Teacher Hypnotized by their Student | Extended Patreon Version


Click here for the Video: Teacher Hypnotized by their Student | Extended Patreon Version

 Allow yourself to just relax
And sink into whatever it is you are sitting on.
You can allow your eyes to close if you want
Or you can focus on the spiral before you
And let it pull your mind into it
Letting it spinn you deeper
And deeper
Slowly and easily now.
Allow every breath that you take
To simply help you to relax
And sink
Deeper and deeper
Down into my words
Every word that you hear helps you
To simply sink,
Further and further into trance
As you allow the world around you to fade away
Allow your eyes to drift closed
If they haven’t already
And simply
Deeper and deeper
Into my words
Into deep
Hypnotic sleep
And as feel yourself
Floating in the void
Relaxed and peaceful
You see another world taking shape
All around you
You find yourself in a classroom
Your classroom.
Your the teacher
You can take a moment to imagine the room
Is it a classic classroom
With chalk boards
And old wooden desks
Or is it a modern classroom,
With whiteboards and computers
And ergonomic desks
Is it large, or small.
Do you have a small desk off to the side,
Or a big grand desk
Right in the middle
Just allow the image to become clear in your mind
Allow yourself to feel the atmosphere in the room
The scent of the materials
The markers, or the chalk
Let it all become real to you.
Vividly real.
This is your classroom
Your domain.
But today you have a special assignment
Today you are stuck running detention…
And you only have one student.
The oldest in the school,
Already an adult,
They should have graduated last year
But they didn’t pay attention enough.
And now they had to repeat the year
But their makes them arrogant.
And cocky
They like to challenge the teachers
And use the fact that they are already 18
Against them.
But when they challenged you today
You put them in their place
A detention…
Quite the slap for someone who constantly brags
About having their own home already,
And a job lined up with the family business
But their family has one rule…
They have to graduate first.
If they skipped out on detention, they would again
Be held back.
So you have them cornered.
They have to show up…
You could feel the embarrassment on their face as they left earlier.
And now you simply wait…
Wait for them to arrive
Confidently sitting at your desk
Your place of power.
As they walk in you hide your smile
As they quietly
Yet still confidently, arrogantly
Saunter into the room
And take a seat
Glaring at you.
You can feel just how angry they are.
And that anger gives you a shiver
Not from intimidation but from the power you have over them.
As you sit and your desk you start to read
They have to sit there…
Doing nothing…
Like a child in time out for the next hour
But you can enjoy a good book,
Although for the first few pages your less aware of the book
And more of the glare from your student.
But your not some easily impressed highschooler
Your a teacher, your in control
Their glare only helps you to feel the power,
The control you have over the situation…
It gives you a shiver
And you can’t help but hide a smile
As you center yourself and focus on your book
A real page turner…
And you soon start to fall into it’s narrative.
Page after page…
Until you become aware of a shadow
That appears over your pages
You look up to see your student standing over you
Looking at you with a confident smile.
There is something about them leaning over you…
That makes you feel instantly… smaller
Weaker then your position should be.
They simply look down at you, with a confident smile
There is something about them standing over you
Looking down at you…
For a brief moment…
You can’t help but remember just how attractive they are.
How deep and compelling their eyes are
How seductive their smile is…
And on more then one occasion…
You caught yourself sneaking a peak…
And their body.
Any other student this would be forbidden…
But this one, is unique… this one is already an adult…
Of age…
In the back of your mind you feel a tingle of guilt.
As a teach it would be…
Unprofessional… to indulge in such…
But none the less you can’t help but sneak a peek
From time to time…
But now here they are…
Standing directly in front of you.
Looking down at you with those…
Beautiful eyes…
And that confident, seductive grin.
You feel lost in their gaze
Lost in their eyes…
You barely notice them gently removing the book from your hands
And setting on your desk…
As they move closer and closer to you.
Standing over you
Making you look up at them.
You struggle to talk
Struggle to try and take control.
But a gentle…
Quiets your resistance.
You can feel your mind still trying to form a response
You can feel your mouth…
Slowly struggling to form words
But nothing comes out…
Only a few incoherent mumbles
Before another gentle…
Washes your thoughts away
You can’t help but just stare
Helplessly up into their eyes
As they lean in closer
And closer to you…
You feel their hand sliding along your arm
They tell you how easy it is to just relax
And let go…
How there is no one left in the building
Just the two of you…
And that you can give in…
That you can just let your thoughts fade away
You feel their hand sliding along your shoulder
You feel your face relaxing
Your jaw going slack
As you keep your head tilted up
Looking into their eyes…
Unable to resist.
You feel your hand slowly slide
Off of your desk and land in your lap
You don’t react to it at all.
Your too lost in their eyes
Lost in the power of their smile
Enchanted by their charm.
You feel their hand sliding along your cheek
Along your chin
Softly, soothingly
You can feel them leaning in to you.
Whispering softly to you.
How easy it is to let go…
How they can tell that you really like…
To be the one that is controlled.
How you are have control during the day
But long to simply surrender
And submit.
It’s what you’ve always dreamed about
What has always pushed…
All the right buttons in yoru mind.
The forbidden fantasy of giving up control
Of sinking
And letting go.
Of simply allowing yourself to
Deeper and deeper now
All they way down under their control
Under the power of their confidence
Their control.
Your thoughts seem to echo their words
And nothing else but their words
Your own thoughts have been turned off.
Nothing else matters but their eyes…
Their words
You can’t help but simply listen, and sink…
Deeper and deeper down.
You can feel their breathe on your face
As their hand slides softly along your cheek
Along your neck
Leaning in closer to you
They tell you it’s ok to just let go
It’s ok to just surrender
And give in
To sink into the submission
That you’ve always wanted
Always dreamed about.
You can feel your eyes starting to roll into your head
And your mind sinks
Deeper and deeper
You feel your eyelids fluttering
Deeply in your head
You hear yourself sigh
As you feel your shoulders slumping just a bit
You’ve all but surrendered
All but given in
And then you feel it
A kiss
Deep and passionate
With an energy
And excitement you haven't felt
 In a long long time.
But you are helpless in the kiss
You can barely respond
As you feel your whole body go limp
And loose
Helplessly sitting there
As the student takes control
Of the teacher.
As the kiss breaks
Your eyes fall closed
You can feel your head fall to your chest
As you sink back into your chair
Body limp and relaxed
As your student slides their hand along your body
Exploring it softly
While they whisper into your mind…
Giving you suggestions…
Giving you commands
They don’t plan to let you go…
Not after all the work they put into it…
They plan to keep you under their spell
Under their control
While you are in this state
You can feel them pleasuring your body
While slowly working your mind
Deeper and deeper
Whispering ideas and commands
Into your mind.
Programming you
And deeper
And then you seem to feel yourself wake up
Sitting at your desk
Your book open in front of you
And you student waving as they leave
You check the time
Detention is over…
It seems ot have gone by… in a snap.
You leave the school feeling quite good
Quite … free
Free from your own fears
Free from you own inhibitions
You drive home and can’t help but decide
To dress up tonight.
Something that makes you look good.
Something playfully but attractive.
The kind of clothes you’d wear to a club
The kind of clothes that you’d wear
To get the attention, of those you really want
To get closer too.
And as you finish getting dressed
You hear your doorbell ring.
And it’s like a switch flipps in your mind
You move to the door quickly, and unlock it
And then back up
Letting the door open slowly
To reveal your student
Standing there confidently
As they close the door behind them.
You sink to your knees
And look up at the student.
The sexy attractive,
Confident student
That you now obey
Completely and totally.
You will do anything they say…
You will do… everything they say…
You see your studnet walk in
And confidently walk up to you
As you look up at them on your knees
Your mind strangely blank
Strangely calm
On some level you are aware that this
This isn’t right…
But that voice gets muffled
More and more
The longer you look up the student
They slide their hands along your body
And lean in to kiss you
A deep passionate kiss
Full of vigor
Full of excitement
Unlike before, you respond
Eager and energized
Feeling like a teenager again
They tell you to follow
And start to walk to your bedroom
You follow on your hands and knees
Like a pet,
Feeling completely natural in this state
In this place
Helpless and controlled
When you arrive in your bedroom
You notice the student already well into removing their clothes
They seem very comfortable with you seeing them exposed
In the back of your mind you realize
You finally got to see the body of the student
You’d fantasized about…
Even though you knew your shouldn’t.
And on some level you knew
That in the morning
You’d be ok with it…
Because on some level you knew that in the morning
You wouldn’t remember…
The student gives you a command
To entice them
And you begin to stand
And begin to dance
Letting the club clothes you put on
Work to your advantage
As you show off your skills
Dancing as erotically as you can
Swaying you body to music that only you can hear
And slowly
Seductively revealing more and more of your body
Little by little your outfit falls away
Until you find yourself crawling along the bed.
To your student.
They seem happy to let you do the work
To let you pleasure them.
With a snap of their fingers you seem to focus
Completely on their body
Making sure to slide your hands along every inch of their body
Every place you know that they would like to be touched
Kissing and massaging
Every inch of their form
Slowly and skillfully
They even seem impressed
It’s no secret that they have been with plenty of partners in the school
But there is something to be said for experience
Over youth
And your experience brings them so much pleasure
So much physical joy
That you can see them react to it in surprise
And satisfaction
As you feel their body tingle under your skillful touch.
And climax deeply for you.
But then their expression shifts
An almost aggressive,
Predatory gaze appears in their eyes
As they push you onto the bed
And climb on top
Now it’s their turn.
Their turn to slide their hands
Eagerly and hungrily along your body
To explore every inch of your body
Every crevice
Every hidden spot that brings you pleasure
One by one
Each one bringing you more and more pleasure
But as they do they stare into yoru eyes
And remind you of how helpless you are
How deep you are
How your mind is simply folding
And surrendering
How you are sinking
Deeper and deeper
And letting go
You feel yourself shutting down mentally
All the way into deep
Helpless trance
Passionately pleasure
As you feel them bring your body
To an energetic climax
Deep and hard
An almost primal feeling
Full of power and strength
As their charisma
And eagerness
Seem to full your climax in a deeper
More animalistic way
Then you’ve felt in a long time.
And then as you come down you hear them simply whisper
And feel your body go limp on the bed.
Helpless as they hold you close
And whisper into your mind
More and more commands
More fantasies for you to full fill
You can stay in this state for as long as you’d like
And experience more and more with this
Sexy, energetic student of yours
And when you are ready you can simply
Take a deep breathe
And wake up.
But for now.
Simply enjoy your time
As a hypnotized teacher
Completely helpless
To your sexy
Arrogantly confident
Adult student…

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