Monday, July 26, 2021

Welcome To Hypnotic Experiences


Click here to view video! Welcome to Hypnotic Experiences!

You can also find the Outtake's for this video here: Outtakes for Welcome to Hypnotic Experiences!

There is also a log of the real time chat session with me and my friends where I created this script that can be found here: Welcome to Hypnotic Experiences - Full chat log.

Thank you for joining me here at Hypnotic Experiences! this video is designed to help you learn to be hypnotized. Being hypnotized is a skill, one that will grow over time. This video is a good primer for how I do my trances, and will help you to learn and practice going deeper and deeper... into hypnosis with me.
so the first step is to let yourself get into a comfortable position. One where you won't mind sitting for a while... it's OK if you want to focus on the screen in front of you... or if you want to close your eyes. That's all up to you now…

just let yourself relax
and focus on my words
that's really all you have to do
is just focus...
and relax.
let my words slowly
and easily
just sink into your mind.
as my words
slowly drift into your mind
you're going to start to hear a little hum
a little sound in the background
that is a binaural beat

a soft little sound
that helps your mind to relax
and sink
you may have heard this before...
you may know exactly what it does
and what it does to you
and you'll notice
that the more you focus
on my words
the less you even notice
the hum in the background
but it will be there
slowly and easily
helping your mind to simply
and let go.
You are totally safe here
No matter how deeply you fall
No matter how deeply you go
Into hypnotic trance
You can always wake yourself
Simply by taking a deep breathe
And waking up
It’s just that simple
Hypnosis is totally safe
So you can just
Relax, into this now.
and as you do
i want you to focus
on your feet
and just become aware
of the muscles in your feet
become aware of how they feel
and just
allow them to simply
relax now.
to loosen and let go
you may feel a tingling feeling
as they start to relax
or you may feel as if they are
starting to float...
or starting to sink...
or you may simply feel
a nice deep
hypnosis is very personal
it's different for everyone
so it is totally
and completely OK for you
to experience what it is
that you experience.
you'll find in these videos
that i often will give
more then one choice
as to what you might experience
it's OK for you to pick the one
that appeals to you the most
and to simply
allow your mind to wonder
what the people that feel..
something else...
might experience...
but then you can easily
and recenter
on what you are feeling.
and what you are feeling
is the muscles in your feet
and letting go
feeling them loosen
and relax
as the feeling of relaxation
slowly starts to slide
up your legs
along the top of your feet
along your ankles
and into your shins
and your calves
it's so easy to just let go
and feel this relaxation
moving through your body
and easily
as you focus more and more
on my words.
and just imagine that relaxation
moving up.
higher and higher
along your body.
up to your knees
up to your thighs
letting your legs just become
completely limp
and relaxed
allowing yourself to simply
what ever it is that you feel
in this experience now.
you may find over time
that your experience changes
that every time you enjoy a video
that you may have a different experience
then the video before it.
you may even find that you can
with practice
enjoy the same video
or even three times
or more
and have every time...
be just a little bit different
you'll find that you can simply
make different choices...
in the video's.
when those choices are given to you
and you can even substitute your own
making the experience
completely yours
completely unique
to you.
and as you let these suggestions
slowly slip into your mind
you become aware of the relaxation
sliding up your body
along your stomach
along your back
slowly loosening
and relaxing the muscles
more and more deeply
with every breathe that you take
helping you to simply
and focus
Breathing is important
In all things in your life
It helps to give you energy
It helps you to relax
You don’t need to really
Change how you breathe
To go into hypnosis.
You simply let yourself
Breathe in whatever way feels right
Whatever way feels natural
However, some times
Taking in a nice deep breathe
Can help you to relax
So when I ask you to take a deep breathe
What I mean is, to inhale
Slowly, and deeply.
Fill your lungs with as much air as you can
Feel your stomach inflating
And your chest stretching
And just hold it
For a moment or two
And then slowly
Letting the air slide out of you
Slowly and easily
Your exhale should take 2 to 3 times
Longer then it took for you to inhale
It’s OK if you need to work up to that
Just be happy with whatever you can do
We all start somewhere
So just try that now
Take a deep breathe
And let your lungs fill with air
Stretching out your chest
Hold it for a moment
And let yourself exhale
Slowly and easily.
Letting it help you relax
And help you to simply
Let go
Deeper and deeper
Into hypnotic trance.
the deeper you go
the more focused
you'll become
you may not even realize its happening
but it is..
One things that some people are confused about
Is what a hypnotist, like me,
Means when we say things like…
Deeper, or sink
What we mean is
That we want you to focus
Just a little bit more
We want you to let yourself relax
Just a bit more
When you sink
Or go deeper
You move your mind
And your body
Into a more focused state
A state where your imagination
Can run more freely
A state where although you are aware
Of the world around you
You don’t really pay it much attention
A state we call hypnosis, or trance
So when you hear me say words like
Or sink
All I'm asking you to do
Is relax your body just a bit more
To focus just a bit more on what I'm saying
On your own unique experience
It gets easier with time
The more you practice
The more natural it will happen
just allow it to happen
Just focus on my words
just allow them to simply
drift through your mind
more and more easily
just like the relaxation
drifts through your body
slowly and gently
into your chest
into your shoulders
you may feel your shoulders
start to slump
start to sink
more and more
deeper and deeper
as you enjoy this video.
you may start to feel
a fuzzy feeling
moving through your head
you may even find yourself
from time to time giggling
at the sensations that you are feeling
it's alright if that happens.
just let yourself giggle for a few moments
and then you'll find
that once you've worked that out of your system
that you'll be able to sink
even more deeply
down into my words
down into trance.
doing so well now.
just allow the relaxation
to slowly
and easily
move down your arms
into your biceps
and triceps
down into your elbows
and into your forearms
and slowly
and easily into your fingers
and your palms
we often don't realize
just how much our hands do for us
how tense the muscles
in our fingers, and our hands
can start to feel
but now you can simply let them relax
let them drift
deeper and deeper
as the relaxation moves through your hands
slowly and gently now.
letting them become limp
and loose
you may even feel them tingling
just a bit
that's totally normal
just let yourself enjoy
your own unique experience now.
and as you sit there
feeling your body completely relaxing
and drifting
you can feel the relaxation
moving up into your neck
into your head
slowly relaxing the muscles in your face
in your jaw
you may even find that
your jaw, may slowly fall open
That's completely OK if that happens.
and you may notice that your head
starts to tingle
as the muscles in your head
and scalp
slowly relax
slowly let go
your entire body is relaxed
completely and totally now
as the relaxation starts to drift
into your mind.
every word slowly washing away
all other thoughts
the world around you
slowly fading away
focusing completely
and totally
on my words
and letting yourself just
deeper and deeper now.
doing very well
just allow my words
to slide more and more easily
into your mind
into deep
blissful relaxation
just let every breath you take
help you to relax
and sink down
deeper and deeper
in this state
you'll find that it's very easy
to imagine things
and situations.
some people can see them clear as day
some can feel everything described
and others..
only feel like a daydream
fuzzy with just
little flashes of images
and sound.
memories of a touch.
whatever it is that you experience
it's totally and completely OK.
the more you go into trance
the more vivid your experiences will be
the more your skill
skill of being hypnotized
will grow.
and as we go on these experiences
sometimes i may suggest something
something that for one reason or another
you don't really like.
it's not my intention to do that.
but everyone likes different things.
so if you do find something that
for whatever reason
you just don't like
you are free to simply ignore that suggestion
and free to replace it
with something that you do like
Always remembering
That you are ultimately in control
Of what you experience here
You are always safe
And always free
And encouraged
To make these experiences
All your own.
it's also OK
if you want to let yourself
pull back from the experience
and watch it unfold...
in front of you
like you're an observer..
watching someone else
live out the experience.
just so you can see...
if it might be something you'd enjoy
on a second viewing.
it's totally OK to let yourself pull back
as much as you'd like.
whatever it takes for you.. to be comfortable
you'll also find that some times
when you enjoy these videos
that I'll leave a situation
open to your interpretation
I'll leave a scene vague
or give several options
in those situations
i want you to simply
allow yourself
to choose the option
that most appeals to you
at the time.
you can always come back
another time
and choose a completely different option
or, you can make an option
that i didn't even think of.
in the case of it being vague
i want you to just allow yourself
to challenge yourself
to see how many different options
how many wild...
and wonderful ideas
you can come up with.
and pick the one that you like the best
in that time.
you'll find that the more you do this
the easier it will be
for you to just..
come up with your own experiences
all on your own.
you'll also find
that when a video ends
I tend to let you just
stay in the trance
imagining how you'd like the experience
to end.
it's totally OK for you to just
sit there.
even after the video ends
and enjoy the experience
your own unique ending
and when your ready to wake up.
all you will need to do
is take a deep breathe
and allow yourself to wake up.
we'll be trying that in a few moments here.
but once you are awake
you'll find that you feel
refreshed and relaxed
some people even
feel like they just woke up
from a deep relaxing sleep
others tend to be a little foggy
for a while.
it's totally OK if that happens to you
just take a few more deep
slow breathes
and your body will wake up on it's own.
once you've woken up
it will be much easier for you to
simply sink
all the way back into trance
the next time you go under
whether that be in a week,
when the next video is posted
or right then and there
should you choose to simply
play another video
or replay the one you just listened to
the more you go into trance
the more experiences you enjoy
the easier it will be for you to sink
deeper and deeper
into trance
I also want you to feel comfortable
at any time,
if you have questions,
or concerns
to simply leave a comment,
or email me
I'd always love to hear from you
and I'd always love to hear
your ideas,
and things you might like to see
made into a video
in the future.
but now...
it's time for you to wake up.
so in a moment i want you
to take a slow
deep breathe
and just allow your mind
to become aware of the world around you
so inhale deeply
and as you let it out
just let yourself wake up
at your own pace
let your body slowly
and easily come back online
let your mind become aware
relaxed and refreshed
calm and peaceful
and just allow yourself
to simply
wake up...

Thank you for listening to this video. If you enjoyed it please take a look at some of the others I have available, and if you feel i deserve it, please subscribe and hit the like button it really really does help me out with the YouTube algorithm Thanks again!


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