Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Feline Transformation

 Just allow yourself to get into a comfortable position
Let your body sink, and relax
Into what it is that you are sitting on
And just feel your muscles slowly
And easily
Start to relax
And loosen
And just listen to the sound of my voice
You may focus on the spiral before you
Or you may allow your eyes to gently
Drift closed
Whatever is more relaxing for you now.
And as you start to relax,
I want you to become aware of what your body looks like
In your mind.
Just see an image of you
Floating in front of you.
A perfect mirror copy.

Down to the finest detail.
Every hair,
Every dimple
Every inch of skin.
Sitting in front of you.
Perfect, just like you.
But today were going to play with that image a bit
We’re going to alter it, just for fun.
So as you look over your body
Hovering in your mind, in front of you.
Start to imagine what it would look like
If your body was to become more feline.
Making your body more cat like.
Imagine what it would look like if you were to start
To grow  a tail.
Long and slender.
Seeing how it coils and twists on it’s own,
Strong, and steady
You could imagine how having this tail
Would give you better balance
Would help to make you far more graceful
And agile,
How it would add an almost,
Quality it to your movements.
Start to imagine your ears
Shifting higher and higher on your head
Becoming pointed
And sensitive
Notice how they can move
How they can point towards a sound they wish to hear more clearly
You can notice the hair on the ears and tail
Of the image of yourself in your mind.
Notice the color,
The texture
It can be long, or short hair.
Whichever you find more appealing.
Notice the hair growing along the skin
On the image of yourself…
That is slowly become more and more feline
You may also notice the facial structure
Start to change.
Notice the nose and jaw
Becoming longer
And more square
Even notice whiskers growing
You don’t have too if thats not something
Your interested in experiencing.
But if you are, you’ll notice just how feline your face is.
And finally look into the eyes of the imagine of yourself
Floating in your mind.
And notice how they start to become more feline.
How the iris goes from being round.
To being more narrow,
Slowly changing into slits…
Very sensitive eyes…
Just take a moment and look over this feline version
Of yourself.
Let every detail sink in.
You may even notice the hands and feet
Becoming more like paws
Although how much like paws is totally up to you…
And what you want to experience now.
And just notice how this image of yourself feels
How agile
And graceful you could imagine it moving
Would it walk on two legs like a human
Or would it be more comfortable
Crawling around on all fours
The answer is totally up to you.
But as you examine this image of yourself
Stare again into the images eyes
Into your eyes…
Totally transformed into a feline form
And as you stare deep into their eyes
You begin to feel yourself merging with that image
Feel yourself
Sliding into it.
Making it become one with you.
As you start to to look at your body
In your mind
You feel the fur along your skin
Feel how lean
And strong your body feels
How much graceful
And smooth your motions feel
You notice that your eyes
Seem to be so much sharper
You can notice more and more
Of the environment in your mind.
Your sense of smell is sharper
And clearer
And you can hear things
All the things around you more cleanly
Then ever before.
And in your mind
Imagine yourself moving around in this new
Feline body.
Imagine yourself walking through your house
Do you do it on two legs
Or on all four
Which is more comfortable for you…
It’s ok to experiment
To try one and then the other
To just let yourself become acquainted with this new body
With this new mindset.
And imagine yourself exploring your home
Listening to everything
Hearing how much more you hear.
Looking over everything closely.
And sniffing everything.
Nothing that your sense of smell is so much more
Keen and defined.
Almost like it’s a new sense
But most importantly
Pay attention to your tail
And how it moves
How it sways from side to side
As you walk
Keeping you perfectly balanced
Giving a graceful glide
To every step.
You can feel it coiling along your body
Along your back
Or your chest
You can feel yourself nuzzling your own tail
And feeling the furr softly
Against your own furry skin
And when your ready
In your mind
You can find a place to curl up
And relax
Cats are known for just how long they sleep
And how deeply they sleep
Just let yourself find a place
That you could curl up
And nuzzle your body along that place
Feel how nice it feels
To slide your head
And your body
Along whatever it is you choose to nap on
Feel yourself stretching out
Like only a cat can do
And curl up
Nice and cozy
And just feel yourself
Nodding off to sleep
Feel your cat like body
Drifting deeper
And deeper to sleep
As your tail flicks from side to side
Every flick
Taking you deeper and deeper now.
And as you sleep
As you dream
You can realize now…
That in a moment,
You're going to be able to wake up.
You’re going to be able to open your eyes
And move around
But as you do
You will notice that your body
Is still cat like
Still covered in fur
Still has it’s pointed ears
And it’s soft agile tail
Still sensitive and graceful
You’ll notice how much more
Vivid and accurate your senses are.
And just how good this feeling is.
You’ll be able to stretch out,
And enjoy this new body of yours
You can stay exactly where you are,
Not needing to get up at all if you dont’ want too
Or, if it’s safe to do so.
And you feel comfortable doing so.
You can get up.
And explore the room around you.
Enjoying the feeling of how gracefully
You can glide through your room
And how much more vivid the world around you is
How much clearer you see
How much more you hear
And how much more sensitive
Your sense of smell is
You’ll notice how it feels
To slide your furry skin along the furniture
And maybe even take a look at yourself in the mirror
And see how you look
See how your tail moves
The image may not be very vivid
Or you may find it very clear and crisp
It varies for everyone
But you’ll find your happy
And excited to see what you can see.
You can explore the room
Or even the rest of your home
As long as you remember to be safe
This cat like body is new
And takes time to learn how to handle
Take it slow
Take it gentle
And simply enjoy the experience.
And when your ready
Ready to return to being human
You need only close your eyes
And take a deep breathe
And when you open your eyes
Your body will back to normal
Back to being the perfect version of you
And now
Simply allow yourself to take a deep
Slow breathe
And feel your mind coming back up
Back to your reality
Feeling your tail and fur
Feeling the ears on top of your head twitching
And open your eyes
Wake and able to move
Able to explore


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