Monday, January 18, 2021

Mental Vacation


Just take a moment and allow yourself to relax

Let your body get into a comfortable position

Where you don’t mind sitting for a little while. 

It’s ok if you need to adjust later, 

Doing so will only help you to sink deeper and deeper

But for now get comfortable

And just listen to the sound of my voice. 

And sink…

Down into whatever you are sitting on. 

You can focus on the spiral in front of you

For as long as you would like…

But when you find yourself ready to close your eyes

You may do so easily

And gently

Feeling your body sinking down as you do. 

And I want you to focus on the muscles in your body

In your shoulders and your neck. 

Allow those muscles to loosen

And relax

All yourself to feel them just letting go

As you focus more and more deeply on my voice. 

The more you focus the easier it is for you to just drift away

And relax

And just allow the feeling of relaxation to move through your body. 

Sliding up your neck

Into your head…

Allowing the muscles in your face to loosen 

And relax

Your jaw may start to go slack

And limp

And your eyes, if they haven’t already

May start to flutter closed

Sinking deeper and deeper

With every word you hear

And every breath you take. 

And allowing that relaxation 

To slide down your arms

Little by little

Over your biceps

And your triceps

Feeling the muscles in your forearms 

Loosening and relaxing…

As you feel a tingling… 

Soothing sensation washing over your hands

And into your palms

Deeply relaxing into the feeling. 

As you feel the relaxation sliding down 

Further and further

Along your back

Along your chest

Slowly into your stomach

Allowing every breath you take

To help move the relaxation 

Through your body

More and more

More deeply

And soundly

As it pushes 

Everything else away

And you simply sink

Deeper and deeper 

Into this peaceful state

Of trance

Breathing easily and slowly

As you feel the relaxation moving down

Into your butt

And into your legs

Relaxing the big muscle in your legs

You may even feel them twitch

Just a bit

Just a little

That’s perfectly fine

And perfectly normal 

Just feel those muscles tingle

As they become limp and loose

Sliding down deeper and deeper

As you feel your knees

And your calves

Your ankles

And your feet

All become limp and loose

Deeply relaxed

Deeply focused on my words now. 

Doing so well. 

And as you allow your body to relax even more deeply

Allow your mind to simply slip

Deeper and deeper

Letting everything around you simply fade away

Clearing your mind

Completely now

And as you sit 

In this void in your mind

I want you to think about 

What it is that helps you to relax

And recharge the most. 

There is no wrong answer to this question

Everyone’s will be different. 

Just spend a few minutes focusing

On what it is that you really 

And truely find

Compeltely relaxing


And when you have that in mind

I want you to think about

What kind of places

Do you like to go to the most

The kinds of places that just being there

Seem to allow you to relax

Seem to help you to recharge

And recover

Like before their is no wrong answer

There is only the answer that is right… for you. 

As you think about that perfect place

Let it start to form around you. 

It can be real or imaginary

It can be a mixture of different places

Different time periods

It’s all up to you and what you want to experience now

As this location starts to take place around you

Pay attention to where you are

How warm or cold is it

Are you indoors, or outdoors,

Is it a modern location, 

Or place in the distance past, or distant future

Or is a mix 

Pay attention to the items around you

The materials, natural or otherwise

That make up the world around you. 

Notice the color of the items around you

Are they natural, or artificial

Are they cool, or warm,

Rough, or smooth

There is no wrong answer, 

And the more you look from item to item 

In the world around you the more vivid it becomes for you now. 

The more the world seems to come alive

You become aware of all the sounds around you

Maybe they are natural sounds, like wind, or leaves

Birds and waves. 

Or maybe the are artificial sounds

Like the hum of a computer

The roar of an engine

Or the simple pleasure of music. 

And as this world comes into view

You start to notice if you are alone

Or with others here. 

Only the people you would like to be with

If any. 

It’s ok to want to have a place that is alone

To yourself

But it’s also ok to have people with you

People that help you to relax

And re-energize

In whatever way you need

In whatever way you want the most

They can be close friends


Or even people you’ve never met

Or people that have never existed

Your perfect partner

Or simply a character from a book or movie

That you’ve always want to talk too

It’s all up to you. 

This is your vacation. 

And as the world comes into view. 

Become aware that that one thing

You thought of earlier

That one thing that you enjoy the most

Is also in this world with you

Whether it be an activity

Or a food

A place to sit and rest

Or something else entirely

Or even someone else entirely

Just let the entire world come together now

Every sight

Every smell

Every sound

Every texture

And even every taste

That you would need to let yourself completely 


And let go

To just allow yourself to sink deeper and deeper

Into this world

And you’ll discover

Quite easily 

That the more things you notice about this world

The more things you interact with

The more vivid the world becomes for you. 

Every item you touch

Makes the world seem more colorful

Every color you pick out

Makes the sounds more clear and crisp

Every sound you identify

Makes the scents of the room around you

Even more vivid and robust

Everything builds on the things around it

And you are able to completely 

And totally 

Just sink… 

Deeply and completely

Into this world

And the relaxation

And rest

And healing

That it can bring you. 

You are free to stay in this place

For as long as you would like

To allow your mind and body to sink 

Even more deeply into the world

To explore it in your own time. 

For as long as you would like. 

When you have decided you want to go back

To the real world. 

All you have to do is simply 

Let the fantasy world that you’ve created

Fade away

And take a deep slow breathe

And allow yourself to wake up. 

You’ll remember every detail of your vacation

How your body feels

And exactly how easy it is for you

To just relax

And unwind

In this wonderful place. 

You’ll also notice that every time you come back to this place

Whether it be on your own 

Or by replaying this video

The world will become clearer

And easier to experience. 

It will become more vivid and vibrant

The more time you spend here

The more perfect it will become. 

For you. 

For now just continue to enjoy the world that you see around you

And just let yourself relax

And rest

Until you're ready to come back…

enjoy …


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