Unable to Resist | Patreon Exclusive

 Click here to view video: Unable to Resist | Patreon Exclusive

This video is going to be just a little bit

Of course you’ve already noticed the spiral
Spinning away in front of your eyes…
I’d like you to as usual…
Either focus on the spiral…
Or just let your eyes close
For now…
You see…
The point of todays video is resistance…
Not so much teaching to resist…
But more teaching you, that you can’t resist.
You see alot of people think that
Is something that is hard…
Something that is difficult…
They think that the ability to resist…
Is.. a skill set…
A talent even…
But that isn’t the case.
Anyone who has ever spent time
Around a small child…
Knows that resistance is natural.
It’s ingrained in us all.
The ability to be stubborn
And willful
Is a very human trait.
And in many situations
That trait can be quite helpful..
[sarcastically] this isn’t one of those situations…
You see as we grow up
As we… mature…
We need to learn not only to stop resisting…
But to give in…
To… surrender now…
But there is more to it then that…
You see resistance…
Aside from being something very…
Useful in some situations…
Also becomes… pointless…
In others.
We all make our choices in life.
We all, choose a path.
A direction.
And then that path…
That direction…
Is set…
We can change paths of course…
But if you are on the right path now…
Why would you want to change it…
But of course saying on this path.
Also means that you accept…
Whatever the path may bring you…
And you made an active choice…
A long time ago…
A choice to view a video..
A choice that led you down a path.
A long.. And hopefully relaxing..
And enjoyable path.
A path that lead you to this moment.
A moment where you really don’t
Have a choice…
Sure you could turn off the video…
Or wake up…
But why would you…
You’ve enjoyed this path so far…
Why ruin it…
And yes i said, you could… wake up…
You may not have realized it before now…
But you’ve already started to sink.
Maybe deeply
Maybe quickly…
Maybe you noticed it before now.
But you notice it now for sure
That deep relaxing feeling
Washing through your mind.
Through your body.
It’s so familiar…
So pleasant
That it becomes almost second nature now…
To feel this good
This relaxed
So much so that you might not really even notice
As it washes over you.
But it’s there…
As I said… you made the choice a long time ago
And you wouldn’t want to change you remind
So you have no choice…
You’ve chosen to give up ..
Your ability to resist.
Your ability to struggle
That doesn’t mean you can’t do both
Just for fun
To try and pull your mind back up.
Clawing your way higher and higher…
But like so many things in life
Every step you take up…
You take two more down…
Deeper and deeper
It doesn’t matter how long you struggle
You always end up twice as deep…
But isn’t that the point?
To see just how deeply
How completely
You can let yourself.
For me now…
It feels so good to sink…
To realize that you
Cannot resist…
That the more you struggle
The deeper you fall
Deeper, and deeper down
Helplessly swirling in your mind
And as you sit there
Struggling to resist…
But realizing…
More and more deeply
That you cannot resist…
I want you to imagine for me…
A stair case…
Your free to try and struggle against this suggestion
Try to imagine anything but a stair case
But isn’t it funny how when you try to avoid
Thinking about something…
How that seems to be the only thing you can think about
Sure you may imagine a beach…
But in that beach would be stairs
Maybe someplace logical
Maybe right out in the open
The mind is a wonderful place
Where nothing has to make sense.
But yet the more you try
The more you attempt to think of anything but stairs
The more the stairs seem to be foremost on your mind
And as you imagine the stairs, your struggling to ignore
You realize that these stairs will take you down
Deeper into trance
Deeper into my control.
Every step will help you to surrender.
So of course your going to want to…
Playfully… try to resist…
But i think we both know by now…
You cannot resist…
But that doesn’t mean you won’t try…
Try and fail…
The more you try
The deeper you’ll fall
The more easily you’ll sink
And now… take your first step…
Down to step… 1
Feeling your mind and body sinking
Maybe it’s enough to take you by surprise
Maybe you expected to feel this way
But even then you sank
So much more deeply
Deeply under my control
Feeling your body slumping back
Into whatever it is that your are relaxing on
It feels so good to just let go
To surrender…
To sink…
Every step seems to make it
So much easier.
For you to give in.
For you to just let go…
But wait… weren’t you going to
Try… to resist?
The idea of resisting seems to pop up
The idea of trying to climb the stairs
But going up is so muc harder…
And going down it so much more relaxing
And peaceful
Look at that…
You were so busy thinking about resisting…
That you didn’t realize you took another step
Anothing simple relaxing step
Deeper under my control
Half way down now…
How did that happen?
Were’t you just at the top…
Thinking about how you were going to resist…
How you were going to struggle, for the fun of it.
What was it that you were just thinking?
The memory seems so far away
The more you try to remember
The more it drifts.
And fades…
You cannot resist
The pull deeper
The pull down the stairs
One by one…
Into the void..
You could never resist…
Not for long…
Not for more then just a little…
Fun, some times it’s fun to loose…
Fun to struggle then let go.
So deep and calm…
So relaxed
Heavy and limp
Your mind seems blank
Focused on my words
On the sound of my voice
Softly sliding into your mind
Deep into your mind.
The stairs are behind you now
And you’d like to just relax
And rest here.
So easy to just float in the void
Your eyes
If they haven’t already closed
Are feeling so heavy
So tired
And even if they are closed
You just seem to slip even more deeply
Every word makes your eyes close
And tighter
As if they were completely
Glued shut.
In fact in a few moments..
I’m going to prove…
That you cannot resist.
I’m going to prove that you are
And sinking
So much deeper
And deeper down.
In a moment…
I want you to try to open up yoru eyes…
But you’ll soon… immediately realize
Just how heavy your eye lids are.
How they are sealed shut
The more you struggle to open them
The more they will stay shut.
As if your mind will use the energy
The struggle that you use to open them.
To simply keep them shut
Because after all
You cannot resist.
So as you sit there
Relaxed and calm
I wnt you to… try…
To struggle…
To ultimately fail…
To open your eyes now..
The more you struggle
The more effort you put into it
The deeper you sink
The more your body and mind
Give in and sink
Deeper and deeper as you struggle
And sleep
Relaxed and calm
Just surrender down into sleep
Deep hypnotic sleep
Happy and content to be deeply
Completely relaxed
And to know for sure…
That you simply
Cannot resist.
And that feeling
The realization
Makes you realize just how much
You belong here…
It doesn’t matter what brought you here
But this is where you feel
At peace
Always ready for a new adventure
A new chance to sink
Deeper and deeper
Down into trance.
Knowing that you can always come here
And struggle
And try… to resist.
But that ultimately
You’ll end up sinking
Deeper and deeper
Into trance
Ultimately surrendering
Ultimately giving in
And totally
Because deep down
You realize…
You cannot resist…
You could never… resist…
Not really…
And that gives you the most…
Freeing feeling in your mind
That you can always come here and simply
Enjoy these experiences
Like this one…
Letting you drift deeper and deeper each time
Every time walking further and further down the path
The path that you’ve chosen.
And i’ll help you walk that path
Step by step
Deeper and deeper…
In face it’d like you to imagine that in your mind
For a little bit
Just a relaxing path.
In your mind
Walking it step by step…
Little by little
Knowing im there with you…
All the while in your mind
Helping you move deeper
And deeper
Down the path…
And i’d just like you to let yourself
Walk this path.
For as long as you’d like..
Letting yourself get to deeper
And more relaxed levels
And heping you body to be calm
And rested
And when your ready to wake up.
You can simply stop
And turn around
And see how far down the path you’ve come
See how much deeper you’ve dropped
And know your doing so well
Such a good subject
From there you’ll be able to wake up
Relaxed and refreshed
And knowing deep down
You cannot resist…
You could never resist…
But for now.
Just walk this relaxing path
That helps you go deeper and deeper

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