Countdown to Submission | Extended Patreon Version


Click here to view video!  Countdown to Submission | Extended Patreon Version

We've all watched the ball drop at midnight... heard the countdown in the background and wondered, what would it be like if that countdown, had a more hypnotic effect on the people watching. This video is designed to explore just that. But be warned, I'm not pulling any punches with this one. Once your down... your under my control! And I have a few... resolutions... for you in the coming year.

You can read the session log between me and two of my friends that was used to create this video here: Countdown to Submission - Hypnosis Session Log

and as always, the outtakes can be found here: Outtakes for Countdown to Submission

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance.

nice and deep
nice and relaxed now
just feeling your body sink into the chair
and simply relax now
and focus
focus on my words
it's ok fi you need to adjust
need to let your body
get comfortable
wherever you need to be
to enjoy my words now
and let yourself simply
and sink
deeper and deeper
into the words now.
jsut allow your body
to simply let go
and relax
let every breathe that you take
simply help you to focus
more and more deeply
more easily on my words
and let your mind simply fade away
the more you relax
the more you breathe
the deeper you more easily
you sink into trance now.
it's so nice to realx
to let go
especially around the end.
of a long year.
and this yes,  for most everyone
has been quite long
so it's very nice to simply
kick back
and relax
with friends
and family
or even alone
and just watch the year
come to close
with that oh so iconic
and cherished tradition
counding it away
and then everything changes
a new world of possibilties is opened up to you
a new opportunity for a fresh start.
But i think we both know...
that with you being here...
with me...
sharing this special experience...
that a countdown... can have more then one meaning
it has a power...
a pull to it.
a pull that you simply can't resist.
a pull that you don't wnat to resist.
and at this special time of year
it's all around you
in numbers
or graphics
there is even a ball...
covered in sparkling lights
that slowly drifts
deeper and deeper
as you let go
you can even see that ball in your mind
lit up
and watch as it sink s
little by little
feeling yoru exictiment rising
as you watch
filled with anticipation
and then it happens.
it hits the bottom
and your mind simply
turns off for me
and you sleep
deeply and completley
I know... deep in your mind
in your fantasies
you've thought of this before.
you've felt that pull
as all the people around you
and on tv
everything simply counts you down
maybe you've even drifted off before
maybe you've felt the tingle before
but always been afraid to let go.
but now.
with me
you can simply relax
and surrender
surrender to the pull of the ever sinking numbers
helping you to give in
and surrender
blanking your thoughts
emptying your mind
nothing else matters
just the words
just the count down
deeper and deeper
to sleep.
empty and focused
lost in the words
controlling you so easily now
this may seem new to you...
but what if i were to help you to ...
this has happened to you before...
think back to your first new years...
that you celebrated as an adult
where you were
who you were with, if anyone.
and think back to how you watched the numbers
counting down
the people around you
or on tv
you felt it
deep inside
pulling you down
to sleep now.
you weren't aware then
but you can see it in your mind
feel it
that count down then
put you under
no one noticed
not even you
but you were deeply entranced
and it's happened
over and over again
since then
think about to yoru favorite new years
the one that comes to mind
when you think of the best time
you've ever had
at new years
and how excited you were
maybe with others
maybe alone
and just waiting
seeing the time on the click
and then it starts
and you drift
its pull is relentless
and powerful
you can't resist
you don't want to resist
you want to sink
and surrender
surrender to sleep
just like you did now
just like you did at your first adult new years
and your favorite adult new years
the numbers
the simple count down
pulls you down
and you sink
deeper and deeper
into it's power
you were never aware that this was happening
never noticed
never recorded your mind
simply turning off
your will simply
fading away
all this time you've been entranced
deeply and completely
by a simple countdown
but it has a power over you
a control
a control you can't resist
that just seeps into your mind
into your body
and make you feel
and helpless
sending an energy through you
every time i count you down
you sink deeper
and deeper
into my control
into my words
you can't resist
you can only
feelings yourself sink
familiar and claming
exciting and thrilling
your mind emptying
no thoughts
only obedience
and submission
mine to control
completely and totally now
you know only the words
the words and the control
sliding through your mind
through your body
it's such a powerful feeling
this control that seeps
deep into your beeing
that helps you to simply
nothing else matters
just the words
and the feelings
moving through yoru body
through your mind
the compulsion
irresistble as it is
to simply obey me
these simple count downs bring you peace
and calm
no thoughts to think
perfect calm
letting me do the thinking for you.
letting me show you the way.
but these countdowns can bring you
more then just submission
more then just a trance
they can bring you pleasure
physical joy
deep inside of you
you're mind is too far gone
too deeply entranced
to even think of resisting
but deep inside you know
that as i count down
not only will your min d
simply sink
deeper and deeper
but with it
your pleasure
your arousal
will grow
every number will make it build
every number will pull you down
the deeper down you go
the more pleasure you feel
the more pleasure you feel
the deeper down you will go
and at the very bottom
when you finally see that last number roll across
is the prize
the reward
that you earn
the deeper you sink
the bigger your reward
the bigger your pleasure
the bigger your climax
a climax not just in your body
but your mind
and your soul
shaking and indulging
the deepest of pleasures
deeply inside of you
completely and totally
you'll find that the countdowns
start to all bring you this pleasure
as you feel them pulling you down
deeper and deeper
into helpless
obedient trance
you feel your arousal
your excitment
the energy pent up inside of you
growing with it.
the deeper you fall
the more you surrender
the more you feel
the more powerful your reward
so easy to let go
to give in
to surrender
the more you relax
the more you sink
the more i will reward you
feeling your body tinling
heart racing
shivering with excitment
while your mind
simply shuts down
no need to think
only to obey
to sink
to build your reward
letting yoruself know
that this is where you belong
where you long to be
and rewarded
letting the pleasure move through you
deeply and completely
letting your reward
that wonderful climax
roll through your body
through every nerve
every muscle
lighting up your body
as your mind simlply
shuts down
and surrenders
Very good
doing so very well now
deep and relaxed
your mind simply...
ready for me to fill you back up
to slide ideas and commands
into your mind.
you see new years is not just a time
of letting go
and letting the old year come to a close
it's also about new beginnings
a time to reflect on your past
and on yoru future
a time for a resolution or two
but in this state
deep and calm
your open to whatever resolutions
I might have for you
after all
you're too far gone.
too blank and relaxed
helpless and controlled
to think for yourself right now
so let me think for you.
The first resolution
is for you...
for your health...
I can't have those that i control
those whose minds i slip my words into
neglect themselves when they are awake
you are important...
important to me...
and important to others, in yoru life.
and you need to take care of yourself
need to make sure that you are in
the best health you can be in.
so you can move through yoru life
with energy
and excitement.
so you can be healthy
and more ready to...
simply do as i command
more ready to obey.
and you want to obey...
deeply and completely now.
so... to help this along
I want you to let whatever change
you know... deep in your soul...
that you need in your life...
to make you more healthy
it doesn't have to be big
progress is made one step at a time
just like i counted you down
down into deep
helpless sleep now
you will make yourself healthier
one little change
at a time.
so just let one little change
that will help you
to be healthier...
maybe it's a bad habit you need to kick
or an unhealthy food
that you should limit... or give up.
or maybe it's something you need to add
a little  exercise
or eating a healthy meal a day
whatever it is that is completely
unique to you.
let that thought
and that thought alone...
come clearly into your mind
something simple and easy
a little change
a single step on the path
a path to a healthier... happier you.
and when you have that one thing
in your mind
I want you to feel that this change.
is not really a resolution for you to work on
it's a command
for you to obey
You will... resolve...
to work on this one thing
for 15 minutes a day
every day
for the whole year.
that's all it takes
thats all i ask...
all i command.
is that you work on this one thing
15 minutes a day
every day
for me... now...
you can do that for me..
can't you?
very good
i'm so very proud of you
you've done so well...
you've always done so well
sinking and letting go
and accepting this resolution
this command
deep into your mind
deep into your soul
the other resolution I have for you
is something that may feel that it's for you.
but it's really for me...
but you won't notice...
you won't care.
you're happy to obey.
your body is very important...
it's important to keep it healthy
and relaxed
calm and happy
your body is your vehicle through life
the healthier you are.
the smoother the ride will be...
but just as important for your health
is your mind.
your mind needs rest
it needs relaxation
it needs stimulation
and an escape from the real word
your mind needs to let go
and sink
going into trance is like meditation
it helps your mind to calm
and focus
which in turns makes your mind
more clear
more relaxed
and helps you to focus
focus on your resolution
focus on your life
and selfishly.. to focus on my words
to focus on going deep
and relaxed
the more you sink...
the more you surrender
the more you slip into my hypnotic words
the easier it is to do so again
and again
and the deeper you go,
deeper each time you come to me
and sink .
this sounds like it's just for you
just to help you to enjoy your life
to enjoy your trances
but it's really for me.
the one you are deep for now
the one you are helpless to resist
the one you obey... now.
this helps me to feel that energy
that thrill
the thrill of having you...
deeply hypnotized
and unable to resist
coming back again and again
and you do want me to feel that. thrill
don't you?
I thought so...
and all of the other benefits you get
the increased relaxation
and focus
the ability to be calm
and thoughtful
in your day
is a lovely bonus for you to enjoy
while you simply do as i command
so with that in mind...
I want you...
at least once a week...
watch one of my videos...
maybe the newest one
or maybe your favorite.
but just take this time...
once a week
to simply relax
and sink
deeper and deeper
for 20 minutes or so.
and find that the more you sink
the more you go under for me
the easier it gets
for you to experiences these sensations
these feelings
the easier it is for you to simply let go of the world around you
and enjoy the adventures
that i so love taking you on.
you don't need to realize that this is all for me
all for my benefit
all for me to get that little thrill
I've hidden it too deeply
too easily
under the... benefit
of relaxation
and focus
and a calmer
and healthier mind
for you.
doing so very well
so deep and calm
blank and open
your mind completely gone
these resolutions will sink
deeply and completely
into your mind
they will be with you for the whole year
it's ok if you stumble
we all stumble from time to time
just know that you can get back up
that you can always take.
another step
closer and closer
to your goal
and that i will be here
to help you relax
to help you unwind
and rest
and relax
in a moment....
im going to give you another countdown
and that countdown will simply help you to slip
deeper and deeper
into trance
sending these two resolutions
deeply into your mind
completely and totally
for you to obey
and as i count down
you'll feel yourself sinking
into a deep
more pleasurable trance
and just enjoying the feeling
for as long as you'd like
and when you are ready you can wake up
relaxed and refreshed
but knowing deep down
that this years countdown
is going to be very special
it's ok for you to slip under when it does
your body will act as if you are awake
you'll behave like you are awake
but in the back of your mind you'll know
you're hypnotized
always remembering to be safe
but able to just enjoy that feeling
as you bring in the new year
and you'll be able to wake from that trance
and this one
when you are ready to do so...
but when you wake from this trance
i want you to type to me in the comments
what it is that you choose
as your first resolution
the first thing that you are going ot work on
to help you be healthier
and i would love to hear...
as the year goes on
how you have progressed
how you feel.
but for now
simply focus
and let your body
and your mind
surrender to my words
surrender to my control
feeling how good it feels
to sink
deeper and deeper
down into trance
into helpless
obedient control
feeling the pleasure flow through your body
feeling that special tingle
in all the places you desires to feel it
as you simply sink and let go
down into helpless
obedient trance
your mind completely
in a snap
and you sleep
and relaxed
simply sit and enjoy this feeling
for as long as you'd like


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