Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Hypnotic Halloween Masks - Choose Your Own Hypnotic Experience


Click here to view video! Hypnotic Halloween Masks

You can also find the outtakes here: Outtakes for Hypnotic Halloween Masks

Ever wonder what it would be like to end up in a Halloween shop... filled with masks... but to find that one of the masks calls to you. And when you put the mask on it seems to change you, to transformation you, into the perfect person to wear the mask.

In this choose your own hypnotic experience adventure you will experience just that. This is a new concept for me so please if you have any feedback please let me know!

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance.

Just allow yourself
To get into a comfortable position
Allow your mind and body
To simply focus…
On my words
And let yourself
Take in a nice
Deep breath
And hold it
For just a moment
And then let it out
All the air out
And just feel your body
And let you mind simply
Deeper and deeper
All the way down
Down into a nice
Soothing trance now
A trance that lets you just
Let the world around you
Fade away
Almost as if…
And eerie fog
And easily
Rolled in
And clouded your thoughts
Clouded away the world
That you… were….
Focused on
And is slowly
Replacing it
With a new world
Through the fog
You begin to notice
Begin to become aware
Of different  things all around you
Isles and isles of different
And  different props
Different things to help you
Get into the spirit…
The spirit of halloween
That special time of year
When you are free
And encouraged
To simply… let go…
And become something else
Become… someone else…
When you can …
Put on a costume…
And transform…
Into something completely different
That is what this store is all about
But this one…
This one is special
The fog remains in the store
And the isles are lit
With an eerie…
Green and orange glow
And as you move through the isles
You become to notice
That the costumes here
Seems to be…
They seem to have an energy
All their own.
A will
A desire to be let out
As you move through the store…
You find that there are…
At least three…
Very distinct
Very powerful
Different costumes
That seems to be calling to you.
The first is a werewolf…
And powerful
A freedom to simply
Act on your desires.
A strength
A wild feeling to it…
The next… is a vampire
A wisdom
And a power that comes with
The feeling of control…
The ability to control others
To hypnotize them…
But also the control
Of the one who made you
An elegance
A sexy sophistication
Pure desires…
The next…
Is a zombie
A blank
Empty mind
No thoughts
No emotions
Just a void
Shambling ever so slowly
Ever so gently
From place to place
Helpless to resist
Following the need
That desire..
These are the three
That seems to have the most…
Set up…
But there is another area…
A custom area
Where you can simply
What it is that you
Might like to experience
What it is that you might like
To feel
And explore
An area where you can create
Your own special…
For the season…
And now…
In a moment…
You will be given a choice
In a moment on screen
Four different choices
Will appear
Four separate videos
You’ll have 20 seconds…
To click the one you want…
I know you may have closed your eyes
It’s ok to open your eyes
And watch the screen…
And allow yourself
To simply
See your choices
The werewolf…
The vampire…
The zombie…
Or the custom…
You will be given a choice
To choose again later
And you can choose
Each one…
In their own time
But for now…
Simply get ready
To click…
And select
The option that you’d like to try

You have chosen…
The werewolf
As you move to the section
You notice… first and foremost
A mask…
It looks very much like a wolves head
A long snout
A hole in the mouth
For you to breathe
Two long… pointed ears
With deep
Pink wells for the ears
Soft fur
And two holes
For the eyes
But there is something about those eyes
They seem
Even though they are hollow
To look back at you
Seem to be watching you
Calling to you…
You can’t help but find yourself
Lifting the mask
And gently
Sliding it over your head.
Pulling it down to cover your face
And seeing the world
Through the eyes
Of the mask
But there is something
Strange about looking through the eyes
It’s as if doing so… is starting to change you
Starting to make you feel
Your mind starts to become more
You start to feel your body shifting
Becoming stronger
And more powerful
You start to feel hair growing
All over your body
The mask seems to shrink
To fit your face
No, not ot fit…
The mask becomes your face
As you feel yourself
Arch your back
And let out a howl
Deep and strong
Loud into the night
Letting the world know
That you are on the prowl
And as you take a moment
In your mind
To look over your body
How your hands have become claws
How your legs seem more nimble
You feel the changes inside as well
Your confidence
Your power
You feel strong
And confident
The world around you
Is yours
And as you let these feelings
Flow into your mind
In a moment you will be given
A choice.
You could choose to try on a different mask
To experience a different
Feeling or mind set
You are free to continue to try them on
One after another
Until you find the one you like
But when you do
Or if you have already
You will simply click the link
That says
And now opening your eyes
And make your choice…
You have chosen…
The Vampire
As you move to the section
You notice… first and foremost
A mask…
It looks, human… mostly
But there is an elegance behind it
Perfect hair
But a pale look to their skin
It has a mouth
But the mouth has fangs
And empty slots for the eyes
But as you look into the eyes
Their is a power behind them.
A power that is pulling you in.
You seem to feel your mind
Shutting down
As you stare deeply
And completely
Into those eyes.
And feel your body moving
No longer under your control
You can’t help but slide the mask
Up… and over your head
Sliding it down along your face
As you look out at the world
Through the eyes of the mask
You begin to notice
That the world, looks different
You can see more detail
You can things in the dark
Things you could never see before
But there is even more changes
Happening to you
You find that your body
Starts to feel so much…
More fit and healthy
You also feel your teeth
Your fangs
Extending out
Growing… slowly…
Your mind becomes sharper
A mindset of… seduction.
Of confidence… quiet power
Slips into your thoughts
You realize that you could easily
Look into anyone's eyes
And that they would simply
Fall under your spell
Fall under the power of your gaze
But yet you feel
The control
The pull
Of the person that turned you
The person that controls you
You are theirs to command
And their will
Their power demands that you
Control others
And pull them under your spell
After all
A vampire is always quiet
And alluring
And this feelings makes you feel
So confident. And sophisticated
And attractive in your new powers
And as you let these feelings
Flow into your mind
In a moment you will be given
A choice.
You could choose to try on a different mask
To experience a different
Feeling or mind set
You are free to continue to try them on
One after another
Until you find the one you like
But when you do
Or if you have already
You will simply click the link
That says
And now opening your eyes
And make your choice…

You have chosen…
The Zombie
As you move to the section
You notice… first and foremost
A mask…
It looks mostly human…
With pieces of decay
And exposed muscle and bone
Visible on the mask
There is of course an open
Space, for the mouth
And two holes for the eyes…
But as you look into the eyes
You feel…
An energy a mind set
Coming from them .
It’s as if something is looking back
Back at you…
Something that wants what you have
Wants your brain….
Well that would be a normal zombie
This one is a hypnotic zombie…
This one wants your mind..
Wants your thoughts…
You can almost hear the mask
Moaning softly
Echoing in your mind
As you feel… compelled
To slide it up…
And over your head
And pull it down .
You feel the mask seems to fit
Perfectly along your face
And you start to feel your thoughts
Fading away…
Almost as if something were…
Eating your very thoughts
Bite after bite
Until they were simply
Totally and completely empty
A void
Where your mind used to be
You find that your body…
Starts to feel a craving
Slowly lumbering around
Without thought…
A craving… for trance
For hypnosis….
A need
A desire to find more
Deeper trances
To just sink
And feed the void
The emptiness in your mind
Find your body could simply
Move all on it’s own
To fill that need
Slow and steady
One desire….
One empty need
As you find yourself moaning
As you move in your mind…
And as you let these feelings
Flow into your mind
In a moment you will be given
A choice.
You could choose to try on a different mask
To experience a different
Feeling or mind set
You are free to continue to try them on
One after another
Until you find the one you like
But when you do
Or if you have already
You will simply click the link
That says
And now opening your eyes
And make your choice…

You have chosen…
The custom area
As you move to the section
You notice… first and foremost
Is just how many options are here…
Ideas and things
From all over the world,
Every form of media… every genre
There are masks lining the walls
And one just seems to call to you
One that fits your true desire
Your true calling… this halloween
The person… or thing… that you wish
To be the most…
For a while anyways.
And as you find that mask
Let it form in your mind
Allow yourself to see the details…
The contours of the face
And the different details
That make this person, or thing
So vivid and clear to you
So appealing.
But notice also the eyes…
Or whatever it is that would… see you
Looking back at you
You can feel all of those things
All of those details
And emotions
The mind set of this special
Custom mask
That you have chosen
You can feel it calling to you…
Maybe even controlling you
Compelling you to put it on
You can feel yourself
Sliding the mask up
And over yoru face
And feel it instantly seem to simply
Trickle and energy thought your body
Through yoru mind
You feel your body starting to shift
Starting to change
Maybe just a little…
Maybe a lot…
Depending on how different
The body of your chosen mask
Is from your own current body
You can feel it shifting
Feeling how it makes you feel
Aware of how you might move
If you would move the same
Or if your body would be
Completely different
Maybe even with a tail
Or extra limbs
It’s all up to what you have picked
All up to what you desire
But more then your body
What you also feel change
Is your mind
All the way inside
Your thought process
Maybe even your mental abilities
Seem to shift
Seem to change
Maybe they increase
Or maybe they decrease
Maybe they simply shift into a new…
And unique ability or skillset
That you don’t normally possess
And just allow yourself
And as you let these feelings
Flow into your mind
In a moment you will be given
A choice.
You could choose to try on a different mask
To experience a different
Feeling or mind set
You are free to continue to try them on
One after another
Until you find the one you like
But when you do
Or if you have already
You will simply click the link
That says
And now opening your eyes
And make your choice…

Very good..
Now that you have made your selection
Just allow the mask
That you are wearing
To sink more and more deeply
Into your mind
Beginto feel yourself
In your mind
Moving around
Behaving like you would
If you really were
The mask you have chosen
Allow yourself to imagine
And feel
How your body moves
And then allow yourself
In your mind
 To leave the mask store
And go out into the world
And see how others…
Interact with you.
Would they run away…
Or would they be drawn to you
Would you hunt them…
Or prey on them…
Or would they view you as the prey
It’s all up to you
All up to whatever it is that you would like
This is after all
Your experience
To live out and enjoy
And just allow yourself
To simply
Exist in this world
And explore it
Explore your new body
Your new mind set
For as long as you would like
And when you are ready
You are free to remove the mask
And go back to being yourself…
Or… if you would like
And only if.. You can do so safely
You are free to wake up…
For a little while
And still wear the mask
In your mind
To move through your real life
As the character
That you have chosen
The perfect halloween disguise
But just be aware…
At all times…
To keep yourself
The people around you
And the property around you
Completely safe
Don’t do anything that would
Hurt yourself, or others
Or break anything.
Perfectly safe
And able to enjoy yourself
In this costume…
On this special holiday
And when you are ready
To return to who you are
Whether that be while you are awake
In the real world
Or wandering in this fantasy world
You will allow yourself to easily
Remove the mask
And return to who you are
It can be fun to be someone else
For a while…
But always remember…
You yourself…
Are special.
And you should always…
Return to who you are…
For now you are free
To simply relax
And enjoy the world in your mind
Or open your eyes
And safely…
Explore your real world
And Happy, Halloween….

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