Monday, April 26, 2021

Alien Abduction

 Click here for the Video!: Alien Abduction

You can also find a more explicit Extended version on my patreon: Alien Abduction - Extended Patreon Version

 Allow yourself to get into a comfortable position
Just let your body relax
And start to sink gently and easily
Into whatever it is you are sitting or laying on
Allow your eyes to watch the spiral
And see it spinning slowly and easily before you
Over time your eyes may become heavy
And tired
It’s ok to let them close
And relax
And just allow yourself to focus on my voice
And let everything else slip away
Let every word that I say help to make the world around you
Simply fade away
And allow your thoughts to drift away
As you sink down.
Deeper and deeper
Into my words.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Superhero Misadventures | Chloroform, Bondage, Hypnosis

 There is a longer, more explicit version of this video that can be found here: Superhero Misadventures | Chloroform, Bondage, Hypnosis | Extended Patreon Version

Superhero Misadventures - Visual Mediation

 Allow yourself to get comfortable
Let your body start to relax
And sink into whatever it is you are sitting, or laying on
Allow your eyes to focus on the spiral
Spinning slowly and easily in front of you
And let your body relax
More and more
With every breathe that you take.
The more you breathe,
The more relaxed you will become.
And the more the world around you will start to fade away
It’s ok if after a while,
Your eyes start to become heavy
And tired.
And want to drift closed.
You can watch the spiral for as long as you like
And then let your eyes slowly
Little by little
Deeper and deeper

Monday, April 12, 2021

Succubus at the Party

Click here for video: Succubus at the Party

There is a more explicit extended version of this video you can find here:
Succubus at the party | Extended patreon version 

You can find Outtakes from this video here: Outtakes for Succubus at the party

And finally if you would prefer a version with an incubus, (a male demon) you can find that video here: Incubus at the Party

Just allow yourself to get,
Into a comfortable position.
Let let your body start to relax
As you watch the spiral spin in front of you
Gently and easily helping you to simply
Clear your mind,
And feel your body relaxing.
More and more deeply
Letting yourself listen to my voice
Listen to my words slowly
And easily sliding into your mind
Soothing your thoughts
And helping you to just

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Incubus at the Party

 Click here to view video: Incubus at the Party

There is also a more explicit, extended version available on Patreon: Incubus at the Party | Extended Patreon Version

For those who Might prefer a succubus (female version) you can find that version here: Succubus at the Party

 Just allow yourself to get,
Into a comfortable position.
Let let your body start to relax
As you watch the spiral spin in front of you
Gently and easily helping you to simply
Clear your mind,
And feel your body relaxing.
More and more deeply
Letting yourself listen to my voice

Doll Display Case

  Click here for Patreon Video: Doll Display Case - Patreon Version Click here for Public Video: Doll Display Case Step into a world where f...