Monday, July 11, 2022

Superhero Misadventure 3

Normal Version: Superhero Misadventures 3
Extended Patreon Version: Superhero Misadventures 3 - Extended Patreon Version
Visual Meditation: Superhero Misadventures 3 - Visual Meditation
Session Log: Superhero Misadventures 3 - Hypnosis Session Log
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A returning favorite, ever wonder what it would be like to be attacked by a villain with tentacles... the ways you could end up bound and helpless, gassed to sleep, or hypnotized are endless. This video will explore those fantasy's.

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance.

Just allow yourself to get
into a comfortable position
a place where you can easily
follow my words
and just allow your minds
and your bodies
to simply relax
and let go
and as you focus on my words
I want you to become aware
of how the muscles in your body
start to relax
and let go
how they seem to just loosen
you can feel them letting go
and relaxing
in your feet
and your legs
feeling them becoming limp
and loose
in your butt
and thighs
every breath helping you '
tjust loosen
and relax
feeling your back
and stomach
and shoulders
all just loosen
and sink
deeper and deeper down
completely calm and relaxed
Just feel that relaxation
moving into your arms
and up your neck
and into your head
feeling your face relaxing
and finding it even easier
to focus
and follow my words
as the relaxation moves
slowly into your brain
into your mind
as it does you start to see the world around you
fading away
into a nice
relaxing fog
and allowing a new world
to form around you
the first thing that starts to form
is the chances to your body
you discover that you are...
super powered
maybe for the first time
or maybe you've been superpowered before
just allow your mind
to pick a power...
a special ability
that you really like
you can choose more than one.
it's all up to you...
just feel those powers in your body
feel how they work
how they make you feel
maybe you can fly
and fire energy blasts out of your body
maybe your super strong
or lightning quick
maybe you have... mental powers...
or the ability to manipulate the world around you
it's all up to you
all up to whatever you would find
the most exciting
just allow yourself to imagine the powers that you have
and how you'd use them
use them for the good of others
to save the people around you
but you have to look good while your doing that
so the next thing i'd like you to imagine
in your mind
is what you'd wear
as a superhero....
maybe it's tight and flashy
revealing and sexy
or practical and protective
it's all up to you
whatever would make you the most
comfortable now.
now that you have your suit
and your powers
just allow yourself to simply
feel how good it would be
to be seen in the uniform you chose
how you'd feel as you rescue someone
as you save the day
as the people around you cheer you on
being a superhero can be... pretty great
don't you think?
But the one downside...
is that you are always on the job.
never a dull moment.
and as you see yourself leaving one scene of heroism
you find yourself being called
to another.
an alarm is going off
in one of the more
run down parts of the city
an area that is mostly abandoned
old warehouses sit
rusting away
and the more
seedy elements of the world
find a safe footing
you can't help but wonder
why there would be an active alarm there anyways
but nonetheless
you need to respond
you need to make sure...
that someone isn't in trouble
as you arrive
the warehouse is dark
and secluded
holes rusted in the exterior
and what lights remain
barely light up anything.
you enter cautiously
and look around...
very very slowly...
as you move deeper into the warehouse
you find the source of the alarm...
but instead of it being a hidden vault
or a something else of value
it is merely an alarm...
in the middle of the warehouse...
and then you see it
moving in the shadows
a dark mass
that appears to be writhing around
moving and shifting
your not sure if it's one... thing... or several
but before you can react
a tentacle comes flying out at you
from the shadows.
you manage to use your powers
to either block or dodge the tentacle
and you manage to get a look at it...
maybe it's mechanical... cold steel coiled around itself...
or maybe it's biological... a living creature
an entity
made of flesh and blood... and maybe slime... maybe not...
it's all up to you...
or maybe... just maybe
it's made of pure energy...
glowing in the light...
but not in the dark
as if the light itself powers it
and makes it visible
it's all up to you..
all up to whatever you'd find
the most intriguing...
once the first tentacle is neutralized
another follows
and another
and another
you're under attack...
the alarm was simply... a trap
but walking into traps is what superheroes do...
but you are far from helpless
you feel yourself move
and dodge
fighting and defending yourself
all the while trying to make your way
to the mass in the shadows
but every time you seem to get close
every time you try to move
into the mass
to strike it
or counter attack it
it seems to move and shift
you're not even sure if it has...
a central part
or if the tentacles are connected or not.
but using your powers
fighting at this speed
at this ferocity...
feels good...
feels exciting...
you can't help but enjoy the fight
after all, what good are super powers
if you don't enjoy having them.
but your enjoyment was planned
it was simply another... trap
and as you move to close in on the center mass,
only to have it seem to slip away from you in the shadows ounce again
you feel a tentacle wrap around your ankle
and lift you off the ground
you feel your body falling
never hitting the ground
as it lifts you faster than you can fall
your arms flail for a moment
before you catch your balance
and use your powers to free yourself from the tentacle
you feel your body fall as you are freed
but another tentacle wraps around your waist
holding you
stopping you from hitting the ground
you grab it and pull at it
only to have another tentacle grab one of your wrists
and pull it to your side
a third tentacle starts to coil around your legs
locking them together.
you feel yourself struggling
and shifting
trying to free yourself
but the more you struggle
the more wrapped in the tentacles you become
you take your free hand and start to try to pry the tentacle away
maybe you use your powers
or maybe you simply use sheer determination
but whatever it is
you miss the tentacle moving towards your head
towards your face
you notice it at the last second
and look at it with a gasp
as a thick puff of gas is sprayed
right into you face
you can't help but inhale it
can't help but feel it move through your body
you instantly feel dizzy
and tired
you see the world around you becoming fuzzy
and faded
your wiggling seems to stop
as your free hand flops down next to your head...
as you hang upside down.
looking at the tentacle giving you a long
stream of gas
you manage to give a witty one liner...
about being captured
and then sigh..
and simply sink
into sleep
as you hang there
limp and helpless
you feel the tentacles
sliding more and more
along your body
along your frame
exploring you
finding all the right places in your body
the more intimate places
that you long to feel
long to experience
as they move they seem to find
just the right places
the places that stimulate you
and helps you to just...
let go
completely and totally
you feel the coils letting go of your body,
just a bit
two tentacles wrapping around your ankles
and supporting you in mid air
while another pair wraps around your wrists
and pulls you arms and legs
into an upside down
spread eagle
you feel yourself start to wake up
start to shiver as you look around
your so disoriented
that it takes you a few moments...
to realize that you are inverted
that you are still
upside down.
an moment later you realize that you are
quiet effectively
bound and in place
unable to move
unable to struggle
you pull against the tentacles
but you just can't seem to break free
even your powers
seem to be neutralized
as you hang there
as you struggle
you become aware of another tentacle moving towards your face
you've seen this before
and your ready for it
you hold your breath as a blossom on the end seems to open
but instead of a stream of sleep gas
a swirling spiral emerges from the tentacle
focusing on your face
you quickly gasp in shock
and slam your eyes closed
a defiant smirk on your face
as you tell the tentacle
that it's not going to be...
That's easy..
but as you hang there
you feel another set of tentacles
move to the side of your head
and open up
each one emitting a strong...
into your mind
you shake your head rapidly
trying to break free
but the tentacles on the side...
slowly grab your head
and place the humm
directly against your ears
humming into your mind
while it holds the last part of you that was free to move
despite the hum...
despite the fact that you’re helpless
to move..
you continue to fight
continue to keep your eyes closed
and then you feel it
several tentacles
sliding the very tips of their form
along your body
every place they touch..
an arc of energy trickles out
and stimulate s you
pleasures you
feeling that energy flowing through your body
building on itself
again and again
as the tentacles wiggle along your form
but still...
you keep your eyes closed
your resistance..
you struggle
as you hang there
your eyes closed tightly
feeling the effects of the tentacles along your body
feeling the pleasure
trickling through your form
head to toe
being stimulated
and excited.
you have a brief moment of weakness
and for a split second you let your eyes open
lost in the pleasure you are feeling
and that is all it takes
your eyes lock on to the spiral
coming from the tentacle in front of you
and you let out a soft
relaxing sigh
the hum in your ears seems to just
sooth you
your body seems to relax
and just go limp
supported the tentacles
hanging helplessly
as the tentacle with the spiral
moves closer
and closer to you
you feel the tentacles along your body
continue to stimulate you...
as the one with the orb
moves closer...
and closer...
until the blossom
that holds the spiral
is able to wrap around your face
around your eyes
filling your vision with the blue and black spiral
swirling around inside of your mind
hearing the hum
feeling the pleasure
as you just...
completely to the tentacles
feeling them working into your mind
feeling them pleasuring your body
bringing you all the way to climax
and then letting you relax
only to build you up
again and again
more and more deeply
as you fall
into the spiral
into the hum
who knows how long you'll hang there...
maybe minutes
maybe hours
just feeling the pleasure move through you
and the spiral and hum
working you deeper
and deeper
you start to hear in your mind...
now so much words
but feelings
echoing slowly
you desire to obey
you feel so good
so calm
gives your pleasure
a need that just seems to build
deeper and deeper
inside of you
you've been enthralled
by the tentacles
your will being rewritten
you are ...
to control
like a puppet on strings
they are in your mind
completely now
just allow yourself to let go
and hang there
imagining what pleasures you be allowed
the more you obey
the more you do as you are instructed
what exactly will the tentacles...
or the one who controls them...
instruct you to do?
that is up to you to decide
your free to just sit
and hang here
and deeply
and fantasize
about what you might do...
as a controlled
bound by the tentacles
and helpless to resist..
and when you're ready to wake up...
you can simply let the world fade away
and wake up...
relaxed and refreshed
but still feeling...
the pull
the tentacles power
in your mind
controlling you
making you feel pleasure
making you obey
making you want to return
and be captured
and again...
maybe to this video
maybe to another
but you will return
you have to return
you will obey...
and you will be rewarded for it.
but for now
simply sleep
and enjoy

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