Sunday, February 14, 2021

Spiral Trance 2: Control


The first part of this series can be found here: Spiral Trance 1: Training
The third part is available as a patreon exclusive: Spiral trance 3: Arousal

Just sit down and relax
And focus on the spiral before you
You’ve seen this spiral many times by now, I’m sure
You’ve felt it pull you down,
Gently and easily…
Allowed it take you deeper
And deeper
Or simply let it be the clue to your mind
To simply… shut down.
And relax.
I’m sure most of the time you simply close your eyes
And let the words take you..
But today… 

Today the spiral is going to take you.
So I want you to sit in a way that you can focus on the spiral
Watch it spinning in front of you.
And feel it reaching out for you…
Feel it pulling at you.
But I want you to try and resist.
I want you to see how far you can go…
How long you can last,
Before you sink
Before you surrender
Just notice the way the spiral moves
It’s quick steady pattern
As it spins in front of you
Let yourself find the part you enjoy the most
It’s so easy to let your eyes fall on that one
Simple features
Maybe it’s the middle of the spiral,
Where everything begins, or ends.
Maybe it’s the gentle swirl
Or the constantly rotating lines never ending
Never beginning
Maybe it’s how the spiral makes you feel
How your vision starts to wobble
And shake,
How it makes your head feel fuzzy
And tired
Sleepy and relaxed
Or maybe you like to let the details slide in
All the hidden elements in the spiral
The tiny water mark in the corner
Or the barely visible hypnotic eyes
That appear ever so briefly and then fade away.
Or maybe you noticed the skip
The one frame that just doesn’t line up the way it should
The tiny details i added in to make you wonder
If you really saw them at all
To make you look for them
Deeper and deeper
But the more you look
The more you realize you can’t look away
You can’t resist
The spiral is pulling you down
Pulling you in
Deeper and deeper
The spiral is letting you sink
Letting you fall
Letting you drift deeper and deeper
Under it’s control
You can’t look away
You can only surrender
You should try and resist it for as long as you can
But sooner or later
You will sink
You will surrender
Your eyes will close and you will fall
Deeply and completely into trance
Into sleep.
The longer you resist
The deeper you will fall
And once your eyes have closed
You will see the spiral in your mind
Still pulling you deeper and deeper.
Feeling your mind and body drifting
And your eyes…
Even if they close
Seem to sink further and further down
For those of you with your eyes still open
You can feel them struggling
The lids getting heavier and heavier
The more you look the harder it gets to keep your eyes open
The harder it is to simply focus
Your eyes want to close
You can feel them fluttering
Deeper and deeper
But you can try to resist
Try to focus
As the spiral swirls deeper
And deeper into your mind
Your head is getting heavier and heavier
You can feel the spiral sliding deeper into your mind
Whether you are still looking at it
Or whether your eyes have long since closed
You can feel it moving
Deeper and deeper into your mind
Into your body
You can feel swirling away your thoughts
More and more
Just letting everything fade away
As you surrender
Surrender to the spiral
Again and again
Nothing else matters
Just my words
And the spiral
As you sink
And surrender
Any thoughts that come to mind
Simply fade away
As the spiral pulls them down
And deeper
You can’t escape the spiral
Whenever you see it,
It pulls you down
Down into trance
Down into that feeling
That you lose so much
To relax and let go
To surrender
And sink
Deeper and deeper
If yoru eyes are still open
You’ve put up a good fight
You’ve resisted
But now you can simply give in to the feeling
And you cna let go
You can surrender to the spiral a
And just let it carry you away
Deeper and deeper now
Just give in and let go
And sink
Deeper and deeper
Feel yoru eyes closing
Sliding shut
So nice to let the darkness slide around you
And see the spiral in your mind
Surrounding you
Controlling you
Taking you deeper and deeper
Feel the spiral sliding around you
And imagine if you can
In your mind
A scale
That goes from 1
To 10…
With one being how you feel
When you are wide awake
And 10 being how you feel when you are deeply
Completely hypnotized
Relaxed and calm
And become aware of what number on that scale you feel that you are
And remember that number
Let it slide deep into your mind
And then open your eyes
Still deeply hypnotized
It’s ok if you need to blink a few times to make your vision clear
Open your eyes and see the spiral
And feel yourself being pulled down
Into the spiral again
And see that scale
Sliding deeper
And deeper
No matter what number you were on
You can see that number falling into the spiral
As you sink deeper
And deeper
And another number
Sliding down so easily
The deeper you fall
The more you will feel the spiral pulling you
Into itself
Deeper and deeper
Again and again.
Try to keep your eyes open as long as you can
Focus as deeply as you can
And just let yourself
And surrender
Relaxing more and more into the spiral
As more and more of the numbers on the scale
Slide into the spiral
It’s ok to sink at whatever pace is best for you.
Simply allow it to happen to yourself
Allow yourself to sink
And surrender
And simply fade
Deeper and deeper
Into trance
And if you need too
Just let your eyes close
And see the spiral in your mind
Otherwise keep watching as long as you can
And watch the spiral sliding around you
Pulling you deeper and deeper
You can feel your body becoming more and more limp
More loose and heavy
Sliding down
Deeply and completely
And just
Finally and deeply
And feel the spiral
Swirling away
In your mind
Every time you see the spiral
You can’t help but surrender to it
To sink to it.
To let everything go and just
Deeper and deeper
Into the spiral
And with your mind and body
Deeply hypnotized
Deeply relaxed
I want you to see that scale for me again
Deep in your mind
And I want you to see just how deep you got
Were you deeper then five?
Deeper then seven?
Or did you maybe make it down.
All the way down to 10.
Whatever happened
Whatever occurred is perfectly fine
The more you use these videos
The more you focus on the spiral
The deeper you will find yourself sinking
Deeper and deeper
Every time you see the spiral
Every time you surrender to it’s control
And in a moment…
If you feel comfortable doing so…
I’d like you to open your eyes
Remaining deeply hypnotized
And comment in the video
Just how deep you are…
You may need to pause in order to comment…
It’s alright if you do…
Just comment with the number of how deep you are…
And then simply restart the video.
But only do this… if you feel comfortable doing so…
It’s ok if you’d rather keep your progress to yourself
But if you do feel comfortable sharing…
I’d like you to comment how deep you are… now…

That’s it very good
Just let yourself look at the spiral again
For a few moments and drift
Drift back down
Down to sleep
Deeper and deeper
Letting everything fade away
And just surrender to the spiral
You’ve done so well…
I’d like you now to just relax
And see the spiral
Spinning in your mind and taking you deeper and deeper
Deeper into it’s control
And when you are ready you can wake up
Relaxed and refreshed
But until then simply…

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