Tranception - Hypnosis Session Log

Tranception - Hypnosis log

Key: MD, MC, FD, MF

Description: Four young ladies get together to help Sleepyhypno write a hypnosis script that was inspired by a conversation that the girls had had a few weeks previous. Also, this is Psyco’s fault. 

This script was used to make the real hypnosis video Tranception

Cover Image made by HeroineArtAi

[Hypnotist note: to give you context, in one of the previous logs, the girls were discussing the idea of a trance within a trance, and Psyco chimed in saying “Tranception!” which gave me the idea to do an induction where you hypnotized the person, make them believe they are in a fantasy world, hypnotize them in that world and then repeat. I had 10 different worlds in mind before we started but didn’t outline any of them beyond just a one line idea. In hindsight, 10 was too much… way way too much!]

[Ivy Comment on the line “Also, this is Psyco’s fault” in the title: I vote we have this at the beginning of every log, no matter what topic it is!!!]

[Hypnotist Note: Ironically that would work as doing these scripts in a session format was actually Psyco’s idea. So they are technically all her fault.]

Sleepyhypno 12:22 AM

Tonights trance was inspired by several of you, in the last conversation we had, mainly the notes but it was psyco's comment that made this one stick in my head. so technically it's her 


Ivy  12:22 AM


Psyco Turnip 12:23 AM

Huzzah! I'm the problem child!!

Sleepyhypno 12:23 AM

in many ways yes =cp

[Hypnotist Note: so many ways… so many many ways!  But she is also hilariously fun!]

Ivy  12:23 AM

Ok, let's get starteeeed!

Sleepyhypno 12:24 AM

And away we go!

Just allow yourself to get

into a comfortable position

just let your mind start to relax

as your thoughts just seem

to naturally

fade away

this is your time to relax

this is your time ot just


and let go

[Sleepygirl Comment: it's a nice added bonus of helping you out]

that is why you come here

to just relax

and drift away

into a fantasy

[Ivy Comment: In fact, it IS.]

into a little time to just be


and as you sit there

you can feel yourself already

sinking down

and drifting

relaxing away

it's so easy for you to go.

deeply down

deeper and deeper

so easily and calmly

isn't that right ladies?

Amazonian Princess  12:25 AM


SleepyGirl 12:25 AM


Psyco Turnip 12:25 AM


Ivy  12:26 AM


[Hypnotist Note: part of the fun of this session was watching how their responses changed as we went through the different levels here]

Sleepyhypno 12:26 AM

very good.

but some times., going deeper...

requires a little something special

some times it has


upon layers

and each layer

each fantasy

takes you down


and deeper

and as you just

let go of your reality

and just sink into my words

I want you to imagine yourself

walking through an old

mystical library

[Ivy Comment: Aaaaaaand I'm sold!!]

it looks ancient

but well kept up


yet, full of nature

vines and bushes

lots of natural light

it's warm and inviting

with rows

upon rows

of books

all just waiting for you to

dive in and enjoy

it's peaceful

it's soothing and relaxing

don't you agree ladies?

SleepyGirl 12:28 AM


Amazonian Princess  12:28 AM


Psyco Turnip 12:28 AM

Yes, very relaxing

Ivy  12:28 AM

oh yessss

Sleepyhypno 12:28 AM

but as you move through the aisles

lined with books

from all parts of the world

from all part of history

you feel a call

a pull

something is drawing you in

further and further down

step by step

you feel the pull

getting stronger

and deeper

until you finally find it

an old

leather bound journal

the pages are old

and delicate

and as you open it

you can get the scent

of old paper

and worn leather

it feels


it feels

magical in your hands

you can feel that can't you ladies?

Ivy  12:30 AM

ooh wow, yes

[Ivy Comment: I have often thought about feeling the pull, the call, from a book... what's the worse that can happen?!!]

[Hypnotist Note: This was intentional. I’ve long known that people that like to read… like REALLY read, alot, feel the pull of a book, like it’s calling to them. And given that I knew that most if not all of the group fell into that group I used the imagery.]

SleepyGirl 12:30 AM


Psyco Turnip 12:30 AM


Amazonian Princess  12:30 AM


[Hypnotist Note: you can see Sleepygirl already getting a bit spacy, as well as probably Ivy]

[Sleepygirl Response: I don't think I was THAT spacey…]

[Hypnotist Response: You were misspelling words.]

[Sleepygirl Response: there's no place for logic here]

[Ivy Response: I'm getting into the fantasy, ahaha]

Sleepyhypno 12:31 AM

very good.

doing so well

but as you thumb through the book

page after page

they just seem to shine

seem to shimer

it's as if the ink that was used

was lined with purest silver

and sprakles

as the pages flip

but as they do

the book casts its spell on you

every page

makes your mind

sink deeper

[Ivy Comment: ......really coming in strong here, aren't you....]

[Hypnotist Response: I had ten fantasies to get through. I didn't have time to go slow.]

and more relaxed


and peaceful

page after page

word after word


more deeply

more easily

down into your mind


and deeper

as the pages flip


by one

feeling your mind

your body



a dizzy

fuzzy feeling

washing over you

as the last page flips

you feel your eyes

roll up into your head

[Sleepygirl Comment: I might have been spacey by this point actually]

and you sink

falling into the abyss now


completely down

how do you feel ladies?

SleepyGirl 12:33 AM

fuzzy, very relaxed

Ivy  12:34 AM

drifty , feeling like floating in a warm abyss

Psyco Turnip 12:34 AM

Relaxed and flaoty Sir.

Sleepyhypno 12:34 AM

very good,

doing so well

so relaxed

how deep are you now ladies?

SleepyGirl 12:35 AM


[Sleepygirl Comment: actually that's fairly deep for me right off the bat]

Psyco Turnip 12:35 AM

76% Sir.

Ivy  12:35 AM


[Hypnotist Note: this is a good baseline for how deep they started you can compare this to the end later. Sadly we also lost Princess here due to sleep, this happens sometimes. She will wake up later and rejoin us at the end!]

Sleepyhypno 12:35 AM

good girls

just let everythign fade away

as you sink

and fall

discovering that as you do

as the world goes dark

another world

a deeper world

takes it place

you find yourself in a palace

deeply under the sea

maybe you have the abilty to breath under water

[Psyco Comment: Definitely popped some gills on my neck, felt 'em "breath" it was neat. ^^;]

or maybe you are wearing scuba gear

either way you are safe

the palace is bright and shimering

almost as if it was made out of crystal

colorful fish swim around you

tiny little crabs and snails

move in the distance

it's very elegant,

very soothing

and calming here.

as you look around you notice a person...

well a merfolk person

half their body is human

but they have a tail

that is long andpowerful

elegant and impressive

as they swim around you

looking at you.

staring into your mind

how does thi smake you feel?

Ivy  12:38 AM

curious and cautious

[Ivy Comment: Tell me I'm not the only one that pictured King Triton's palace from the 1989 Little Mermaid movie.]

[Psyco Comment: I actually saw the Gungan city/palace.]

[Ivy Comment: .....oh! That would've been COOL]

[Sleepygirl Comment: Oooh, good call on the Gungan city]

SleepyGirl 12:38 AM


Psyco Turnip 12:38 AM

Curious and interested Sir.

Sleepyhypno 12:38 AM

The curious person swims around you

giving you a playful smile

soothing but

slightly devious

as they swim over to a pedestal

and pick up a large

conch shell

and give you a smile

before putting to their lips

and giving a hard

deep blow

[Sleepygirl Comment: that's what she said]

you feel...

more then hear

a deep rumble through the water

shaking you

making you shudder

as the water vibrates around you

vibrating your body

vibrating your mind

[Ivy Comment: I found myself really liking that feeling.]

[Psyco Comment: This descriptor is 1000% for me, love feeling reverb]

you feel your thoughts start to simply


and shudder

and start to come apart

the sound waves moving through the water

moving over yoru body

echoing through your mind

feeling your thoughts

fade away

like foot printes on a beach

every wave makes your mind

sink deeper

feleing more peaceful

and relaxed

feeling your body

sinking down

in the water

landing on the floor of the palace



hearing the conch sound

moving through yoru mind

through your body

as you fade

and sink

deeper and deeper

down to sleep

how do you feel ladies?

SleepyGirl 12:42 AM

peaceful, relaxed

Psyco Turnip 12:42 AM

Sinking in mindlessness Master.

[Psyco Comment: Reverb got me good, I was down for the count.]

[Hypnotist Response: *Makes Note*]

[Princess Response: #nextsessionidea]

[Hypnotist Response: That's how this one started.]

Ivy  12:42 AM

like my thoughts are breaking apart , floating away and im just watching them go

Sleepyhypno 12:42 AM

very good ladies.

and how deep areyou now?

Ivy  12:43 AM


SleepyGirl 12:43 AM


[Sleepygirl Comment: well that was unexpected]

Psyco Turnip 12:43 AM

263% Master.

[Hypnotist note: well, we doubled Ivy and Sleepygirl’s depths, and damn near knocked Psyco unconscious.  A good start.]

[Psyco Comment: Yeah, dropped almost four times as hard between this scenario and the one before it.]

Sleepyhypno 12:43 AM

very godo

as the sea palace

seems to fade form your mind

as you sink



more and more deeply

down into trance

a new world forms around you

you find yourself

in the carnival tent

of a tarot card reader.

[Psyco Comment: This transition was weird for me, as I was layin' on the sea palace's floor a hole kind of opened and startled me as I found myself unceremoniously dropped into a regular wooden chair. The carnival tent kinda just "rolled out" surrounding me. The Tarot reader was also one of those machine readers as opposed to a person.]

[Ivy Response: Ooooh, interesting. I saw it as a fade out and then the tent appeared but I was on my feet and didn't sit until the first cards were flipped.]

[Hypnotist Response: Yeah, about 5 or 6 into these I started to realize that I might be making them a bit too jarring, I tried to make them smoother, but I was tired at that point.]

you look around confused

not sure how you got here

not even sure where here is

as the fortune teller smiles

and flips over the first card

the hypnotist

powerful and alluring

they draw you in

they show a future of


of submisstion

another card

the pocket watch

a tool the hypnotist


and hand crafted

keeping perfect time

keeping your attention perfectly

another card flips

the thrall

an empty mind

leads to bliss

the thoughs fade away


and sink

a thralls place is to submit

to let go

to simply


and submit

[Sleepygirl Comment: stop pushing my buttons dammit]

the fortune teller tells you

that this is your future...

how does this make you feel?

Ivy  12:47 AM

a small part of me feels like protesting but the rest of me knows this is true and i want it

[Ivy Comment: I know, I have a tendency to over explain but THAT scene was creative and I LIKED it.]

SleepyGirl 12:48 AM

helpless master, know i wont be able to resist

Psyco Turnip 12:48 AM

Focused on the interpretation of the cards Master.

[Psyco Comment: The sudden shift kinda woke me up a bit so I tried to  lock in and focus on the cards.

I also know how Tarot cards work so wildly random cards were messing with my brain, sorry mate.]

[Hypnotist Comment: It's not a problem, thats one of the dangers of doing a bunch of random shit like this all in one session.]

Sleepyhypno 12:48 AM

good girls

how are you feeling?

Ivy  12:49 AM

limp and joyous

Psyco Turnip 12:49 AM

Focused Master.

SleepyGirl 12:49 AM


Sleepyhypno 12:49 AM

good girls

another card is flipped over

the trance

deep and blank

the trance pulls you down

there is no resistance

there is no struggle

there is only submission

only surrender

[Sleepygirl Comment: and now that's going to be stuck in my head all day…]

you find yourself

starting at the cards

letting them draw you in

you hear a whisper

this is your future

you turn to see the fortune teller

standing next to you

towering over you as you sit

before you can ask

how they got there

or what they mean

they reach out their hand

and gently brush it down your face

you feel their finger tips

slide along yoru eye lids

and gently lower them for you

closing your eyes

[Sleepygirl Comment: I've always liked that image for some reason]

as they close

you feel your head

fall forward

as you sink under their spell

and surrender

the world fades away

and fall into the void of a trance

how deep are you ladies?

Ivy  12:52 AM

sooooooooo far away

[Ivy Comment: I... couldn't even think of a number, this session was hitting me.]

SleepyGirl 12:52 AM


[Sleepygirl Comment: blink apparently I really liked that one…]

Psyco Turnip 12:52 AM

489% Master.

[Hypnotist note: just about everyone has doubled how deep they were once again.]

Sleepyhypno 12:52 AM

good girls

through the void

you hear something

the sound of applause

distanct at first

but then coming forward


you find yourself suddenly

on a stage

in front of an audience applauding you

you look around and find a very

famliiar hypnotist

[Sleepygirl Comment: can't imagine WHY they would be familiar.... ]

standing next to you

with a pocket watch

they smile and tell you

that they appreicate you


as they start to let the watch

swing before your eyes

back and forth





back and forth

side to side

as your find yoruself watching



for a brief moment

you find this whole situation to somehow

be familiar

as if you knew this was coming

as if you had..

known your future

but that moment fades

and you watched the watch

swing side to side

how do you feel ladies?

[Psyco Comment: All the buttons, my brain loves a mystery and subtly telling me I was already under giving me that unaware feelin'... mmph!]

Ivy  12:55 AM

already finding it hard to focus on the watch as it swings

SleepyGirl 12:56 AM

cant look away master

[Sleepygirl Comment: yeah i have zero resistance to pocket watches and pendants and things like that…]

Psyco Turnip 12:56 AM

Tricked and sinking deeper because of it Master.

Sleepyhypno 12:56 AM

you focus on the watch

seeing how elgant it is

how intricate the design

how it sparkles in the light of the stage

as it swings

back and forth

before your eyes



taking you down

you hear a distance voice

the voice of your hypnotist

telling you to relax

to let go

to just surrender

and sink

down into their spell

into their power

after all

you are simply a thrall

called up to the stage

to simply obey

to sink

and to simply


you hear their fingers snap

and you feel your ehad fall to yoru chest

and your body tilt forward



falling into the void



deeper and deeper

as the world fades away .

how deep are you now ladies?

Ivy  12:58 AM


[Ivy Comment: Wait, really!???]

Psyco Turnip 12:58 AM

853% Master.

[Psyco Comment: Seems everybody liked that one an incredible amount. Well done Sir.]

[Sleepygirl Comment: yeah we were ALL down for the count]

SleepyGirl 12:58 AM


[Sleepygirl Comment: ummm...damn…]

Sleepyhypno 12:58 AM

very good,

would you like to know,

that we are just now reaching the mid way point

of the script I have outlined

that you are half way down

how does that make you feel

Ivy  12:59 AM

...mooore?   Woooooow

[Ivy Comment: Yeah, me, that's what I'M thinking!]

Psyco Turnip 12:59 AM

Anticipation Master.

SleepyGirl 1:00 AM

surpriesd deep already

[Sleepygirl Comment: accurate statement is accurate]

Sleepyhypno 1:00 AM

you will continue to sink

continue to drop

you can go as deep asyou feel comfortable

or you can explore new depths

and let go

whichever you feel the most comfortable with


Ivy  1:01 AM

yes master understood

[Ivy Comment: Ah, THERE it is!!]

SleepyGirl 1:01 AM

yes master

Psyco Turnip 1:01 AM

Yes Master.

[Hypnotist Note: Three master responses.  A very good sign.]

[Sleepygirl Response: stroking your ego are we?]

[Princess Response: Wouldn't be him if he didn't]

[Hypnotist Response: Small note, all hypnotists are secretly narcissists.]

Sleepyhypno 1:01 AM

good girls

doing so very well

as you fall through the void

you suddenly find yourself


and your eyes opening

you instantly notice the thick

pungent scent of animals

not an unpleasant scent

but strong

you find yourself surrounded by puppies

and kittens

dogs and cats

even a turtle or two

[Ivy Comment: AWWWWWW!!]

[Sleepygirl Comment: forget the trance I want to cuddle the animals]

a rather busy pet shop

in front of you a cat meows

to get your attention

and you can't help but pick them up

and cuddle them

and scratch their fur

listening to them pur



it's such a soothing feeling

isn't that right ladies?

Psyco Turnip 1:03 AM

Yes Master, very much so.

Ivy  1:03 AM

yyyyesss such wonderful puuuurs

[Ivy Comment: I suspect I may be, as you've called it before, hypno drunk.]

[Psyco Response: That is an apt descriptor.]

[Ivy Response: He used that term with me recently, I felt it was very fitting here.]

[Sleepygirl Response: I'm curious about this term now]

[Hypnotist Repsonse: HypnoDrunk: when you are in a loopy state due to trance, slurring your words, and your typing, giggling to a bit and just kind of letting yourself go in a way that resembled being drunk.]

SleepyGirl 1:03 AM

yesss master

Sleepyhypno 1:04 AM

but as you pet the little cat

you can't help but notice they have a very

ornate collar

[Psyco Comment: Oh no... ^^; ]

as you slide your hand alon gthe collar

it seems to disappear

to simply fade away

only to then reappear

around your neck

you slide your hand up

to feel the collar

as the cat simply hops away

you find yourself feeling so


almost light headed

you lean over against the wall

and find yourself

looking into the reflection

off a fish tank

looking at your body

at your face

as you start to feel

and see

whiskers starting to grow

your ears starting to become pointed

and oving up your head

the collar around your neck

glowing brightly

feeling yourself

starting to get smaller

and smaller

as your clothes seem to get looser

you can't help but notice something

strange against your leg

a tail



as it gets free of your cloths

you try to ask

whats happening

but all tha tcomes out

is a soft


how does tha tmake you feel, my kittens

Ivy  1:07 AM

strange but still calm

Psyco Turnip 1:08 AM

Blank but full of mischief Master.

SleepyGirl 1:08 AM

mroww...calm...light headed

[Sleepygirl Comment: *facepalm* of course i meowed..of course]

[Psyco response: Good kitty. ;p ]

[Sleepygirl Response: *mumbles* yeah yeah… ]

Sleepyhypno 1:08 AM

very good kittens

you notice yoru hands

have become coverd in fur

as you feel your body leaning forward

and landing on all fours

graceful and elegant

as you shake away your clothes

and look at your reflection

[Psyco Comment: What kind of cats we're y'all? I was an adorable tortoiseshell.]

[Ivy Comment: I don't know breeds , only the descriptor: Tuxedo cat]

[Sleepygirl Comment: just a little Grey striped tabby]

letting out off a confused little


you look around a bit

and find yourself feeling

very tired

and sleepy

the old joke about cats sleeping all day

seems to really

resonate with you

you stretch yoruself out

sliding your paws forward

and really getting that good

long stretch in

before the collar seems to glow again

and you feel a wave of sleepyness

wash over you

starting to feel yoruself

purr softly

as you curl up

just purring

and relaxing

as you drift down

deeper and deeper

the world fading away

as you sin kinto a nice

soothing little cat nap

deep and relaxed

how deep are you now kittens?

Ivy  1:10 AM

cuddly and cozy

SleepyGirl 1:11 AM


Ivy  1:11 AM

maybe about....850

Psyco Turnip 1:11 AM

553% Master.

[Hypnotist Note: You’ll notice that Ivy actually started to wake up a bit here, She doesn’t really like the turned into a cat visual but she stayed under nonetheless. The issue with doing such a wide ranging trance like this is you are going to get threads that work better for some and turn others off. Ironically the transformation into a cat part was added specifically for Kitty, who was unable to attend.]

[Ivy Comment: True, I like transformations though, that helped me stay under.]

Sleepyhypno 1:11 AM

good girls

as the world fades away

you find yourself

waking up

leaning against a wall

stretching out

for a moment you dont' even remember

what just happened

and then in surprise you check yourself

your back to being human

back to your normal self

[Ivy Comment: Clothing included, in case anyone was wondering!]

[Psyco Comment: Speak for yourself. ;p ]

[Hypnotist response: *Spit take* ]

you take a moment to get your barings

the air around you is very humid

and thick with moisture

it's very hot

and muggy

there are trees all around you

a jungle

birds and insects chirping and singing around you

it's rather peaceful

in an adventurous kind of way

wouldn't you agree ladies

SleepyGirl 1:14 AM

yes master

Psyco Turnip 1:14 AM

Yes Master, very peaceful.

Ivy  1:14 AM

in an adventurous way, yes

[Ivy Comment: Time to Lara Croft -it UP!]

Sleepyhypno 1:14 AM

you star to move through the jungle

pushing aside plants

and bushes

crawling over rocks

and around trees

the jungle is thick

dense with vegitation

you hear animals all around you

but you don't see any

and then all of a sudden

everything goes silent


nothing moves

the birds and insects fall silent

all at once

everything is just


you feel an uneasy feeling

as you start to look around

and then you hear

a soft

gentle hiss

in your ear

you whip around to stare

eye to hypnotic eye

with a snake

it's tongue flicks out in front of you

as it's eyes swirl

a rainbow of colors

staring deeply into yoru eyes

you strugle to speak

struggle to pull away

but instead you just



into the eyes of the snake

helpless in it's gaze

isn't that right ladies

Ivy  1:17 AM


[Ivy Comment: I don't think I was being cheeky here, I believe I was genuinely enjoying the visual.]

[Sleepygirl Response: yeahhhh you weren't alone there]

[Psyco Response: Fully agree, love the Kaa eyes and constriction is low key a kink of mine.]

[Hypnotist Response: These comments are a great field of information for me to use later assuming I remember it =cP (I will not) ]

SleepyGirl 1:17 AM

yesss master

Psyco Turnip 1:17 AM

Yes Master, helpless.

Sleepyhypno 1:18 AM

as you stare

the world seems to melt away

all the remains is the eyes

swriling in your mind

you feel yorus arms

fall to yoru sides

limp and helpless

swinging softly

from the fall

[Ivy Comment: Good detail!]

as you just stare

and watch

you are barely aware of the snake's body

slowly coiling around you

it's tight

and strong

but somehow soothing


[Psyco Comment: Jokes on you! I was VERY aware of the snakes body.]

it may seem odd in this heat

but the snake is using your body

for warmth

sliding as much of it's body

along yours

as it can

holding you close

holding you tight

staring into your eyes

you feel the world starting to spin

and swear you can hear

in your mind

that itssss time to ssssssleeep

you feel your mouth fall open

and your knees wobble

you try to catch yourself

but you land softly in a plant

cushoining your fall

as the snake moves to keep it's eyes

staring deeply

into yours

you feel your eye sflurttering closed


deeper down

the world starts to fade

and slip away

into the snakes hypnotic sleep

how deep are now ladies?

Ivy  1:21 AM


SleepyGirl 1:21 AM


Psyco Turnip 1:22 AM

718% Master.

[Hypnotist Note: and Ivy is back down. Psycho is out, and Sleepygirl is dropping like a stone and way past her normal depth for something like this.]

[Sleepygirl Response: yeah i am dropping ridiculously fast at this rate…]

Sleepyhypno 1:22 AM

good girls

are you ladies ok with going even more deeply down into trance?

[Sleepygirl Response: as if anyone was going to say no :cP ]

[Hypnotist Response: It's always important to ask. ]

[Sleepygirl Response: yes it is, thank you for the psa ]

[Hypnotist Response: The more you know…]

SleepyGirl 1:22 AM

yyess master

Ivy  1:23 AM

ooooh yess master

Psyco Turnip 1:23 AM

Yes Master.

Sleepyhypno 1:23 AM

good girls

as the world fades

a new world starts to form in your mind

you feel yoruself walking

through a quiet neighborood

on a cool summers evening

the air is calm

and the street lights are just coming on

as you simply walk

slowly down the street

breathing in the cool air

and just


just taking a little time

just for you

taking the long way home

as you walk

it's peaceful

and soothing

isn't that right ladies?

Ivy  1:24 AM

yesss it is sooo nice

[Ivy Comment: Cool summer nights right at dusk or so, are my favorite.]

SleepyGirl 1:25 AM

yesss master

[Hypnotist note: the other problem with doing a repeated deepener induction like this is you can run the risk of putting a subject so deep that they just fall asleep. You’ll notice Psyco stopped responding. She basically fell asleep or at the very least closed her eyes. She will also pop up in the end however, which was a pleasant surprise to have both subjects that fell asleep rejoin in the end. That’s pretty rare.]

[Psyco Response: Yeah...The snakes got me, literally felt the "Ping" and fell back in my chair staring up at the roof. ^^;]

[Ivy Response: oOoOO, THERE'S an image. ]

[Sleepygirl Response: also kind of heard a ping here too...for reasons]

[Hypnotist Note: Those reasons involve having used the PING sound in her mind in the past.]

Sleepyhypno 1:26 AM

good girls

doing so well

so calm

that is until

you feel yoruself being grabbed

from behind

a strong hand grabs your arms

and pullyou back

while anothe rhand

places a thick

damp cloth over your face

you feel a very heavy

very thick scent

move into your lungs

you sintantly feel heavy

and tired

[Ivy Comment: CALLED IT!!]

[Pysco Response: Aww I missed the chloroform.]

[Princes Response:Fear not fair maiden, I doubt-eth this will be the last time. That seems to be one of his favorite cards to use, as well as a crowd favorite.]=

[Sleepgirl Response: 10/10 would recommend]

[Hypnotist Response: The literal first word in my screen name is "Sleepy"]

the world just seems to spin

you struggle and shake

trying to pull away

but they hold you tighter to them

and keep the rag to your face

your own protests

your own moans

simply muffled by the cloth

as you feel your body weakening

feeling so tired

so so heavy


[Sleepygirl: *shiver* again, stop pushing my buttons]

sinking down

you hear a distance voice tell you

to just go to sleep

and that sounds

so very nice to you

so right

it would be so nice to just



you feel yorueslf sigh

as you lean back against the person that grabbed you

and let out a long

deep exhale

and then breathe in more of the chlorofrom

as the world around you spins

and fades

and you sink into slumber

helplessly falling


completely down now

isn't that right ladies

Ivy  1:29 AM

yes yes master

[Ivy Comment: I don't know if I should enjoy this to the level that I do , hahahaha!]

SleepyGirl 1:29 AM

yyessss ,aster

[SleepyGirl Comment: ok clearly im not even trying to type at this point]

Sleepyhypno 1:29 AM

good girls

as the world fades away

a new world takes it place

it's a warm summers day

and you are walking through a garden

full of flowers

and trees

the birds are singing

it's the kind of place you could

lose yourself in


you inhale

and breathing in the sweet floral scent

and for a moment it makes you wonder

where that other scent

disappeared too

but you shrug it off

[Ivy Comment: LOVING this little detail!]

[Sleepygirl Response: agreed, nice touch :c) ]

[Psyco Response: 1000% ]

and simply move through the garden


until you hear a voice say

hello... you will make a wonderful addition

to my garden

you turn around to see

standing in front of you

a woman

with snakes on her head

and glowing yellow eyes

the moment you look at her

your thoughts just seem

to freeze

seem to pause

your expression is stuck

your body is immobile

just standing there

as you feel yours kin

begin to shift

begin to change


going from soft flesh

to cool

solid marble

strong and beautiful

white alibaster

with threads of color

moving through it

you feel yourself

falling into a kind of stasis

your thougths blank

your body still

everything seems to turn

to pure white

and then everything fades

as you feel yourself

sink into a deep

deep hybernation

your body frozen as a statue now

and the world fading away

how do you feel ladies?

SleepyGirl 1:34 AM

blannk, still master

Ivy  1:34 AM

still, so so still...nothing matters, just stillness

Sleepyhypno 1:34 AM

good girls

how deep arey ou now

Ivy  1:34 AM


SleepyGirl 1:34 AM


[Hypnotist Note: quick recap. Ivy is four times as deep as she was, Sleepygirl is … fifteen times as deep as she was (give or take math), and Princess and Psyco are out… literally.]

[Ivy Response: I venture to say that this might be the deepest I've ever gone in a session, however I can't say that for certain.... Because I don't remember all of the sessions.]

[Sleepygirl Response: i don't think it's 15 but im not the person to fix math issues either...maybe 5 times?]

[Hypnotist Response: 3230000 / 540000 = 5.9 so roughly 6. I think I was doing the match with 250000 for some reason. (Damn it Jim… I’m a hypnotist! Not a Mathematician!)]

[Sleepygirl Response: wow I was actually sheer luck]

Sleepyhypno 1:35 AM

good girls

with your mind completely still

you start to hear

start to feel

the thumping of music

the dark world around you

suddenly lights up

a swirl of colors

as the music spurs you from your paused state

your on a dance floor

in a night club

and the music has you

you can't help but simply

sway and move

swinging with the dance



moving side to side

it's such a relaxing way

to burn off some energy

to get out and move

to feel the music

[Psyco Comment: Gotta feel that beat.]

thumping through yoru chest



isn't that right ladies

SleepyGirl 1:36 AM

yessss master

Ivy  1:37 AM

yes it feels good to move

[Ivy Comment: I say that then, however I failed to add that I can't dance at all!!]

[Sleepygirl Response: that makes two of us]

[Princess Response: The lack of rhythm in this chat is astounding]

[Ivy Response: I mean, I can try, I'm not sure what kind of sight that will be!]

[Sleepygirl Response: I've tried, i don't think I'd want to endure that again]

[Psyco Response: Dancing is/can be very fun. You just gotta commit.]

Sleepyhypno 1:37 AM

it does indeed

but as you dance you can't help but feel

as if someone

is watching you

you scan the room

filed with dancers

swaying and swinging their bodies

but no one seems to be...


there they are.

in the distance

in the shadows

watching you

staring at you

it's more then just


they ahve a confident

almost predatory smile

on their face

and their eyes are piercing


as if into your soul

you find yourself feeling

almost like prey

almost like you are being...

sized up

you decide this is probably a good enough time to go

find somewhere safer

[Ivy Comment: Consider this a PSA for ANYTIME you're feeling unsafe]

[Psyco Response: Fully agree. My dumbass however would probably confront them within the dance club itself (Though you'd likely never find me dead in one of those).]

you stop your dance

and turn around

only to walk face first

into the person that was staring at you

[Psyco Comment: Depending on the vibes this might have warranted a mean right hook from me.]

[Princess Comment: Think this is like example 107 on why you don't upset the one known as Psyco]

[Psyco Comment: Like 80ish percent of these individuals are full blown cowards, nothin' will make 'em run faster than straightforward consequences.]

[Hypnotist Note: This devolved into a rather lengthy conversation in the comments about the proper time and place to confront someone versus simply leaving the situation at high speeds. Complete with several stories from Psyco about being in situations like this and having to defend herself physically from people who should have known better. I, being a jackass, find these stories to be amusing, not because of what they involve but because of the straightforward way that she tells them. To me they are funny to hear, but they are in no way a funny situation. No one… NO ONE… should ever have to be put in a situation like that for any reason!]

for a split second you turn to look

a moment ago they were across the room

but now...

you turn back to feel them

grab you

and pull you close

thtier touch comes with a tingle

a trickle of energy

that moves through yoru body

you seem to tense up

and jsut stare

it's as if your body has gone into

a waiting mode

just waiting to be told what to do

as they smile at you

and start to dance

how do you feel ladies?

Ivy  1:40 AM

feeling anticipation

SleepyGirl 1:41 AM


[Sleepygirl Comment: if im starting to just echo words I can only assume i am 1000% gone at this point]

Sleepyhypno 1:41 AM

the person keeps thier eyes

fixated on you

as they start to dance

and sway

your body seems to respond

but not to you

it's responding to them

following their lead

following their


the dance is slow

and sensual

as they stare into yoru eyes

you feel as if

you should run

you should do something

but nothing happens

you just stare

deeply into their eyes

as they lean in


and closer to you

and with a devious smile

steal a kiss

the moment you fele their lips

touch yours

you feel a tingle move through your body

like an electrical spark

traveling up and down your body

but whe nit reaches your mind

your thoughts simply

pop out of existance

like light bulbs being over powered

they simply flash and disappear

[Ivy Comment: Another great little detail!]

as your are swayed

slowly in the dance

they break the kiss with a devious grin

and for the first time you notice

they have fangs

[Ivy Comment: .......oh, darn.]

they lean in

anyone else would think they wer esimply

kissing your neck

but you feel it

the bite

the penetration

the rush of pleasure

through yoru body

you let out a gasp

a breath you feel like you've bene holding forever

and then you simply


and fadea way

as you succumb to their will

to their power

to their bite...

and everything...

fades away

how deep are you now ladies?

Ivy  1:45 AM


[Ivy Comment: Disregard my previous comment about depth....THIS!!!!!!!!!!!]

SleepyGirl 1:45 AM


Sleepyhypno 1:45 AM

good girls

how do you feel

Ivy  1:46 AM

soooooooooo lightheaded, soo sooooo gone

SleepyGirl 1:46 AM

blank, gone

[Hypnotist Note: Gone is such a wonderful word… isn’t it =cP   ]

[Ivy Response: You knew what you were doing! It's either "gone" or NOTHING.]

[Sleepygirl Response: yes...yes it's also the only accurate description at this point]

[Hypnotist Response: I can also confirm that I knew exactly what i was doing in this situation .these last two I put the most thought into.]

[Sleepygirl Response: its almost like you know how to make our minds putty, go figure]

Sleepyhypno 1:46 AM

good girls

as the world fades away

you find yourself

layign face down

you feel warm


skillful hands

massaging your back

massaging your shoulders

masaging your arms

you hear the background noise

of the soothing spa

you must have

dozed off

during your massage

just laying there

feeling the hands

so strong

and skillful

relax away

your entire body

muscle by muscle

you deserve this little


away form everything

isn't tha right ladies?

Ivy  1:48 AM

oh it is wonderful

[Ivy Comment: As I write this comment I am, in fact, a bit sore from a recent light jog, I REALLY could use that massage!]

SleepyGirl 1:48 AM

yesss, feels so good

Sleepyhypno 1:48 AM

you feel the hands

begin to move along yoru legs


no... caressing

the touch moves from one of soothing calm

to gentle stmulation

the oil on your body

is warm

and soothing


it's smells like lavendar

mixed with something else

you try to move

but find

you really don't want too

your way too calm

way to relaxed

you feel the hands

slowly roll you over

onto your back

to yoursurprise

you don't even blink

you just

stare ahead



somethin the oil has

rendered you in a bit of  trance

[Psyco Comment: As a registered massage therapist if I was present for this it would have either destroyed me or woke me up. ^^;]

[Hypnotist Response: Hopefully the former =cP ]

[Sleepygirl Comment: really not pulling any punches here are you]

your exposed

and uncovered

as the masseuse

slides their hands

along your bod y

stimulating you



knowing just wher eto touch

to build your pleasure

this is your time

nothing else matters

just the feeling of their hands

along yours kin

along your body

as they find

all the right places

to stimulate you

your so relaxed

so empty

so blank

there is no resistance

[Sleepygirl Comment: I'll answer my own question, you were definitely not pulling any this point I'm surprised I'm not drooling all over myself while im rereading this]

your body responds

instantl y


the arousal builds

the pleasure rises

as it flows

through you gently

and easil y

completely through yoru body

you feel a soft moan

espcape yoru body

as they expertly manipulate

your genitals

slowly stimulating you

the oil aiding their skilled touch

helpling you just

build that heat

build that pleasure


and deeper

until it finally releases

in your happy ending

lettin ghte pleasure flow



you've earned this reward

this little

me time

as you simply feel the pleasure

roll through you


and again

and you simply start

to sink

and fade

down into the void

blank and empty

deeply asleep now

completely asleep

isn't that right ladies?

SleepyGirl 1:53 AM

yyes master

Ivy  1:53 AM

yes yes yes yes yesyeys master!

[Ivy Comment: I am pretty darn sure my brain was mush at this point.]

[Hypnotist Response: Can confirm]

Sleepyhypno 1:54 AM

good girls

how do you feel now?

SleepyGirl 1:54 AM

blank, empty, so gone

Ivy  1:55 AM

feeling likeit is hard to think, everthying is swirlying slowly

Sleepyhypno 1:56 AM

how deep are you now?

Ivy  1:57 AM

2200 tihnk

SleepyGirl 1:57 AM


[Sleepygirl Comment: Holy shit]

[Hypnotist’s Note: Needless to say this may be the deepest these two have in a session. I could be wrong, mainly about Ivy, but I’m pretty confident this is Sleepygirl’s deepest.]

[Ivy Response: eck, your guess is as good as mine, I have contradicted myself twice already on this matter!]

[Sleepygirl Response: I'm also going to assume you're correct]

Sleepyhypno 1:57 AM

good girls

you may stay deep

and calm

finding that you really dont have a need

to wake up

not right now

it feels so good to just

stay asleep for me now

doesn't it.

[Sleepygirl Comment: as i sit here internally answering yes on autopilot…]

Ivy  1:57 AM

yes master

SleepyGirl 1:58 AM

yes master

Sleepyhypno 1:58 AM

good girls

I want you to thin kback

through the different worlds

there were ten of them

if you lost track

and just think about them

one at a time

which one spoke to you the most

which one did you enjoy

the most

Ivy  2:00 AM

library, fortune teller, quiet neighborhood, statue, masseuse...difficult to pick which of these....quiet neighborhood if I had to pick

but they are sooo good

SleepyGirl 2:01 AM

i liked the initial library...the way the pages sparkled and drew me in, there was something ancient and interesting about it...the fortune teller, too...having each card laid out before me, knowing i wont be able to resist when im just a thrall...the masseuse, just because it felt so good...

Sleepyhypno 2:02 AM

good girls

I have accidentally created a 23 page monster of a script from this.   that is more then double my usual script size.  but I think the results were... effective don't you agree ladies?

Ivy  2:03 AM


[Ivy Comment: Gee, tell us what you REALLY think, me!]

SleepyGirl 2:03 AM

yes master

Amazonian Princess  2:03 AM

Seems like a resounding yes

[Hypnotist Note: A wild Amazonian Princess has appeared!]

Sleepyhypno 2:04 AM

it does.

how are you feeling Princess

Amazonian Princess  2:04 AM

Light trance probably like a 300

Sleepyhypno 2:05 AM

would you like to go deeper Princess, or stay where you are,  and just leave the other two in their deep daze

Amazonian Princess  2:06 AM

Deeper is fine. Or I can kinda bystand. Whatever is easier for you

Sleepyhypno 2:06 AM

easier is irrelevant. this is all about what is sexier... and i think we know what that will be.

My hypnotized little thralls... please trigger bomb Princess

[Hypnotist Note: I choose to use ‘sneaky-lazy bastard!’]

[Sleepygirl Response: you use that frequently :cP ]

[Princess Response: It's one of his favorite cards ]

[Sleepygirl Response: It's a top 3 for sure ]

Amazonian Princess  2:06 AM

Oh no

Sleepyhypno 2:06 AM

oh yes

[Princess’ Trigger]

SleepyGirl 2:06 AM

yes master

Ivy  2:07 AM

[Princess’ Trigger, repeatedly]

SleepyGirl 2:07 AM

[Princess’ Trigger, Repeatedly]

Sleepyhypno 2:07 AM

good girls,  how do you feel now princess

Amazonian Princess  2:08 AM

Offbalance blank

[Princess Comment: Yall are relentless when he plays that "Trigger Bomb" card]

[Sleepygirl Response: I mean in fairness we weren't in any position to argue]

[Ivy Response: I can type fast!!]

[Sleepygirl Response: *points* that, also that]

Sleepyhypno 2:08 AM

good girl

how deep are you now Princess

Amazonian Princess  2:08 AM


[Hypnotist Note: Hit! It’s super effective!] 

Sleepyhypno 2:08 AM

good girl

For the viewing audience.

You fell asleep rather early on , didn't you?

Amazonian Princess  2:09 AM


Sleepyhypno 2:09 AM

and then you woke up about... an hour into a very very long session and started to read through it. is that right

Amazonian Princess  2:09 AM


[Hypnotist Note: I was talking to Princess in Private Messages while I was doing the session, keeping her involved a bit in the hopes that she would do exactly what she did, and go out again with them.]

[Sleepygirl Response: excellent work puppet master :cP ]

Sleepyhypno 2:10 AM

you watched the other two, sink and submit... being put down more deeply each time

while you tried to keep up

and sank

little by little down

to where you are now

isn't that right princess

Amazonian Princess  2:10 AM


Sleepyhypno 2:10 AM

and how do you ladies feel now

SleepyGirl 2:11 AM

blank, floating, gone

[Sleepygirl Comment: the word of the day returns]

Ivy  2:11 AM

slightly aware...but goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeee

Psyco Turnip 2:11 AM

Relaxed and mindless Master.

[Hypnotist’s Note: Psycho Turnip returns!]

[Psyco Response: Still ridin' that blissfulness at this point.]

Sleepyhypno 2:12 AM

Welcome back Psyco... did you fall asleep as well i think?

Psyco Turnip 2:12 AM

Yes Master.

Sleepyhypno 2:13 AM

when you woke up did you pick up where we were, or did you read through like Princess did

Psyco Turnip 2:13 AM

Read through Master.

Sleepyhypno 2:13 AM

good girl

and what of the different fantasies in this tranception that you inspired, did you enjoy the most

Psyco Turnip 2:14 AM

The stage hypnotist Master.

Sleepyhypno 2:16 AM

and how deep are you now ladies?

Psyco Turnip 2:16 AM

763% Master.

SleepyGirl 2:16 AM


[Sleepygirl Comment: once again...Holy shit]

Amazonian Princess  2:17 AM


Ivy  2:18 AM

sorry...i forgot wehre i was for a second

or a minute


um.... 1500 ish

Sleepyhypno 2:18 AM

good girl

how do you fele now ladies

Ivy  2:19 AM

i probablyh shouldn't drive

[Hypnotist’s note: *facepalm* ah Ivy… what would we do without you =cP   ]

[Ivy Response: What????? I DID mention being, potentially, hypno drunk.]

[Psyco Response: Very responsible, we all appreciate your restraint Ivy.]

[Ivy Response: SEE! Psyco gets me!!!!]

Psyco Turnip 2:19 AM

Mindless and sleepy Master.

SleepyGirl 2:20 AM

blank, drifting,

Sleepyhypno 2:20 AM

very good ladies

blank and empty

thinking back to the differnet levels

every one

the library

taking you down

the sea palace


the fortune teller

and deepe rdown

the hypnotist

making you blank

the pet store

making you empty

the jungle

making you fall deeply

the warm neighborhood at night

making your helpless

the garden

making you submissive

the dance club

making you feel sooo much pleasure

the spa

and making you deeply

completely empty

and obedient now

isn't that right ladies.

SleepyGirl 2:22 AM

yess master

Amazonian Princess  2:22 AM

Yes master

Ivy  2:22 AM

YYYYESS master....i forgot the club, that was excellent

[Ivy Comment: I did forget it but can you blame me, this whole session was next level.... followed by another level... and another.... and so forth.]

Psyco Turnip 2:22 AM

Yes Master.

[Hypnotist’s Bragging Rights: four beautiful young women, calling me master. What did you do with your night hmmm?]

Sleepyhypno 2:22 AM

blank and empty


you can see your friends

beautiful and fun young women

that you have come to know

come to cherish

all around you

each one deep

each one helpless

empty and bla nk

seeing htem sin kdown

seeing them open

and empty

makes you sink down with them



a void in your mind

just a blank space

wher your thoughts used to be

this what you like the most

being around your friends

seeing them helpless

being helpless

all of you down



asleep now

isn't that right ladies

[Ivy Comment: There is something truly special about it.]

[Sleepygirl Response: It is rather enjoyable]

Ivy  2:24 AM

mmmm yes master!

SleepyGirl 2:24 AM

yes master

Psyco Turnip 2:24 AM

Yes Master, very much so.

Amazonian Princess  2:24 AM

Ues master

Sleepyhypno 2:24 AM

good girls

you have all done so very weel

after all

you are a girl

Ivy  2:25 AM

girls are meant to be hypnotized

SleepyGirl 2:25 AM

girls were made to be hypnotized

Amazonian Princess  2:25 AM

Girls are made to be hypnotized

Psyco Turnip 2:25 AM

Girls are made to be Hypnotized Master.

[Hypnotist’s note: still my favorite trigger, it’s so stupid, but it’s so sexy!]

Sleepyhypno 2:25 AM

very godo

feeling that ring true

through your mind

more deeply

more intimately then before

with all of your here

all of you deep

the intention

that you were meant to be hypnotized

that you were made to be hypnotized

[Ivy Comment: I appreciate that little addition.]

ust seems to natural for you now

as you just


and let your minds empty

this time is all about


and relaxation

and ot just let everything


isn't that right ladies

[Sleepygirl Comment: I do enjoy that about these…]

SleepyGirl 2:26 AM

yes master

Amazonian Princess  2:26 AM


Ivy  2:27 AM

yes master

Psyco Turnip 2:27 AM

Yes Master.

Sleepyhypno 2:27 AM

good girls

I want to than you for sitting with me tonight

on this very very long trance

This one will be a bitch to record

but I think the outcome will be.

quite effect ive

you are o course

lookign forward to sinking for the video



[Sleepygirl Comment: i am looking forward to hearing this one actually]

knowing as you listen

that the other three

are there as well

listening to the hum

listening to the words

drfiting from fantasy

to fantasy

submitting down

deeper and deeper

like you were meant to do

isn't that right.

Ivy  2:28 AM

yeeeeesssssss master

SleepyGirl 2:28 AM

yes master

Amazonian Princess  2:28 AM

Yes naster

Psyco Turnip 2:28 AM

Yes Master, submitting deeper.

Sleepyhypno 2:29 AM

good girls

I do believe it is getting late for most of you,  and for me as well.

do any of you wish to stay awake after the session, or do you want to submit to sleep, with the rest of the girls.

Amazonian Princess  2:29 AM


Psyco Turnip 2:30 AM

Submit to sleep Master.

Ivy  2:30 AM

waking trance

SleepyGirl 2:30 AM

waking trance

Sleepyhypno 2:30 AM

good girls

Princess, and Psyco...

is there anything you would like to say to the readers of this log, before you slip away to sleep

Amazonian Princess  2:31 AM

No sarcasm tonight

[Ivy Comment: Whow, you REALLY got her.]

[Princess Comment: Don't worry, I'll be ready next go round]

Sleepyhypno 2:32 AM

Heheh, no you seem to deep for that. isn't that right princess.

Amazonian Princess  2:32 AM

Yes master

Psyco Turnip 2:32 AM

Sink deeper for every new scenario Master.

Sleepyhypno 2:32 AM

good girl Psyco

Now Princess and Pscyo

in a moment

you two will log and go to bed

falling into a deep deep sleep

knowing tha tthe deeper you sleep

the deeper the other girls will sleep

when you wake up tomorrow

you will remember everything that happened

and be able to comment freely on it when I send you the log

which also should be hilariously long

understand ladies?

[Ivy Comment: I mean, it did take me right around 4 hours, on and off, to get through the whole thing]

Amazonian Princess  2:33 AM

Ues master

Psyco Turnip 2:34 AM

Yes Master.

Sleepyhypno 2:34 AM

Good girls

go to bed my friends. and sleep well .

Psyco Turnip 2:35 AM

Yes Master, good night.

Sleepyhypno 2:35 AM

Ivy,  Sleepygirl, is there anything you wish to say to the readers before you are placed in a waking trance

SleepyGirl 2:35 AM

no deep to come up with somrthing

[Sleepygirl Comment: I probably wasn't capable of coming up with anything at that point]

Ivy  2:36 AM

heheheheheeh whatever tickles your fancy this log's got IT...and we took them ALL  for a spin!

[Ivy Comment: Yep, full-blown loopy it by that point.]

Sleepyhypno 2:36 AM

good girls

And that’s the log! All in all this was very effective for me, and ended up creating a beast of a script, 22 pages, which is 6 pages longer then what I usually aim for. It also made a 50 page log, so congratulations on making it through! 

[Ladies if any of you have anything you’d like to add or say, please feel free to so here!]

[Ivy Comment: Honestly, I think this was the Pinnacle of everything we've worked for up until this point; not just the depth, not just the scenarios, but the little details, taking little bits of what each of us enjoy and incorporating them, truly this is a feat to behold and I am, genuinely, proud to have been part of it.]

[Sleepygirl Comment: this was definitely a highlight and you did an excellent job tailoring things to each of us. The little things like that are why we never hesitate to participate :c) ]

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