Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Positive Energy


Allow yourself to get into a comfortable position

Let your body relax

And sink into whatever you are sitting on

Feel your muscles loosen. 

And let go

You can watch the spiral 

For as long as you would like. 

Of you may allow your eyes to simply 

Slip closed 

It’s up to you…

And as you relax here now

Just focus on your breathing

And take a nice deep breathe

And let it out slowly

And easily

And simply feel your entire body relaxing

Deeper and deeper


Just allow your mind to start to relax

And sink into the sound of my voice. 

And imagine yourself

Walking along a beach

Hearing the waves slowly washing

Along the shore

And then drifting back out. 

Bubbling and fizzing

As they slide back into the water

Only to come rolling

And crashing back onto the sand

A few moments later. 

Feel the sand beneath your feet

Warm and soft

As your feet sink into the sand with every step that you take

Feeling the waves wash over your feet

Cooling them off from the warm sand

Feel the surf bubbles

Simply pop along your feet

As the waves wash back into the water. 

Become aware of the tree line, 

Running along the beach

See the trees

Nice and strong swaying in the wind


Gently and easily as the wind blows through them

Hearing the sound of the rustles complimenting the waves

As you simply walk

Step by step, 

Deeper and deeper

Down the beach

Feeling the sun on your skin

And the wind blowing in your hair

So soothing and calming. 

Letting everything else simply slip away

Completely and totally away

And as you walk, 

Gently along the beach

You notice, in the tree line

A little clearing

With a small natural hot spring

Sitting in the middle

As you move closer and closer

You notice the steam rising from the spring

And the water gently rippling from the heat

You can see the stones that line the spring

Dark but inviting

And smell the steam in the air. 

As you move closer and closer

You can feel the steam sliding into your lungs

Moving down deeply into your lungs

And helping to clear out your lungs

Opening them up. 

Helping you bring in more 

And more oxygen into your body. 

As you get closer, and closer

To the spring. 

You feel the sand beneath your feet

Slowly being replaced by warm

Smooth, soothing rocks. 

And can feel just how relaxing 

They feel against your feet. 

Allow yourself to kneel down

And gently slide your fingers through the water. 

Feel just how warm and inviting the spring is. 

The perfect temperature for you to simply 


And heal. 

And when your ready. 

Let yourself slide into the hot spring

Feel it’s warm

Healing waters flow over your skin. 

And along your body. 

Feel it’s soothing steam 

Sliding even more easily into your lungs

Opening up your chest 

And allowing yourself to just relax

And rest

And feeling the healing starting to begin

[leave a pause]

As you sit in the spring

Relaxing and drifting deeper and deeper

You become aware of the positive energy

The healing energy of the spring. 

You can almost see it in the water

It has a distinct color

That you can just barely see

 A color that makes you feel very safe

Very healthy

Whatever color fits this situation for you the best. 

And as you simply relax, gently and easily into the water. 

You can see this energy

Flowing around your body

Relaxing the muscles through skin. 

Feeling all the muscles in your body just letting go 

And loosening. 


Your arms and legs are just becoming limp. 

Loose and relaxed

You can feel them floating in the water. 

As the swirling warm water bubbles up around you

And the energy of the spring sinks deeper and deeper into your body

And as you relax

Just scan your body

From your head

Down to your toes

And simply become aware of any tight

Or injured muscles

In your body 

And feel the warmth, 

Of the water simply soothing those muscles

And helping you to relax. 

Feel the energy 

Sliding into your muscles

Helping them to becomes stronger

More toned

Helping them to heal 

And repair. 

So that you can simply 


And enjoy yourself in the hot spring now. 

Feeling the warm waters flowing around you

And feeling the steam

Sliding into your lungs

Clearing out your airways

Helping you breathe


And deeply

Able to relax

And unwind

Just let your mind drift away

As you hear the leaves rustling

And the waves in the distance

Simply calming your mind. 

You can feel the energy of the spring

Starting to slowly 

Make it’s way deeper

And deeper into your body

Feeling the warm 

Soothing waters

Relaxing further and further inside. 

The energy slowly fills your body

You can feel it 

A calming sense of peace

Moving up and down your body

Taking hold deep inside. 

The energy naturally seeks out

Any spots in your body 

That need help to heal

Or that may be sick, or injured

If you are aware of those places in your body

You can feel the energy moving to that part of your body. 

And just helping it to relax

Helping to pull in nutrients from your body 

And feeling the soothing energies 

Start to help your body fight back 

Whatever it is that may be ailing you. 

You can feel your body simply letting go 

And relaxing more and more

As the energy moves through your system

Find all of the places that it needs to be

And helping to heal you. 

Helping you to grow stronger

And move fit

Healthier then you’ve ever been 

Little by little

Feeling it through your body

As you relax with the soothing

Warm waters

Flowing around you

Gently and easily. 

You can even feel the energy 

Slowly moving into your mind

Easy your thoughts. 

Helping you to simply relax

And clear your mind

This is a safe place

Just for you

You can simply unwind here and let everything else

Simply fade away

Let your mind be a peace

And simply slip deeper and deeper. 

You are free to stay in this hot spring, 

for as long as you would like

Simply feeling the warm 

Soothing waters washing along your body

Hearing the waves in the distance

Feeling the relaxing

Calming steam

Sliding into your lungs

Opening up your airways

As the trees rustle above you

And simply 


Down deeper and deeper

As you feel the energy 

Sliding through your body

Gently and easily

Just sit and rest

For as long as you like

When your ready to wake up

You need only take a deep breathe

And allow yourself to stretch out

Feeling relaxed can calm

But you can do that when your ready

Until then

Just enjoy the hot spring

And realize now

That You can come back anytime you want

Anytime you need to just

Let go. 

And rest. 

And relax

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