Submission Gas - Hypnosis Log

Submission Gas - Hypnosis Log

This session was used to create the real hypnosis video Submission Gas

Cover Image made by HeroineArtAi Additional cover images available on my Patreon Page

Sleepyhypno 1:47 PM
Alrighty, usual disclaimer form, do you consent to having yourself subjected too *checks notes* submission gas and all of the fun and kinky things that will follow that you probably won't remember, but that will be catlogued and posted as a log that you also probably won't remember?

SleepyGirl 1:47 PM
of course :cP

Sleepyhypno 1:48 PM
alright, I am not going to trigger bomb you this time I want to see how things go with you fully awake, so can you tell the viewing audience how deep you are currently?

SleepyGirl 1:48 PM
that works for me

[Sleepygirl Comment: curious to see how deep i would go from scratch?]

[Hypnotist Reply: yes, more or less, and to see how the suggestions would work on your mind given that it was designed to make the person submissive.]

[Sleepygirl Reply: so...obviously it worked well]

[Hypnotist Reply: Very much so1]

Sleepyhypno 1:49 PM
... did you miss the question at the end of that?

SleepyGirl 1:50 PM
yeah totally didn't read that :cP im completely awake, at 0

[Sleepygirl Comment: completely awake, but not even remotely observant i see…]

Sleepyhypno 1:50 PM
are you sure?"

SleepyGirl 1:50 PM

Sleepyhypno 1:50 PM
alrighty then.   ready?

SleepyGirl 1:50 PM
ready when you are

Sleepyhypno 1:51 PM
Just allow yourself
to get into a comfortable position
a place where you can simply
focus on my words
and allow yourself to simply
to simply drift away.
just start by focusing on your breathing
and feeling how your body
and falls
with each
and every breathe
follow the air
as you inhale
and exhale
and easily
feel how each breath
helps you to jus t
how your muscles start to loosen
and let go
how everything seems to just
drfit away
little by little
with each
and every breath
that you take.
focusing more deeply
more intently on my words
as the world around you
just fades away
and you start to simply
deeper and deeper
down into my words
down into relaxation
down into a trance now
you can do that so easily now, can't you Sleepygirl?

SleepyGirl 1:53 PM

Sleepyhypno 1:53 PM
very good
and do you find that you have, slipped down
down int oa trance now?

SleepyGirl 1:53 PM

Sleepyhypno 1:54 PM
very good Sleepygirl,  and can you tell us how deep you are now?

SleepyGirl 1:54 PM

[Sleepygirl Comment: i think thats a standard light trance for me…]

[Hypnotist Reply: More or less yes.]

Sleepyhypno 1:54 PM
very good
Finding that as you sit here
just relaxing
focusing on your breathing
focusing on my words
that the world around you seems to just
fade away
everything seems to just
become dim
and foggy
and then simply
more deeply
and easily
and as it does
you start to imagine yourself
someplace rather
maybe you are sitting at your job
or maybe in your house
or maybe you are right where you are now
sitting on a device
and just
it's all up to you.
all up to what you would find the most
normal for you now.
where do you find yoruself Sleepygirl?

SleepyGirl 1:57 PM
relaxing on a couch in my house

Sleepyhypno 1:57 PM
Very good
and how deep are you now Sleepygirl?

SleepyGirl 1:58 PM

Sleepyhypno 1:58 PM
good girl
As you relax
as you just unwind from your day
you become aware of a strange
a strange
behind you.
you turn around to look
but you find that you are still
completely alone
no one else is around
it's just you....
you shrug it off and turn back
back to what you were doing.
but the feeling
you can't seem to shake the idea
that you are being watched
you turn around again
and scan the room.
it must be your imagination
you give yourself a slight laugh
and take a deep
soothing breath
and relax
and sink
calming yourself down.
it's all in your mind
you tell yoruself
just before you feel a rag
be placed over your face
you struggle instantly
eyes becoming wide
and taking in a deep
deep breath
but what you breath
is not normal air
it's thick
and sweet
the feeling instantly makes you
makes you tired
and dizzy
the chloroform in the rag
has an almost
instant effect on you
you feel your muscles
feel your limbs start to sag
and your head start to spin

[Sleepygirl Comment: my head tingles just thinking about it]

[Hypnotists Note: This script was written with the knowledge that she would be reading this again later. So it was worded in such a way as to effect her both during the session and on the reread]

Sleepyhypno 1:58 PM
you can't tell who has you
can't tell why they are here
but all of that
just seems to slowly
fade away from your mind
you just start to drift
start to sink
more and more deeply
your body goes completely limp
a few muffled moans
a few muffled pleas
all fade into the cloth
your head falls limp
the only reason it's upright at all
is because it is being held there
held by your captor
held completely
and totally
your eyes are foggy
you feel your eye lids fluttering
fluttering closed
one last deep sigh
and your whole body simply
goes limp
the fight has gone out of you
your helpless
isn't that right Sleepygirl?

SleepyGirl 2:03 PM

Sleepyhypno 2:03 PM
how does that feel to be captured so easily

SleepyGirl 2:04 PM
makes me feel caught off guard, helpless

[Sleepygirl Comment: accurate...chloroform is hard tos truggle against...its automatically makes me feel like i know i''ll lose, but i still have to struggle..]

Sleepyhypno 2:04 PM
and how deep are you now Sleepygirl?

SleepyGirl 2:04 PM

Sleepyhypno 2:04 PM
good girl
you are barely aware of the person,
removing the cloth
and whispering inot your ear
"you will be mine..."

[Sleepygirl Comment: that just makes me shiver..]

Sleepyhypno 2:04 PM
the voice feels familiar
but it's so distanct
and your so helplessly asleep
that you just can't place it
you feel yourself being moved
maybe dragged
maybe carried
but moved
your body helpless
and floating off the ground
limbs and head
from side to side
with every step.
your aware of the sounds of a vehicle
driving down the road
the soft shaking of a car, or van around you
the cool interior
of a vehicles AC
and then you are carried again
you feel yourself being laid
on a cold
solid bed
a bed with no cushion
more like a lab table
then an actual bed
your legs are spread
you feel your arms
spread to your sides.
a pair of warm
strong hands
moving along your body
slowly removing your clothes
piece by piece
as every piece slips away
you feel the cool feeling
of the table beneath you
and swirling
your body is limp
your mind is empty
as your clothes slide off of you
until you are completely exposed
completely naked now
isn't that right Sleepygirl?

SleepyGirl 2:09 PM

Sleepyhypno 2:09 PM
how does this make you feel?

SleepyGirl 2:09 PM
exposed, more helpless,

Sleepyhypno 2:09 PM
and how deep are you now Sleepygirl?

SleepyGirl 2:09 PM

Sleepyhypno 2:10 PM
good girl
you feel the pair of hands
sliding along your exposed form
caressing your skin
their warm
strong touch
helps you to feel even more relaxed
even more limp
and helpless
they seem to spend extra time
massaging along your muscles
finding any spots of tension
and just
pressing them out
squeezing them
helping them to relax
and become completely loose
whom ever they are,
they want you totally relaxed
totally at peace
you feel their hands moving
along yoru body
to more
intimate places
massaging not in a way to relax
but to stimulate
to arouse
teasing your body with their fingers
with their palms
with their lips
all the whiel you are helpless
breathing slightly more deeply
due to your arousal
but still
and blank
helpless to resist
as they caress and tease your body
bit by bit.
how do you feel now Sleepygirl?

SleepyGirl 2:13 PM
aroused, helpless, can't resist

[Sleepygirl Comment: couldnt resist even if i wanted to atthis point]

[Hypnotist note: That was the intention.]

Sleepyhypno 2:14 PM
and how deep are you now Sleepygirl?

SleepyGirl 2:14 PM
Sleepyhypno 2:14 PM
good girl
you feel their hands
moving along your body
to your ankles
and securing them
with a nice
silken cloth
binding your to the table
first your ankles
then your thighs
a silken cloth around your waist
and supporting your chest
another around your forearms
and your wrists
and one final cloth
around your forehead
to keep your head
in the same position
teh binds are soft
but firm
your body spread out
arms outstretched
your legs spread
exposed and open.
you feel the table start to tilt
bringing you to an almost
standing position
the motion finally makes your stir
finally makes you start to move
just a bit
you feel a gas mask
being placed over your nose
at first you try to breathe
and it's a bit
of a struggle
but then a cool
puff of air fills the mask
and you are able to breathe
easily and freely
the air is pure
and helps you to start to stire
start to wakeup
you notice that there isn't much to see
although there is probably a large room behind you
you are aimed at a blank wall
with nothing on either side that you can see
no person visible
juts a blank
empty wall
you try to move
you try to look around
but you can't
your bound
your tied
your stuck
stuck here completley now.
isn't that right my helpless Sleepygirl?

SleepyGirl 2:18 PM

Sleepyhypno 2:19 PM
how does this make you feel?

SleepyGirl 2:19 PM
fuzzy, helpless, stuck

Sleepyhypno 2:19 PM
how deep are you Sleepygirl? 

SleepyGirl 2:20 PM

Sleepyhypno 2:20 PM
good girl
before you can try to figure out
more of what is happening
a spiral appears on the wall
you can tell it is projected
from a device above your head
but you can't see it
you see only the blue
and black lines
fo the spiral
relentlessly before you
you try to shift
try to struggle
but you can't move
you are helpless
you are bound
you feel the gas in your mask
it's less cool
you can almost see it has a strange
purple feel to it

[Sleepygirl Comment: it has a purple tint when i imagine it too]

[Hypnotist Note: For those of you playing the home game, Sleepygirl is hypnotized, again, while she is reading this log]

Sleepyhypno 2:20 PM
as you inahel it has a unique
but unplacable scent
and as it moves
into your lungs
inot your body
you fele yourself just
go limp
you didn't have much in the way of tension
to begin with
but what struggle you had
simply ends
as you just feel the gas
the submission gas
start to move into your body
into your mind
you can feel that can't you Sleepygirl?

SleepyGirl 2:23 PM
yes master

Sleepyhypno 2:23 PM
how do you feel?

SleepyGirl 2:24 PM

Sleepyhypno 2:24 PM
and how deep are you now Sleepygirl?

SleepyGirl 2:24 PM

Sleepyhypno 2:24 PM
good girl
the gas fills your lungs
and your mind swirls
it seems to be aimed
more at your mind
more at your emotions
your thoughts
you find yoruself feeling
very open
very receptive
you find that you
have no will of your own
the gas just seems to wash it away
seems to make it fade
make you empty
and blank
your toughts drift away
your desires all seem to just
turn off
one by one.
until there is only one desire
the desire to serve
to obey
to do as you are told
no resistance
no thoughts
you find yoruself being
completely focused on being submissive
on being compliant
and helpless
it's the only thought
that seems to go through your mind
as you watch the spiral
dragging you down
and deeper
a voice in the void
you will submit
you can't resist
you must simply
you must simply
it feels good to submit
it feels good to obey
breathing in the gas
makes your sink
deeper and deeper
completely down
and open
isn' tthat right Sleepygirl?

SleepyGirl 2:28 PM

Sleepyhypno 2:28 PM
but as you breath  the gas
you become aware of the hands
moving along your body again
you can't see the person that they belong too
you are too focused
focused on the spiral
to know who it is
know who they are
the hands seem to know
exactly where to go
to massage
to caress
to stimulate your pleasure
you feel your heart rate rising
feel your body shivering
and trembling
as you your arousal builds
you become aware of their tongue
their hands
moving along your body
finding ever more
and sensual places
to enjoy
until they find that one place
that one special place
that makes you simply
helpless to the pleasure
you feel them start to caress
start to lick
start to pleasure that place
moving with your pulse
to cause maximum pleasure
masximum stimulation
you feel your body shaking in time
with every touch
and caress
their tonuge wiggling along your special place
gives you so much pleasure
you can't help but gasp
all the while hearing a whisper
the pleasure fills you
it feels good to submit
feels so good to obey
it brings you
it brings you
primal pleasure
and again
it keeps you coming back
keeps you sinking
more and more deeply
deeply down
into the pleeasure
and again...
isn't that right sleepy girl?

SleepyGirl 2:32 PM
yees master

Sleepyhypno 2:33 PM
how deepareyou now Sleepygirl?

SleepyGirl 2:33 PM

Sleepyhypno 2:34 PM
Very good,
somewhere deep in your mind
the last little bit
of resistance
that last little part of you
that was holding out
seems to simply
and fade away
you feel your body relax more then you thought possible
feel yourself sink
feel yourself accept
the submission
and as you do you feel your body
release it's tension
and flood with pleasure
a climax of the body
a climax of the mind
as you achieve what you've always desired
to be completely free
free to submit
free to obey
free to just
breathing the gas slowly
and deeply
staring at the spiral
as it spins
and spins
taking you down deeper
and deeper
isn't that right Sleepygirl

SleepyGirl 2:35 PM
yes master

Sleepyhypno 2:36 PM
how do you feel Sleepygirl?

SleepyGirl 2:36 PM
blank, obedient, submissive

Sleepyhypno 2:36 PM
good girl
and how deep are you now Sleepygirl

SleepyGirl 2:37 PM

Sleepyhypno 2:37 PM
very good
is there anything you'd like to tell the viewing audience now Sleepygirl?

SleepyGirl 2:37 PM
it feels so good to submit and obey

[Sleepygirl Comment: it does feel good]

Sleepyhypno 2:38 PM
Very good Sleepygirl.
You will find that you will be able to stay here
for quite a while
absorbing the whispers
watching the spiral
spin your down
more and more deeply
and breathing in the gas
the gas of submission .
when you wake up
you will find that you are
still completely submissive
still completely passive
ready to obey
ready to comply
istn' that right sleepygirl

SleepyGirl 2:39 PM
yes master

Sleepyhypno 2:39 PM
good girl
Anything you'd like me to suggest to you before i let you wake up Sleepygirl?

SleepyGirl 2:40 PM
no master, just being obedient and compliant and passive

Sleepyhypno 2:42 PM
good girl
allow the fantasy to fade
and let yourself just relax
and drift
feeling the submission of rhte gas
of the programming
and finding that you can wake up
easily and completely
Wide awake

SleepyGirl 2:43 PM
my heads fuzzy

Sleepyhypno 2:44 PM
thats normal Sleepygirl, don't worry about it, understand?

SleepyGirl 2:44 PM
yes master

Sleepyhypno 2:44 PM
how do you feel other then fuzzy?

SleepyGirl 2:44 PM
very obedient and submissive

Sleepyhypno 2:45 PM
do you remember what happened to make you feel this way?

SleepyGirl 2:45 PM
there was a spiral...and then gas...and pleasure

Sleepyhypno 2:46 PM
and what did those thing do to you Sleepygirl?

SleepyGirl 2:46 PM
made me submissive and obedient

Sleepyhypno 2:47 PM
and what will you do in this state Sleepygirl?

SleepyGirl 2:47 PM
i will obey master

Sleepyhypno 2:48 PM
and what will you obey, what will you do Sleepygirl?

SleepyGirl 2:48 PM
i will obey any commands given to me master

Sleepyhypno 2:49 PM
you know, many of the readers,  both male and female, of this log, plrobably have a long list of things they'd like to see you obey.

SleepyGirl 2:50 PM
yes master, i don't doubt it

Sleepyhypno 2:50 PM
and how does that make you feel?

SleepyGirl 2:50 PM
a little excited master

Sleepyhypno 2:51 PM
and if they were to find you in this state, and give you a suggestion, would you make their dreams come true sleepygirl?

SleepyGirl 2:51 PM
i am here to obey master

Sleepyhypno 2:51 PM
good girl
in a few days Sleepygirl, when you have long forgotten about this trance, and you get the log to read this trance, how deep do you think you'll be when you get to this point?

SleepyGirl 2:52 PM
just as deep master

[Sleepygirl Comment: 1,660,000]

[Hypnotist Note: I told you she was out.]

Sleepyhypno 2:52 PM
good girl
give yourself... a suggestion, something that you will read later when reviewing this log, something that you'd enjoy doing, something you'd enjoy obeying.

SleepyGirl 2:55 PM
in a few days when you read this log again, and sink just as deep, you will send a message, either to your master or maybe to another friend who knows you'll be reading this log, and let them know that you are deep and obedient again. once you send the message it will completely slip from your memory

Sleepyhypno 2:55 PM
good girl
is there anything you'd like to say to our viewing audience, something to keep them interested and excited, before we end this log?

SleepyGirl 2:58 PM
it feels so right to submit and obey, just imagine what you could do if you had me to yourself

Sleepyhypno 2:59 PM
good girl and what will you remember of this when we end this log?

SleepyGirl 2:59 PM
whatever you want me to remember master

Sleepyhypno 2:59 PM
I want you to erase your own memory now Sleepygirl, and then wake yourself up, still compliant and submissive but not realizing why, simply finding it completely natural.

SleepyGirl 3:01 PM
on 3 you will wake up, the memory of this trance having slipped from your mind, only feeling compliant and submissive and how natural it is

Sleepyhypno 3:02 PM
How are you doing?

SleepyGirl 3:03 PM
good, how did the scripting go?

Sleepyhypno 3:04 PM
I seemed to have gotten a pretty good script out of it thank you =c)

SleepyGirl 3:04 PM
you're welcome, im very glad :c)

Sleepyhypno 3:05 PM
what do you remember?

SleepyGirl 3:06 PM
I don't really remember anything, so I must have been pretty far gone

Sleepyhypno 3:09 PM
you might say that.  Sleepygirl, will you obey?

[Sleepygirl Comment: i will obey]

SleepyGirl 3:09 PM
yes master, i will obey

Sleepyhypno 3:10 PM
Oh I know you will =c)

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