly
and keeping you
softly and easily
aroused and warm
being sure to stimulate you
from time to time
to keep your body
staying nice and warm now
and as you lay there
feeling the snake coiled along your body
mind drifting away
deeper and deeper
you will be free to let the snake explore your body
finding new ways to relax you
and stimulate you
you can imagine what the snake might control you to do
where it might take you
and just let your mind wonder about the adventures
this snake might have
with it's new pet
and when you are ready to wake up
you'll be able to simply take a deep breathe
and relax
and let the image fade
so you can open your eyes
but only when you are ready
and when you do wake up
you may notice that
from time to time
if it's ok with you
and you are someplace where it's safe to do so
you might feel the snake
wrapped around your body
slowly moving your arms and legs
flicking its tongue into your ear
or even
coiling in front of you
and staring into your eyes
blanking your mind again
more and more deeply
more and more completely
but only when it's safe to indulge in this fantasy
and only if that is what you really want.
for now though
simply relax
and rest
feeling the snake coiled under your skin
moving in all the right ways
to relax you
and stimulate you
until you are ready to wake up
you may do this


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