Superhero Misadventure 2 - Hypnosis Session Log

Sleepyhypno 10:50 PM
so. I know you all know that this is a superhero based script... do any of you want to know the details for approval before we go into it?

Ivy 10:52 PM
Personally, I'm good

Psyco 10:52 PM
Ya the surprise is something I look forward to.

Sleepyhypno 10:53 PM
heheh, ok. SG already gave me her blessing off screen.   for the purposes of permission, are you ladies all ok with me hypnotizing you in what will end up being an adult oriented trance and then posting an 'redacted' version of this log online for people to read and enjoy?
(you all know i've had a frazzled as fuck 2 weeks. so im being overly cautious just so i don't make a fatigue related mistake)

[This should have been a warning sign to me. Doing a hypnosis session as complicated as this requires a lot of thought, and energy. I was severely lacking in both. BUT I thought I could handle it. I was wrong. Although the session went over relatively well, I made a lot of mistakes that I normally don’t make. So let this be a lesson for you, if you are not at your best there is nothing wrong with simply saying “I’m not up to this tonight” and backing down. Your subjects, if they are worth anything at all, will understand. And You will make far fewer mistakes. That being said I will be pointing out the two very big mistakes that I made in this script, hopefully so any future hypnotists reading this can learn from my mistakes.]

Ivy 10:55 PM
You have my permission

Psyco 10:55 PM
Indeed I understand and fully consent to all shenanigans planned or otherwise.

Sleepygirl 10:57 PM
also giving consent for shenanigans

Sleepyhypno 11:04 PM
I want to thank everyone for participating in these with me all the time. I have a lot of fun with these and it makes the writing process go SOOOO much faster.

Sleepygirl 11:04 PM
awww are you being sentimental?

Ivy 11:05 PM
Hey, it's (literally) our pleasure

Sleepyhypno 11:05 PM
heheh yes i am. let me have it' it's been shit the last two weeks and im Emo =cP

Sleepygirl 11:05 PM
awwwwww :cP you're welcome, though, you know it's never a problem

Sleepyhypno 11:06 PM
I'd also like to thank Psyco publicly if I haven't already once, doing these scripts with live people was her idea originally and it's SOOO helpful

Sleepygirl 11:06 PM
im glad it helps you, honestly :c)

Sleepyhypno 11:08 PM
alright, if there are no questions, is everyone ready?

Ivy 11:08 PM

Sleepygirl 11:08 PM
ready when you are

Psyco 11:08 PM
Hooray, I'm helping. ^^

Sleepyhypno 11:08 PM
hehe yes yoyu are =cP

Psyco 11:08 PM
I'm ready.

Sleepyhypno 11:08 PM
alright ladies, enjoy your nap =cP
Just allow yourself to get...
into a comfortable position
a place where you can simply
and unwind
while you focus on my words
just let yoru body get comfortable
and feel yoruself breathing
slowly and easily
as you focus on my words
hearing them softly
echoing in your mind
as you simply let yoruself
breathe in
and breathe out
letting the world around you
fade away
drifting so easily
and gently
down into trance
you can feel your muscles loosening
and relaxing
letting go
as you sink
deeper and deeper
down into the words
letting everything fade away
and letting a new world
take it's place.
a world where you...
are a superhero
with your own unique set of powers
and abilities
that suit you, and your personality
maybe you've fantasized about this before
or maybe it's the very first time
but just that super hero persona
form in yoru mind.
feel how strong
and confident it makes you feel
feel how the abilities
and powers that you have
that you've always had... deep inside
just seem to manifest around you
you can feel that can't you ladies?

Sleepygirl 11:12 PM

Ivy 11:12 PM

Psyco 11:12 PM

Sleepyhypno 11:12 PM
Very good
Just spend a moment
or two...
in your mind
exploring the powers that you have
maybe your super strong
or super fast
maybe you can manipulate time
or the thougths of other people
maybe you shoot fire
or ice
or maybe it's something else
something totally unique to you
something that you've thought up
all on your own
i'ts completely ok for you to make this persona
this super hero... all your own
because this hero...
is you...
and just how your powers work
how expertly honed they are.
you can feel that you have years of experience
training to use
and harness your powers
and just feel how good it feels
to use them
how exilerating
and exciting it is
to use these special gifts
what are your gifts now ladies?

Ivy 11:15 PM
Invisibility, strength and wind manipulation

Sleepygirl 11:15 PM
time manipulation, strength, ability to understand any language

Psyco 11:16 PM
Shapeshifting, the ability to change my bodies size, shape, density and materials at will.

[Wow! All of those were REALLY good!]

Sleepyhypno 11:16 PM
very good ladies
all of you have done so well
creating characteristics
and powers
that fit with your personalities
i can see those powers fitting very well you now
and as you read the answers of the others
you can simply see just how much it fits them as well
can't you ladies?

Sleepygirl 11:17 PM

Psyco 11:17 PM

Ivy 11:17 PM

Sleepyhypno 11:17 PM
very good
doing so very well now
and as you imagine yourself
using these powers
you also see your uniform
forming around your body
the perfet outfit for your unique superhero
maybe the outfit is practical
and armored
or maybe it's flashy and bright
or slinky and sexy...
or maybe it's a combination of some
or all of those things
it's totally up to you
but just let that outfit
that uniform
form around your body
feel it against your skin
feel how it moves
feel how confident
and strong
it makes you feel
and jsut let all of those feelings
deeper and deeper
into your mind
into yoru soul
let this persona become a part of you
even for just a little while
how does this make you feel ladies?

Ivy 11:20 PM

Psyco 11:20 PM

Sleepygirl 11:20 PM
confident, strong

Sleepyhypno 11:20 PM
very good
and of course the last part of a super hero
one of th emost important parts
is the secret identity
the name
that you choose to use
that choose to be called.
a disguese to hide yourself
from the world
it can be a name that inspires hope
and helps others to feel better when they hear it
or it can be a name designed
to inspire fear...
in the hearts of those who would harm others
it's all up to you
but as you let that name form in yoru mind
and become a part of your special
unique persona
it all seems to simply become one.
deep inside of you
the powers
the uniform
the name
and you...
all together.
you can feel that power
as they merge
as this persona
becomes a part of you..
even if it's just for a little while
in this fatnasy
here with me
you can feel that can't you ladies?

Sleepygirl 11:22 PM

Ivy 11:22 PM

Psyco 11:23 PM
Yes Sir.

Sleepyhypno 11:23 PM
good girls
doing so well
if your ok with doing so...
would you like to share yoru superhero names with us.
you can keep it a secret
if you want...
or you can reveal yourself to the world, and your friends.

Ivy 11:23 PM
My super heroine name is Paradox

Psyco 11:24 PM
My superhero name is Toppelganger or Topple.

Sleepyhypno 11:24 PM
very nice ladies.

Sleepygirl 11:25 PM

Sleepyhypno 11:25 PM
very good
always in theshadows
how do you ladies feel now that you have all the pieces together... forming a single superhero in your mind?

Psyco 11:26 PM
Satisfied Sir.

Ivy 11:26 PM
like that persona is more complete
more real

Sleepygirl 11:26 PM

Sleepyhypno 11:26 PM
cery good
don't so very well now ladies
and just allow yoruself
to imagine what it would be like
to live a day in this persona
going around and saving people
some times from villains
or some time sjust for the normal
crazy things that happen
in the world
and always being there
to bring hope
and inspiration
to those that need it.
knowing you have an important place
in the world
but as you go about your day
saving people from one things
or another
and your day turns into night
you notice a van
parked behind a bank
and you go investigate
the van is dark
with covered windows
but seems to just be sitting there
wainting for you.
as you approach you see a person get ouf of the van
something about them seems...
your mind flashes back to images
images of you
strapped to a table
lights flashing into your eyes
a hum in the background
a tingling void
deep in your mind
a compulsion...
a compulsion to obey...
you can feel that can't you ladies?

Ivy 11:30 PM
nod nod

Sleepygirl 11:30 PM

Psyco 11:30 PM
Yes Sir.

[I’ve noticed with Psyco that the deeper she goes the more… respectful she starts to be. So when she starts to call me sir… which I did not prompt, I know she’s sinking. And later when she calls me master I know she’s out.]

Sleepyhypno 11:30 PM
you try to speak
try to ask the person
who they are...
but nothing comes out
you feel ...
all of your powers
all of your abilities
and you just seem to be
locked up
frozen in the moment
unable to think about what to do next
you notice the  person smile at your predicament
and comment ever so confidently
you always did look good, helpless.
the line seems to move through your body
causing a tingle
a shiver
there is a strange things with a lot of heros
they are so powerful
so capable
that one of the only things that helps them
to really feel excited...
is to have the power be ...
to be helpless
despite all of their strength
you can feel that helplessness now...
can't you ladies?

Sleepygirl 11:32 PM

Ivy 11:33 PM

Psyco 11:33 PM
Yes Master.

[Aaaaand she’s out!]

Sleepyhypno 11:33 PM
very good ladies
doing so well now
you struggle against the fog
the helpless feeling that is washign over you
not because you want too
but because you feel you should
it's your job
your duty
to obey...
no thats not right...
it's your duty to serve
to resist...
but resiting isn't nearly as much fun
and you see the person in front of you simply simle
like they are enjoying your struggle
enjoying your predicament.
but they say a phrase
that just seems to slip through your mind
Sleep for me now...
and the world simply fades to black
you feel your eyes roll into yoru head
hear your body let out a soft
gentle sigh
and feel yoru head fall to yoru chest
isn't that right ladies?

Sleepygirl 11:35 PM

Ivy 11:35 PM
yes yes

Psyco 11:35 PM
Yes Master.

Sleepyhypno 11:35 PM
very good
you hear the person talking to you
programming you
you can tell they are moving around you
you can feel their hand
sliding along your body
along your uniform
along yoru skin
moving as they talk
totally unaware of waht they saying
on a conscious level
but deep down your subconscious
simply absorts
and obeys
you hear them snap their fingers
and your eyes open
but your not awake
your still deeply asleep
deeply hypnotized
as your body moves
as if all on it's own
on autopilot
you move into the bank
as two guards on duty notice you
a look of confusion on their faces
they ahve no reason to fear you
your a superhero
after all
a servant of the people
but tonight you only serve one person
and you serve them completely
you feel yourself use your powers
to quickly
but safely
incapacitate the guards
so quickly they don't even have to realize
what is happening to them
they simply end up helpless
and sleep
maybe exactly like you
or maybe in a way that is unique
to your powers
how do you go about incapacitating the guards ladies?

Ivy 11:40 PM
move the wind around their heads so quickly, they pass out from lack of oxygen

Psyco 11:40 PM
Grab them both by the mouth, morphing my hand to seal their airways till they pass out.

Sleepygirl 11:40 PM
gently knock them unconscious

[I love making my oh so innocent subjects do devious things like knock people out…]

Sleepyhypno 11:40 PM
good girls
all of you are doing so well
so deep and calm
how does it feel to have rendered the guards...

Ivy 11:41 PM
it feels.... necessary

Sleepygirl 11:41 PM
feels good to have obeyed

Psyco 11:41 PM
serving the one.

Sleepyhypno 11:42 PM
godo girls
doing so very well
witht he guards
easily out of the picture now
you move to the vault
a normal person would take days to get through
but your super powered
and your powers can help you to crack that vault
maybe through sheer strength
or maybe using another ability
to pick the lock
or control a guard to open it
it's all up to you
it's your adventure...
well... missadventure
but it takes almost no time at all
for the vault to simply open
inside are riches beyond your wildest dreams
but you have orders
you have a mission
you go to a specific safe deposit box
and remove it from the wall
you don't look inside
but you can tell by the weight
but the feel of whats inside
that it's very important
very special
but your too deeply...
and helpless
to stop yourself
or even think about
stopping yourself
isn't that right ladies?

Sleepygirl 11:44 PM

Ivy 11:44 PM

Psyco 11:45 PM
Yes Master.

Sleepyhypno 11:45 PM
you feel yourself leaving the bank
your face is blank
and your eye sare glazed
your helpless
unable to resist
unable to even think
as you leave the person
the person controlling you
waits for you outside their van
the back doors are open
and there is a ramp leading out of the van
you hand the person the box
and they smile at you
commenting on just how good
you've been
just how obediently
you've followed their orders
the words seem to tingle through your mind
through your body
as you simply relax
they point ot the van
and you carefully walk inside
inside is a metal frame
on wheels
with a pully and rope
the person that controlls you
that hypnotized you
sets the box safely iside
then moves to you
and tells you
not to move
as they move down and start to tie your feet
tie your ankles together now
how does that make you feel ladies?

Sleepygirl 11:48 PM

Psyco 11:48 PM
Blank Master.

Ivy 11:48 PM

Sleepyhypno 11:49 PM
you feel your ankles being tied together,
nice and tight
and then feel the pully
tightening the rope
your body starts to wobble
but your super powered
so you resist
until the person with you simply simple
and tells you to sleep
as you feel them touch your forehead
with a single finger
all at once your body goes limp
it's like every muscles
simply turns off
you land on the floor of the fan
with a soft thud
and feel your legs being pulled
until you are sitting on yoru back
with your legs in the air
the one controlling you now
starts to tie your knees together..
nice and tight
but also wraps the rope around the back of your neck
and head
it doesn't hinde ryour breathing
you can still breathe easily and gently
but ti does pull your head
off the floor
and up to your knees
folding you
like a tight little V
how does that make you feel now ladies?

Ivy 11:52 PM

Sleepygirl 11:52 PM
blank, helpless

Psyco 11:53 PM
Used Master.

Sleepyhypno 11:53 PM
very good
you feel your hands
being moved behidn your back
your wrists tied together
arms hanging limp behind you
only your butt
is still on the floor of the van
but the person continues to tie you
and tighter
around your thighs
and around your chest
pulling the rope and making your chest
touch the frotn of your thighs
making the V even tighter
and typing the rope
around your butt
and around yoru lower back
making it nice and supportive
as you hear the pully
as you feel yoru feet
rising higher
and igher
your legs pull on the ropes
and the ropes pull on yoru back
and you feel your body
lift off the van floor
your hands slide along the cold metal floor
as you go higher
and higher
until they too
simply start to hang
limp and helpless
suspended in bondage now
how does that make you feel ladies?

Ivy 11:56 PM
absolutely helpless

Sleepygirl 11:56 PM

Psyco 11:56 PM
Helpless Master.

Sleepyhypno 11:56 PM
as you hang there
completely helpless
you start to feel the hands
the hands of the one that controlls you
slowly removing your uniform
any armor or hard pieces
are gently removed
piece by piece
making yoru body hang more limp
and helpless
and then you hear the simple
of a knife
and the ripping sounds of your clothes
your uniform
being cut away
you feel the cool night air against your skin
as more and more of yoru body
is exposed
the clothes peal away
piece by piece
leaving you naked
and helpless
swinging slowly
and gently
as the pully softly squeaks
supporting you
how does this make you feel ladies?

Ivy 11:59 PM

Sleepygirl 11:59 PM

Psyco 11:59 PM
Suspended and controlled Master.

Sleepyhypno 11:59 PM
good girl s
is this ok with you ladies?

[Always important to ask your subjects “Is this ok?” you’ll see in a bit, not asking caused a bit of an issue and it was completely my fault.]

Ivy 12:00 AM
nod nod nod

Sleepygirl 12:00 AM

Psyco 12:00 AM
Yes master.

Sleepyhypno 12:00 AM
good girls
as you sit there
you feel something
it almost feels like a rope
but it seems to move on it's own
it has a rubbish feeling
as it coils around your..
pelvic region

[Didn’t even notice until after the session that I said the rope had a ‘rubbish’ feeling instead of rubberish feeling. But the subjects did notice. This was a mistake on my part. I misspell a LOT of things, most people will ‘autocorrect’ for it and all of the subjects did autocorrect it. BUT it stood out to them. I didn’t even notice. It’s a sign of a really good subject that they could read that and correct it, but as a hypnotist I needed to be paying more attention as I was writing this script.]

it seems to know exactly what to do
where to go
to stimulate you
and all of your most
private of areas
you can feel the coiling
and shifting
as it adjusts to fit your body
your unique shape
and pleasure centers
maybe it wraps around you
in a very special way
or slides into you
or just rubs
the right part of your body
just the right way
but you can't help
but feel the pleasure that it gives you
moving through your body
tingling as you hang there
feeling the pleasure build
and build
more and more depely
you feel your body starting to pant
starting to sweat
the device seems to heat up
seems to vibrate
and give tiny little
stimulating shocks
in all the right places
your mind is blank
and helpless
you can't resist
as it fills you with pleasure
you can feel the pleasure building can't you ladies?

Sleepygirl 12:04 AM

Ivy 12:04 AM

Psyco 12:04 AM
Yes Master, completely filled.

Sleepyhypno 12:04 AM
the pleasure helps you to sink
deeper and deeper
into the hypnotic spell
the spell of th eone that controls you
but the deeper you sink
the more pleasure you feel
the more it moves through your body
stimulating you
until your body simply can't hold out
any longer
and you feel a wave of pleasure
crash through your body
crash through your mind
as it pulls you deeper
the waves of pleasure
get more and more powerful
deeper and deeper
letting you sink down
further then before
and the further you sink
the more open to the pleasure
you'll be
you can feel that pleasure washing through you now
as you sink completely and totally
deeply into helpless
obedient state
isn't that right ladies?

Ivy 12:06 AM
yes yes yes!

Psyco 12:06 AM
Yes Master.

Sleepygirl 12:06 AM

Sleepyhypno 12:07 AM
how do you feel ladies?

Ivy 12:07 AM

Sleepygirl 12:07 AM
helpless, obedient

Psyco 12:08 AM
Controlled Master.

Sleepyhypno 12:08 AM
very good.
doing so very well ladies
the special device will stay with you
coiled along your body
for the entire time that you are here
that you are suspended
and helpless
slipping you deeper
and deeper
into trance
the deeper you go
the more pleasure you will experience
and the more pleasure you experience
the deeper you will go
you have no cohice
your helpless ot resist
you can only
isn't that right ladies?

Sleepygirl 12:09 AM

Ivy 12:09 AM
yes obey

Psyco 12:10 AM
Yes Master, only obey.

Sleepyhypno 12:10 AM
good girls
as you hand there
slowly swaying form side to side
you hear the one that controlls you
tell you to open your eyes
you feel them open
glazed and helpless
the position of the ropes have your head
angled up
towards your feet
twoards the pully
but on the pully is a small device
a device that is flashing
a slowly gentle
ever shifting pattern of colors
across yoru eyes
you hear a familiar hum
filling your ears
as you the device
pulls your already helpless
already hypnotized mind
more and more deeply
deeper then you ever though possible
deeper and deeper
under their control
isn't that right ladies?

Ivy 12:12 AM

Sleepygirl 12:12 AM

Psyco 12:12 AM
Yes Master.

Sleepyhypno 12:12 AM
you feel yourself swaying from side to side
as you look at the light
and hear the hum
unaware that your being wheeled
out of the van
and down the ramp
helplessly swaying.l
you feel the cool night air
slowly fade to something warmer
as the ambient light
seems to change
yoru inside the bank now
being wheeled in your suspended harness
through the bank
and into the vault
you feel they swaying slowly subside
as the lights
and the hum
pull you down
deeper and deeper
your not sure how long you are there
or days...
it's all meaningless to you now
in this state
your helpless
and blank
your unaware of the morning shift at the bank
finding you in the vault
blank and hypnotized
unware of more and more people
seeing you
as you swing
sinking deeper into the lights
unaware of the media showing up
and taking pictures
and video
video of you
in your weakest point
and showing the world
but all the while you simply
into the bliss
and joy
of obedience
isn't that right ladies?

Sleepygirl 12:15 AM

Ivy 12:16 AM

[Notice that Psyco did not respond here. That’s because a suggestion that I put above tripped one of her Real Life red lines and she woke up. She was so deep in the fantasy that to her the suggestion seemed real and she snapped out of trance and sent me a message in DM letting me know. More on that at the end!]

Sleepyhypno 12:18 AM
doing very good now ladies
it may be some time
till someone with enough skill
and knowledge
arrives to help free you
till someone can figure out how to turn off the device
and allow you to finally wake up
finally be free
free form your suspension
free from you trance
but they won't know to look deeper
won't know to look into yoru mind
where the real control lies
deeply inside of you now
for now.
you can simply
hang here...
and relax
you can hang here
for as long as you'd like
just letting the people in the room
comment in the distance
watching you
helplessly swing
and when your ready to wake up
you'll simply let the fantasy fade away
you can be freed first if you want...
or just remain swinging in the fantasy
and then wake up in real life
relaxed and refreshed
nkwoing you are safe
but being able to enjoy this fantasy
again and again any time you'd like
for now simply let yourself
and swing
deeper and deeper
until your ready to wake up..
and now ladies
when you are ready to wake up
simply let yourself take a deep breath
and wake up
when your ready .
how do you ladies feel?

Ivy 12:25 AM
real dazed

Sleepygirl 12:25 AM
still waking up, kinda dazed

Sleepyhypno 12:25 AM
what did you guys think?

Ivy 12:30 AM
Not bad, at ALL, for my own purposes I changed a few things in my mind as we were going along, but very minor things

Sleepyhypno 12:31 AM
im curious as to what?

Ivy 12:33 AM
1. my heroine wears a helmet, the helmet had to be removed at some point, for me it was as she was climbing into the van 2. rather than ropes, I was picturing something flat, like resistance bands, it felt more comfortable 3. when wheeled into the vault, I pictured her being draped in something, anything really 4. no media, morning shift bank people, ok, but no media

Sleepyhypno 12:34 AM
yeah i might remove the media part of the script it didn't seem to go over well

Ivy 12:34 AM
and that's why we're here, quality control 😄

Psyco 12:37 AM
I'm in agreement on the lack of media.

Sleepyhypno 12:38 AM
hehe thanks however i'd prefer to not use my friends as minesweepers =cP

And this brings me to what I was talking about earlier. I made a mistake in this trance, so I’m going to point it out, and show how these things happen. How to prevent it, and also how as a hypnotist to handle it when it happens, but also to show how Psyco as a subject handled the situation exactly right!

The mistake in question was when I had the girls imagine the media taking pictures and video of them suspended and putting it out there for the world to see. That kind of thing can be a hot button issue with many people. Generally, a suggestion like that would be vague, something like “maybe, if you’re ok with this… in your fantasy they even share the image with others.” something like that. I was very tired and didn’t think about it at the time… BUT… I should have. It was my mistake. As a hypnotist it is my job to make sure that the people I am hypnotizing have a good time, and I failed to notice or realize that the suggestion I was giving three of my closest friends, was horribly worded. This… happens. It will happen to every hypnotist and every subject. The important thing is to learn from the mistake, and to handle it properly!

First from the hypnotist point of view. When Psyco messaged me telling me that she was up, I immediately asked her if she was ok? I don’t care what you are in the middle of if your subject wakes up, make sure they are ok! She told me what tripped her to wake up. She has a hard line of no pictures or video. A line that I am well aware of, and respect (despite teasing her from time to time about it playfully). I didn’t think a fantasy element like this would trip that line, but what I think, as a hypnotist, is irrelevant here. It tripped the line, and even Ivy said she felt uncomfortable about it. I asked if Psyco was ok, she said yes, I then asked if she wanted to be put back under to finish out the script. She declined. Now… you will see this happen in stage shows and youtube videos all the time. Where a hypnotist will have a subject wake up and they immediately go to put them back out. DON’T DO THAT! Had I done that to Psyco yesterday it would have shattered the trust I have built up with her, to say nothing of our friendship. If your subject wakes up, find out why! Then ASK them and if they say no respect it!

Secondly, the subject side. I see a LOT of confusion online about the subjects responsibility in a hypnosis session. Subjects absolutely have a responsibility, mainly to their own safety, but also to express to their hypnotist how they are feeling. I normally help this along by giving every person I hypnotize for any length of time a trigger that allows them to fizzle out any suggestion that they don’t like. But the issue here was Psyco was so deep in the fantasy and so invested in it that it felt real to her. So when a real life hard line was crossed it felt real to her. Fortunately Psyco is a very experienced and self confident subject. She did everything exactly right. She woke herself up, removing herself from the situation she wasn’t comfortable with, and then contacted me to let me know what happened. As a subject that is exactly what you should do. And then from there it’s in the hands of the hypnotist to make it right. If they don’t… it’s time for you to walk away from that hypnotist. Fortunately, I’m not an idiot (I only play one online) and I handled the situation in a way that hasn’t hurt the friendship between Psyco and I.

Hopefully you found this log entertaining and were able to learn a little bit about real hypnosis from the blunder that I made!

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Doll Display Case

  Click here for Patreon Video: Doll Display Case - Patreon Version Click here for Public Video: Doll Display Case Step into a world where f...