The Ghost Clown Returns - Hypnosis Session Log

The Ghost Clown Returns - Hypnosis Log

Description: Remember the Ghost Clown from Scooby Doo? Well, Ivy, Psyco and Sleepygirl are about to find him!

This this session was used to create the real hypnosis video The Ghost Clown Returns

Cover Image made by HeroineArtAi

Sleepyhypno — Today at 12:21 AM
ok before we begin this has to come with two small disclaimers.    1. because I know this is a fear some people have... this script has a clown in it... everyone ok with that?

SleepyGirl — Today at 12:23 AM

Ivy Wilde — Today at 12:24 AM

Psyco Turnip — Today at 12:24 AM
Can't say clowns are my favorite and I can't promise I won't punch 'em if he "spooks" me but I got no specific qualms with that.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 12:24 AM
There is in fact a slightly spooky spot in it and you are more then free to punch the clown if you want =cP

[Hypnotist Note: Normally I wouldn’t give away a bit of the script before hand, but I know some people have a massive aversion to Clowns so I wanted to make sure we wouldn’t have a negative reaction before starting]

Sleepyhypno — Today at 12:30 AM
second, this scripts idea was submitted by Ivy, so this one is her fault this time. so blame here as she has a good idea of what is coming

Ivy Wilde — Today at 12:29 AM
[A gif of Bojack Horseman saying "Make this not my problem"]

Sleepyhypno — Today at 12:30 AM
I mean... if you want *waves hand at ivy* you will forget this session is your idea
[Hypnotist’s Note: Jedi Mindtricks are a wonderful thing]

Ivy Wilde — Today at 12:32 AM
i will forget this session is my idea

Psyco Turnip — Today at 12:32 AM
Fun watchin' that from the other side. ^^

Sleepyhypno — Today at 12:33 AM
I have a feeling you are not the only one that feels that way =cP

SleepyGirl — Today at 12:33 AM
no clue what you're talking about :cP

[Hypnotist’s Note: I really do enjoy manipulating the girls like this, especially where one gets effect and the other two just get to watch. But of course now we just dive into the script!]

Sleepyhypno — Today at 12:33 AM
I'm sure,  =c)
everyone ready?

Psyco Turnip — Today at 12:34 AM

SleepyGirl — Today at 12:34 AM
ready when you are

Ivy Wilde — Today at 12:34 AM

Sleepyhypno — Today at 12:35 AM
Alrighty, standard disclaimer time...  Do you consent to being hypnotized, given hypnotic suggestions to live out an erotic fantasy with the intention of making you aroused, climaxing and being completley submissively controlled, all while it is being logged to be posted publicly?

SleepyGirl — Today at 12:35 AM
of course

Psyco Turnip — Today at 12:36 AM
I do solemnly swear... Wait, wrong country for me.
Yes I'm all for it.

Ivy Wilde — Today at 12:36 AM
I consent in perpetuity....for this session.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 12:36 AM
Excellant thank you ladies, and remember, you are a girl.
[Hypnotist’s Note: Still my favorite trigger… can you blame me?!]
[Psyco Turnip Comment: By the end of this session this statement might be not be true anymore.]
[Hypnotist’s Comment: Foreshadowing]

Ivy Wilde — Today at 12:36 AM
girls are meant to be hypnotized

SleepyGirl — Today at 12:36 AM
girls were made to be hypnotized

Psyco Turnip — Today at 12:37 AM
Girls are made to be hypnotized.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 12:37 AM
if you insist
Just allow yourself to get
into a comfortable position
a place where you can just
focus on my words
and just allow yourself ot simply
and feel the muscles
all just losoening
and letting go
as you just let my words
slide into your mind
just sliding in
all the way inside
and just helping your thougths
to become fuzzy
and clouded
helping your body to simply
and you find that you
are easily starting to just

[Sleepygirl Comment: I usually let go pretty quickly when you get to the "sink" part but sure let's just put it in all caps to really drive that home…]
[Hypnotist Comment: yes actually]
Sleepyhypno — Today at 12:37 AM
deeper and deeper
all the way down
down into trance
down into sleep
isn't that right ladies

SleepyGirl — Today at 12:38 AM

Ivy Wilde — Today at 12:38 AM

Psyco Turnip — Today at 12:38 AM

Sleepyhypno — Today at 12:39 AM
good girls
as and your let your mind
just sink into trance
you find that the worl around you
starts to fade away
clouded over
by a simple fog in your mind
and as that fog starts to clear
a new world takes it's place
you are at an old...
very old
abandoned circus
one that is rumored
to be haunted.
it is open for one night
and one night only
Halloween night...
for a party.
and you simply
cannot resist
the opportunity to go
and be somewhere where you
are normally not allowed to be
you do find yourself being
very curious now
don't you ladies?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 12:40 AM
oh yes
[Ivy Comment: Oh yes yes yes! Let's go]

SleepyGirl — Today at 12:40 AM

Psyco Turnip — Today at 12:41 AM

Sleepyhypno — Today at 12:41 AM
very good ladies
doing so well
just letting go
so easily
and deeply
as you have many times before
so happy to be here
so happy to see your friends
to have gotten a chance to talk
and to watch them slip down
down into trance with you
isn't that right ladies?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 12:42 AM
always love it

SleepyGirl — Today at 12:42 AM

Psyco Turnip — Today at 12:42 AM
Yes, very much so.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 12:42 AM
and I as always
and so glad athat you are here.
and while your here.
I'd like to see
how deep are you now ladies?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 12:43 AM
about 100 - 200, light, feeling the fog set in

SleepyGirl — Today at 12:43 AM

Psyco Turnip — Today at 12:43 AM

[Hypnotist’s Note: all pretty light for the girls, but I wanted a good baseline to show the change over time.]

Sleepyhypno — Today at 12:43 AM
very good.
just let the scene around you solidify
the night is cool and slightly windy
the leaves have all fallen off the trees
large billowing clouds
float in front of a full moon

[Ivy Comment: Ooooooooo, that's perfect.]

Sleepyhypno — Today at 12:43 AM
there are a lot of people here
but everyone is moving
towards the old
main tent
the music and lights
all seem to be coming from there.
but you aren't really here...
for a party
you are here to explore
to wander
and now is your chance
you sneak away
and look at all of the different tents
and structures

[Ivy Comment: This is SO me!]
[Hypnotist’s Comment: This was in fact her, as this was her idea.]

Sleepyhypno — Today at 12:43 AM
some more permant then others
some old mobile homes
and tailers
containers that used to store side shows
and animals
a magicians tent.
one by one you explore.
slowly letting it all
become more vivid
and real in your mind
you can do that can't you ladies?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 12:46 AM

SleepyGirl — Today at 12:46 AM

Psyco Turnip — Today at 12:46 AM
Yes Sir, very vivid.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 12:46 AM
good girls
you find an old tent
it's torn and partially collapsed
from years out in the weather
but inside
despite the tatter look of the outside
most things are still intact
old racks of costumes carefully wrapped in plastic
just as fresh
as the day they were last sealed away
several chests
and trunks
and in the corner
an old
full length
antique mirror.

[Ivy Comment: Oh, those are NEVER good....]

Sleepyhypno — Today at 12:46 AM
surprisingly it's still clear
you can see yourself in the reflection
although you are more looking at the mirror
then yourself
but then you notice a note
stuck on the mirror
the tape has all but faded away
and as you touch it it easily disconnects
into your hand
the note simply reads
"Look Closely, and the past will reveal itself"
how does that make you feel ladies?

SleepyGirl — Today at 12:49 AM

Ivy Wilde — Today at 12:49 AM
ooo ominous, cautiously want to know more

Psyco Turnip — Today at 12:49 AM
Wondering who left the note and if it's a prank or not Sir.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 12:50 AM
very good ladies
doing so very well
as you always do
you find that your
and the simple nature of
following what you are told to do
gets the better of you
and you look into the mirror
past your reflection
and notice...
a light turn on
inside the mirror
there is a man
dressed as a clown
the classic kind that just looks
funny and quirky
while still having that creepy feel to it.
with him are two young women
the taller is a red head,
the shorter is a brunette
and he has a coin on a string

[Sleepygirl Comment: This is where I figured it out before you even got to the rhyme, actually. I had the scene from the cartoon basically playing in my head]
[Hypnotist’s Comment: I wasn't being subtle, in fact I was trying to make it as obvious as possible]

Sleepyhypno — Today at 12:50 AM
swinging back and forth
before their eyes
you can hear him saying
to that women
"Watch this coin of gold...
and soon you will do...
as you are told..."
how does that make you feel ladies?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 12:53 AM
trying to make sense of it but cant help wanting to keep watching

SleepyGirl — Today at 12:53 AM
more curious, a little excited

Psyco Turnip — Today at 12:53 AM
Mirth, I'm looking for the Great Dane.

[Hypnotist’s Note: I did this on purpose as a way to tie in the scene which most people are familiar with from the old Scooby Doo show, when you tie something in like that, it has an anchoring kind of effect, kind of like when a hypnotist pulls out a pocket watch. You know exactly what they are going to do with it and it kinds of sets up the expectation of what will come next. The same is true here. Everyone here knows who the Ghost Clown is, and exactly what he did, so the expectation is in their minds long before it plays out of what is going to happen to them.]
[Psyco’s Comment: I gave an incredulous laugh at this and nearly woke up, I'm fully aware I'm in the minority here but I Hate Scooby Doo. Still a hypno fetishist so I'm familiar with this particular clown but yeah, the dangers you run from using known media.]
[Hypnotist’s Comment: This was specifically a part of Ivy's idea, I did notice that you woke up a bit at this point, which is why I took some steps later to make sure you were down and down hard.]
[Ivy Comment: It's not so much that I'm a big fan or anything but it was something I watched way back in the day as someone without access to...basically anything else. Whenever, even years later, I think of Scooby Doo, THIS episode is what always comes to mind first.]

Sleepyhypno — Today at 12:53 AM
Indeed you are....
But as you watch,
you notice the two young woman
slip away into a trance
their eyes closing
their heads falling down
and then the scene seems to cloud over
the cloud lifts a moment later
and the red head, deeply hypnotized
is performing on a unicycle
and the brunette,
often shy and reserved is now dressed
in a cabarete uniform
and acting as a lion tamer
you can see that both are deeply hypnotized
the blank expression on their faces
but then you notice the clown
but the clown is not watching them
the clown is watching you

[Ivy Comment: ZOINKS!]
[Hypnotist’s Comment: Womp womp]

Sleepyhypno — Today at 12:53 AM
looking right at you
through the mirror
moving closer
and closer to you
the painted on smile
and the made up eyes
just staring at you
as he takes step
after step
to the very glass of the mirron on the other side
looking at you.
how does that make you feel ladies?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 12:56 AM
alarmed but cant move

[Ivy Comment: Yeah, same RIGHT NOW!]

SleepyGirl — Today at 12:56 AM
a little nervous

Psyco Turnip — Today at 12:56 AM
Wary Sir.

[Psyco Comment: Prepped and ready to punch a full length mirror, I've done it before.]
[Hypnotist’s Comment: LOL, Sleepyhypno/HypnoXP does not condone the use of violence against objects made of glass.]

Sleepyhypno — Today at 12:56 AM
good girls
how deep are you now ladies?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 12:57 AM

SleepyGirl — Today at 12:57 AM

Psyco Turnip — Today at 12:57 AM
126% Sir.

[Hypnotist’s Note: about double what they were before… and about to fall off a cliff…]

Sleepyhypno — Today at 12:57 AM
good girls
you can't help but look at the clown
in the mirror
and then notice them...
step through the glass
the mirror rippling as they emerge
stepping right up in front of you
standing up
looking down at you
they are tall
taller then you imagined
you can't help but feel small
as you look up at them
their smile seems playful,
but devious at the same time
and then you see it
a golden coin, with a hole in the middle
a string of colored yarn
tied around the coin
dangling before your eyes
as it starts to swing
side to side
in front of you
your eyes are drawn to the coin
the rhyme you heard before
"Watch this coin of gold
and soon you will do
as you are told"

[Psyco Comment: My brain added the Exactly nearly every time, made the rhyme flow better. “Watch this coin of Gold, And soon you will do, Exactly as you are told.]
[Hypnotist’s Comment: That does kind of balance it out, but I'm pretty sure that what I was using was directly from the show itself.]
[Ivy Comment: You were...believe me, I would know.]

Sleepyhypno — Today at 12:57 AM
echos in your mind
as the clown gives a gentle laugh
and starts to speak
"Watch the pretty coin of gold
as it swings
let the world around you fade
listen to my voice
soft and bold
and feel your body
and mind
begin to sway"
how does this make you feel now ladies?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 1:01 AM
like i need to fight it...but too curious to do so
[Ivy Comment:'s been my downfall on more than one occasion!.]

SleepyGirl — Today at 1:01 AM
caught off guard, drawn to the coin

Psyco Turnip — Today at 1:02 AM
On guard but not willing to run just yet Sir.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 1:02 AM
very good
you find yourself
watching the coin
and feeling the words of the clown
echo in your mind
there is a melodious sound to it
it seems to almost
echo in your mind
an din your body
as if the words
had a physical impact
that made your thoughts
made your body
shiver and tremble
a reverberation
through your mind
as the coin simply swings
side to side
back and forth
drawing you in deeper
and deeper
the clown continues...
"Feel the warmth in your body grow"
a gentle heat from head to toe
let my voice
be your guide
as you relax
there's no need to run, or hide"
how does this make you feel now ladies?

[Ivy Comment: I'm really loving these rhymes.]
[Hypnotist’s Note: for the record I came up with these BEFORE the session, I’m not writing poetry on the fly here.]

Ivy Wilde — Today at 1:04 AM
have to fight it...dont i.....just...cant
[Ivy Comment: Oh, look, punctuation went the way of the dodo; indicative of where I'm heading!]

Psyco Turnip — Today at 1:05 AM
Startled at the echo and frozen in place by it Sir.

[Hypnotist’s Note: Psyco noted in a previous log that the reverb feeling had an effect on her, so I added it into the script on purpose to hit her a bit harder knowing it would hit the others as well. It worked.]
[Psyco Comment: I'm being targeted here, echoes/reverb got me gets me good.]
[Hypnotist’s comment: Yes, Yes you are.]
[Sleepygirl Comment: It did work pretty well actually, between that and the words already echoing I was kinda done for]

SleepyGirl — Today at 1:06 AM
more drawn to the coin

Sleepyhypno — Today at 1:06 AM
good girls
with every word
you feel yourself shaking from the echo of their voice
echoing through your mind
you feel your shoulders start to drp
your face start to relax
a protest you were working on saying
lost in the void of your mind
as your mouth falls open
and you just stare
as the coin swings side to side before your eyes
the clown continues...
"Every swing of the coin 
you sink deeper
to a place where
fantasies linger
your body becomes light
your mind so free
a playground of pleasure
just for you... and me"
you can't help but feel your body
beoming lighter
and a tinlgling
moving through you
your body is becoming
more sensitive
the very clothes your wearing
seem to stimulate you
every breath
making your body move
and your clothes slide along yoru skin
stimulating a wave of pleaure
and every breath
draws you in closer
and deeper
as the coin swings
back and forth
helpless to resist it's pull
isn't that right ladies?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 1:09 AM
[Ivy Comment: yeeeeeah....after reading that last paragraph...same.]

SleepyGirl — Today at 1:09 AM

Psyco Turnip — Today at 1:10 AM
Yes Master, back and forth.

[Hypnotist’s Note: and as we see from our first “Master” comment the reverb idea did its job just fine.]

Sleepyhypno — Today at 1:10 AM
good girls
watching the coin swing back and forth
feeling the echo of the words
the tingle of the pleasure
how deep are you now ladies?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 1:11 AM

SleepyGirl — Today at 1:11 AM

Psyco Turnip — Today at 1:11 AM
267% Master.

[Hypnotist’s Note: a very evan across the board drop of about 300% from where they started. Which I openly laughed at when i was doing this as they almost never drop at the same rate.]
[Sleepygirl Comment: Couldn't do that again if we tried]
[Psyco Comment: Law of averages and what have you. ;p]
[Ivy Comment: Oh, I'm sure if you tried you could drop us at the same time again, call it a "Professional Goal".]

Sleepyhypno — Today at 1:11 AM
very good ladies.
and how do you feel?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 1:12 AM
calmer soo much more curious

SleepyGirl — Today at 1:12 AM
tingling, cant look away from the coin

Psyco Turnip — Today at 1:13 AM
Losing myself to the sway Master.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 1:13 AM
good girls
just let go
let teh coin and the words
and the sway
take you down
as you hear the clown say with a smile
"As the coin sways
you find your desires unfold
a secret world
your to hold.
Every word I speak
a caress on your skin
Guiding you to a dance

[Ivy Comment: ....why is it only just occurring to me that you JUST might have a thing for dancing....]
[Hypnotist’s Comment: Honestly I really don’t. It’s just a very very easy thing to make a hypnotized subject do that is something they normally wouldn’t do, that everyone instinctively knows how to do, and that demonstrates to both subject and viewer that you are in fact hypnotized.]

Sleepyhypno — Today at 1:13 AM
Where the fun... begins"
you can't help but feel your body
to sway
maybe to the music in the distance
maybe to a song in your mind
moving in a very seductive
alluring way

[Ivy Comment: "seductive" and "alluring" are not in my vocabulary, I wouldn't know the FIRST THING about how to execute them :D]
[Hypnotist’s comment: and yet you do just fine]

Sleepyhypno — Today at 1:13 AM
you find that your mind is
completely empty
lost in the swinging
in the swaying of the coin
back and forth
before your eyes.
you find that you feel
safe here.
that it's ok for you to just
completley let go
and you feel yourself
just surrender to the coin

[Ivy Comment: ```nods nods``` ....oh, wait, I'm not supposed to be doing that right now!]

Sleepyhypno — Today at 1:13 AM
the voice
to the sway
the the desire to perform
and move your body
completely free
and you feel your mind just
shut off completely now
and surrender to the hypnotic clown
standing before you
and his wonderous coin of gold
that has made you realize
you will do as you are told
isn't that right now ladies

Ivy Wilde — Today at 1:16 AM
yes master do as i am told
[Ivy Comment: Ooooo, there it is! (The word ‘master’)]

[Hypnotist’s Note: that's our second ‘Master’ response. One more to go… how long can Sleepygirl hold out?]
[Sleepygirl Comment: The answer may surprise you :cP]

SleepyGirl — Today at 1:16 AM

Psyco Turnip — Today at 1:17 AM
Yes Master, do as I am told.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 1:17 AM
very good ladies
you can feel the clown watching you
the coin seems to guide your movements
your performance
as the words of the clown continue
"Feel the thrill of the unknown
in this twilight zone
where you are both
the star
and the mystery
let each move
each breath
be a melody
an expression of your deepst
you can't help but obey now
your body moves as your dance becomes
even more erotic
even more sensual
the clown moves to the costumes
kept pristine and neat
as the day they were packed
and helps you pick out one
that really accentuates your form
one that makes you feel seductive
and sexy
something skimpy
and revealing
and as you dance in your new costume
they hand a mask
and you place it over your face
becoming the mystery
the unkown
and dancer in disguise
how does that make you feel ladies?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 1:20 AM
[Ivy Comment: Safer]
[Hypnotist’s note: I’m pretty sure ‘commenting Ivy’ is also hypnotized right now]

Psyco Turnip — Today at 1:20 AM
Mindless and hidden in plain sight Master.

SleepyGirl — Today at 1:20 AM

Sleepyhypno — Today at 1:21 AM
good girls
doing so well now
how deep are you now ladies?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 1:21 AM
[Ivy Comment: ````nodding at myself in approval*`* Very nice, me.]

SleepyGirl — Today at 1:21 AM

Psyco Turnip — Today at 1:21 AM
683% Master.

[Hypnotist’s Note: this is more what I usually see in these multiple people sessions. Psyco has dropped significantly, while Ivy didn’t drop as dramatically but still dropped faster, with Sleepygirl falling at a steady rate so far. With all of them at different depths I usually start to play to what works on the person that is the lightest in trance. But in this case I figured the images would get everyone down in time anyways.]
[Ivy Comment: Gee, I wonder who THAT will end up being…]

Sleepyhypno — Today at 1:22 AM
good girls, doing so very well
you find that you have a desire
a need to perform
to be seen
the mask gives you the perfect
feel of mystery
of protection
noe one can see your face
no one knows it's you
you find yourself dancing
through the circus grounds
to the main tent
walking in through the crowds
as you dance your way to the center ring
all eyes follow you
every sway
ever motion
every movement
all eyes are on you
the more you feel them
watching you
the more you see them becoming
entranced by your movements
the deeper you find yourself sinking
deeper down
helpless to power of the coin
on display for all to see
yet hidden and safe
giving your oh so seductive
and alluring dance
isn't that right ladies?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 1:24 AM
yyeessss master

Psyco Turnip — Today at 1:24 AM
Yes Master, very much so.

SleepyGirl — Today at 1:24 AM
yes master

[Hypnotist’s Note: and now Sleepygirl is in the “Master” phase of her evening. Ya love ta see it!]
[Sleepygirl Comment: well that didn't take long]

Sleepyhypno — Today at 1:25 AM
good girls
all doing so well
so compliant and obedient now
helpless ot the coin
helpless to the performance
but as you sway
as you move
you notice someone
special watching you
maybe it's someon you know
someone you've lusted over
someone you desire
or maybe it's a complete stranger
a person so perfect
in every way
that you simply
can't help but feel an attraction
a pull to them.
and you notice them watching you
every move
every twist
every flash of your on display form
they watch you
and you move cloesr
and closer to them
swaying and moving
pulling them in
dancing for them
the rest of the world fades away
as you simply dance for them.
more and more deeply
watching them
watch you
and feeling your self dropping down
as you move before them.
how do you feel now ladies?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 1:27 AM
[Ivy Comment: One day I'll need to interview hypnotized me and ask how this was achieved!]
[Hypnotist’s comment: Coming soon: Interview with a Subconscious, starting Ivy]

SleepyGirl — Today at 1:28 AM
helpless, seductive, drawn to them

Psyco Turnip — Today at 1:28 AM
In control Master.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 1:28 AM
very good ladies
doing so very well
and how deep are you now my helpless performers?

Ivy Wilde — Today at 1:28 AM

SleepyGirl — Today at 1:28 AM

Psyco Turnip — Today at 1:29 AM
788% Master.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 1:29 AM
very good ladies
doing so well
as you watch this person
watching you
without even thinking about it
without even knowing you could do this
you find yoruself pulling out
the golden coin
and dangling it before their eyes

[Ivy Comment: I have a good idea of where THAT was kept!]

Sleepyhypno — Today at 1:29 AM
you can hear the rhyme
in your mind
"watch this pretty coin of gold
and soon you will do,
as you are told"
you notice them seem to almost
mimic the rhyme
as if they could hear it
in their mind
as their eyes seem to follow the coin
as it swings back and forth before them
as your body sways to the dance
and they
sink into a trance
you start to back away
and they can't help but follow you
every step you take
your mind goes more blank
and every step they take
you find their eyes
becoming blank
empty as they watch
step by step
the coin move back and forth
as you walk through the opening of the tents main area
into a kind of back stage area
and empty
just like the two of you
isn't that right ladies

Ivy Wilde — Today at 1:32 AM
ooo yes master

SleepyGirl — Today at 1:32 AM
yess master

Psyco Turnip — Today at 1:33 AM
Yes Master.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 1:33 AM
very good
you can't help but realize
in the very back of your mind
and you are in complete control
of someone else
while someone else
is in complete control
of you
you are controlling someone, wwhile controlled
your not in control of your movements
your actions
and now
neither are they
you find yourselves both
and moving
swaying closer and closer
your bodies rubbing along one another
your hands exploring their form
as their hands explore yours
every touch rippling through your body
through your mind
the sensations building
more and more deeply
you can feel their body shiver
as their pleasur builds
unable to resist it
you are controlled
they are controlled
there is nothing either of you could do

[Ivy Comment: You SERIOUSLY hit up on something here.]

Sleepyhypno — Today at 1:33 AM
you are completely helpless
both captured by the pretty coin of gold
you can't help but do, as you are told
and as that sinks into your open mind
you feel their body
begin to shiver with pleasure
and yours soon follows
climaxing deeply
lettin git riple through you
and again
as you surrender to the coin
and the dance
and the pleasure
isn't that right now ladies

Ivy Wilde — Today at 1:36 AM
yes master!

SleepyGirl — Today at 1:36 AM
yessss master
[Sleepygirl Comment: ok well there's the confirmation that I'm well and truly gone here]

Psyco Turnip — Today at 1:36 AM
Yes Master, surrender to the coin.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 1:37 AM
very good, my helpless performers
the pleasure wil inger
and the dance will linger
in your mind
as long as you would like
but eventurally
you can't help but move back out
into the center ring
your body swaying and moving
before the crowds
on display
moving and swaying
feeling their eyes
all eyes on you
safely hidden behind the mast
dancing deeply
and sensually
for the crowd
how does tha tmake you feel now ladies?

SleepyGirl — Today at 1:39 AM
helpless, on display

Ivy Wilde — Today at 1:39 AM
so deep so controlled

Psyco Turnip — Today at 1:40 AM
Pulling the chain as mine is tugged without resistance Master.

[Sleepygirl Comment: That seems like an accurate description for all of us :cP]
[Hypnotist’s Comment: I couldn't agree more =c)]
[Sleepygirl Comment: Of course you agree, you were the one pulling the chain :cP]

Sleepyhypno — Today at 1:40 AM
very good ladies.
doing so very well
performing for your audience
after a while
you finally feel a pull
a call to return
you sway and move your body
slowly out of the tend
the crowd watches you leave
many aroused
many others
by your performance
but you move
slowly through the night
back to the tent
back to the clown
finding them standing there
that same painted on smile
and their special coin
swinging back
and forth
as you hear them say
"You have watched the coin of gold
and now you must do
as you are told"
and you will do as you are told, won't you ladies?

SleepyGirl — Today at 1:42 AM
yes master

Ivy Wilde — Today at 1:42 AM
yes master easily do as i am told
[Ivy Comment: Darn, that's good!]

Psyco Turnip — Today at 1:42 AM
Yes Master, do as I'm told.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 1:42 AM
you find yourself
very easily agreeing
and then feeling the clowns hand
slide over your face
over your eyes
as your eyes drift closed
and you hear a simple command
a command to simply
and you find yoruself fading
and falling
deeply into a deep magical sleep
and obedient.
isn't that right my performers

Ivy Wilde — Today at 1:44 AM
yyyessss master

SleepyGirl — Today at 1:44 AM
yes master

Psyco Turnip — Today at 1:44 AM
Yes Master.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 1:44 AM
very good ladies
you will find
when you awaken
that your memory of what occured is very
almost as if it was
clouded over
by something magical
this will only make you more
and more curious
to return to this circus
to try and solve the mystery
to try and see what it is
that you can't seem to find
lost in the fog
isn't that right ladies

SleepyGirl — Today at 1:46 AM
yes master

Ivy Wilde — Today at 1:46 AM
yes master must investigate the mystery
[Ivy Comment: I mean, how could I NOT?!]

Psyco Turnip — Today at 1:47 AM
Must solve the mysetery, yes Master.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 1:47 AM
good girls
you have all done so very well
the script is over
but youhave been left
deep in a trance
blank and open
after all you did watch the pretty coin of gold
and found that you must simply do
as you are told
isn't that right my helpless performers

Ivy Wilde — Today at 1:48 AM
absolutely master

SleepyGirl — Today at 1:48 AM
yess master

Psyco Turnip — Today at 1:49 AM
Yes Master, must do as I am told.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 1:49 AM
very good ladies.
and what was it that has made you do as you are told?

[Sleepygirl Comment: I do like the repetition and anchoring with things like this…]

Ivy Wilde — Today at 1:50 AM
the gold coin and the rhyme

SleepyGirl — Today at 1:50 AM
watching the pretty coin of gold

Psyco Turnip — Today at 1:50 AM
The sway of the coin Master.

Sleepyhypno — Today at 1:50 AM
very good ladies…

[Hypnotist’s Note: This session went on for another two hours! But I thought I would break this up here. Part 2 will be out soon in which the girls describe more of what they saw and felt, reacting to the coin and doing what they were told… and in a very surprising turn of events… one of the girls ends up feeling a bit dominant and hypnotizing the other two! I didn’t have that on my bingo card for the evening but not complaining in the slightest!]

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