Succubus at the Party | Extended Patreon Version


Click here to view the video! Succubus at the Party | Extended Patreon Version

 Just allow yourself to get,
Into a comfortable position.
Let let your body start to relax
As you watch the spiral spin in front of you
Gently and easily helping you to simply
Clear your mind,
And feel your body relaxing.
More and more deeply
Letting yourself listen to my voice
Listen to my words slowly
And easily sliding into your mind
Soothing your thoughts
And helping you to just
It’s ok if your eyes start to feel
Heavy, and tired.
It’s ok if you just let them
Slide closed, as you sink
Deeper and deeper
Into my voice…
Into the void.
The more you listen
The more you sink
The more the world around you
Fades away
Drifting further and further
Into the back of your mind
Leaving your floating in the void
Safe and calm
And as you float,
Listening so deeply,
So easily to my voice
Just allow a different world
To start to form in it’s place
A room full of people
And music
Lights flashing and decorations all over the place
It’s a wild party
But one you find yourself feeling quite shy at.
The people here are not the people you usually hang out with
This party is for a friend, of a friend.
And your dear sweet friend
Didn’t want to go to the party,
All by themself.
So you decided…
That you would be a good friend,
And go with them.
But now that your here, you can’t help but feel awkward
And shy.
You don’t seem to have much in common with anyone here.
So you end up wandering the outer rim of the party
Slowly sipping your drink for comfort
But even that doesn’t help.
They don’t have what you usually like to drink
So you’re stuck with a cheap,
Generic knock off.
But as the people in the party talk and dance
You happen to spy a nice,
Dark corner of the room.
Hidden from the rest of the party
Thanks to some poorly placed decorations
You can’t help but think to yourself
That that would be the best place
For you to simply relax
And unwind for a little bit.
To say out of the public eye
And to get a little bit of peace
In this chaotic party.
You find yourself moving through the party
Dodging dancers, and groups conversing
And finally slide yourself into that dark
Secluded corner.
Finally out of view of the party
You can feel your body relaxing
As the stress just melts away.
But then, you realize
You’re not alone here…
I’m here with you…
You turn and see me standing there
Smiling at you, with a warm, gentle smile.
You start to feel nervous and shy again
Until I comment softly
That I just needed to get away from the party.
To find someplace quiet
For just a few minutes.
You feel yourself starting to relax a bit more
And nod in approval
With a warm smile I introduce myself
You hear my name,
And for some reason… you can’t help but thinking
That it sounds…
Not sounds…
It feels… familiar to you.
Like something out of a dream.
A dream you had long ago.
You feel at ease
As we start to talk together
Bonding by sharing just how
Over the top the party seems.
And how much nicer it is to simply.
Hide away.
For a while.
But as we talk.
You start to notice something.
Something about my eyes
How they seem to shine as I look at you
how , despite the darkness
They seem to be bright
Almost glowing in the dark.
You find that you can’t seem to look away from them
They just seem to pull you in more and more.
We continue to talk
You share that you’re here for a friend.
And that you don’t really know anyone here.
Other than that friend.
I reveal the same
Commenting on how I always seem to get dragged
Into parties like this.
Then end up stuck in a dark corner
Trying to hide…
But then I comment on how much nicer it is
How much more peaceful it seems to be.
To have someone else here…
To talk too…  
To just let the party, drift away…
And let time simply
Tick away…
Slowly and easily…
The longer we talk
The more the party just seems to get more and more distant
The conversation seems to flow,
On and on
But you don’t really seem to be paying attention
Not to the words
Not any longer
You just seem to be focusing…
Staring into my eyes
More and more as I talk.
While listening to the of my words
Soothing and relaxing.
They almost seem to echo…
Softly in your mind
As if between the eyes and the words
You were becoming…
Completely engrossed
Completely captivated now.
Everything else simply fading away
Your so captivated that you don’t even notice
Your glass slipping from your hands.
Slowly sliding down
From between your fingers.
You don’t even flinch
As it slips out
And falls to the floor
Spilling out on the carpet.
What little noise a plastic cup would make
Is drowned out by the music, the music you no longer hear.
Your hand stays extended,
Fingers slowly closing
As if you were holding a pretend cup.
Never realizing your cup fell from your hand
Not even aware that you had one in the first place.
Completely captivated
By my eyes
Completely entranced
By my words
Helpless as I move in closer
And closer to you.
You feel my hand slide softly
Along your leg
Along your butt
And gently around
To the small of your back.
Pulling you closer and closer to me
Your body seems to step forward
Easily and automatically
Not even noticing the discarded solo cup
As you kick it away with your foot
Not even registering the noise
Or the feeling.
Simply staring
And listening
Completely and totally now.
You feel my othe hand
Gently slide to your hand…
The hand that was still extended
From where you… were… holding the now forgotten drink
You feel my fingers sliding between yours
Slowly interlacing with them.
Holding your hand.
And then you feel something…
Something different.
Something sliding along your leg
Long and thin
For a brief moment you look away
Away from my eyes
Releasing my hand as you do.
And look down.
To see a dark red…
Demon’s tail…
Sliding along your leg
Coiling around your ankle.
And working it’s way up your body
For a brief moment you can feel yourself try to gasp.
Your mind is so foggy
So fuzzy
You feel more… confusion then fear.
But then a second later you feel my hand
Sliding under your chin
And tilt your head back up.
Up, into my gaze
The moment you make eye contact with me
You feel yourself to start to
Back down into a blank
Helpless state
Deeply entranced
As you feel your thoughts fading away
You manage to ask
“What are you?”
With a warm,
Almost devious, yet somehow comforting smile.
You hear me
“I’m a succbus of course….”
Words seem to slip deeply inot your mind
Images from long, long ago
Seem to flood into your mind
A dream
A very sexy dream
A visitor in the night.
deep , hypnotic eyes
A strange, exciting helplessness
And pleasure,
Deep wonderful pleasure…
And finally…
A sleep so deep
So peaceful
That it all seemed like a dream..
When you woke up.
But it wasn’t a dream…
You realize it was real…
But then…
Your mind simply
Stops thinking…
Stops remembering…
Simply and completely
You’re left staring up…
Helplessly and blankly
Into [my / their] eyes
Unaware of anything
But the pleasure you start to feel in your body
Never noticing your hand slowly falling to your side
Unaware of the tail,
Coiling ever higher along your leg
Unaware of being pulled, closer
And closer… to me
Lost in the gaze.
And then you feel it…
Feel the kiss.
Deep and slow
You can feel me taking their time
As your eyes start to flutter up…
Into your head.
As your knees start to weaken.
You feel my hands sliding along yoru body
Finding all of the places…
That you love to be touched
The kiss, seems tender and gentle.
While the hands seem to be roaming
Specifically to bring you pleasure
And the tail…
The tail moves all the up to your pelvis.
And slowly
Down, into your clothes
Sliding along your pelvis
Sliding along your groin.
Your most intimate of places
And yet this arrowheaded extension
Seems to have a mind of it’s own.
Seems to find all the right ways to touch you
Caress you
Coil around you.
Finding just the right ways to work your body
To bring you as much pleasure as you can imagine
And so much more.
Every touch,
Every kiss
Every sliding of the tail
Seems to be filling your body with an energy
A pure,
Primal energy.
One of pleasure and excitement.
You can feel it flowing through your body
Trickling along your skin like electricity
And then sliding deeper
And deeper into you.
The energy seems to flow through your body
With a purpose
With a drive
With a mind of it’s own
Finding every single nerve ending
Every single hidden fiber in your body
That can feel pleasure.
And lighting that up.
All at once.
You can feel your body almost glowing
As the energy of pleasure
Seems to move more and more deeply into your body
Flowing over every inch of your body
Every single spot that can cause you pleasure
And even some you didn’t know about before now.
The tail moves quicker along your pelvis
Able to stimulate very parts, of your more intimate places
All at once.
And then you feel it.
Flooding over you like a wave
Strong and powerful
You feel your whole body shiver in deep
Intense pleasure
Rocking through your body
Making it tinlge
And letting the pleasure roll through
Every inch
As deep
And as often as you can feel it
Again and again
All the while being held
Unaware of how weak your body is getting
How your starting to slump and sag.
Gently held and protected…
You feel yourself lean more and more
Against my body
Everything seems to be fading away
The kiss.
The feel feel your body
Against mine
The feel of my tail
You can’t seem to stay awake…
You feel as if I are draining something
A power… and energy
Directly from you.
It feels familiar
As the energy in your body slides
Slowly and easily out of your body
And into mine
Somewhere in the back of your blank mind
You know you’ll be safe
Know you’ll be ok.
Know you’ll be safe
You feel your memory…
Being clouded…
Fogged over…
As if this entire encounter…
Was nothing more than a dream…
A very erotic…
Familiar dream….
And then you feel your body
Surrender to the drain.
And go completely limp
But I  are ready
You can feel my arms
Gently supporting you..
Gently holding you
Your arms limp at your sides
Kneels bent, and buckled
Head falling away from the kiss.
Landing on your shoulder
And then falling…
Forward or back..
Whichever makes you feel more helpless
But safe..
Safe in my arms.
You feel yourself being carried
Gently to a chair…
A big, soft chair
And laid down.
A plastic solo cup placed in your hand
Head lulled to the side.
Carefully placed
Carefully staged
Making it look, like you simply had…
One too many.
No one will ever know…
No one will ever suspect
That a succubus was there…
No one, not even you…
Will know what happened to you.
But in your dreams…
In the deepest parts of the night.
As you sleep soundly…
And deeply…
The memory will resurface
Again and again
For you to enjoy.
But for now…
You can simply sleep…
And rest…
Enjoy reliving this encounter
Again and again
In your dreams
And when your ready
You can simply stretch out and wake up
But until then.
And dream…


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