Monday, February 22, 2021

Remember Your Dreams


Just allow yourself to get into a comfortable position.
Let your body find a place where you can simply
Relax and let go for a while.
Allow your eyes to focus on the spiral
And feel it swirling gently and easily in your mind
As you breathe slowly
And deeply
Feeling your body starting to relax
And let go
And loosen.
You may continue to stare at the spiral for as long as you would like
But when you are ready
Simply allow your eyes to close
And to let your mind and body
Start to sink down.
Deeper and deeper
Into trance.
Feeling a tingling feeling starting to move through your head
And down your neck
And your face
Feeling your breathing becoming slower
And more relaxed
As this tingling feeling moves down your shoulders
Down your arms
Along your back and your chest
And simply let yourself feel, just how calming
And relaxing it is.
To let go
And sink

Down into trance for me now.
Every breathe you take helps to clear your mind
Letting your thoughts slip away
One by one
As the relaxed tingling moves down over your stomach
Down your tailbone
And slowly into your legs.
Every word you hear helps you sink
Deeper and deeper
As your legs loosen
And relax
You can allow any parts of your body
That you’d like to relax even more
To simply feel the tingling
Moving to that part
And relaxing it even more deeply
As the tingling feeling moves down your legs
Down your knees
All the way down to your feet
And into your toes
Letting everything simply drift away
Completely and deeply now.
Letting every part of your body
Relax more and more
As you breathe in slowly
And gently
Deeper and deeper now.
Doing so well now.
Just allow your mind and body to sink
Deeper and deeper
So deep in fact that your conscious mind
Can begin to drift away
Into sleep.
Into dreams.
Maybe you have a favorite dream
One that you love to relive
Over and over again
Or a favorite type of dream.
Or maybe your the kind of person that just
Goes with the flow
And lets their dreams take them
To different places
And worlds
Completely at random.
It doesn’t really matter what kind of dreamer you are
What matters is the dream itself
And how you feel when you wake up.
Most people don’t remember their dreams.
But now that your mind is deeply asleep
And starting to dream.
I’d like to ask your subconscious mind
The part of you that is always awake
Always recording
And the part that we talk too
When you are deeply hypnotized
To keep special note of your dreams.
To view the dreams as not just a random though
Moving through your mind
But as something special
Something critical
That should be remembered
That should be cherished.
Dreams are a special kind of self care
They allow our minds to explore the vast
Unending question of what if…
And those explorations should be remembered
Documented in details
And easily available once you are back awake.
Now we all know that not all dreams are created equal
So it’s ok to let a dream that isn’t relaxing
Or exciting
To just drift away.
It’s ok to let yourself focus on the good dreams
The adventures
And romances
The magical vacations
And the crazy adventures
From romantic evenings with your deepest crush
To exploring different times in history
And strange places in far away lands.
These are the dreams that help us to relax
And let go
To give our mind that much needed time to heal
And to unwind
That gives our mind to clear.
So as you sleep now…
Deeply and soundly
I’d like to let my words
Slip down into your subconscious
Into the deepest parts of your mind.
Id’ like you to allow yourself
Every night…
As you sleep.
To fall asleep more and more easily
More deeply
To let yourself sink deeper and deeper
Into a restful sleep
Repairing your body
And your mind…
And then letting yourself drift
Into the dream state.
But dreams are important
As i’ve said…
So it’s up to you..
The subconscious mind…
To make sure the dreams are what is really needed
That the dreams are exciting and adventurous
Relaxing and soothing.
Whatever is needed at the time.
To allow yourself to simply relax
And unwind.
And as this is happening…
This should be committed to memory
Remembering all the best details…
And letting anything that isn’t helpful
Or relaxing…
To simply fade away into the background noise of the mind.
But to let the vivid experiences
Be on display
Available and easy to remember when you wake up.
And every night you will find yourself
Falling asleep faster
And deeper
Getting the rest you need
Both in body
And in mind
And letting your dreams become
More and more vivid
And enjoyable
Exploring your deepest fantasies.
And now I’d just like you to start letting yourself
Drift deeper into sleep
Deeper into dreaming.
Let your mind come up with whatever scenarios
Whatever places
And things you’d love to see
Or do.
You can fill your dreams with as many…
Or as few people as you would like.
Whatever helps you to relax the most
And just simply let yourself drift
Deeper andd eeper into that dream.
Become aware of the things around you
If your indoors or outdoors
Alone, or with people, or maybe just one special person.
And let your desires whatever they may be
Guide the dream forward
Deeply and completely
All the while giving your subconscious mind time and energy to simply
Record the dream
And keep it for you
When you wake up.
You’ll be able to stay in this dream for as long as you’d like.
And when your ready wake yourself up.
But for now…
Simply rest
And enjoy the dream that unfolds…

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