Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Spiral Trance 1: Training

The second part of this series can be found here: Spiral Trance 2: Training
The third part is available as a patreon exclusive: Spiral trance 3: Arousal

Just let yourself get comfortable in your chair.
A position where you can relax for a while
But at the same time can still clearly see the spiral
You can sit up just a bit if you can
So you can focus deeply and easily at the spiral.
And I want you to notice how as you look at the spiral
It doesn’t matter where you look at first
You’re eyes just seem to be start to be drawn in to it.
They just see to get picked up by the movement of the spiral
And slowly
Gently spiral down
Into the center…
You may struggle to pull your eyes out of the center
But the more you do

The more your eyes gently swirl
Back down, deeper and deeper into the center
Even if you manage to pull them out of dead center
The further from center they go
The more the swirls seems to pick up your gaze
And drag you back into the center
Deeper and easier
The longer you watch.
And the longer you watch
The more you feel the effects of the spiral
The more you feel the world around you starting to shift
And fade away
The more you feel your body relaxed
Slumping just a bit
Sinking back down deeper
And deeper
Into your chair
As you relax
Everything fading away
You’ll notice… if you haven’t already
That you’re eyes start to get heavier
And heavier
That every blink seems to get longer
And longer
It’s ok right now to just let your eyes
Get heavy… and slow
Every blink
Longer and longer
Until you find yourself…
Simply closing your eyes now
And relaxing.
At first maybe you only relax a little
Only feel your body letting go just a bit
But with every passing second
Every passing breath
Your body lets go
More and more
Until you simply sink
Deeper and deeper
And relax into a nice
Hypnotic sleep… now…
Just let your mind and body relax
Let everything else fade away…
Sinking deeper and deeper
Letting yourself breath slowly
And easily now…
Very good.

In a moment, I’m going to wake you back up
And we are going to let the spiral put you back down
Again and again.
You’ll notice that each time you wake up,
You might have a little bit of a residual fuzziness
As if each time your waking up a little less
Then the time before.
It’s ok, this is natural,
When the video if finally over,
You’ll be able to wake up normally
But for now,
Each time you wake up
Your going to find yourself just a little bit more relaxed
A little less awake
And find that your eyes move easily
And deeply
Back to the spiral.
And that each time you sink
Each time you fall
You fall more quickly
And easily
And oh so much more deeply.
Now, just allow yourself to take in a slow deep breath
And rise back up.
Sitting up a bit
Allowing your eyes to open
And 3…
Wide awake
Relaxed and refreshed now.
Take a moment to stretch out a bit
And just be aware of how you feel
And then let your gaze move back to the spiral
And feel it starting to pull you in
Deeper and deeper
The more you try to look away
The more it just seems to pull you down
Deeper and deeper
Every swirl
Every rotation
Just helps your mind to relax
And simply shut down.
Deeper and deeper
You feel the same fuzzy relaxed feeling washing over your body
And your mind
But it just seems to move
A bit more quickly
A bit more easily
A bit more deeply
You can feel your body sinking
Back into your chair
And relaxing
Letting everything go
As the spiral is all you can see
All you can think about
Just feeling your thoughts
Swirling away
Into the center
As your eyes get heavier
And heavier
And you just sink
Back down
Down into deep
Sleep… now…
Just let everything go
Let everything fade away
And relax
Listening to the sound of my voice
And simply drifting
Deeper and deeper
You can do that now so easily
And gently…
And as you relax
Allow yourself to take a few
Deep breathes
Feel the muscles in your chest
And back
Stretching out as you inhale
And then let the breathe out slowly
And feel just how relaxing
And calming this is.
And now starting to wake back up again
Wide awake
Not as awake as before
Relaxed and calm
Sitting up and noticing your eyes
Just following the spiral
Instantly and completely
You can’t help but focus
More and more deeply
The swirls seem to pull you in
More and more deeply
More and more easily
Just bringing you in, softly and gently
Letting everything else fade away
As you sink
Deeper and deeper
So much faster this time
Your body never really got to wake up fully this time did it
You you stayed relaxed and limp
Maybe you sat up a bit
But your falling back down now
Back into your chair
Back into trance
Mind emptying into the spiral
As you simply…
Feeling your eyes fluttering
As you relax
Deeper and deeper
So easily
Back into sleep… now
Deep and calm
Peaceful and relaxed
Doing so well now.
Sinking deeper and deeper
Every time you sink for the spiral
You sink down
More and more deeply
More and more easily.
Let yourself start to wake up
Letting your body stay relaxed
Eyes opening
Moving just enough to see the spiral
Feeling the fuzzy
Relaxed feeling of trance through your mind
Through your body
And just let the spiral pull you in
You may feel your eyes wanting to close
But i’d like you to try and keep them open for a while
It’s ok if you can’t
But try and focus
And feel your mind swirling down
Swirling away
Sinking deeper and deeper.
So relaxed and calm.
And as you sit
Deeply in trance
I want you to open your eyes
And look at the spiral
No need to wake up
No need to start to think
Just stay deeply hypnotized
Relaxed and calm
And stare into the spiral
Let it pull you down
Deeper and deeper
It’s ok if you need to blink
Or even close your eyes from time to time
For a few seconds
But just let yourself watch the spiral
And let it pull you down
Deeper and deeper
Just let your mind make that connection
That this spiral.
This blue gently swirling spiral
Pulls you down
Deeper and deeper
Whenever you see this spiral
You simply relax
And let go
And enjoy the experience that comes with it.
Become aware of what you feel in your body
And in your mind
The fuzzy disconnected feel in your mind
The blank, empty thoughts
How you body is relaxed
And loose
Calm and peaceful
And just allow yourself to realize
That the these feelings come to you
When you watch this spiral
Swirling in front of you
Deeper and deeper.
That every time you see a video with this spiral
It will help you to sink down
Easily and deeply
Deeper then the video you watch before
Each time you watch a new video
The spiral will help you to sink
Deeper and deeper
All the way down.
If you havn’t already
Just let your eyes close
And relax
And see the spiral in your mind
And feel how relaxed and calm it makes you.
How easily you can simply sink
And relaxed
You may stay in this relaxed state for as long as you woudl like.
You may even open your eyes and watch the spiral
But when your ready to wake up
All you will have to do is simply
Take a deep breathe
And open your eyes
And allow yourself to wake up
Refreshed and relaxed.
But until then.
Simply sink
And relax
And enjoy

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