Monday, September 18, 2023

Controlled Doll

Click here to view Extended Patreon Version: Controlled Doll - Extended Patreon Version

Click here for normal video: Controlled Doll

Ever wonder what it would be like to be turned into a doll? To feel your mind simply stop, and your body shrink down, while being turned to a hard rigid plastic. And then to simply find that your body can be controlled, be made to move, and do... whatever... the person controlling you might want you to do?

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance.

Just allow yourself to get into a comfortable position
A place where you can simply
And allow yourself to focus
Focus on my words
Letting each and every word
Drift into your mind
More and more deeply
Letting your body
With each and every breath
That you take
The more you listen
The more your body
Will simply relax
And the more you relax
The more your mind
Will simply
Deeper and deeper
Down into a nice
Soothing trance
A nice…
Deep sleep, for me.
And as you let my words
Slide more and more deeply
More and more easily
Into your mind
You find that the world around you
Simply starts to fade away
That all that fills your mind
All that fills your thoughts
Are my words
Echoing softly
And gently
In an ever growing void
Of deep
Deep trance
And as the real world fades away
You begin to find that another world
Starts to take it’s place
You find yourself, walking alone in a shopping mall
It’s a quiet afternoon
You can see the sun shining down through the skylights
And hear the few people that are there
Walking and talking
As they move from place
To place
Store to store
You can smell the scent of the cinnamon rolls
And the pretzels
The aroma of fresh brewed coffee
And expensive perfumes.
It’s a completely unique feeling, a shopping mall.
A place where many completely separate
And unique sensations all come together.
A place where you can be both alone…
And in a crowd.
A place where you can socialize
Or quietly sit and watch the people go by
One by one.
But as you walk through the main atrium
You notice a new store
That you hadn’t seen before
A store full of gadgets
And tech toys
Things that like to light up,
You find yourself being mysteriously drawn
To this new store.
It’s as if something in the store calls to you.
Maybe it’s the allure of a new gadget.
Or maybe it’s the strangely rhythmic music coming from the speakers
You decide that it really, doesn’t matter to you
You simply
Go into the store.
Inside is just as alluring as you had hoped
Gadget of all kinds, from cell phone accessories
To things to make your home, all the more high tech.
Bluetooth devices galore
And a whole host of universal remote controls
Capable of controlling everything
And anything, you could ever imagine.
As you look around,
One of the clerks in the store approaches you
You can’t help but notice just how
Attractive they are
Their uniform is form fitting
Clean and neat, but tight in all the right places
Allowing them to look, professional,
While giving a hint at just how successful, their workout routine has been for them.
Their smile is warm and disarming.
They seem to simply have of speaking that just
Makes you relax
And trust them.
But you notice there is something strange
Something odd about them.
A blank
Almost glazed look in their eyes
It’s as if despite their charming smile,
And knowledgeable demeanor…
There was really no one behind the wheel.
It’s as if they were simply, on autopilot.
The attractive clerk asks you a question
And you find yourself snapping out of your day dream
Finding yourself once again looking at their winner smile
And their blank empty eyes.
But you notice in their hand they are holding one of the remote controls
They give you a warm smile
That is starting to seem more and more fake
As time goes on
And ask if you’d like a demonstration
Your so distracted by their appearance
By their mannerisms that just casually agree
Without really thinking about it.
They tilt their head and smile and simply
Point to a button on the remote
And tells you that this what allows you the control
To sync with its intended target.
You give a casual nod as you don’t really seem to care
More curious to watch them,
Trying to figure out why they seem,
But your so distracted that you don't’ really notice the clerk
Aim the remote at you and comment that
The sync process takes a moment.
And then pushes a button
The moment the button is pushed
You feel your body lock up
As if you are suddenly still
Stuck in position
Unable to move
You see what looks like a laser light
Shining out of the remote
Into your eyes.
And out of the corner of your now frozen vision
You see a reflection of yourself and see
That your eyes are glowing,
The color of the beam and your eyes
Seems to cycle rapidly
Starting at red
And moving quickly down the spectrum
As more and more of the laser lights shine into your eyes
Your body stay completely paused
Completely unmoving
You struggle to try and move your hand
Or tell the clerk to stop
But nothing responds
It’s like your being overridden
Finally the lasers shift a green color and flash twice
And then stop.
The moment they do you suddenly are able to move again
The clerk simply says that the remote is now calibrated…
Calibrated to you.
And casually comments that it can be used to control any part of you.
As you stare dumbfounded at the clerk
They simply say.
For example, I can make you move
And press a button on the remote
Before you can realize what's happening
You feel your body do a quick 90 degree turn
And start to walk to the back wall of the store
A smooth but somehow
Unnatural motion
Like your body is being moved, artificially.
When you reach the back wall
Your body does a very unnatural 180 degree turn
And walks back to the clerk
While you rapidly try to figure out exactly what is happening
What they have done to you.
The clerk presses another button and your body snaps to attention
Straight and tall like a soldier.
The clerk then explains that it can also be used to make changes to your body
To adjust who and what you look like
What you are.
They look at the remote and press a button
As a menu appears on the small screen on the remote
They cycle through several options and finally select one.
Out of the corner of your eyes you notice they picked.
Before you mind to figure out what the means
They press a button on the remote
And the laser lights again begin washing over you
Only this time it’s not just your eyes
It’s your whole body.
As the lights again start at red and slide along your form,
Your start to notice your clothing
Becoming less refined
More artificial
As if to show off more of your form
But your clothes are not the only part of you
That is changing
You feel your skin
Tensing up
Your warm soft flesh
Seems to become stiff
Hard plastic
Your natural joints becoming
Hinged like a doll
The transformation seems to slowly take place
All at once over your body
Every single part of you is shifting
Your breathing starts to slow
Becoming smooth and rhythmic
Almost like it’s an artificial feature
Like your breathing is no longer natural
You feel your legs and back stiffen
Your clothing adjusting to fit your now
Plastic feeling body
But to your great surprise
You start to notice that the person in front of you
Is getting taller.
Slowly growing and starting to look down at you
More and more
It’s only then do you realize
They are not getting taller
YOU are getting smaller
Slowly shrinking down
More and more
Little by little
Until you are little more then 2 feet high
Your body proportions and age
Have stayed exactly the same
You are simply shorter
Simply smaller in every way
And rigid and plastic.
You struggle to move, as the lasers shift to a soft yellow
And then you start to feel something shift,
In your mind.
The transformation slowly starts to happen
Deep in your mind
You are a doll
A simple trinket
An intricate little doll
You feel your thoughts being washed away
You no longer care about trying to move
About trying to struggle
You feel your thoughts simply
Wiped clean.
Intimately empty
You are a doll
It echoes through your mind
So easily now.
You are doll
In mind and body.
Totally unaware
Just a trinket to be enjoyed.
You feel your body being picked up
And placed on the counter
Where you will be enjoyed by the customers
Some will use your remote to make you move
Walking back and forth across the counter
Or some may find other things for you to do
Your body is fully capable of moving
In every way.
Feeling every touch
Every sensation
Even though your mind is empty
The sensations seem to sink in
Even more easily
Even more deeply.
The more buttons are pressed
The more excited you’ll become.
And while you stay on the counter
You’ll watch as more and more people
Are controlled
Some turned into helpful members of the staff
Like the clerk was.
And some, turned into statues
Or mannequins
Posing to show off the different devices
The different high tech hardware
That seems to be around this store
And others, may end up as dolls
On the counter with you
Still the same age
Just smaller
And more plastic
And completely blank and controlled
You’ll be able to see all of this happen
As the time passes
Quickly and easily
And then when it’s time for the store to close
If you would like too
You can be turned back to normal
You can be made human again
And sent on your way
Maybe you’ll remember it
Or maybe your mind will be wiped clean
Completely blanked
And empty
Or maybe, the hidden owner of the shop
Will decide they want to keep you
Maybe that a use,  a need
For a human doll
Or maybe they simply want you to…
Play… with some of their other, human dolls.
It’s all up to you…
And what you might like to be your hypnotic experience.
And when you are ready to wake up
All you have to do is take a slow
Deep breath
And let your eyes open
And your mind clear
Completely and easily
But for now, you can simply enjoy where you are
Enjoy the feeling of being, just a doll
And if you are interested…
There is an extended…
More intimate version of this video
Available on my patreon
The link is in the description
But you can look into that…
After you wake up.
Enjoy your time
As a human doll..



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