Saturday, July 29, 2023

Invisible Hypnotist - Preview

Click here to view full video: Invisible Hypnotist - Patreon Exclusive

Click here to view preview: Invisible Hypnotist - Preview

Ever wonder what it would be like, if your hypnotist suddenly became... invisible? If you were being touched, and controlled by a person you couldn't even see? Couldn't even hear? if their words simply drifted easily, directly into your mind without you even realizing they were saying them, without even realizing they were there at all?

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance.

Just allow yourself to get into a comfortable position
A place where you can simply sit
And relax
And listen to my voice
Where you simply
Follow my words
And allow your mind
And body to simply
Fade away
Sinking down
Deeply and slowly
Letting everything relax away
Deeper and deeper
As everything just
And as the world around you seems to fade
You find yourself sitting in a comfortable chair
There is a person in front of you
Maybe it’s someone you know
Maybe it’s someone you’ve fantasized about
Or maybe it’s a stranger
The one thing that is certain
Is that his person in front of you
Is someone you find to be
Very attractive
Very alluring.
They seem to pull you in
Very easily just by looking at you
Just by watching you.
You can feel their gaze sliding
Deeply and easily
Into your mind
The longer you stare
The more they just seem to simply
Slide more and more deeply
Into your mind
You feel yourself becoming a little bit
A little shy
As attractive as they are
It’s hard to not feel a little
Self conscious
They simply smile
And tell you that it’s ok
Just relax
Just focus…
Focus on them…
And focus, on this…
Before you can ask what ‘this’ is
They raise up an old pocket watch
One of the more intricately designed ones
With a very ornate cover
The metal engravings are a mixtures of shiny on the high parts
And dull and ‘antiqued’ on the lower parts
A wonderful mixture of light, and dark
That just seems to play across your eyes
Play across your mind.
The watch begins a gentle swing
Side to side
Back and forth before your eyes.
The light glistens off of it’s uneven surface
And sparkles into your eyes
Making it easier
Making it more compelling
Making it irresistible
Your eyes have to follow the watch
Side to side,
Back and forth
Every swing
Every sway
You start to feel your mind
Feel your body just drifting away
Dropping down
Just feeling everything fade away
As you simply
Deeper and deeper
All the way down.
You feel your body becoming heavy
And loose,
You can’t look away
But you feel your eyes getting heavier
And heavier
Fluttering down
More and more gently
More and more deeply
You can’t resist the pull
Can’t resist the watch
Can’t resist the words
As your mind simply fades
Drifting away
Your barely aware of a single word
Whispered by your attractive hypnotist…
A word that slips deeply
Into your mind.
A word that you can’t help but obey
A word that seems so natural
So right to obey.
A single word
You feel your eyes
Drift close
Sliding down
So easily
So gently
As the world around you fades away
And you find yourself simply
This is where the teaser video will end.
I can tell you however.
That while you are asleep
While you are helpless…
The hypnotist… gives you a suggestion
A suggestion that they have become
That you are unable to see them.
But you can feel them,
You can hear them
Whispering into your mind
As you go about your day
Feeling that they are there
With you,
Yet unable to see them
Unable to notice
Exactly where they are
Can you imagine what they might do to you
What they might… make you do..
While you are completely unable to resist
Unable to even see…
Your invisible hypnotist?
If’ you’d like to see for yourself
There is a link in the description,
To my patreon page.
Where you can find the full video.
But if you’d prefer to think about it for a while
You can simple stay here,
And drift
And relax
Letting the fantasy of what an invisible hypnotist…
Might do to you…
Drift through your mind
More and more deeply
More and more easily
And when your ready to wake up
You can simply take a deep breathe
And open your eyes…
That is of course.
When you are ready…
Until then simply… enjoy… this wonderful hypnotic experience.

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