Monday, July 10, 2023

Disassembled Doll

Click here for Patreon Extension Video: Disassembled Doll - Extented Patreon Version

Click here for public Version: Disassembled Doll

Click here for hypnosis log: Disassembled Doll - Hypnosis log

Click here for follow up Log: Disassembled Doll - The After Party

Ever wonder what It would be like to be a doll on display? But what happens when it comes time to put you... away. To put you into storage. have you ever wondered what It might be like to be, disassembled... and put away in storage? In this Patreon Requested video, we will explore just that. Allowing you to feel yourself becoming a doll put on display, but then also finding yourself... Disassembled and put away into storage. Don't worry your perfectly safe. I promise.

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance.

just allow yourself
to get into a comfortable position
a place where you can simply
focus on my words
and allow your mind
and body
to simply
and relax
to feel your muscles all
just letting go
and loosening
while your mind simply
begins to drift
and fog over
your thoughts simply fade away
and you allow yourself to just
and relax
and to just
deeper and deeper
down into trance
down into my words
relaxed and calm now
as you relax
just let the world around you fade away
and allow a new world
a new fantasy
to take it's place.
finding yourself
simply walking down a hallway
step by step
towards the door at the end of the hallway
with every step you take
you find yourself becoming
more focused
focused on the fantasy
on the world forming around
you become aware that you are
going to a job interview
an interview
for a modeling agency
looking for someone to
model their clothes for them
you may find that that makes you feel
equal parts
confident and sexy
while also being
but that nervousness
just helps you to simply
fall into the fantasy
to make it more vivid
to allow yourself to be more
in the fantasy now
after a few
you arrive at the door
and knock.
a rather...
attractive individual
answers the door
and escorts you inside.
you swear for a moment
you catch them looking you over
in a less then... professional manner
but you brush it off.
they start to explain to you
the details of the job...
the usual for what you'd expect from a model gig
put on some fancy clothes
let people see you in them.
collect paycheck.
it all seems rather simple
and you find yourself feeling
very confident
that you will get the position.
The interviewer,
ask you to simply
strike a pose
something sexy
and alluring,
something that you could hold
for a while.
you find yourself moving
rather naturally
into a position that you find to be
just right for you
for your body
for your attitude
being sure to look at the interviewer
as you pose
and simply stare at them
a small
almost hidden smile
as you just stare at them
radiating confidence
and charisma
you feel that you were simply
made to be on display
that this is exactly what you want
feeling the thrill of posing
the interviewer is clearly impressed
as they start to move around you
telling you to simply
hold still
completely still
for as long as you can
you find yourself letting them move
out of your field of vision
tempted to follow them with your eyes
but not wanting to break your pose
you control your breathing
control your blinking
completely in control of your body
and then you feel something cool,
something plastic
being stuck onto your body
maybe it's the small of your back
or your shoulder
maybe your arm or you leg
wherever would make
the most sense for you
and your position.
but the moment you feel
that cool plastic
touching your skin
your entire body
comes to a complete
rigid stop
you can't help but wonder
can't help but be curious
about what just happened
you can't move
the more you try
the more stuck
and still
and rigid you find yourself becoming
but that isn't all
you feel a very
unusual feeling
starting from where you felt
the cool plastic touch your skin
you feel as if your body
is transforming
slowly radiating out from the point
of the cool plastic
you feel your body coming...
you feel your skin
turning to plastic
a cool
shiney plastic
you feel that plastic
hollow feeling
moving through your body
in all directions
and as it does you feel a peace
a calm feeling
moving through you
you feel it move through your chest
through your legs
out of the corner of your eye
you spy your reflection
in the window
and see the wave of the plastic
moving along your skin
similar to your skin color
but clearly
clearly shiney
and fake
as it moves further and further
along your body
you can't help but wonder
who this is happening
what will happen to you
what the interviewer
will do with you
but then you see the plastic wave
wash over your face
over your head
and your thoughts
simply stop
your mind turns to plastic
hollow and light
but blank
just staring ahead now
you find your entire body to be
cool and light
you feel the hand of the interviewer
sliding along your body
examining you
commenting that
you will do, just fine...
that you are...
absolutely perfect.
you even feel them
moving your body
your arms and legs
noticing that you now
only move in specific places
but not the normal places
that you would
as a human
your a mannequin now...
a display doll
you have specific places
where your, 'parts' connect
and you can feel them
rotating those places
those parts.
it feels different...
but good
the sensation makes you tingle
makes you feel like this
is exactly how you should be now
you find yourself...
blank and empty
being posed...
different positions
different stances
you feel your body being moved
at the connection joints
at the now plastic body
every piece of your being moved easily
even your head
sliding along a connection point
between your jaw and your shoulders
rotating slowly
all the while blank and calm
you feel yourself being
in various different outfits
and position
the distance memory of a camera flash
and then another,
and another
and then redressed again
and posed
and again
you feel the interviewer
after dressing you
one more time
in something sexy
and revealing
pic you up
you are light as a feather
plastic and hollow
as you are easily carried
easily moved
down to a display window
facing the street
you find yourself posed
and placed on display
people walking past you
staring at you
you can feel their eyes
sliding along your body
almost as if they were touching
as they move past
some just look at the clothing
some... look at you
you catch a smile or two
from people that can’t help but subconsciously
respond in a way they would
had they just seen something they were attracted too
some even laugh at the idea
that they just checked out a mannequin
a doll in a display window
and shake their head
as they move on
never knowing that you are a person
but unthinking
and on display
rooted to the ground
blank and calm
no need to think
just a doll on display
your not sure how long your on display
how long you stay
in the window
you have a vague memory of it getting dark...
and then light
and again
the people have all blended together
but then you feel...
something new
a whisper...
into your ear
echoing through your plastic
hollow mind
that it's time for you to join,
a more private collection
you see the person that was interviewing you
slowly move in front of you
They give a grin
As you feel them rub their arm
Along your body
Brushing off dust
Seeing small clouds of dust
Being brushed away from your body
Your not sure how long you were in the window
But it was long enough for you to need a little
The interviewer gives you a smile
and starts to twist your arm...
until it pops off....
at first you can't understand what happened
but you find that you still feel
and whole..
you can feel them holding your arm
despite it not being connected
you can feel them sliding their hand
along your arm
as they gently put it
into a large travel case
you realize
in the back of your hollowed mind
that they are going to disassemble you...
but yet you find yourself
still very calm
still blank
it feels as if you are together
yet apart
still aware of all of your pieces
but with a  very
strange lag time
like the distance
is greater
you find yourself staring
blanking out at the street
as you feel the case
close around you
and all stimulation
simply stops
you are in a void
blank and calm
floating so gently
so easily now.
nothing to think about
just safe
in the void
feeling your body
but whole
at the same time
always safe
it's hard to say
just how long you will be in this case
floating in the void
blank and calm
no need to think
just a doll... in storage
but eventually..
you will find that you are...
taken out of storage
and reassembled
maybe you are put on display in another window
maybe you are put in a more
private setting
it's all up to you...
and then of course
you will be turned back to normal
when you are ready...
for now you may simply enjoy...
being in storage...
or posed...

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Doll Display Case

  Click here for Patreon Video: Doll Display Case - Patreon Version Click here for Public Video: Doll Display Case Step into a world where f...