Monday, November 14, 2022

Snake Charmer

Click here to view Video: Snake Charmer

Ever wonder what it would be like to encounter a Snake Charmer? I find their melody sliding into your mind and slithering into your thoughts, controlling you the same way that they would control a snake? In this video you will explore this idea in a bit more detail. 

The extended, more adult versions can be found here: Snake Charmer - Extended Patreon Version 

The non-extended Visual Meditation here: Snake Charmer - Visual Meditation

The real life hypnosis session logs with my friends here: Snake Charmer - Hypnosis Session Log, Snake Charmer Hypnosis Session Log part 2

and of course the outtakes: Outtakes for Snake Charmer

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance.

Just allow yourself to get
into a comfortable position
a place where you can focus
on my words
and just feel your body
and your mind
starting to relax
starting to let go
feel yourself taking a few
deep breathes
and just holding it
for a second or two
and then relaxing
and letting out
feeling your body just
down into whatever it is
that you are relaxing on
and just let everything go
and relax
down into trance
down into a nice
hypnotic fantasy
and as this fantasy starts to form
just allow the world around you
to just fade away
and begin to see yourself
walking through and outdoor market
someplace exotic
someplace warm and sunny
the buildings are all made of clay
and hand made bricks
and the people are all dressed
head to toe
to protect themselves from the sun
maybe you are dressed in a similar way
or maybe you just have
really good sunscreen
but just let the world around you
begin to form
hear the different sellers
chanting about their goods
and see all of the wonderful products
all around you
from hand made rugs
to exotic foods
you can even smell the scent
of incense
and oils
food being prepared
and other wonderfully exciting sensations all around you
just let that world
become clear to you
as you take step
after step
as you explore
as you move through the market
you come across a person
sitting in front of a basket
you can't help but notice that the person is...
quite attractive
the way they sit
confident and proud
a glint of playfulness in their eye
as they notice you moving towards them
a slight smirk...
crosses their lips
as they lift up an ornately decorated
and begin to play.
the music is very beautiful
soft and flowing
the pitch changes rapidly
but the pace
the rhythm remains
completely calm
and steady
and then you notice it...
a snake...
a large snake
rising out of the basket
swaying to the music
hissing softly
as it's tongue flicks out of its mouth
and it starts to rise up
higher and higher
it's long slender body
seeming to be almost
unnaturally held up
it's as high as the flute player's head
while they sit on the ground
playing their melody for the snake.
or are they playing it...
for you.
as the person plays,
their hypnotic melody
you can't help but feel yourself
just a bit...
start to sway to the music.
you're aware that you're doing it...
aware that your body wants to let go
and just flow with the rhythm
so you resist...
but the snake charmer,
can see your resistance
and a few more chords played on the flute
and the snake turns towards you...
its head staying unnaturally high...
off the ground
while the rest of its body slowly
slithers out of the basket
and along the ground
heading straight for you
for a moment
a part of you...
wants to back up...
wants to withdraw
but you find that ...
your feet...
simply don't move.
it's like they are stuck
froze in place
you are able to look down at your feet
surprised and wondering
exactly why...
you can't move
why your stuck.
you look up at the snake charmer...
and then feel the snake
slowly starting to coil
along your leg.
you try to move
first your leg once again
and then you lean down to try and grab the snake
but as you do
you find that your hand...
almost seems to stop
almost seems to just
hand there
aimed at the snake.
but unable to reach it
unable to grab for it.
but the snake is easily
able to move
to your hand
and start to slide along your arm.
sliding up
along your arm
to your shoulder
and slowly
down along your back
along your stomach
you can feel the tail of the snake
slide along your leg
and then up onto your arm
the snake is heavier than you imagined
but yet
not too heavy.
you can easily support its weight
as the snake coils along your body
you find yourself
standing back up
straight and strong
feeling the snake
moving along your torso.
along your chest
slowly  up your body
and as you feel the snake
coiling along your chest
under your armpits
you can't help but notice
that the music
is almost
sinking into your mind
you can feel it
in your thoughts
like the rhythm of the flute
is now the rhythm of your mind
your thoughts,
flow with the music
even if most of the thoughts
are simply about the snake
coiled along your body
but then you get distracted
by the snake
it's head
moving up in front of your eyes
angling to look at you
you can't help but notice
that it's eyes...
appear to be glazed
appear to be passive
you realize that the snake
is deeply hypnotized
by the snake charmer...
as you look at the snake
it's blank
hypnotized eyes staring at you
it opens it's mouth and hisses
and as it does...
it also opens its hood
revealing that this isn't just any kind of snake
it's a cobra
as it's hood stretches out
it's tongue flicks towards you
and you become aware
of a pattern in it's scales
it appears to have...
shiney eyes
in the pattern of its hood
eyes that sparkle
and flicker
eyes that instantly
and completely
draw you in.
the gentle hissing sound
and the flicking of it's tongue
only seem to pull you in
more and more deeply
you feel yourself gasp in shock
but then the music
the sparling 'eyes' in the hood
and the nervousness
the tension from the snake
all get to you
all at once
and you feel your mind...
simply shut down now...
you feel your thoughts
you may even hear a soft
as your mind simply turns...
with your mind turned off
your resistance is...
and the music sinks even more deeply
into your mind.
you feel your body
starting to sway
gently to the music
your hands moving above your head
as your torso
and belly
start to sway
your legs moving
in such a way that your entire body
seems to sway
like the snake did
when you first saw it
all the while
staring down
into the snakes
blank eyes
and somewhere in the back of your mind
you can see your own reflection
reflecting off the snakes eyes
you can see your own face
blank and relaxed
calm and passive
your own eyes
with you now...
completely hypnotized...
completely helpless
the snake starts to coil...
along your body
only this time they slip
under your clothes
and start to slide along your skin
you can feel the muscles
of the snakes body
massaging your own
as your body sways to the music
your feet finally able to move
as your body starts to sway and dance
around the tiny little space
that the snake charmer has made theirown
the busy market is forgotten
the people watching you
watching you dance
are all forgotten
all the matters is the music
and the dance
and the feel of the snake along your skin
you find yourself
slowly removing
some of your clothes
maybe just a little
maybe more...
showing off some skin
showing off your body
as the snake coils more and more along your body
and seems to find
just the right place
maybe along your chest
maybe along your stomach
or maybe along your more
private areas
to stimulate you
you feel your body
and heating up
despite the warm
desert climate
the snake still loves
body heat
and it coils more and more along you
every sway
every movement
seems to to be rewarded
with a tingle
and caress
as the snake stimulates your body
arousing you
bringing you pleasure...
more and more..
with your body feeling the pleasure
and the snakes body
coiled along yours
the two of you seem to start
to simply move
dancing as one
as your arms move up
over your head
the snake seems to coil
up one arm...
and then down the other
slithering along your form
every sway
a different place for the snake to move
a different feeling
as it's strong
muscular body
moves along your skin
along your arms
along your legs
along your stomach
and chest
along all the places
you really enjoy
being touched
and caressed.
after a while...
the music seems to change...
and you find yourself
slowly dancing
over the to snake charmer
to the person that simply
and easily...
charmed not only the snake
but you as well.
you find yourself
slowly kneeling down
in front of the basket the snake was in
and extending your arm.
you feel the snake
slowly coiling along your arm
and sliding into the basket
feeling it's weight
slowly sliding off of you
inch by inch
until it is completely in it's basket
you find yourself
gently kneeling
watching the snake charmer
play their hypnotic melody
for a few more seconds
and then they stop
and as they do
you feel your eyes...
and your body
just relax
your head falls to the chest
and you simply sit
in the busy market
just like the snake
blank and waiting
completely unaware
completely helpless
completely charmed...
you like the idea of just being...
of just being helpless
maybe for another song...
maybe for the one who charmed you
to simply take you for a more...
private showing...
whatever it is that you may like
the most...
you are free to experience now..
and when you are ready to wake up
you will find that you can simply
take a deep breathe
and wake up
but until then
simply enjoy
being charmed
in the market
in whatever way you would find
the more enjoyable now

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