Monday, June 3, 2024

Superhero Misadventure 5


Click here for extended video: Superhero Misadventure 5 - Extended patreon version

Click her for video: Superhero Misadventure 5

Click here for Hypnosis Log: Superhero Misadventure 5 - Hypnosis Session Log

So you've returned to continue your career as a Superhero. The job is dangerous however, and some times, just some times, you end up captured. End up helpless and unable to resist. But then someone shows up to rescue you... I mean, what else would they be there for... right?

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance.

Just allow yourself
to get into a comfortable position
a place where you can simply
and focus on my words
a place where you can simply let your mind
and your body
just drift
deeply down
like you have for me
so many times before
just let everything simply
deeper and deeper
down to sleep
down into a nice
hypnotic trance
and as you relax
just allow the world around you
to fade away
and allow a new world
to take it's place
a new world to form
in your mind
you are back in your
superhero persona
maybe you have one you like to use regularly
or maybe you want to try on
a new one
just allow yourself to see yourself
as a super hero
complete with the special
fitted uniform
that fits your personality
and your powers
and allow yourself to
discover your abilities
whatever they may be
maybe your super strong
or super fast
maybe you can fly
or light things on fire
or maybe you are simply
incredibly smart
and clever
it's all up to you.
just let that persona
form in your mind
as clearly as you can
of course,
as a super hero
you are always busy
always on the move
crime waits for no one.
and as usual
it's been a busy night for you
stopping two robberies
and one car chase
it's amazing this city still functions at all.
but yet you love your job
love the feeling of power
of confident
love the feeling of helping out someone
but of course there is also...
the danger involved
and that can be just a bit
exciting too.
the idea of being captured of made helpless
struggling and resisting
only to succumb
it's alwaysin the back of your mind
while you focus on more... pressing matters
but as your evening progresses
you get called away
called to a warehouse
in a dark abandoned part of the city
your first glance doesn't reveal
anything at all.
it must be a false alarm you think
but investigate none the less.
walking into the warehouse
looking around
it's dark
but you can't shake the feeling...
like you are being watched...
and then a light turns on
bright and blinding
you can't see who turned on the light
all you see is the outline
of a pocket watch
swinging in front of the light
it's shadow washes over your eyes
side to side
creating a kind of flashing sensation
a flash, then shadow, flash, then shadow
as it swings back and forth
the watch simply moves,
back and forth
befor your eyes
you want to look away
but the light
and the shadow
the constant swing
just seems to hold you there
you can't see who is holding the watch
but you can feel it's power
every swinging
pulling you down
more deeply
more completely
down into a nice
peaceful state
your feeling your mind getting fuzzy
your arms and legs
starting to simply
heavier and heavier
thier weight starts to pull you forward
just a bit
leaning you towards the watch.
a watch that seems to be getting
with every swing
you hear foot step si nthe distance
as the watch gets closer
and closer
every swing seems to block out the light
just a bit more
your mind is spinning
and swirling
completley on the watch
unable to look away
unable to fight
you know you should
but there is just something
exciting about this
exciting about being capture
exciting about...
you hear the snap of a fingers
and the word
echo through your mind
and your thoughts simply
your eyes close
and your head falls forward
your body starts to teeter
but the person there gently steadies you
you feel the person slide their hand
along your body
along your form
they whisper into your ear
but your mind is
too far gone
too far asleep now
to really 'hear' what they are saying
you more hear the tone of their voice
playful, and confident
you can learn a lot from a person
by they way they talk
and this person seems to be
the kind of person that you wouldn't mind
letting go too for a while
letting yourself slip away
a person you can trust now
a person that you might find yourself
feeling attracted too.
of course the question is
as these your thoughts
or theirs....
whispered into your mind
programming you for a very specific
little adventure.
after a few moments you hear the person voice
fade away
and for a few seconds
the world is silent
only the sound of your breating
only the sound of your heart beat
and then you feel a cloth
being placed over your face
it's damp
and has a very
strong scent
a scent you've smelled before
but your too hypnotized
too deep
to struggle
you simply stand there
breathing normally
feeling every breath
make your body feel so much heavier
a very different kind of fuzzy feeling
washes through your mind
the world feels like it's spinning
spinning out of control
you feel like your floating
or is that
your not really sure
all you know is that you never manage
to find the ground
the person with you
catches you
you feel their body against yours
strong and in control
a contrast to yours
weak and helpless
and then you simply
and everything fades away
your not sure how long your asleep
mainly because you never remember
entering the warehouse
you start to stire
start to struggle
but you instantly find that you are
tied up.
tied to an X specifically
your arms tied tight over your head
and your legs spread out beneath you
strong binds around your wrists
around your ankles
around your waist
and your chest
the more you struggle
the tighter the binds seem to get
strong powerful binds
made out of a material that seems to almost
negate your super powers...
you grunt and moan
and shifting
trying to wiggle yourself free
but nothing happens.
nothing moves
you simply
pulling and grunting
but you...
you are stuck.
and totally now
as you struggle
a door poens
and to your surprise
two robotic guards walk in
clearly not human
metal skin
and red lights for eyes
they tell you in a very
robotic voice
that you should cease your struggles
but of course you don't
your a super hero
thats not in your job description
so you continue to struggle
and shake
the robots repeat their command
and again
your surprised they aren't trying something more to stop you
something omre to make you
but they just repeat
cease your struggles
and then the one on the right
shorts out
and falls to the ground
the one on the left turns
and is hit in the head with a crow bar
and falls to the ground as well
both sparking and shaking
as their power fades
and a figure stands in the shadow
as the person steps out of the shadows
your heart races
They are famliar to you
but yet... not
you recognize them as an old friend
one who you've always been
rather attracted too
but somehow they seem to be
a complete blank
it's almost as if the memory of them was...
into your mind.
but before you can think about that
they say in a rather corny way
I'm here to rescue you...
and your heart skps a beat
you never thought the idea of being
of being rescued
would be so...
so exciting
but as they move to start undoing your binds
you find yourself simply
watching them
feeling your pulse racing
feeling your body tingling
unable to take your eyes off of them.
you don't even pay attention to the fact
that they seem to know exactly how to free you
from a rather complicated device
you just feel your body slowly being freed
and as they stand in front of you to remove
the binds around you waist
you can't help but grab them
and kiss them
a feeling of intense
and even more intense
seems to wash over you
staring into their eyes.
as you are finally free'd
the idea of leaving this place seems
to fade from your mind
as if it was veiled
yoru safe here
safe with your rescuer
you hold them close
and whisper a deep
thank you for rescuing me
into their ear
and then another line
more sublte
however can i ... repay you.
the individual smiles
and says
I think I know a way...
for some reason
it doesn't even phase you
that there is a bed
in the back of the room
the person moves you to the bed
and leans you down
softly on the bed
kissing you deeply
and slowly
as you slip back into the bed.
as the person sits with you on teh bed
you feel a deep
well of gratitude
of desire
swell up in side of you
it's as if
you simply need to thank this person
as if that is all that matters to you
is to simply
repay them
repay them for thier deed
for their act of heroism
in resucing you
you find as the night goes on
that you just can't help but
thank your rescuer
thank the person whose heroism
saved you
and again
feeling that every time they
reach the peek of their pleasure
that you yourself
reach the peek of yours
again and again
through the night.
until you find that you are simply
and totally exhausted
as you lay there
next to the person who rescued you
they simply lean over
and give you a devious kiss
and whisper
that you get better every time.
before you can think about what that means
what they might be implying
you hear them snap thier fingers
one more time
and your eyes slam shut
your body goes limp
and helpless
you feel yourself simply
and drift away
completely adn totally
lost in the voice
you find yourself
simply shaking your head
clearing it
a fog had strangely rolled into your mind
and for a moment you felt disoriented
you look around the abandoned warehouse
like you thought
no one was here...
just a false alarm .
you look out the window and see the sun is rising
you must have...
lost track of time.
how odd,  you think.
as you leave the warehouse
in the back of yoru mind you can't help but feel
can't help but wonder
if you shoudl come back to this warehouse again
say... a week from now
just to make sure that there isn't.
anything here.
just to be safe
that sounds like a wonderful idea to you.
For now you can simply go about your
Superheroic day 
Saving others
And doing all those things that make you 
Super powered
And when your ready to wake up 
You can simply take a deep breath
And allow your mind to come awake
If you need help you can simply count
From 1 up to 3
And tell yourself to awaken
And if you are interested
There is a longer
More adult version of this video
Available on my patreon account
Link in the description
But until then just relax
And rest
While you fantasize about
Being your own unique

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