Monday, September 13, 2021

A Little Self Care

 You can find the video for this script here: A Little Self Care

and the outtakes for it's creation here: Outtakes for A Little Self Care

You can also find the chat log with my friends where I created this script here: A Little Self Care - Full Log

just let yourself get
into a comfortable position
and just take a few
deep breathes
breathing in and letting your chest
stretch out
and then exhale slowly
and easily
every time you do this
you'll feel your body
start to relax
start to loosen

and feel your mind clear
and just focus on my words
and let everything else
simply start to fade away
and what i'd like you to imagine
for me in your mind
is a beach
secluded and far away from everything
warm enough to be comfortable
not too hot, and not too cold
imagine what it would feel like
to feel the sand beneath your feet
softly crunching as you step
feeling your feet sink
just a bit
with each step you take
as the waves crash
and roll into the beach
trees along the edge of the sand
on the other side of you
gently rustle in the breeze
sea gulls gliding up above
giving that tell tale call
as they slowly glide along the breeze
every step you take
helps the world around you to become
more vivid
more clear
the sound of your feet
sinking into the sand
the look of the waves rolling onto the beach
you can feel the sun
beating down on your skin
warm and relaxing
as a cool breeze blows over your hair
letting it flutter in the wind just a bit
every breathe you take
is filled with air that smells
and clean
as the world around you gets more and more vivid
with every step you take.
and as you walk along the beach
you come to a small clearing
tucked away from the beach
in a tiny opening in the tree line
this is my special place
this is where i go when i really want
to just relax and recharge
as you walk into this little clearing
my special place to relax
you notice a natural hot spring
sunk into the sand
it looks kind of a like a pond
surrounded by dark boulder that make up the edge
smooth from the water that flowed over the rocks
over the years
you can see the water
clean and clear
bubbling, and steaming
under the heat of the hot spring
just let yourself sit down
on the edge of the spring
and dip your toes inside
the water is soothing
and warm
warm enough to wash away your stress
and tension
but not too warm
just the right temperature
your feet very easily
become used to the temperature
and you start to slide into the spring
little by little
letting your legs
and hips
and back
slide into the spring
so easy to just let go
as you climb in
you notice there is a natural ledge
inside the spring
a place where you can sit
and rest
a place that lets your body sink
all the way into the water
up to your neck
allowing the warm soothing water
to swirl around your body
slowly and easily
you start to notice
that as you sit here
the water seems to pull
any stress
or tension
out of your body
it's as if the muscles
just seem to let go
and relax
and you can see the tension
sliding into the water
it's as if the tension has a color
that seems to tint the water just a bit
and that little area of tension in the water
drifts higher and higher
till it reaches the surface
where it evaporates into steam
and the steam
gently rises
and gets blown by the wind
into the trees
the trees easily breathe in the tension
the stress
that the spring pulled out of your body
and absorb it
and transform it
purifying the energy
resetting it
making it something useful
making it positive
The energy then gets exhaled by the trees
and starts to drift through the air
swirling around the spring
until you slowly inhale it
feeling the clean energy
moving into your lungs
into your body
into your mind
every breath you take
in this place
helps you to simply relax
helps you to simply recharge
and rest
it is my special place.
given to me years ago by a friend
and now i want to share it with you
a place where you can always come
any time you want
to simply sit in the spring
and relax
letting the warm water
sooth your body
and pull out any negative energy
from your body
your mind
or your soul
and letting the magic of this special place
purify that energy
transform it
into something useful
and then slowly and easily
breathing that energy back in
clean and useful
and letting it move through your body
to all the places that you need
letting your body heal
letting your body grow stronger
and healthier
This place exists
deep in my mind
and now deep in yours
because it's important for us
to take care of ourselves
to be kind to ourselves
and take some time to relax
and rest
you may have worries
or stresses in your life
you may have things you don't like
some things you might be able to control
others you can't
but this place can help you
to simply relax
and transform that energy
of any situation
into something positive
that you can use to make positive changes
in your life,
if you need too
or to simply help you
to live your best life
live an energized
and healthy life
and one things i'd like to focus on
while we are here today
is on how you feel
about yourself
Most people
in their lives
are usually their own worst critic
we think about things that happen
or how we behave
how we look
and we criticize ourselves
there may be many reasons why
but the reality is
we are all worthy of care
and love
and we are all i need
of self love
of the acceptance of who we are
flaws and all
because those flaws help us to be unique
some times they make us special
some times they give us a path
a goal to strive towards
something to work for and achieve
but it's so very important to understand
that even if you aren't perfect
right now
that you are worthy of love
and that it's not only ok to love yourself
but that it's health to do so
to accept who you are right now
even if you have changes you wish to make
inside of your life in the future
it's so very important
to accept who you are
and to love yourself
right now, as this special
unique person
self love can take many forms
some times it's just a simple glance
in the mirror, and letting yourself
compliment yourself
on your eyes
on your smile
maybe even on your hair
maybe it takes the form of eating
just a bit healthier
every day
or getting a little more exercise
then you did the day before
little things like this
can add up very quickly
some times self love
simply means that you forgive yourself
we all make mistakes
some of them are little
some of them are big
but we all make them
and we are all worthy of being forgiven
especially from ourselves
no matter what it is
it's important
and completely okay
to forgive yourself
and accept that you know you made a mistake
and you will try better next time.
and sometimes self love
is as easy as realizing
that you simply need a break
it's perfectly ok to decide
every now and then
that you are going to simply sit
and relax
maybe watch a movie
maybe read a book
maybe play that one video game
that is a guilty pleasure of yours
these are my ways of relaxing
it's ok if you have your own
it's ok to call up a friend and say hello
or go out and visit someone you haven't seen
in a long long time
whatever it is that helps you
to simply relax
and unwind
and make you feel better
that is how you show yourself
and compassion
that is why this place is here
for me to simply come
and relax
away from everything
and let my body
and mind
let go
and relax
purifying all parts of myself
and soul
and that is why i'm giving this gift to you
so if this place can help you
you are free to use it
it's also ok if this place
just isn't quite what you like
we are all different
we all have different things that we need
or want
but you can take what you have learned
in this place
and simply allow yourself
to make changes
little or big
to make this place suit your needs the most
or you are completely free
to create your own
special little place
for you to simply relax
and recharge in
your free to come to your special place
whenever you would like
and stay for as long as you would like
you don't have to do it every day
but you should at least
think of one way
every day
that you can show yourself
that you love yourself
that you can let yourself know
and remember
that you are loved
and cherished
and worthy
because to be honest
you are worthy
and you are cherished
and loved
and it's ok to have those feelings
for yourself
and to take care of yourself
in the ways that are uniquely you
and now,
you can simply sit in this special place
whether it be exactly as you found it
or modified
to suit you more perfectly
you are free to simply sit
and relax
taking in all the sights and sounds
letting this place purify your energy
calm your mind
and relax your body
and when your ready to wake up
you need only take a deep breathe
and let the image of this special place
fade away
you can come back anytime you want
simply closing your eyes and thinking about it
will take you there
or you can always rewatch this video
and get a little help
but for now
simply rest
and relax
and remember
it's ok
and important
to love yourself

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