Monday, January 4, 2021

Interrogated by a Spy


Take a moment to get comfortable 

Let yourself sink into what you are relaxing on

Allow your body to get into a comfortable position

You can adjust if you need to later

And allow yourself to simply take a deep breathe

And then let it out slowly 

And relax

You can focus on the spiral before you

Or you can close your eyes at any time 

But just focus on the sound of my voice

And let yourself start to relax

Focus on your breathing for a few moments

And simply let the world around you fade away

Every breath helps your body to sink 

And let go


And allows your mind to focus more and more deeply

On the sound of my voice

Letting everything else drift

Further and further away

As you start to sink

Sink into deep

Deep trance. 

Every breath you take helping you 

To slip down…

Deeper and deeper

It’s ok if you need to adjust your position

If you feel yourself wanting to giggle

Those things will only help you to sink deeper

And relax into trance… now. 

And as you sink…

As the world simply fades away

I want you to imagine for me now

In your mind

A long hallway

It’s ok if the details aren’t clear at first. 

Every step you take will help them to filter in

As you step down the hall way

Getting deeper and deeper

With every step you take. 

You start to notice the floor beneath you

Expensive carpet

The kind you find in expensive hotels

Stepping down the hallway

Every step makes the world move vivid to you now

Noticing the wall paper and paint

Matching the decore you’d expect in an expensive hotel. 

You can start to hear the sounds of people talking 

At the end of the hall

Continuing to step

Deeper and deeper into this world

Into this experience. 

As you step you start to notice your clothes

Fancy dress clothes

Perfectly cut to your body

Snug in all the right places

And loose in all the right places

The perfect fit to make you look your absolute best

Elegant and sophisticated

You start to notice a door at the end of the hallway

Fine oak wood, with a lavish gold handle

You can hear your footsteps on the carpet as you get closer and closer

Hearing the people on the other side of the door. 

You can feel just how cool and confident you are

How attractive you feel, knowing you look your best, in whatever attire would suit you the best

For a fancy party, at an expensive hotel. 

Whatever attire would make you stand out to the crowd. In all the right ways

And as you feel your hand sliding along the knob

Cool and smooth. 

And feel that knob turn and click in your hands

You allow yourself to step completely into this world

Into this fantasy

As you walk through the door

And into an elegant party room. 

There are dozens of people in the room. 

Some dancing

Some standing around talking

Everyone is dressed their best, 

Whether that means expensive tuxedos, or elegant dresses

And the occasional military uniform interspersed in the crowd

The music is classical and elegant 

As people mingle and dance, while waiters and waitresses bring drinks

And ordevers. 

Just let yourself take in all the sights, and sounds

The feel of the room. 

This may be a new experience for you, or a common occurrence. 

But here, now… you find yourself completely comfortable with the situation. 

You can feel several eyes tracking you

Admiring just how good you look. 

A few whispers in the crowd as you feel a smile slide along your lips

You pretend not to notice, not to care. 

As you gently grab a drink off the tray of a passing waiter. 

But as you look around you spot someone in the crowd

Someone watching you with a smile

You can’t help but gasp just a bit

As you lose your composure for just a moment. 

The person watching you is easily the second most attractive person in the room

Next to yourself. 

You allow yourself to let your eyes slide along their body, 

Along their physique, 

Along their face, 

Their eyes

Their seductive smile. 

Every part of this person is, what you would find to be, 

Extremely attractive, whatever that means for you. 

You can’t help feel a tingle of nervousness as they walk up to you and introduce themself

A smooth voice, with a hint of an accent, the one that really drives you wild.

As the two of you talk the time just seems to fade away

Smiling and laughing, 

You feel simultaneously excited and buzzing, 

While completely calm, keeping your cool perfectly

That is, until the person leans in to you, and kisses you.

The entire room seems to fade away… 

It’s just you and this special person

Sharing a kiss. 

When the kiss breaks the person apologizes saying they just couldn’t help themselves

You hide a blush perfectly and comment that you’ll allow it. 

This time. 

The two of you share a playful laugh as they raise a glass and offer a toast

To new beginnings. 

You smile as you clink the glass and sip your drink. 

But as you sip, your partner smiles at you and downs their drink

With a challenging smile. 

Not to be outdone you return the drink, and gulp down the rest with a smile

Your partner gives you and impressed grin and comments

They weren’t sure you could handle it. 

Cool and collected you go to reply when you suddenly feel dizzy

The room around you starts to spin. 

You feel your partner gently help support you 

And give a witty remark about not handling it as well as you thought. 

You feel your arms and legs start to become heavy and tired

You realized that the kiss was a distraction

They must have slipped something in your drink. 

You try to struggle but your just too weak

As the person slowly escorts you from the party room. 

A casual comment to a concerned onlooker that you simply had one to many

And that you would be perfectly fine. 

On some level you can’t help but feel that they are right. 

Despite the world around you spinning and shifting.

You feel as if your floating, 

Feel as if your not even walking

In the distance you hear the ding of an elevator

And hear your partner whisper, that everything will be ok. 

They just have a few questions for you. 

And then the world as a whole

Fades away…

Some time later you start to stir

Your head is fuzzy and foggy

As your eyes open you realize you are back in your hotel room

But your not alone

The person that slipped a little something into your drink 

Is there with you. 

You go to move but discover that you can’t

Your tied to a chair

You can feel the binds around your ankles

Around your wrists

A single bind around your waist to keep you to the chair

As you struggle you glare at the person in front of you. 

Even in your drugged dazed state you know what's happening. 

Their sophisticated demeanor, silver tongue and seductive words, 

Their elegance and attractiveness, their grace on the dance floor

You’ve encountered a secret agent, a spy. 

Despite the situation you find yourself in…

You feel completely at ease, able to enjoy the fantasy

The experience. 

The spy smiles at you, looking even more attractive than before 

As they wish you a good morning. 

Not wanting to play your hand or how much your enjoying this 

You simply demand they let you go, knowing they won’t. 

The spy smiles and sits in the chair directly in front of you

And tells you they can’t do that. 

They tell you… that you have something they need…

Information, and secrets… 

And they have ways of making you talk

You can feel your heart race at the idea, 

Struggling against your binds

Just enough to test their strength, 

Just enough exertion to cause an adrenaline rush

As if you weren’t already excited enough. 

Your defiance brings them a grin

A smile as they reach to the table next to you

And pick up a small spray canister

They tell you that they anticipated that…

And they came prepared. 

As you eye the spray canister you can’t but feel a tingle go through you

The question about what is in the canister

What does it do… what will it do… to you.

The spy smiles and tells you not to worry

As you feel a soft mist slowly being sprayed into your face

It has a sweet smell, like flowers in the breeze

Not too thick, not too subtle, just enough. 

As the spy comments that it’s only a harmless little, truth serum.

You feel yourself inhaling the mist without thinking. 

Feeling it inside your lungs, a gentle cool sensation

That causes you to shiver just a bit. 

As you exhale you feel your head starting to spin. 

Feel your body relaxing

A slight giggle escapes your lips. 

You feel almost a little drunk, 

Loopy and happy

As you look at the spy in front of you, and catch them admiring you

Even while helplessly tied up, they are still attracted to you. 

They ask you how you feel, 

And without even thinking, or caring

You tell them how excited you are, how thrilling the situation is

How your a little nervous, but enjoying the situation

And you tell them just how attractive they are. 

How sexy the situation is with them there… 

The spy clearly hides a blush, 

And leans in to you, 

Slowly kissing your neck

As they start to whisper questions into your ear. 

Questions about your life…

Secrets that you hold. 

Things that you keep to yourself…

Things that would excite you, if you were forced to share them. 

They could be real things… or they could be fantasy things

Details of your life in this fantasy

Whichever is more exciting for you. 

But with each question that you answer, 

Each little detail that you let slip

You feel your excitement building

Deeper and deeper. 

The interrogation can be as intimate

Or erotic as you feel comfortable with. 

Or they could simply stand behind you and rub your shoulders

Helping you to relax

More and more deeply

As they find out all the details of your life

All the secrets they need. 

What the spy does to keep you relaxed

What they touch, 

And how they touch you

Is all up to you…

Up to what you find the most exciting…

And the most thrilling 

Be honest with yourself

After all

You can feel the truth serum moving through your body

Allowing you to slip deeper and deeper

To answer the questions that they are asking you

And to allow yourself to enjoy what you really, 


Want to feel now. 

But the more questions you answer

The deeper you will fall. 

And the more vivid and exciting

The interrogation will be for you. 

Question after question

Feeling yourself

Completely helpless to resist. 

Helpless to keep your secrets

Simply letting them all slide out now

One by one

For the sexy spy that has you in their grasp


The spy will have all of the information that they need…

And they will thank you for your cooperation. 

By then the truth serum will have made you so loopy

So fuzzy in the head

That you’ll happily tell them that it was your pleasure. 

They’ll apologize to you… 

And tell you that, as part of the job

They have to make you forget…

Have to make sure their identity is kept a secret

You’ll understand completely…

And give them a flirty smile

As you comment it’s a situation, worth forgetting.

You’ll feel them gently spray

Another chemical into your face

Smell a more distinct scent

Reminding you of fresh linens

Before you start to feel your eyes rolling up into your head

Your body sinking 


Deeper and deeper

As you slip away into sleep. 

Helpless and relaxed

As the drug slowly wipes away your memory

In you deep

Helpless sleep

You’ll feel the spy untie you

And gently move you to the bed. 

It’s up to you if you want to feel them join you… 

Feel them be with you as sleep

In as soothing, or erotic a fashion as you may like. 

It’s all up to you. 

It’s also up to you… 

What you remember of this video when you wake up…

You can remember it in it’s entirety, 

Being interrogated and given the truth serum. 

Or… if you would like…

You could wake up remembering an elegant party

Where you met an mysterious stranger, 

One who you hit it off with quite well. 

You might wake up alone… or remembering them being with you the whole night

But having no memory of being interrogated. 

The memory having been wiped away… 

Just like in the fantasy. 

It’s all up to you… and what you would find the most exciting. 

But all of that… will happen later….

For now, just enjoy the spy… 

Questioning you

Delving into your secrets, be they real, or fantasy

And enjoy just how helpless you feel

And how seductive they can be. 

Having full control to experience whatever you want

Only what you want, and feel comfortable with. 

And then when the fantasy is done. 

Waking up on your own, 

Remembering… what you choose to remember. 

But for now…


Your interrogation…

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