Allow yourself to get into a comfortable position
And let your eyes focus on the spiral
Watch as it spins slowly and easily in front of you
And let your body start to relax
And drift
Gently and easily down
Feel the muscles in your body
Starting to relax
And let go
As you feel yourself breathing
And gently.
Taking this time, to just relax
Taking this time for yourself
To simply enjoy yourself
For a little while.
And as you relax, just let the world around you
Start to fade away
Little by little
You may start to notice your eyes
Getting heavier and heavier
As your body starts to relax
And simply sink
Deeper and deeper
Into trance
The longer you watch the spiral
The more you listen to my words and relax
The more you will find yourself simply
Sinking down
Deeper and deeper
Soon you’ll find that if they havn’t already
Your eyes will slowly
And easily slip closed
As your body relaxes
Even more deeply
Becoming limp and relaxed
Loose and calm
Listening to my voice.
And as you listen
The world around you fades away
More and more.
And it slowly gets replaced
With your favorite shopping mall
The place where you can go to walk around
And have fun with friends
And family
The place that seems to have a store dedicated to just about everything
With people move about here and there
No too many people, and not too few, the right amount of people
For you to feel comfortable
And relaxed.
And just let yourself walk through this shopping mall
And pay attention to the sights and sounds
The smell of the food being cooked by the vendors
The beat of the music playing on the speakers
The flashing lights of the individual store signs
And maybe even the taste of your favorite mall food
And as you walk through the mall,
You can’t help but notice how life like…
The mannequins on display seem to look.
How they seem to be of all walks of life
Every race and age group
But all seem to be extremely life like
Like you could almost imagine them getting up
And moving on their merry way.
As you pay attention, more and more to the mannequins
You come across one that just seems to catch your eye
To you they seem to be one of the most attractive people
You’ve ever seen, the right age, and gender
The right body shape, hair, eyes, and face
Even their clothes match the exact kind of person
That you find most attractive.
You find yourself slowly letting your eyes take in every detail
Of their outfit,
Of their pose
Where they are standing, or sitting
Every detail
The more details you allow to flow into your mind
The more vivid it will be for you now.
And as you look over this mannequin
You start to notice that there are fewer
And fewer people around you.
But there seems to be more and more mannequins on display
In fact you start to wonder where everyone seems to have gone
Where they all disappeared too
It’s too early in the day for the mall to be closing.
But yet there seems to be less, and less people
As you walk, you can focus on the individual mannequins around you
Taking in all the details of their form, clothing, and posture
You can even stop and admire one or two for a while
If you would like.
But after a while, you happen to notice another person
Walking through the mall.
They don’t seem to notice you, and continue on their way
Slowly and easily going about their business
About their day.
Take a moment to simply admire them as they walk
Notice how easily and gracefully they move
Notice their clothes, and their hair,
Notice if they are the kind of person
That you would find attractive
And just let that become visible to you now
In your mind.
But as you watch them walking
You notice one of the security camera’s following them
It’s little red light blinking slowly and easily as they pass.
And while they are not looking
You see a barely visible blue beam of light
Shine out of the camera and hit the person in the back.
As it does you notice a wave of blue energy
Slowly washing over their body
Gently moving up to the top of their head
Down to the bottom of their feet
And then fading away as the laser beam turns off.
The person doesn’t seem to notice
Doesn’t seem to care.
They just keep walking along their way.
But you… do notice something.
Every step they take…
Seems to be getting slower and slower
Everything about their movement seems to be winding down
Like a toy whose battery is running out of power.
Their arms swinging as they walk are becoming slower and slower
And every step seems to be more elongated and exaggerated
Soon you notice that as they put their foot down
Their back foot doesn’t rise up at all.
They seem to be stuck mid stride.
Their hands slowly moving along their sides.
Until they also come to a stop.
As you walk up next to the person you see their face
Frozen in a plain expression
The kind of expression you’d expect from a person
Just walking along inside the mall
Their clothes and hair seem to fine
And as you reach you and gently touch their hand
You can feel how easily their hand moves
How easily they could be posed
But as soon as you let go of their hand
It stays exactly where you had put it
You can’t help but fascinated by what you see in front of you
As you walk around the person,
Slowly posing them,
Moving their arms and legs
Moving their head
And changing their expression
Your so completely captivated
That you completely fail to notice
A soft blue beam of energy shining on you
For a split second you swear you notice your hand glowing a very
Very faint blue
But then it fades
And you pay it no mind
No mind at all.
You realize that if this person before you
Has been turned into a mannequin
That all the others were probably not just life like models
But real people, frozen in place.
Your mind drifts back to that one, extremely attractive person
And you start to turn to head back towards them
Every step you take
Unknowingly getting slower
And slower
You can feel your excitement as you see them
In the distance
Still posed and on display
A living person, frozen somehow, and on display
You can’t wait to get to them
Can’t wait to examine this living person in more detail
To attempt to pose them.
Never realizing that every step you take
Is getting slower
And slower
Your unaware of how your body is becoming
And slow
Your foot steps down
But the one behind it never picks up
You’ve paused in mid stride
Arms slowly moving at your sides
One forward
One back
Getting slower
And slower
Until they stop
Your shoulders gently stop
As you gaze at the target of your desire
You feel a slow smile drift across your face
And then your face simply freezes
For a split second you realize your not moving
You realize that you can’t move
But then your mind
Your very thoughts
Simply pause…
Frozen like the rest of your body
Just standing
Completely still
After a while you feel someone moving you
Gently and easily
Next to the person that you find so attractive
You can feel them changing your clothes
Small adjustments
Or a complete wardrobe change
It’s all completely up to you
You can also feel them
Posing you
Softly and easily
Changing your stance
Moving your arms
Your head
Changing your expression.
They can do this in a way that is… completely professional
Or, if you would like,
You can feel their hands linger, and explore your body
Touching all the places you would find
Enjoyable, and arousing
To be touched.
But only if that is what you would really like now.
And as they finish posing you
You discover that you’ve been placed in a rather
Intimate pose, with the person you found so attractive
You can tell just how close you are to them,
You can see their blank, frozen eyes
And see the reflection of your equally blank,
Frozen eyes, looking back at you.
Your faces so close
But yet so far apart.
Just allow yourself to become aware of your pose
Become aware of how close you are to this other person
Let every detail of that pose
And how it makes you feel
Become vivid and bright in your mind
But as you sit here
Imagining this scene in your mind
Feeling your thoughts on pause
As you look into the blank eyes of this person you find
So attractive
I’d like you to imagine…
Just for a moment.
What it would be like if this were to happen to you
In your real life
If some time later,
Maybe today,
Maybe tomorrow.
Sometime when you are completely safe
What it would be like to see your skin glow blue
And then slowly
Almost noticeably
Come to a complete
Frozen stop.
What it would be like to feel yourself
Being slowly posed
Into whatever position you would find
Most enjoyable.
And if you find that you think this idea
Is something you would like to enjoy
Then when you wake up later…
In the back of your mind
Will be a suggestion
A suggestion that when you are someplace safe
Somewhere you can freeze and not be spotted
Or noticed
You’ll see your skin glow a light blue for just a second or two
And then slowly
Over the course of a few minutes
You’ll come to a slow
Gentle stop
Like a toy whose batteries have fun down
Your legs will freeze first
And slowly move up your body
And for the last split second before your mind
Goes completely on pause
You’ll realize exactly whats happened…
And then just as you realize that you’ve been frozen
Your mind will pause
And you’ll simply allow yourself to be blank
And relaxed
Letting any thoughts that come to mind
Simply fade away.
You’ll be able to stay where you are, for a few moments
And then you’ll move
Slowly into a pose that you would like.
It can be relaxed, or artistic
Elegant or risque
It’s all up to you.
And once your in that pose
You’ll freeze
Completely solid
Imagining yourself on display
Imagining the people you’d want to see you
Looking over your frozen form
Letting their eyes wander up and down your body
Slowly and gently.
While you stay on display
After a few minutes, your mind and body will turn back on.
You’ll be able to think and move freely
And remember what happened and why.
But all of that will happen later
If, and only if
You are ok with it happening
And find a safe, quiet place to do so.
For now
Be aware of your body
Frozen and posed in the mall
Staring into the blank eyes of that person that you find
So attractive.
Both frozen together in an intimate pose
You can focus completely on them
Or become aware of others watching you
It’s all up to you.
And when you are ready to wake up from this experience
All you will have to do is let it fade from your mind
Gently and easily
And take a deep, slow breathe
And wake up.
But until you are ready to do that.
Simply enjoy the feeling of being frozen
And on display
In this intimate pose
And just let your mind
Drift away
And let the image become more and more
Vivid in your mind.
And just stay
And frozen
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