Monday, June 20, 2022

Followed Home - Chloroform, Bondage, Hypnosis


Click here to view video! - Followed Home

There is also an extended, more adult version of the video that can be found here: Followed Home - Extended Patreon Version.  

Ever wonder what it would be like, to be followed home by a mysterious stranger? To be in your place of safety and security, only to be chloroformed, tied up, and hypnotized... or more? This video will cover exactly that scenario in a fantasy setting. Be aware this video contains adult content and may be disturbing for some viewers.

You can find the log of the real hypnosis session used to create the script for this video here: Followed Home - Hypnosis Session Log

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance.

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Gassed and Collared - Patreon Exclusive Teasers

This is a Patreon Exclusive Click here for the full video! Gassed and Collared - Patreon Exclusive

You can find the two teasers for this video here:
Sleep Gas Teaser
Gas Mask Teaser

 Ever wonder what it would be like, to have your safest space invaded in the sexiest of ways? To have a mysterious figure gas you into submission, enjoy you completely... and to then collar you and keep you as a pet? This is a teaser for a patreon exclusive video that covers that exact topic. 

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance.

Doll Display Case

  Click here for Patreon Video: Doll Display Case - Patreon Version Click here for Public Video: Doll Display Case Step into a world where f...