Monday, May 2, 2022

Medusa Encounter

Click here to view video! Medusa Encounter 

Ever wonder what it would be like to feel... a call, to an ancient castle full of beautifully sexy statues... only to discover that the castle isn't as abandoned as you might think... and that the owner is ready to add another statue to their collection.

There is an extended, more adult version of this video available on my Patreon page, you can find that video here: Medusa Encounter - Extended Patreon Version

If you'd like to see the creation of this script you can find the log of the real hypnosis session I had with my friends where it was created here: Medusa Encounter - Hypnosis Session Log

And of course the audio outtakes can be found here: Outtakes for Medusa Encounter

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance.

Just allow yourself
to get into a comfortable position
a position where you can simply relax
and let go
and focus on my words
and as you relax
i want you to imagine
in your mind
that you are walking towards a very large
very ancient looking castle
become aware in your mind
how the castle looks
how it makes you feel
sometimes looking at something big
and sturdy
can make you feel small
sometimes it can make you feel safe
sometimes it can make you feel curious
and others it just makes you feel nervous
just let this castle
and it's details
become clear in your mind
as you get closer and closer
every step
helping you to just relax
and sink into this world
as you get to the castle
you notice it has a very large gate
but the gate appears to be open
you find that you can easily slide through
slide inside
there is a feel damp feeling
and you feel your adrenaline rising
but yet.. .
you feel you need to go on
need to explore
that is something...
primal about exploring a place like this
something that just makes you feel
but excited
something that makes you feel
like doing a little exploring
a little adventuring
doing so very well now
as you move around the inside of the castle
you find a set of stairs
stairs that lead into a lower area
an area that appears to be lit
the flickering light below
seems to imply their are candles
or torches
so you start to descend the staircase
and as you do
every step
helps your mind to simply
deeper into the fantasy
deeper into the feelings
and the images around you
step by step
going down
little by little
you feel as if something is...
calling you
leading you down
step by step
the stairs
you feel your body going moving
after step
and feel your mind sinking
deeper and deeper
into the fantasy now.
with each step your mind simply sinks
deeper and deeper
and the world around you becomes more clear
move vivid
until you reach the bottom step
and everything just seems
to snap into place
deeply focused
there is something about this place
something that seems to cast it's spell
over you
over your mind.
in front of you is a long hallway
lined with statues
but yet you feel very calm
very relaxed
like this is where you belong
your not even startled
when a voice begins to welcome you
welcome you to their castle
you turn to see a woman
standing with a torch
you can't see her face though.
it is covered with a mask
and her head is protected with a hood
The cloaked woman begins to walk
down the hallway
and you can't help but find yourself
following her
step by step
there seems to be a fog
drifting through the hallway
and another fog
drifting through your mind
you can't help but notice the statues
the torch light flickering off of them
seems to cast shadows,
but enough so that you can tell
they are all very attractive statues
perfect bodies
in perfect poses
smooth stone
or marble
statue after statue seems to line the hall
as the figure slowly walks you
down the hall
she comments to you
that she has been working on her collection
for some time
that each piece is painstakingly
and perfected
that only the finest...
materials can be used in her artwork.
there is something almost
elegant about the way she talks about her statues
about her artwork
doing so well
As you walk
the hallway seems to lead to an open area
a courtyard
you can see the sun shining through the entry way
and as you pass into the courtyard
instead of cold stone and ancient metal
you find a beautiful garden
full of bushes
and trees
and flows in every color
and of course
more statues
the woman continues to explain
that it takes a long time...
to pick the perfect subjects for her art
and they she carefully
hand picks them.
that she hand picked you...
The woman seems to gesture...
to a small circular stone pedestal
in a lovely area of the garden
it's as if your body is on autopilot
as you step
closer and closer
to the pedistal
and carefully stand upon it.
as you do the cloaked
and masked woman seems to look you over
seems to nod approvingly
and comment that you are...
absolutely perfect
you notice her move her hand up
and pull her off her hood
revealing not hair
but a head full of snakes
they seem to coil and hiss
all looking at you
their eyes softly glowing
each one a different color
each one seems to be
sliding into your mind
turning off a different part
of your thoughts
of your will
making you..
piece by piece
completely helpless
and blank
you notice the woman
gently remove her mask
her face is far lovelier than you would have thought
there is a smile
an admiration in her look to you
she truly is happy
that you are here...
you notice that her eyes are also glowing
a soft
almost inviting glow
and you can't help but look
deep into her eyes.
as you do
what thoughts you have left
seem to simply
come to a stop
you're not really aware
of the feeling of your feet
becoming stiff
and solid
a soft crackling sound
echoing through the garden
the feeling moves up your legs
along your knees
along your thighs
and your butt
all the while
staring deeply into her eyes.
you feel the sensation
a stiffening
tingling sensation
moving up along your hips
along your pelvis
along yoru groin
you feel it moving up
into your stomach
and along your back
you are free in real life
to breathe easily
and gently
butin your mind
in the garden
you'll notice how your stomach
and your chest
seem to come to  a spot
this feeling seems so soothing
as if your body is being put on pause
just simply stopped
for a bit
feeling the transformation moving higher
and higher
along your chest
along your back
around your shoulders
and gently down your arms
your entire body becoming stiff
and rigid
a perfect piece of artwork
as you feel the transformation reach down to your hands
and your fingers
with your body now completely transformed
you feel the sensation moving up your neck
inch by inch
along the base of your head
along your jaw
you feel your hair...
turning into tiny strands
of rock hard stone
each one making the one next to it
more and more solid
slowly transforming in waves as it moves up your scalp
and along your cheeks
you feel your lips stiffen
and your tongue become still
still staring into the eyes of the gorgon before you
seeing her full head of snakes
keeping you blank and helpless
as you rfeel the transformation
reach along the top of your head
along your cheeks
along your nose
and slowly
to your eyes
you feel yoryu eyes become solid
and smooth
and feel the effects move
more deeply
into your mind
solidifying your thoughts
your feelings
still able to blink easily enough
in real life
but completely turned to stone
in the garden
in your mind
As you stand there
feeling your body complete it's transformation
take a moment to see yourself
in your mind
your skin completely transformed to stone
your eyes smooth
your face in the soft
captivated expression
take a moment to notice what your statued body is made out of
the finest marble...
or the strongest granite
whatever it is that you feel
would be the most fitting
and exciting for you.
and as you watch the woman
slowly move away
her smile once again covered by her mask
her head of snakes
covered by hood
you feel so perfectly at peace
in a beautiful garden
full of artwork
and yet somehow you know
that you are...
the most cherished piece here.
and here you will stay...
not forever of course
but just for a few minutes
imaging what it feels like
to be a statue.
rooted to the ground
blank and calm
no need to think
A statue on display
just let that feeling
move through your body
through your mind
for as long as you'd like
and when you are ready...
just let yourself feel your body
slowly start to move
feel the fantasy fade from your mind
and wake up.
but only... when you are ready
until then
just remain...
rooted to the ground
blank and calm
no need to think
a statue on display...

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