Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Gassed and Collared - Patreon Exclusive Teasers

This is a Patreon Exclusive Click here for the full video! Gassed and Collared - Patreon Exclusive

You can find the two teasers for this video here:
Sleep Gas Teaser
Gas Mask Teaser

 Ever wonder what it would be like, to have your safest space invaded in the sexiest of ways? To have a mysterious figure gas you into submission, enjoy you completely... and to then collar you and keep you as a pet? This is a teaser for a patreon exclusive video that covers that exact topic. 

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance.

Just allow yourself
to get into a comfortable position
a position where you can follow my words
and comfortably
and as you do
i'd like you to just
focus on your breathing
pay attention to how your stomach
and your chest
slowly rise
and fall
as you breathe
become aware of how
with each breathe
the air moves into your lungs
and fills you oxygen
and then gently
and easily
lets your exhale
and relax
the more you breathe
the easier it is to focus
and just relax
and just
deeper and deeper
into my words
as you breathe
and focus on my words
the world around you
starts to fade away
and a new world
starts to take its place
you find yourself some place
completely relaxing
someplace where you feel
and free to unwind
and just
let go
and completely relax
it doesn't matter if this place is real
someplace you have been too
or someplace you want to be
or even where you are now
it doesn't matter if this place is fantasy
a wonderful fiction
that you imagine in your mind
just let the place form around you
clearly and easily now
just allow this place to become clear
in your mind
become aware of the sights and sounds
the sensations and feels of everything
all around you
this is your safe place
or so you thought...
while you sit there
enjoying yourself
you barely notice a fog
starting to roll around you
it's thick and puffy
almost like a cloud
and it has a very...
sweet scent
maybe it's a scent you know
a scent that helps you relax
or maybe it's something
you've only dreamt about
something from a fantasy.
at first all you notice
is the scent
maybe you simply inhale deeper
or maybe you curl your nose...
in confusion about why this scent
is here...
but as you feel yourself
breathing in
you feel the scented fog
rolling into your lungs
but instead of oxygen
instead of helping you feel energized
you inhale a very special
kind of a sleeping gas
you feel it being absorbed by your body
into your bloodstream
feel it start to move
through your body
making you feel heavy
and tired.
despite the scent
despite the sudden feeling...
of heaviness
and sleepiness
washing over your body
you still can't help but simply
more and more of the fog
into your lungs
it's only when the sleeping gas
finally reaches your brain
finally makes you start to feel
and floaty
that you start to realize
something isn't right.
you become aware of the fog
thick and puffy around you
you can tell from a quick inhale
that the scent your noticing
is coming from the fog
but every inhale
every time you feel your stomach and chest
and fill with air
move and more ovf the sleep gas
enters your lungs
you realize
through an increasingly
foggy mind
that you need to get away
get away from the fog
you try to swat it away from your face
and move away from it
but the more you move
the more the fog gets pushed up
towards your face
the stronger the scent becomes
and the more of the gas
you inhale
into your lungs
into your body
into your mind
you notice yourself
and struggling
moving towards the door
trying to open it
but it seems to simply be
held closed
you bang on the door
but all that does
is make the fog
flow more deeply
and easily
around your now
the more you struggle
the heavier your body starts to feel
you notice your hand
go from banging on the door
to sliding down it
sliding down
until it falls
limp at your side
your other hand is soon to follow
soon to go limp
and loose
you feel your shoulders slumping
your jaw opening
letting more and more of the gas
drift into your lungs
you may even try to hold your breathe
but you can't do that for very long
your far too tired
the fog is moving through you
too deeply
too completely
and soon you just exhale
and then inhale twice as much
feeling your head spin
and your body sink to your knees
you feel yourself sink
falling to the floor
catching yourself as best as you can
but then inhaling more of the scented fog
your vision starts to blur
and swirl
you swear you see the door open
and see a figure
clad in black leather
walk out
your eyes roll into your head
and your body goes completely limp
completely helpless
you fall to the floor
breathing in
more and more of the gas
and look up
to see the figure
standing over you
head to toe in leather
complete with a leather gas mask
you see them waves at you playfully
and hear a muffled voice tell you
it's time to sleep
you her the word
echo softly in your mind
and you obey.
you feel the figure
gently take your hands
and start to lift you
you feel your head
hanging back
limp and heavy
as the lift you up
and throw you over their shoulder
you feel your legs
dangling against their chest
your face
bouncing softly against their butt
you can smell the leather
and the gas
your arms hanging limp
swaying side to side
as they walk
and if it's long enough, you can feel your hair
swaying along with your arms
totally asleep
totally helpless
a part of you
a deep part
is aware of the person
maybe it's someone you know
someone you've fantasized about
or someone you've longed to find
but they seem to be
just what you've always wanted
in a person who would
set a nice little gas trap for you
you feel yourself being dropped
with a gentle flop
onto a large soft bed
you feel your body bounce
and tingle
softly in your sleep
you feel their hands
along your body
leather gloves
sliding along your skin
finding all the right places
to stimulate your sleeping form
more and more
you feel them removing your clothes
sliding off ever piece
one by one
some they have to lift up a part of you
limp and helpless as they do
before letting you drop back down
onto the bed
you feel them working you
in all of your most intimate
and private places
feeling your heart beating
faster and faster
in your sleep
feeling your breathing
getting faster
feeling your lungs filling with air
more and more
yoru chest and stomach
rising and falling
more easily
more deeply
in and out
as you feel your pleasure building
more and more with each
and every breath
your body starts to shiver
and tingle
you become aware of a moan
slipping out of you
and then you feel the pleasure
crash through your body
free to flow
your helpless to resist it
helpless to rest feeling the climax
move through every part of you
making you gasp and shudder in your sleep
and tingle
and just experience this
as deeply as you can now
As you lay there
letting your body relax
you start to feel the fog
you feel your eyes fluttering open a bit
you try to sit up
but you can't
not yet
yoru still too tired
you take a moment to just
slowly and gently
in and out
and clear your head
when you finally sit up
you are greeted by the person
in the leather
still wearing the gas mask
you can't see their face
can't see their eyes
but you can tell they are looking at you
all you can see
is their body
noticing how it's
exactly what you like
exactly what turns you on the most
you start to notice
that your naked
you feel a flush across your face
the reality sinking in
you move to try and find something
to cover yourself with
but as you do you see the leather clad figure
wiggle a finger at you, scoldingly
as if to say
no no no...
you notice them hold up a small spray bottle
and aim it at your face
just as you realize what it is
just as you gasp in surprise
a thick
colored fog sprays out of it
and develops your face
blocking your vision
and filling your lungs with a new
more powerful gas
as you inhale
you can't help but notice
the scent of the gas is very different
very familiar
it's something...
very personal to you
something that used to make you feel calm
and relaxed
a scent that stands out
as being so soothing
a wonderful memory
to simpler times
just let yourself
imagine that scent now
filling your nostrils
and taking you back
that scent is so personal
so powerful
that you can't help but smile
inhaling eagerly
as the gas makes your so loopy
so giggly
you don't even realize your going gassed anymore
your simply lost in a memory
as your giggle turns to a sigh
and your eyes roll up
into your head
and you fall with a thud back onto the bed
deeply asleep
and unaware
totally helpless
never feeling the person with you
starting to dress you...
your not sure how long your asleep
or even when you passed out
the next thing you notice
your waking up
but your body feels...
you hear a strange squeaking sound as you move
and realize
you wrapped
head to toe
in leather
only your face is exposed
you try to sit up
but the outfit takes some time
to learn to move
and your still aware
aware of the person in front of you
covered completely in leather
a gas mask obscuring their face
and in their hands
in a gas mask... just for you.
you see them moving the mask to you
you try to struggle
try to get away
but your own leather outfit
hinders your movements
and you can't help but feel the mask
put onto your face
and tightened around your head
you notice a rubber scent
in the mask
and discover that the eye pieces
seem to have a glaze on them
you can see through them
but not clearly
and then you hear it
a puff and a hiss...
as a new gas starts to move into your lungs
from the gas mask
you instantly feel your head spin
and swirl
as you sit back down on the bed
to support yourself
the room is spinning
as you start to feel the gas
working into your body
into your mind
the gas seems to make you
seems to make it so that
or resisting
is the farthest thing from your mind
it opens up your thoughts
and sedates... not your body
but your resistance
it drops your defenses
and opens you completely
and totally now
after that.
that is what a good dose of
obey gas
is supposed to do.
the effects seem to overwhelm you
you find yourself so very
and passive
noticing how as you breathe
as your lungs fill with air
you just seem to let go
and exhale out all your resistance
all of your will
and simply do as the gas
was designed to make you do
you simply obey
without thought
without question
all you do
is obey
as the gas fills your mind
opening up your thoughts
allowing you to be
and shaped
you start to see the lenses in your mask
turn to a spiral
opening up your mind
even further
helping you to simply
let go
and sink
and as you do
you start to hear
a very faint
distance voice
through the ear piece
in the mask
whispering softly
you are a pet
you will obey
over and over again
slowly and gently
through your mind
programming you
shaping you
into a perfect leather pet
as you sit there
the world spinning
you see the leather clad person in front of you
move towards you
with the clip for a leash in their hand
you didn't even notice
that you were wearing a collar
around your neck
and they simply
move the clip
to yoru collar
and you hear the clip lock in place
echoing through your mind
and everything snaps into clarity
you feel yourself move to your knees
looking up at them
your only desire
to obey
to do as your told
a leather pet
for the one that collared you now.
you feel the person holding your leash
give it a gentle tug
and you start to follow them
maybe you crawl
maybe you walk
it's all up to you
whatever you feel
the most comfortable with
whatever brings you
the most excitement
the walk you
for quite a while
maybe just around your special place
maybe only in private
but if you're comfortable with it
you can also imagine them
walking you around in public
knowing your completely covered
head to toe
no one can see you
not one can see who you are
they can see you
every curve and line of your body
all on display thanks to the skin tight
deep black leather
In your minds
you'll find yourself
being led around by your leash
feeling the gas sink deeply
and completely
into your lungs
feeling your mind becoming more open
open to control
to being lead
to being guided
open the obedience
you may be lead around in public.... or in private
or maybe the person leading you
has some special task
or special pleasure
for you to fulfill
it's all up to you
and what you find the most
and when your ready
to come back to the real world
you'll simply allow yourself
to just let the fantasy fade away
and take a deep
slow breathe
filling your lungs with oxygen
and waking up...
that is.
when you are ready to do so...
until then
enjoy being a nice
obedient pet

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